I'll try launching the .exe file, have not tried that. sometimes I get 10 minutes in and it crashes but my connection is good, I think its a virtual memory issue. It is on my 2TB NVMe boot drive, I read very recently to not install the game on your boot drive and that may help so maybe I'll try that also if no joy. I know its something simple, I have all the resolution scaling on default 100%, I haven't raised anything. I'm pretty confident the answer is not in the SteamVR settings. I've spent hours upon hours trying to configure and scouring through forums troubleshooting..weird. shit looks amazing on quest 2. i use air link or whatever its called. there is one thing though: launch the game trhough the .exe not steam (make a shortcut) and launch steam vr first. then for the rest, air link or wahtever its called, make sure you just enable it on settings and launch it to connect to steam VR and then launch the game. Make sure when you start steam vr you have the oculust app for windows running in the background, you can check in the devices tab to see if its connected and then just launch the game trhough steam and should take you to it.
am on a 12700k 3080ti 32gb ram, so you should be fine.
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