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Royal Rumble 2015 |OT| 30 Men enter. Roman remains.

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Haha rocks face is priceless
The sad thing is that yea Reigns has a shitload of potential. The guy just isn't ready yet. Yet Vince is trying his damndest to shove him down everyone's throats and it's going to backfire like with Cena. Cena was liked and not ready yet and then bam Vince started shoving him down everyone's throats and he has never gotten over with anyone but children and chicks who think he's hot since.

To be honest, I also think he's hot. Just sayin'. Even so, it's like selling a pumpkin seed and marketing it as a pumpkin.
I've had various bouts of chuckling for like the last 30 minutes seeing all the events that led to the steady massacre of the crowd, the handling of this has been so poor it's absolutely classic.
Eliminate Bryan early and poorly
Have Kane and Show team up to remove any other hopefuls
Give Reigns odds to overcome
Emergency button to summon The Rock to try and revive the crowd and try and get Reigns support
Rusev fake out as a final screw you.
And on top of that, the match itself was really bland and flavourless.

But hey Kane got his rumble record, yaaaaaay!
The sad thing is that yea Reigns has a shitload of potential. The guy just isn't ready yet. Yet Vince is trying his damndest to shove him down everyone's throats and it's going to backfire like with Cena. Cena was liked and not ready yet and then bam Vince started shoving him down everyone's throats and he has never gotten over with anyone but children and chicks who think he's hot since.

He doesn't have a personality yet the way the greats all did. He's still reading canned lines off a teleprompter. It'd be like pushing Rock when he was Babyface Rocky Miavia or pushing Austin when he was Ringmaster.


I got grudge sucked!
And the shit cherry on top, feed Rusev to Cena at WM. Everyone's worst nightmares are coming true.

He doesn't have a personality yet the way the greats all did. He's still reading canned lines off a teleprompter. It'd be like pushing Rock when he was Babyface Rocky Miavia or pushing Austin when he was Ringmaster.

Pretty much. If Dibiase doesn't defect to WCW and Rocky doesn't get injured and out for a few months, the attitude era never happens. I am beginning to think, like people said about last year's WM, the best things they do are accidents and contingency plans.


So right now its:

Rusev vs Cena
Reigns vs Lesnar
Sting vs Triple H

Most Likely:

Orton vs Rollins


Undertaker vs Bray

So is Bryan getting Sheamus?


So what ate we realistically looking at? Reigns doesn't beat lesnar but hurts him bad enough for Rollins to cash in?

Reings wins and Rollins cashes in. Reigns should take a hint from the Rocks career and embrace the boos. If he doesn't want to seem robotic and badly scripted anymore go out there and tell them what you think of the booing.


I don't hate Roman. I think he could have gotten over to be at superstar levels eventually. But they try to force him down the audience's throat instead of just letting it happen. And with that, they probably just killed his momentum.

WWE really needs some serious competition. People shit all over it and boo but they still buy tickets and merch and continue to watch on TV so in the end, all the boos in the world won't matter much. And yes, I realize the fans seemingly got Bryan in the main event last year but I just can't imagine that happening again. People running the company are obviously too stubborn to do that twice.
Would have been a prime spot for Ziggler to win. He's over with the crowd, he would be a legit underdog that wasn't shoved in people's faces, and him winning the title from Lesnar at WM would be pretty awesome.

Oh well. I think this might turn into a triple threat at WM. Lesnar/Reigns/Rollins.
People were excited about Reigns at last years RR for the same reason Vince was, he has all of the things you can't really teach in a great look, but he hasn't developed much in the last year. He's like the pro wrestling version of Colin Kaepernick.


Reings wins and Rollins cashes in. Reigns should take a hint from the Rocks career and embrace the boos. If he doesn't want to seem robotic and badly scripted anymore go out there and tell them what you think of the booing.

Rock got booed early on because he was an awesome heel, then he got over and he got cheered even when he was a heel. Reigns gets booed like Del Rio, as in "just walk away and close the door behind you".
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