Going back to watch the opening of Episode IV now, Vader's anger in saying 'tear this ship apart' etc. seems totally justified. Great stuff.
This scene though... LOL. They've literally just chased this ship halfway across the galaxy with the knowledge the plans are onboard, and the Imperial officer refuses to shoot an escape pod because it 'likely short-circuited'. It was dumb to begin with and now I can't help but laugh in disbelief.
This bothers me more every time I rewatch the film, but ... Especially Ep4, these films are riddled with quite flimsy and arbitrary devices that don't bear scrutiny.
But much like someone said yesterday regarding the Christmas special, not only do you have to see it as a product of its time, but you also have to remember, they didn't really at the time have an idea of what they were making; of how much scrutiny the work would have to bear.
"Not ready for the burden were you."
From that point of view you start more to appreciate how incredibly robust many many elements - locations, mythology, technology etc, actually are.