No, it's not exactly the completely opposite. It is quite close to 'every man for himself,' as a matter of fact.I agree we should take care of each other. I think everyone agrees. Do you feel like you are more compassionate and a better person than the person next to you? Probably no more than that person thinks of his/herself over you.
I think Ron Paul agrees with you also. That's the main source of RP's belief system. The idea that we can and will take care of each other, without the need for government force. Mankind by nature resists tyranny, force, etc. whatever you want to call it. People naturally don't want to be told "give this person $5, or else." It creates a disconnect between the giver and the receiver.
However if that same person said, "please give me $5, I can't feed myself or my family otherwise", the giver would be far more likely to give that $5 and feel better about himself for doing so. Likewise, the receiver would be more appreciative knowing that that person gave it for no other reason than compassion or sympathy.
That's what bothers me most about people hating on RP and/or libertarians is this main misunderstanding. It's not 'every man for himself'. It's the complete opposite.
The path to hell is paved with good intentions, they say. While I will be the first to agree that government programs can cause issues, we can control those issues. Being a Republic, we can elect officials in place that can adjust and tweak programs for the poor/disabled/etc. to make them more efficient and sustainable.
Ron Paul, well Libertarians in general, believe that the government has no role in compassion. No responsibility in taking care of the less fortunate. Seriously, health care for all isn't on the agenda. Let him die, they screamed with little rebuttal from the ever wise Dr. Paul. These people live in a fantasy world where non profit organizations will have the tools and ability to take care of the poor and if the government would just get out of the way, they could do there job. A world were, if there was no program in place, everybody would just up and find a job! Pluck it right out of the job tree down on the job tree farm where an infinite amount of jobs grow!
However, that's just not true. The super rich are richer than they have ever been in the history of our country, yet there's no sign that the increase of wealth for the few and the reduction of programs for the less fortunate has fixed anything. So, yes, I believe that I'm a more compassionate and caring person because I believe that everybody should chip in to help everybody because, that way, everybody does a little bit better and making it a government program establishes a guarantee and oversight you couldn't get in a non profit. Maybe not a better person, I shouldn't say that, but a more realistic one.
While Libertarians may not believe that every man is an island, they sure as hell don't have a contingency plan when society can't address a problem on their own besides "the free market with fix it." And that's just not true.