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Royal Rumble 2015 |OT| 30 Men enter. Roman remains.

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Andrew J.

The sad thing is that yea Reigns has a shitload of potential. The guy just isn't ready yet. Yet Vince is trying his damndest to shove him down everyone's throats and it's going to backfire like with Cena. Cena was liked and not ready yet and then bam Vince started shoving him down everyone's throats and he has never gotten over with anyone but children and chicks who think he's hot since.

Like Vince wouldn't be ecstatic to make a new star who's "only" as over as John Cena.
When we look at the tattered remains of the WWE in the future, this will be one of the moments that will be recalled upon.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Rusev gets beaten down by the two 'monsters' in WWE so badly. He gets beaten down after eliminating them. He has to rely on Rock to save him

buuut he has enough energy to spear and easily eliminate the undefeated superathlete who's been resting for 10 minutes


So right now its:

Rusev vs Cena
Reigns vs Lesnar
Sting vs Triple H

Most Likely:

Orton vs Rollins


Undertaker vs Bray

So is Bryan getting Sheamus?
If he's lucky. He may just get thrown into the Andre the Giant Battle Royal.
Only that Orton vs. Rollins match would be exciting to watch.
All of the officially announced matches will be absolute garbage.


People were excited about Reigns at last years RR for the same reason Vince was, he has all of the things you can't really teach in a great look, but he hasn't developed much in the last year. He's like the pro wrestling version of Colin Kaepernick.
I'm not a fan of his push but the dude seems like he is chill as Fuck outside of the ring.


lol... WWE learned absolutely nothing from the Batista debacle last year. They did the same thing and fucked up Roman Reigns, just like they did Batista. Now they'll have to setup another triple threat match to save the Wrestlemania main event.

The worst part about this is that Roman could've been over had they booked the rumble better. Daniel Bryan's early elimination killed the crowd.


WHC match was fuck awesome.

Rumble match was terrible. Air sucked out of the building when Bryan was eliminated early.

Reigns winning sucks. He didn't even do shit in the match except rest with Rusev over in the corner for around 20 minutes.

Also....Brock Lesner is in UFC shape. He's done with WWE after mania. Congrats to our new champ Roman Reigns.
World Heavyweight Championship match was SIGNIFICANTLY better than I thought.

Seth Rollins is ready.

I marked hard for Bubba Ray.

We were mad about Bray being eliminated. I still like him, I don't give a fuck.

That shitty ending.

Better than expected, but still a shit show.
I don't get it. Last Royal Rumble we were all ready for Reigns to go solo and we're excited and whatever. Now a year later all of a sudden people are pissed? What?

What are you talking about? Nobody cared about anyone in that match except for Bryan. You remember when Kane took out CM Punk and the crowd completely shit on Sheamus, Batista AND Roman? The only cheers he got was in the final two and that's because the crowd really didn't want Batista to win.

Roman's push is completely cynical. Jack Swagger is getting better babyface reactions at major pay per views and Dean Ambrose despite being booked like a completely joke is much more over.

As I said, Nepotism, size, and looks. That's the brass ring. Nothing about talent or ability.


He doesn't have a personality yet the way the greats all did. He's still reading canned lines off a teleprompter. It'd be like pushing Rock when he was Babyface Rocky Miavia or pushing Austin when he was Ringmaster.

Exactly. He needs time to develop a good personality and the ability to cut a good promo. He has not been given the chance to or any help with that.
Rock got booed early on because he was an awesome heel, then he got over and he got cheered even when he was a heel. Reigns gets booed like Del Rio, as in "just walk away and close the door behind you".

Rock first got booed as rocky Maivia, a lame character. They booed his fakeness.


Rock got booed early on because he was an awesome heel, then he got over and he got cheered even when he was a heel. Reigns gets booed like Del Rio, as in "just walk away and close the door behind you".

Before "The Rock" people just hated Rocky Maivia because he was squeaky clean and smiling as the Attitude Era was coming on.


Meh i think people just boo everyone that gets leaked as a winner on the internet, it was the same for Batista last year, and that is kinda stupid. And to tell the truth after the triple thread and Brock getting hit by infinite finishers and objects him Vs Bryan with a possible clean Bryan win wouldn't be the most believable thing, while Reigns might have all the problems in the world but he does look able to take Lesnar at least....
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