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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
So another console with games from last gen

Industry in full Hollywood mode.
Considering how much the WiiU sold it make sense for them to re-release some of its library. Many people missed them and porting over existing games doesn't prevent them from releasing new games.

It's like some people never have witnessed a console launch before.


it will get 3rd party support, but won't get all the games already available for ps4/xbo, maybe a few of them.We are already mid gen.

In may be the right step to being relevant in the home console space for next gen though, insted of being the complementary console
It will be the main focus for them with this console as its the main contributing factor to why it isn't as successful. Even if you've got the latest entries to the popular franchises, suddenly you've got a console which is very attractive to everyone in the market for one.
Im all down for ports but they need to be show why its worth getting them.

Like straight up comparisons like lets say Zelda be like hey 720p/30 on Wii U and 1080p/60 on NX and show video of both.


So Nintendo release a console at a good price point which is easy to port existing games to and it won't get third party support? Your mad.

I don't know what will happen but you don't get games ported if they don't sell. Third parties stopped supporting Wii U when their games woouldn't sell. Can't wait for all the threads of people whining on Ubi, EA, Act... "why you no release games on NX"

Maybe virtually. Goddamn why do people always want to ruin a next gen console with BC?
Usually I expect Nintendo to support BC but if this is for the best I'm ok to drop it this time, if we are finally arriving at a point where futures hardware installments will be using the same miidleware / platform / OS.


Considering how much the WiiU sold it make sense for them to re-release some of its library. Many people missed them and porting over existing games doesn't prevent them from releasing new games.

It's like some people never have witnessed a console launch before.

I can already see Reggie defend this:
Interviewer: Reggie, why is NX not getting any new games and only PS4 and Wii U ports?
Reggie: But there are a lot of new games. We have further Amiibo content in the new Zelda title. And our partner Ubisoft added further touch screen functionality to the latest title in the Assassin's Creed series. New content, new game.


60fps multiplatform games won't happen. Developers will simply use higher quality assets in the NX versions of games if it's more powerful.

Thanks for your reply, i would personally prefer that also, but would that mean using extra resources to create higher fidelity assets? And do you see devs doing this?

Perhaps if they're used across NX ans ps4k then its likely me thinks.


Another rumor, again nothing about the handheld :(

Man, can you imagine super Mario maker ported to the NX handheld? That's like the ultimate on the go game!


I have no idea about the others, but Mario Maker is the real deal.

Thanks for sharing.

Do you know if Mario Maker NX is facing any "porting issues"?

Nintendo World Report claims Splatoon and Mario Maker are facing similar problems with online stuff (like transferring player data)


If this about power is true the hook will likely not be in the hardware, at least not expensive things like glasses-free 3D or the Gamepad. Nintendo will not want to sell this thing at higher than $299, I reckon.

As was rumoured (I think) having companion apps on your phone/tablet would be cool, and quite unintrusive. There could be an NX app that you can connect to the console while playing to get some secondary features in supported games, or use away from home to check certain things (for example leaderboards and replays in Mario Kart etc.).


Another rumor, again nothing about the handheld :(
If they don't launch at the same time, I think there is a possibility the handheld will be early 2017. That would give them about 9 extra months of technological development to get a chipset that can play their console games on the go.


If they don't launch at the same time, I think there is a possibility the handheld will be early 2017. That would give them about 9 extra months of technological development to get a chipset that can play their console games on the go.

Almost certain this is the case.


That's not going to happpen not even for the entire console life. It's not Nintendo style so don't set yourself up for disappointment.

It's Monolith Soft's style tho. Monolith soft seems to go for more density than Nintendo themselves. Though Zelda could also go in that direction too.

But you are right for the most part. A majority of their games are simple by design giving you clear, clean images. Been a focus of theirs sense the NES to keep it simple, keep it clean.
Thanks for your reply, i would personally prefer that also, but would that mean using extra resources to create higher fidelity assets? And do you see devs doing this?

Perhaps if they're used across NX ans ps4k then its likely me thinks.

Not really as now most games are on PC so higher quality assets already exist. In Digital Foundry comparisons you'll often see them talking about where multiplatform games fall in terms of assets. Like Medium-High in terms of PC equivalent settings. So the NX could be more of a High-Ultra for assets.
So Nintendo can be considered modern again
People think that's all on Nintendo but it isn't. Just because it's the most powerful console does not mean it will get the best third-party support. Spoiler alert: It won't. And it's a hopeless goal.
Totally agreed on this. I don't understand why people think that parity or even superiority will lead to lots of third parties getting on board and he system having the best versions of games. If I'm a third party developer that makes stuff like CoD and FIFA etc. I wouldn't spend lots of time, money and resources making the best version of a game for a console where the audience for these games is actually elsewhere. It makes no business sense whatsoever.


Discussion of Liam Robertson rumors is banned on NEOGAF

Haha :p

Whilst I don't doubt your sources, it's a fairly safe bet.

Sure, just chipping in to back Emily up.

Thanks for sharing.

Do you know if Mario Maker NX is facing any "porting issues"?

Nintendo World Report claims Splatoon and Mario Maker are facing similar problems with online stuff (like transferring player data)

I don't know anything about that. I will have to read their report :)


So another console with games from last gen

Industry in full Hollywood mode.

Notice how they're all online/community based. When you play them again you don't re-experience the same thing as with single player games, it's more of a continuation of your previous gameplay but on the new system instead. I actually think it's a good idea for the sake of online longevity to port every game in that category except Mario Kart 8 since a sequel shouldn't be too far off. I wouldn't want to go back to my Wii U just for some Splatoon games when NX is out, I prefer a port tbh.

If you think about it what else can they do to fill the launch lineup? Maybe NX will have better 3rd party support in terms of big names but I don't see a huge quantity of them happening. So typical Nintendo filler like Steel Diver then? You can't sell that type of game anymore unless it's a small eShop title. People will only buy something at full price if it's a massive release like a 3D Mario or something. These rumored ports would do wonders I think, it's the games people are actually playing right now and buy systems for.


Uh none of this news rules out BC. It can happen through software emulation or streaming.

Neither of those is backwards compatibility. Backwards compatibility means "the software I already own (which I have spent a great deal of money on) can be played on this system for free".

Goddamn why do people always want to ruin a next gen console with BC?

Why do you want to buy the exact same game multiple times?


It will be the main focus for them with this console as its the main contributing factor to why it isn't as successful. Even if you've got the latest entries to the popular franchises, suddenly you've got a console which is very attractive to everyone in the market for one.

It will be atractive depending on a number of factors:
-price : except for a few that buy all consoles regardless of the price, and nintendo fans
-power : it has to offer enough improvement over current consoles to be atractive to the PS4/XBO owners for multiplatform games. And this has direct impact on price too, unless heavily subsidised, and that is not how Nintendo has done things in the past.
- Nintendo has AAA IP, but Sony and MS also have their own, Halo, Uncharted etc.... so people that can only afford one console, or maybe two will have to chose: Mario, master chief, nathan drake??? And considering many of them have already chosen and own a ps4 or an XBO, may wait until their successors are released to buy again and well, ps5 and XB2 may have again the power advantage that implies better multiplatform games.

If i were nintendo i'd launch closer to ps5/XB2 presumible launch, to match them in specs/price instead of midgen

As for ports from WiiU it makes sense , as it made sense to release Uncharted or TLOU remastered for those ps4 owners that owned a 360 and not a ps3.


Maybe virtually. Goddamn why do people always want to ruin a next gen console with BC?

It is weird that a lot of people's first thought about a new console is can it play games from the old console...the console they already own and can play those games on right now if they like. It's sure convenient but it couldn't be further from a deal breaker for me.

I guess Nintendo will just port a few big games over and leave it at that.


Does that mean they are NOT doing backcompat? If so, seriously disappointing. I would be day 1 on NX if it plays Wii U games.

They've done backcompat for the last two gens and even further back on handhelds, all the way back to the 1980s in fact lol. I hope they don't abandon it here.


Part of me hope this is not true about ports being under development for nx from the wiiu.

1- i want new a sequel. Not a port
2- this kinda confirms the NX wont be backward with the WiiU and i kinda wish it's.

Thr WiiU has so many great games many people are missing out because they dont have the console. If the NX will be able to play those WiiU gamss then its more sales profits for Nintendo

Could always turn into a sequel after they try porting. Remember A Link Between Worlds on 3DS was originally gonna be a 3D remake of ALTTP. I'm sure there's other examples from Nintendo.


If you dont have one by now, you wouldn't have got one anyway.

No, I would actually have. In fact, I have had the First Print Edition of Bayonetta 2 on my shelf since it came out. I was waiting for a substantial price drop.
Might still buy one at some point, but with at least two of the few games I'd actually buy for it possibly coming to NX, it's become much more unlikely.
You guys sure love blowing up things when Europeans get their well deserved sleep, right?
Won't somebody think of the children the Europeans?

Before i make my way through the thread, my thoughts:

More powerful than PS4. Good, if devs start to target the PS4K hardware, it's assuring that Nintendo might not be behind that much. That's one lesson learned with Wii U.

Architecture ... can't really comment here due to the lack of knowledge. But i think it's good that they possibly have the same architecture as the other consoles?

Ports, Mario Maker makes sense, Zelda is a no-brainer (to me), Smash Bros is ok too, given how long it takes to make a new one.

But i hope that Splatoon won't get ported, because i think a sequel would do the IP more good.
Imo, they need to get out Mario Kart and Splatoon sequels asap.
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