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Rocksmith 2014 |OT| - Everything is improved, except the OT.

i fall into this category and its fun for lead guitar particularly for learning very intricate parts but i feel it's crap for rhythm since i find it to be overly rigid at times when it really doesn't need to be

Yep. "Won't Back Down" is stuck somewhere around 75% for me, because once i'm past the palm mute power chord intro and on to the open chords, the game suddenly decides i'm missing chords for no reason - it just doesn't cope well with a cluster of chords like that.

The game on PS4 is also prone to frequent crashes, annoying audio pops and other tech weirdness... although it is an Ubisoft game so I guess it goes with the territory.

I love it, but that's mainly because it's the leader in a field of one. It's been both a source of achievement and joy, yet also a source of total frustration.

Basically, if you love guitar and enjoy video games, just go for it. It's been around a couple of years so there are plenty of deals to be had..
Yeah, I agree with some of the complaints about the game being too rigid at times. The game does focus too much on how to play a specific arrangement of a song. Be nice if there was a format that gave you a overview on the progression of a song but left the intricicies open.
i understand this is primarily a learning tool and thus it's better to err on the side of caution and have players try to match the original but a mode that allowed more flexibility for advanced guitarists is needed. i pretty much stay away from any of the relaxed/strummier songs due to how the game effectively penalizes you for any stylistic tendency that slightly differs from the original. case in point, johnny marr was one of my initial guitar inspirations and thus, i tend to play a lot of major triads in substitution for standard major chords. even on a simple ass song like 'high and dry' by radiohead, i can be in rhythm and in time but the game still counts it as a "miss" even though it's still the same root and sounds good.

i also find that its approach to certain lead parts is counterintuitive--instead of dumbing it down to were we play something like 3 notes for an 2 entire bars, maybe display the whole pattern but grey out the hard shit so we can contextualize what we're eventually going to be playing. i was doing a song that isolated a bend that sounded like shit by itself and only made sense when you added in the other parts yet the game had you repeatedly do only the bend first.

also this is just my take but on the blues songs they should just tell players to do their own pentatonic solos rather than force them to copy bb king--just doesnt feel right when the blues are all about dem feels.
All Time Low Song Pack – $7.99

* All Time Low “Dear Maria, Count Me In” – Drop D
* All Time Low “Somewhere in Neverland” – Eb Drop Db / Eb Standard [Bass]
* All Time Low “Weightless” – Drop D
I would die for another Clash pack.

Yeah, Rock the Casbah and I Fought the Law were odd omissions last time. I'd certainly be up for some more Clash.

Riff Repeater (is that you, Toy?) posted a tweet saying we're getting a four pack this week, and Ubi SF tweeted about how excited they are for the DLC for the rest of the year. I wonder if we'll get anything on the scale of Hendrix or Rage again?

Hey Lucha! How long until Lucha Jr arrives? All going well?
11 weeks until Lucha Jr arrives, all is well! I've been spending my time getting as much ready as I can, but I've finally accepted that I'll never get it all ready 100%, so I've chilled. Every time I play Rocksmith my dog tries to sing along, which is funny and odd.
11 weeks until Lucha Jr arrives, all is well! I've been spending my time getting as much ready as I can, but I've finally accepted that I'll never get it all ready 100%, so I've chilled. Every time I play Rocksmith my dog tries to sing along, which is funny and odd.

Back in the day my mum had a rescue dog that would howl along whenever Celine Dion's 90's smash hit (and aural abomination) "My Heart Will Go On" came on.

Glad it's all going well, relaxing is the best thing you can do - enjoy the peace while it lasts!
Spooktacular Singles – $9.99

* Billy Talent “Devil on My Shoulder“ – Drop D
* Focus “Hocus Pocus” – Alt. Lead
* Motörhead “Killed by Death“ – Eb Standard
* Oingo Boingo “Dead Man’s Party“

Lady Gaia

Errr... this had such potential. Maybe I'll grab Oingo Boingo. Would rather have then just do a 4 pack of their stuff.

I'm with you on both counts. I was okay with Hocus Pocus for the retro vibe, but the last two tracks don't grab me at all. Perhaps if Dead Man's Party does well they'll consider a full pack. It certainly represents their catalog better than Weird Science.


Does anyone know if the cable for the 360 version works with the xb1 version? Also, what about importing? I have the original version with cable for 360 unopened and would like to import my 360 songs and use the cable I already have for 2014 on xb1.

Edit: so I found this post:http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=131332775 which really should be part of the OT. Anyway, so I see that rs1 songs that are already imported into rs14 will work, can I import them directly into the xb1 version or do I need to get the 360 version?


Hit Singles Pack II

Wolfmother "Joker and the Thief"

Nice, that was one the first custom I made for RS1 and I was pretty happy with how it turned out. Never bothered to update it for 2014 and someone else made a worse version that didn't do it justice. Gonna have to buy that one at least.

Got a new guitar today as well, was a cheap strat copy but for the price it's pretty damn good.
Hit Singles II – $9.99

David Bowie “Ziggy Stardust”
Def Leppard “Hysteria”
Foghat “Slow Ride”
Wolfmother “Joker and the Thief”
Hit Singles II – $9.99

David Bowie “Ziggy Stardust”
Def Leppard “Hysteria”
Foghat “Slow Ride”
Wolfmother “Joker and the Thief”

Oooooh.... i'm in for this pack. Does anyone still listen to Wolfmother though?

Surely new Bowie and Lep packs are incoming if they have the licence to more of their songs?
Wolfmother were around in 1971, according to the DLC ad on my song list. Error, or some kind of meta gag reference to Mike Patton asking what year he was in while they played behind him during a festival interview? I think i'll go with the typo.

Had a quick run through Ziggy and Hysteria. Nice pack, more of this and less shitty pop punk please Rocksmith.
The forum seems to think Rancid?

I'd be up for a Rancid pack (although the only album of theirs I know is Out Come the Wolves.. which I loved back in the day). I watched them live in the late 90's, they were great fun live.

Should be a fun bass pack... except my bass is having pickup issues. Going to have to speak to Fender about the warranty (sad face). Wish me luck.


Just started playing this game and in the very early stages of learning my first song (paint it black) I'm trying to do the check box goals, when I see one that says riff repeat this chorus what do I have to do to get a check in the box so I will have new goals? I just keep playing the same riff over and over. Please help!
Rancid confirmed for tomorrow! No songs confirmed except Maxwell Murder although we can probably say Ruby Soho is confirmed due to the "precious stone" hint. Really hope this is a 4 pack since Maxwell is such a short song.

Super stoked! Jimmy said he can handle it... he's from Los Angles
Rancid Song Pack - $9.99

* Rancid "Fall Back Down" - Capo Required [Lead;Rhythm]
* Rancid "Maxwell Murder"
* Rancid "Ruby Soho"
* Rancid "Time Bomb"
Rancid Song Pack - $9.99

* Rancid "Fall Back Down" - Capo Required [Lead;Rhythm]
* Rancid "Maxwell Murder"
* Rancid "Ruby Soho"
* Rancid "Time Bomb"

Oh man! Can't wait to play these. Glad I was wrong about Salvation. I only guessed it since it was in Guitar Hero II. I like the song but Time Bomb is a much better pick.
was hoping for Salvation or Hyena instead of 2003 Rancid... For me Rancid kind of stops at 1998 lol

I hear ya. I hated Indestructible when it came out. Fall Back Down was a pretty popular tune at the time it came out though. Got a bunch of radio play and was in an episode of MTV real world challenge. I didn't really care for Life Won't Wait much either. Would love some Let's Go but the songs are way too short.
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