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Rottenwatch: The Marvels (2023)


Gold Member
Just got back from seeing it. It was nowhere near the train wreck I expected it to be and there were some large parts that I really enjoyed. That is not to say that there aren't problems. There's tone shifts that feel like they happen every 15 minutes, some of the dialog is downright cringe inducing, some of the writing of characters is out of place, and oddly yes, this movie borrows from Spaceballs. Also, the last 30 minutes falls off a cliff.

However, Iman Vellani (Kamala Khan) steals the spotlight and is the best part of the whole movie and some of the action scenes were quite good.

All in all, I don't think it's a great MCU movie, but it's definitely not the worst and I had some fun. Quantumania was easily a worse MCU movie that came out this year.
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She was clearly just a token director. Everyone and their mother know who made the decisions…The studio. That is also why she was hired. Unknown people are easier to control than know people.
This was the strategy they took with James Bond during the Pierce Brosnan era. Yeah, that went about as well as MCU is going these days.

Giving directors control of their movies back during the Daniel Craig era was one big reason they were able to rescue Bond from the dustbin of movie franchise history and Craig's era ended up being the best of them all.


Somewhere out there is a tense, gripping, and fascinating alt-history story of a world where women do have control and it is loaded with cattiness, back stabbing, petty jealousy, inability to properly task manage, as they have to deal with aggressive situations with no pat easy "lets just get along" solution. If a bunch of savage women are coming over to steal your shit, you can't just talk it away, you gotta decisively resolve the situation, so how would women do it versus men? I think there are some fundamental differences for how women approach situations compared to men (who I think are better equipped to operate in a hierarchy) and it could be interesting to take it to the extreme. Most of this kind of stuff now is either women just acting like men (Joan of Arc, for example) or so contrived for a "good" outcome it isn't very realistic (the kind of "why can't the business just give all their profits to the workers and the poor?" type resolution that would lead to bankruptcy in reality).

I'm not talking of a matriarcal society, im talking feminism 3.0 where they do everything like men instead of finding means to do it in a more efficient way for them.
Im talking womyn soldier trying to throw a grenade and making it bounce on the wall back to her, or not being able to stop her weapon from firing once it start and spraying everyone in front of her.
Im talking purple haired generals sending lesbians batallions towards enemies with crushing numerical superiority without a real battle plan because love trumps hate or whatever.
All that plus revealing outfits.


Tears in the rain
Movie was not bad. It was good but...Just good you know? People expect more now. Ms. Marvel stole the show.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.

At $6.5M that’s one of the lower previews we’ve seen in recent times from Marvel, just one notch above Ant-Man ($6.4M, $57.2M) and lower than Disney November misfires The Eternals ($9.5M previews, $71.2M opening) and Thor: Dark World ($7.1M previews, $85.7M). The Incredible Hulk has the lowest previews of $2M for an MCU title in the preview era, but that’s when previews began at midnight.

Advance ticket sales of $5M indicated The Marvels was flying into The Flash‘s territory opening wise. However, The Flash‘s preview figure was higher at $9.7M off showtimes that began at 3PM Thursday.


So The Marvels first night at the BO is higher than The Flash but below The Eternals and Thor: Dark World.
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When she stutters a lot, trying to use member berries with other better movies, you know this Disney shill is desperate trying to save this movie.

I know I'm in the minority again but I just got out of seeing it.

It was a really good movie. Sweet and funny with good action. It made me smile throughout!

I think some of y'all just want to hate anything from Marvel/Disney ... And others just hate Brie Larson and disparage her any chance you get. Yet some of y'all are gun shy about spending money at the theater for something you HEAR is bad.

Either way, I enjoyed it and nothing anyone says will change that.
Has there been any MCU movie or show or Disney movies in general that you didn’t like?

Power Pro

I know I'm in the minority again but I just got out of seeing it.

It was a really good movie. Sweet and funny with good action. It made me smile throughout!

I think some of y'all just want to hate anything from Marvel/Disney ... And others just hate Brie Larson and disparage her any chance you get. Yet some of y'all are gun shy about spending money at the theater for something you HEAR is bad.

Either way, I enjoyed it and nothing anyone says will change that.
I'm gonna go see it tonight, because while I find my opinion can be influenced by reviewers sometimes, I like seeing something to get my own opinion on it. I'm still gonna gonna go in with low expectations, so we'll see how this goes. I did really hate some of the latest Marvel movies, so I would love to be proven wrong, but I just doubt this is gonna do it.


Quantumania was easily a worse MCU movie that came out this year.
My last root canal wasn't as painful as Quantumania.

Used the Fandango trick to see it on IMAX (and a REAL IMAX) for $3.53. It makes up for how terrible Quantumania was.

Pretty sure the final scene in the movie was originally the first credits scene, and the actual credit scene was the second one, but they moved them up at the last minue.

But will Young Avengers be a movie or show?
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Brad apparently hasn’t even seen WandaVision or Ms. Marvel (though found the movie easy to follow, so it at least managed that), and even he is pretty much saying this should have mainly or entirely been a Kamala/Ms. Marvel movie. She has so much more charisma and energy than Carol (which Brie can do as she has in other roles, but doesn’t do here apparently). I like Monica’s actress (certainly easy on my eyes :messenger_winking: ), but with her character’s mother dead, she doesn’t have a supporting cast to play off of. Honestly, all Carol has is Nick Fury to play off of in terms of prior established bonds, and again I buy Nick caring about her more than her caring about him.

Honestly, just should have done a Kamala/Ms. Marvel movie and with a better budget and action directors, they could have altered her powers to more resemble the comics and really gone nuts with her action scenes and such. The switching locations aspect could be cool, but not when you’re with Carol who feels too cold and Monica who just wasn’t developed enough prior to this.

Power Pro

I just got back from the theater. I hesitate to say it was good, but I also think I wouldn't call it bad. Not as bad as people are led to believe, but it is true that it doesn't really elevate the MCU from the downward spiral it's been on either.

Honestly, early on I was enjoying myself enough. I think the first action scene where they're swapping places was kinda fun, and the characters have decent enough chemistry, even if Brie Larson is still acting like a plank of wood. I don't know if it's a fault of the hers, or the direction, or how she thinks the character should be portrayed. Even if she is a little more open in this movie than the first Captain Marvel, she still seems like she's fighting against it.

Ms. Marvel is the best part of the movie. I never watched the show, but she's fun and charming, so I really got no complaints about her, except for
the stupid very last scene where she tries to set up an all female avengers team. That scene should've just been cut.

Monica's character isn't bad, but she doesn't really stand out either. I watched Wandavision, so I knew who she was. The thing is, the movie doesn't really give her a whole lot to do. She's part of the plot because the script wrote her to be there, and that's what she feels like.

I did kind like how they're practicing how to sync up their switching places. Setting up how characters become good at something is rare in these movies these days sometimes, so it was appreciated to see a montage of that.

The villain has...I guess believable motivation, but something about how she's portrayed in the film just makes her uninteresting. You could really have an interesting character with the set up, but the film really fails in setting her up as a scary antagonist, or sympathetic. I'm not sure if it's the actresses fault, or the film makers. Maybe both.

It's a hard film to rate, because as forgettable as some aspects of it are, it was entertaining in parts. Which is more than I can say for Quantumania, that is still the worst MCU movie of the year to me. Multiverse of Madness is also worse to me because that film just had a terrible script that constantly caved in on itself attempting to make sense. This movie at least comes off as easy to follow mostly, and all seems feasible to a point. It's just even when the stakes are high, they don't really feel high. Probably a bad director is to be blamed for this movie's faults.


Perpetually Tired
Worst film in the franchise bar none. Quantumania was bad, but it at least had fun actors. Sam Jackson can't carry the load on his own. Not when Bri brings everything down.


Disney+ has killed Disney.

They needed shit to put on the service, so they resorted to their existing IP, and have now driven everything into the ground.

The Marvels was always a terrible idea though. Combine one of your most uninteresting Disney+ shows with your most unlikable Superwoman character and a third character who I don't even know?

Should be interesting to see what happens next.


Worst film in the franchise bar none. Quantumania was bad, but it at least had fun actors. Sam Jackson can't carry the load on his own. Not when Bri brings everything down.

They also rekt Sam jackson character in secret invasion. I cannot take Fury seriously from now on


They also rekt Sam jackson character in secret invasion. I cannot take Fury seriously from now on
I'm not even 100% sure what happened to Fury, as I only watched 1 (maybe 2, not sure, very forgettable) episodes then recently the last episode to see what happened. God knows how it got there, but I won't be finding out by watching.


Perpetually Offended
Power Pro Power Pro

she's setting up Young Avengers with Skaar, Patriot and Billy and Tommy... Not an all female Avengers. All these characters have been teased at this point. It'll be cool for people who've seen these shows but I'm sure they'll make it work for those who haven't... Like my daughter. She never saw the shows but she followed along who was who.


Has there been any MCU movie or show or Disney movies in general that you didn’t like?
Some people just dont have critical thinking and theres nothing that can be done. Flashy cgi and popcorn, consume next product.

Hopefully this trash is the biggest bomb of the year, like it deserves.


B Cinemascore.

Tracking to potentially make under 200 million total (Disney only gets half).

That’s a potential loss of 300 million dollars for Disney, on a total budget of 400 million.

Revenge Of The Sith Evil Laugh GIF by Star Wars

…and this piece of shit isn’t failing because it has female lead characters. The biggest movie of the year as the most female female lead character of all time.
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This movie was a mess. It wasn't bad because of anything in particular I watched on screen from the actors. It's a mess because it just seems like a movie of scenes slapped together to make a film with little to no passion involved or cohesion of a vision of what the movie is supposed to be.

I can't really describe it but like the movie jumps from scene to scene and it just doesn't feel cohesive. It's like if you're listening to a song, and somebody ran up and used a airhorn every 10 seconds or so to disorient you before you could hear where you are in the song again. You're sure you're still listening to the same song but you're not sure at what part you're at. That's the best way I can describe The Marvels. The way this movie moves from one scene to the next is really distracting and jarring. Things at times make no sense, other times characters who were acting or behaving a certain way in 1 scene forget that they were acting that way the next scene 1 minute later.

Dar-Benn is one of the worst fleshed out villains in a MCU movie. There is nothing to this character, they didn't even really try. She's just the bad guy because the movie told you so. They make 0 effort to raise any emotional stakes or background between her and Danvers and her death is so stupid because we've haven't learned anything about why she would be so desperate or untrusting so she just kinda ends up killing herself for no reason, all it does it set-up the post credit scene.

Did you hate Carol Danvers in the first film or End Game? Did you like her? Doesn't matter, they don't know what to do with her here. I'd be surprised to even hear the usual youtube suspects complain about her because she's kinda written all over the place in this movie. She's serious one minute, goofy the next, emotional and vulnerable in the next scene, trusting, untrusting, leader, or being lead. There's nothing for you to get mad at, there's nothing for you to really like. It's not like she's sidelined so the other 2 Marvels can take the limelight, none of them really stand out or are the focus of the movie they all just kinda end up going from place to place because reasons then do super hero things and act goofy with each other for chuckles.

This was a really frustrating movie to watch. I didn't really go into it with high expectations after Ant-man 3, so I can say at the very least it didn't disappoint me. It was just 1 big nothing burger of a film. Like a 5/10.

Hopefully Deadpool 3 can get them back on track.


I know I'm in the minority again but I just got out of seeing it.

It was a really good movie. Sweet and funny with good action. It made me smile throughout!

I think some of y'all just want to hate anything from Marvel/Disney ... And others just hate Brie Larson and disparage her any chance you get. Yet some of y'all are gun shy about spending money at the theater for something you HEAR is bad.

Either way, I enjoyed it and nothing anyone says will change that.

Some people just dont have critical thinking and theres nothing that can be done. Flashy cgi and popcorn, consume next product.

Hopefully this trash is the biggest bomb of the year, like it deserves.
DT thinks a superior free thinker for liking something the masses don't
YuLY thinks he's a superior free thinker for not liking something the masses do

The only difference is the irony in YuLY acting like his opinion is tied to higher intelligence.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
MCU CinemaScore results:
  • The Avengers: A+
  • Black Panther: A+
  • Avengers: Endgame: A+
  • Spider-Man: No Way Home: A+
  • Iron Man: A
  • Iron Man 2: A
  • Iron Man 3: A
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier: A
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: A
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron: A
  • Ant-Man: A
  • Captain America: Civil War: A
  • Doctor Strange: A
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: A
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming: A
  • Thor: Ragnarok: A
  • Avengers: Infinity War: A
  • Captain Marvel: A
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home: A
  • Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: A
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: A
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: A
  • The Incredible Hulk: A-
  • Captain America: The First Avenger: A-
  • Thor: The Dark World: A-
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp: A-
  • Black Widow: A-
  • Thor: B+
  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: B+
  • Thor: Love and Thunder: B+
  • Eternals: B
  • Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania: B
  • The Marvels: B


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Lowest domestic opening weekend ever for the MCU

EXCLUSIVE, Friday afternoon update: The Marvels is shaping up to be the lowest domestic opening ever for a Disney Marvel Cinematic Universe title, with a 3-day swing of $47M-$55M. That’s lower than Marvel/Universal’s The Incredible Hulk ($55.4M in 2008) and lower than Ant-Man ($57.2M, 2015).


Lowest domestic opening weekend ever for the MCU

EXCLUSIVE, Friday afternoon update: The Marvels is shaping up to be the lowest domestic opening ever for a Disney Marvel Cinematic Universe title, with a 3-day swing of $47M-$55M. That’s lower than Marvel/Universal’s The Incredible Hulk ($55.4M in 2008) and lower than Ant-Man ($57.2M, 2015).

But everybody clapped!
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
MCU CinemaScore results:
  • The Avengers: A+
  • Black Panther: A+
  • Avengers: Endgame: A+
  • Spider-Man: No Way Home: A+
  • Iron Man: A
  • Iron Man 2: A
  • Iron Man 3: A
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier: A
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: A
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron: A
  • Ant-Man: A
  • Captain America: Civil War: A
  • Doctor Strange: A
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: A
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming: A
  • Thor: Ragnarok: A
  • Avengers: Infinity War: A
  • Captain Marvel: A
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home: A
  • Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings: A
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: A
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: A
  • The Incredible Hulk: A-
  • Captain America: The First Avenger: A-
  • Thor: The Dark World: A-
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp: A-
  • Black Widow: A-
  • Thor: B+
  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: B+
  • Thor: Love and Thunder: B+
  • Eternals: B
  • Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania: B
  • The Marvels: B
I had the worst movie experience with the movie Eternals.... So it's impossible for me to believe that this movie is worse.


I’m tempted to see it just to see how good Kamala khan is in it. Nearly every review says she is pretty great. Apparently Brie isn’t bad either. The actors did fine, the story just doesn’t make sense.


I can always tell whos movie opinions to completely ignore by whether or not they cant help themselves but to insert "Kamala is so charismatic" every chance they get.
B Cinemascore.

Tracking to potentially make under 200 million total (Disney only gets half).

That’s a potential loss of 300 million dollars for Disney, on a total budget of 400 million.

Revenge Of The Sith Evil Laugh GIF by Star Wars

…and this piece of shit isn’t failing because it has female lead characters. The biggest movie of the year as the most female female lead character of all time.
Well, superhero movies is a male power fantasy genre. Little boys dream about having super powers.
Corporate idiots at Disney thought they could expand their audience by making the characters female to appeal to girls, turns out they lose the male audience and girls mostly aren’t interested in superheroes even if you make them female.
It would be as dumb as making the next Barbie movie where the main character is Ken who acts exactly like Barbie, and expect either men or women to flock to the theaters for it.


Perpetually Offended
Well, superhero movies is a male power fantasy genre. Little boys dream about having super powers.
Corporate idiots at Disney thought they could expand their audience by making the characters female to appeal to girls, turns out they lose the male audience and girls mostly aren’t interested in superheroes even if you make them female.
It would be as dumb as making the next Barbie movie where the main character is Ken who acts exactly like Barbie, and expect either men or women to flock to the theaters for it.

I have to disagree with your whole post. Your premise is based on old thought. Girls and women are all over comics and games and other "boy stuff". They always have been. It's just more acceptable now.

And if superheroes are a "male power fantasy" ... Which I don't think means what you think it does ... Then why have girl/women superheroes? Why have nuanced characters who are girls/women who are just as, if not more, powerful, competent and nuanced as the male characters? That makes no sense if the genre is a supposedly "male power fantasy" .


Lowest domestic opening weekend ever for the MCU

EXCLUSIVE, Friday afternoon update: The Marvels is shaping up to be the lowest domestic opening ever for a Disney Marvel Cinematic Universe title, with a 3-day swing of $47M-$55M. That’s lower than Marvel/Universal’s The Incredible Hulk ($55.4M in 2008) and lower than Ant-Man ($57.2M, 2015).

And Deadline predictions are almost always over what the actual figure turns out to be, especially with flops. This could be under 45 million. And would probably represent the single biggest flop of 2023.
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I can always tell whos movie opinions to completely ignore by whether or not they cant help themselves but to insert "Kamala is so charismatic" every chance they get.
I have seen neither the show nor the movie so can't comment on the performance.

But from how it's been described, and the miss marvel character I'm general being your generic "painfully nerdy fan" where everything is "oh my God I can't believe this right now, oh my, I can't, just, wow, literally crying right now"

I can't think of a worse character to watch on screen.
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"Introspection is in order." -Collider

When Collider is openly dumping on an MCU movie, you know things are going well...

We've reached the 'smell of blood in the water' stage when it comes to the MCU. Previously sites like Collider shilled hard, for access to premieres, interviews and other perks, and refused to say anything negative for fear of being cut out of the lucrative loop. But now things are so bad even they can't please their content masters by pretending anymore.


Perpetually Offended
We've reached the 'smell of blood in the water' stage when it comes to the MCU. Previously sites like Collider shilled hard, for access to premieres, interviews and other perks, and refused to say anything negative for fear of being cut out of the lucrative loop. But now things are so bad even they can't please their content masters by pretending anymore.

I really hate how a lot of people just say reviewers are shilling or bought and paid for to write glowing reviews... Plenty of people who give bad reviews are STILL invited to previews and premieres and various press junkets ... They still get access because they're reviewers ... Even if they didn't like the previous studio film, they might like the next one or the one after that. Shoot, I reviewed a few films and still got invited to movies even when I didn't the one I just saw.
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