Not sure why people are talking about FFXV anyway, I think the FFVII remake has a better shot than that one.
Well FF7R
part one
Not sure why people are talking about FFXV anyway, I think the FFVII remake has a better shot than that one.
Sorry for the slow response, it's the weekend and I'm actually playing games :0@10k: So anyone can post you something and you write it down in this thread? Do you verify your sources (pm partners) in any way? If not the infos aren´t worth much.
People should not get hyped about anything in this thread or the crash could be very very hard/brutal when "NX" is announced![]()
Not sure why people are talking about FFXV anyway, I think the FFVII remake has a better shot than that one.
For sure. I mentioned earlier in the thread. SE will probably be done with that game as soon as it's out on store shelves.
FFVII Remake is a timed exclusive at the very least, so it may come to NX somewhere down the line once all 3 games are out or something. The release strategy for it is strange, so I'm finding it hard to predict when it'd be ported to other platforms.
I can feel the reverse-fanboyism in your words. That leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
The PS4 is not selling gangbusters there. So if the NX ends up being a lot of people's first 'next gen' console, then FF15 could very well sell well enough, even if it's a late port.
Im quite positive about the idea of ​​developing a PC version. This version could incorporate things that we were forced to abandon because of the limitations of home consoles. With the PC, this would be an opportunity to release a version far superior in terms of quality and tech. That said, if we choose to develop this project, the development will start from scratch by doing research of what would be the best technology to use.
It might not be a simple port of the console version.
On the topic of JRPGs on Xbox. Xbox is not a brand really known for much Japanese output, especially JRPGs where it's full on anime. The market for those are on Sony and Nintendo with Sony having the lion's share.
Tales Studio, for example, has no plans to ever make another Xbox exclusive again because there is no market there for Japanese games in the east or west on their platform.
However some studios can still be very, very dumb still. Tales Studio, as an example again, can be be very dumb with this too and I've called them out a couple of times in not localizing the Tales games that came to Wii and DS despite the good market Nintendo has for JRPGs, especially so on their handheld side.
I can feel the reverse-fanboyism in your words. That leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
The PS4 is not selling gangbusters there. So if the NX ends up being a lot of people's first 'next gen' console, then FF15 could very well sell well enough, even if it's a late port.
Square Enix owes Nintendo and it's fans games? hahahahaha
Also, why would people in Japan buy a late port of FFXV? 10k, I don't think it'd sell that much at all. Home console gaming is niche as it is already, the people who want to play FFXV will buy it on PS4 and be done with it. I sincerely doubt there are that many people, other than a handful of Nintendo fans who are holding out to play FFXV on a Nintendo system.
Would anyone buy any version of FFXV ever? I watched a friend play through the Platinum demo yesterday.. just let that series die already
Well it'll come out on Wii U, so yeah.
One week until starfox is released. I'm sure that they will release a direct in some form? Anyway during that 5 days left for nx news, we
can focus on that game....
Would anyone buy any version of FFXV ever? I watched a friend play through the Platinum demo yesterday.. just let that series die already
Ugh, that Gamepad 2.0 streaming rumor sounds dreadful. Didn't work for the Wii U, and I doubt it will work for the NX either. That's without even getting into all the problems with streaming games through Wi-Fi in most public places.
Would anyone buy any version of FFXV ever? I watched a friend play through the Platinum demo yesterday.. just let that series die already
For sure. I mentioned earlier in the thread. SE will probably be done with that game as soon as it's out on store shelves.
FFVII Remake is a timed exclusive at the very least, so it may come to NX somewhere down the line once all 3 games are out or something. The release strategy for it is strange, so I'm finding it hard to predict when it'd be ported to other platforms.
Sorry for the slow response, it's the weekend and I'm actually playing games :0
Ok, so normally I verify these people and who they are, or they were verified by gaf before and just don't want to do the posting themselves.
This Spanish dude though, just PM'd me while I was typing the post and while he sounded believable (and after I posted it he told me to remove that part because of NDA) I didn't have time to verify so I put it in the post as a very weak rumor (T0.5).
If he was faking it, I don't know why he would ask me to remove it.
This is actually pretty tame... We've lost quite a few people in Nintengaf over the years, and not by their own choice.
Uh, I think they're gonna need to work on doing a PC port. Whether it takes months or years. Not doing one would be leaving money on the table imo. And without a pc port, FF might not even outsell something like splatoon lol.
That one isn't likely since 4th-gen GCN (as it would more likely be called since "GCN 1.x" is a term coined by the media) likely isn't even in the hands of many studios, or has only been there for a few months. It wouldn't be very useful.
So, it'll be the worse selling mainline Final Fantasy since the SNES?
It'll ship more that Splatoon ltd in one week.
I think the potential is there for it to work well, if the tech is good and those same Wi-Fi hotspots normally provide high-speed Internet access (which most public places would provide just fine).Ugh, that Gamepad 2.0 streaming rumor sounds dreadful. Didn't work for the Wii U, and I doubt it will work for the NX either. That's without even getting into all the problems with streaming games through Wi-Fi in most public places.
This thread has brought put a bunch of PortugueseGAF. Feels good, man.I wasn't going to trust 10K, but we're both Portuguese-Canadians living in Toronto, so he's cool.
*exploding bro fist*
For sure. Nintendo is still big in Japan. An FF on NX would outsell the Xbox version exponentially, while the Xbox one would maybe sell more than the NX version in the west.
There's no other console in Japan that can run these games besides PS4. If square wants a larger ROI they're gonna port these games to NX for at least the Japanese audience.
There are four main builds:
Wii U/PPC - It is unlikely to be launched due to it requiring external storage just to install on 8GB devices. Even new ones right out of the box.
Wii U 2/PPC - Lower "TV" resolution (only 720p, but can't change it), no Wii BC outside of the eShop, no disk drive.
New device/ARM64 - One screen only, is not tied to a single "Hardware".
New device/AMD64 - No screens, scales to whatever hardware it is put on. Only interact-able via a command line for the moment.
Ugh, that Gamepad 2.0 streaming rumor sounds dreadful. Didn't work for the Wii U, and I doubt it will work for the NX either. That's without even getting into all the problems with streaming games through Wi-Fi in most public places.
I've read this sentence 10 times and can't understand it, lolThis these has brought put a bunch of PortugueseGAF. Feels good, man.
I'm also a PortugueseGAF member. Just not Canadian.I wasn't going to trust 10K, but we're both Portuguese-Canadians living in Toronto, so he's cool.
*exploding bro fist*
So, it'll be the worse selling mainline Final Fantasy since the SNES?
It'll ship more that Splatoon ltd in one week.
Although I thought FF13 was near 7m
I'm really hoping it turns out to be some optional controller in the end. I really think the main controller should be a cheaper solution.
It's not even that... If remote play is really supposed to be a big part of the NX console, then the controller's design will need to make concessions for a decent game streaming experience. That means a bigger screen, which in turn means another bulkier controller with sub-par battery life, all for the sake of accommodating a feature that was already rejected by the market once.
I was just looking over /u/dizzyzane_'s (on reddit) comments again about the OS builds he supposedly has:
I initially thought that the ARM64 build would be for the handheld device, but it would make more sense given 10k's info that it's tied to the controller. Perhaps the AMD64 would be for both the home and portable units. I'm still unsure of what the "Wii U 2" would be tied to. Maybe a Wii U mini running NX?
The splatoon thing was a joke. Splatoon's LTD will probably end up around 6m imo.
But thinking about dunno. With just PS4 and Xbox, I don't see it doing more than XIII. I could see it doing more than IX.
Is this chart accurate for the older FFs? I remember seeing it on GAF:
Although I thought FF13 was near 7m
just saw your edit.
um...what lol.
I don't to turn this into a splatoon thing. That was just a offhand joke.
You've missed the point of the example.
That's... fairly unsurprising if it becomes the case.
I'm Portuguese too. Or Nuno Bettencourt is. And I like him a lot.
I unferstsnf where you're coming from, but if Zelda is considered a cross-gen port, I don't think its existence in the launch lineup necessarily precludes that of a Mario game.
How many times did you climax?*brb, imagining Luigi's Mansion 3 with PS4K graphics, because no pics*
Those were some good imaginings.
The one peculiar thing is that no one has actually come out of the woodwork in position of know, to challenge these rumors on hardware and such. Or even hint at it being incorrect.
In WUST, by this point, you had things unraveling from the SDKs and API information coming out.
It's not even that... If remote play is really supposed to be a big part of the NX console, then the controller's design will need to make concessions for a decent game streaming experience. That means a bigger screen, which in turn means another bulkier controller with sub-par battery life, all for the sake of accommodating a feature that was already rejected by the market once.
I'm not sure if Zelda will end up a cross gen port. They most likely switched over to NX a while ago. It might be more like Destiny, which still had ps360 versions.
Those were some good imaginings.
*lights cigarette*How many times did you climax?
*brb, imagining Luigi's Mansion 3 with PS4K graphics, because no pics*
Those were some good imaginings.
The splatoon thing was a joke. Splatoon's LTD will probably end up around 6m imo.
But thinking about dunno. With just PS4 and Xbox, I don't see it doing more than XIII. I could see it doing more than IX.
Is this chart accurate for the older FFs? I remember seeing it on GAF:
Although I thought FF13 was near 7m
just saw your edit.
um...what lol.
I don't to turn this into a splatoon thing. That was just a offhand joke.
Take this with a grain of salt but some guy claiming to be IdeaMan's uncle PMed me saying he's 90% sure the NX is not going to be purple but that could have u have nx info?
Don't hold out on us.
Perhaps it'll be released later than what people are expecting.
Take this with a grain of salt but some guy claiming to be IdeaMan's uncle PMed me saying he's 90% sure the NX is not going to be purple but that could have changed.
I basically used high-end PC gaming as a reference, lolBut if PS4k graphics don't exist yet, did you just imagine something that doesn't exist? Like a new color? :O
PS4K's rumoured specs aren't within the realm of high end PC.I basically used high-end PC gaming as a reference, lol
That level of power, plus Nintendo & Friend's art direction/animation, will look TITS