I'm seeing a pattern here, it seems like somewhere someone said this, but really this is more than those ac formulaic games.. if only because i can actually play this without wanting to puke..
I mean again i have to make it clear that i completely ignore side quests, but it is a huge oversimplification to label this AC... The maps are big, there are icons, but the depth added by things like the variety of robots and strategies for fighting them, the challenge at higher difficulties, the timing required to land certain attacks in time, the narrow dodging windows, the variety of enemy movement and attack, as opposed to the hack'n'slash of AC... It's a different game. It's superior.
In my op i say I'm not saying this is a perfect game, but it's a huge cop out to say it's a Ubisoft clone.
I'm convinced a huge chunk of people judging it only played that first zone, which i also hated and took about 6 attempts to clear.