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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Nintendo: "The NX has built in 4K media capabilities and is the most powerful console on the planet. It's gonna cost $499. You'll need a second job for it. Luckily, we just had a job opening in our PR department. Shhhhh"


Now suddenly power isn't the problem lol. I thought a couple of years ago people started saying the Wii U didn't get ports because it was teh weak 7 year old ancient hw!!!!
Now it's supposedly powerful enough or even more powerful than the PS4, but it somehow doesn't matter anymore....

Nintendo doomed since 1889.

At this point in time -- as in, the month of April in the year 2016 -- Nintendo's biggest problem is not in the technical performance of their consoles. Does power matter? 100% yes. But is power the #1 thing on the list of "Things Nintendo needs to fix for the NX"? 100% no.

You cannot look at the current market conditions and the current crop of rumors and believe that more power = guaranteed success for Nintendo. That is such a dangerous way of thinking that if Nintendo is thinking in that same way then we're in for the biggest trainwreck in the history of videogaming. If power was the deciding factor on what lived and what died in the videogame marketplace, then the Vita would be kicking and strolling it's way towards another successful quarter. While the market has shifted towards more powerful devices (as evidenced by the PS4), the market has not shifted towards no third party support (as evidenced by the PS4). This is Nintendo's biggest problem. They do not have the support of publishers and developers. They know it, you know it, and I know it.

The rumor -- the NX being more powerful than PS4 -- is great news. If true, it means that developers can port their games much more easily to the NX platform. However, if publishers and developers don't want to invest the time, energy, and money into porting their games to NX? Back to square one. If publishers and developers take the exact same stance they've taken for the last 10 years, then Nintendo will have to rely on their first-party output to keep the console afloat. This means Nintendo will have to invest a ton of time, energy, and money into development of HD games in order to have content for their audience. Since time, energy, and money are limited resources, it is impossible for Nintendo and Nintendo alone to develop enough content for their audience. The effect of this is there will be a drought of content on the platform. Does any of this sound familiar to you?Can you now see why a more powerful platform will not solve their biggest problem?

Keep in mind, all of this is assuming the NX is a dedicated console from Nintendo! We're assuming the NX will be a physical box from Nintendo (and Nintendo alone) that has the power, ease of development, and first party content that is rumored. We could all be wrong.


Someone is in for a rude awakening if they think power is the sole reason those games aren't on Nintendo platforms.

Basically this. Nintendo is not up to date in many things. Western support, online community, and so. Stuff like Miitomo and that Mii community thing are awful. Still, I kind of hope that stuff like Dark Souls and GTA5 can come out on NX.
I'm more worried about Nintendo's development capabilities to be honest, Nintendo have a few studios like Nd Cube and 1UP studios that don't seem fit for developing any kind of software that will prove helpful in luring gamers to the NX, furthermore Nintendo still haven't really made an effort to expand other console development teams. This again will see software droughts as games like Tropical Freeze (Retro) and Pikmin 3 (Software Development Group No. 4) had lengthy turnaround times.

Then there's the issue of what their handheld development teams are going to be doing, Intelligent Systems don't really seem cut out for console development.

Nintendo are really going to have to change the field, either producing a hybrid handheld/console, or just translating all of their handheld development to mobile and foregoing any future handheld hardware entirely.


X86, more powerful than PS4, easy to port to (x86), all logical moves and by no means extraordinary. Nintendo NEED third parties and thus they require hardware that they demand.

PS4K may indeed be in part a pre-emptive reaction to NX.

Nintendo just sold about 12 million Wii U's lifetime. I doubt Sony is shaking in their boots.

Davey Cakes

But it'll be lagging behind the PS4K I'm sure.
It won't matter much if the games are there and the NX provides a strong value proposition.

Nintendo needs to provide a good reason to buy their console. From my perspective, PS4+ level Nintendo games is quite enough but hopefully there's more to it than that. HD games alone didn't sell Wii U systems. Even the freshest ideas for the system (Splatoon, Mario Maker) merely kept it on life support. Nintendo needs to hit the ground running with those sorts of "must-play" experiences.

This is likely why they're attempting the four ports that are being talked about in this thread. Easily four of the strongest Wii U titles that would certainly provide a good push for NX for those who didn't want a Wii U.

Let's hope Nintendo makes a system that people actually want this time so those in-demand titles get even more love.


I wonder how Nintendo will cope with development for stronger hardware. They already had problems with Wii U and as we have seen this gen almost every big game gets deleyed or is rushed followed by ton of patches. Maybe ports of Wii U games are the answer...


Junior Member
I'm more worried about Nintendo's development capabilities to be honest, Nintendo have a few studios like Nd Cube and 1UP studios that don't seem fit for developing any kind of software that will resonate with gamers, furthermore Nintendo still haven't really made an effort to expand other console development teams, with games like Tropical Freeze (Retro) and Pikmin 3 (Software Development Group No. 4) having lengthy turnaround times.

Then there's the issue of what their handheld development teams are going to be doing, Intelligent Systems don't really seem cut out for console development.

Nintendo are really going to have to change the field, either producing a hybrid handheld/console, or just translating all of their handheld development to mobile and foregoing any future handheld hardware entirely.
This would be a terrible move, especially for the Japanese market. A shared platform could easily achieve a similar result in terms of getting all hands on deck for Nintendo without having to go full-hybrid (which Iwata shot down before he died).


The new CEO could probably have changed specs. Console specs change and the actual die would not have been fabricated yet. Most modern GPUs are very modular, adding more CU on an AMD GPU isn't going to turn it into something completely new, neither is upping the clocks.
No he couldn't have. Also (and many people really seem to not realize this), a company doesn't shift direction in a second, especially one as big as Nintendo. The NX is still an Iwata's Nintendo product, and even Kimishima himself said they wouldn't shift from his vision.

I'd hope future tech is more powerful than tech that is 3-4 years old.
That's not necessarily true 100% of the time when you build a console though, and it was explained a billion times.


Digital only will not happen, they need to be available in real physical store to get their name on the market. It will be a stuppid idea if they stop doing that.

They can ofcourse sell amiibo's instead of gamedisc so you can download the game digital by using your amiibo (amiibo does have a code in it that can sync with one console to download the game).

If NX will be the strongest console or not, it doesn't matter. They have to work together with Sony to win the game market against PC/Apple/Android,Steam,Vr....

Otherwise the console market will be doomed to exist.

Do we have better sales this gen than previous gen?
Think about it...


Nintendo: "The NX has built in 4K media capabilities and is the most powerful console on the planet. It's gonna cost $499. You'll need a second job for it. Luckily, we just had a job opening in our PR department. Shhhhh"

People are going to quote your joke like a rumor now, be careful.


Junior Member
Why? It seems like the Japanese market is favouring mobile exclusively...?
But they give more of a shit about handhelds than home consoles. The fact that the 3DS sold as well as it did despite both its rocky start & the rise of mobile gaming is nothing short of astounding. There's definitely still demand for a Nintendo handheld, & it would be dumb for Nintendo to forego that market entirely right now.

Handhelds are still Nintendo's most successful market, & that likely won't change in the near future. Maybe further out, but not soon.


I'm more worried about Nintendo's development capabilities to be honest, Nintendo have a few studios like Nd Cube and 1UP studios that don't seem fit for developing any kind of software that will prove helpful in luring gamers to the NX, furthermore Nintendo still haven't really made an effort to expand other console development teams. This again will see software droughts as games like Tropical Freeze (Retro) and Pikmin 3 (Software Development Group No. 4) had lengthy turnaround times.

Then there's the issue of what their handheld development teams are going to be doing, Intelligent Systems don't really seem cut out for console development.

Nintendo are really going to have to change the field, either producing a hybrid handheld/console, or just translating all of their handheld development to mobile and foregoing any future handheld hardware entirely.

So Nintendo need to remove their most successful arm and shift it to mobile in order to do home consoles?

Yeah no. Not happening. While mobile has impacted handhelds a bit, Nintendo managed to still knock it out of the park. They're not going to drop handhelds. It's just not the initial NX focus.


It won't matter much if the games are there and the NX provides a strong value proposition.

Nintendo needs to provide a good reason to buy. From my perspective, PS4+ level Nintendo games is quite enough but hopefully there's more to it than that.

Nintendo always provides a good reason to buy their consoles - their exclusive IPs. Problem is they always provide plenty of reasons to not buy their consoles.


Now suddenly power isn't the problem lol. I thought a couple of years ago people started saying the Wii U didn't get ports because it was teh weak 7 year old ancient hw!!!!
Now it's supposedly powerful enough or even more powerful than the PS4, but it somehow doesn't matter anymore....

Nintendo doomed since 1889.
Gamecube didn't have a power problem, but it still missed ports all the time.

Every situation is different of course, there are a lot of factors at play. Ultimately, a publisher is going to have to ask, 'is it worth the extra investment/resources to put this game on the Nintendo system?'

The answer may be 'no'. Possibly because the system has less power or unique architecture, and it would be a bigger investment to get the game running on that hardware. Possibly because the demographics are different, and they believe the group that bought the hardware won't buy the game in large numbers. Possibly because the system has an install base of only a couple million people, and there just isn't enough opportunity there. As long as the answer is 'no' it'd be a problem.


The only thing shaking at Sony is their first party output.

Not sure what this means? If it's a PS4 has no games joke then it's an odd time to drop that with an Excellent Ratchet & Clank coming out yesterday and Uncharted 4 in a couple weeks.


Nintendo: "The NX has built in 4K media capabilities and is the most powerful console on the planet. It's gonna cost $499. You'll need a second job for it. Luckily, we just had a job opening in our PR department. Shhhhh"

Aww, I probably wanted one but I have to work in a PR department? Count me out.


At this point in time -- as in, the month of April in the year 2016 -- Nintendo's biggest problem is not in the technical performance of their consoles. Does power matter? 100% yes. But is power the #1 thing on the list of "Things Nintendo needs to fix for the NX"? 100% no.
Well, right now their biggest problem is that 3rd partiers are simply uninterested in learning to code for a console with a small audience and power roughly on par with the last gen. So in a way, yes, their biggest problem is that the Wii U is simply too different from the other three (I'm including PC) and its marketshare too small to put in more effort in porting their games than for XB1/PS4/PC (which are all basically the same thing now).

A me-too x86 design, while immensely technically unimaginative, would at least alleviate this issue. Remember that Krazy Ken showed the world technical imaginativeness can be a bad thing.

Gamecube didn't have a power problem, but it still missed ports all the time.
No, it had a storage problem. It stuck with miniDVDs at a time when content size was ballooning. It was in fact the exact same problem which hurt Nintendo a generation earlier, with the N64.


Taking a look at their VC titles, online system, Miiverse implementation with all the loading
You're going to have to point out this fatal loading flaw in miiverse for me because I've never experienced it. In fact you can easily get to miiverse from your web browser so it shouldn't be too difficult to point out. You're also going to have to qualify how that disqualifies a claim that Nintendo's games have "polished and packed content"

the Miitomo app, ports such as Wind Waker HD where the best part (Tingle Tuner) was left out
Ok I know opinions and stuff but are you 1. Claiming WindWaker HD was bad because they left out tingle tuner?! That was like literally the most underused and throwaway feature in the original one and it was mainly used for hints that didn't even make sense half the time. There's a better hint system in the game now. They also fixed an annoying quest, updated the lighting system, added optional content, and added other ways to get the Tingle Tuner content like the statues.

or even some of their recent 1st party titles makes me think they often prefer going the sort of lazy route.

You're going to have to point out these "lazy" first party titles. Are you talking about Mario Maker which is still receiving free DLC through updates? The absolutely insanely massive Xenoblade X? Fire Emblem Fates which is 3 separate and unique games? Where is this deluge of recent first party games that are "lazy" please quantify lazy. Leaving out a feature you think the game should have is not "lazy" its a design choice.

Call me bitter, but I actually enjoyed Last Window, Jam with the Band, Wario Ware DIY, or Elite Beat Agents. Not too interested in playing More Zelda, More 2D Mario, and the like

So you'd rather play random rythmn games? Is that the bar for quality you've set here? You'de rather have rythmn games and wario ware then zelda? I mean that's fine opinions and all that but I'm not understanding how those games were unique or the opposite of lazy.

I totally see why the 3DS sales are lagging far behind those of the DS. Well, at least I got boxboy, the Pullbox games, and NES Remix out of it.

Once again opinions and all that but are these seriously your bar for quality not "lazy" and or unique content?

I seriously wonder what happened after the DS/Wii success. Going from one of the most successful consoles with lots of creative titles to "just more of the same" systems with 3DS and Wii U.

99% of the complaints about the wiiU is it isn't "more of the same" when compared to the PS4/Xbox One. From the controller to the architecture, to the power.

Funny side note: The developers of Sing Party don't even list the game on their website anymore, must be too ashamed.

The developers of Sing Party are too ashamed to be associated with the Wii?........


Not sure what this means? If it's a PS4 has no games joke then it's an odd time to drop that with an Excellent Ratchet & Clank coming out yesterday and Uncharted 4 in a couple weeks.
It was a joke about how there first party support was bare until now. Finally the good stuff is coming from April-holiday 2016.


I passed on the Wii U up to this point, first Nintendo console I've ever not owned unless you count Virtual Boy. If this shit about NX is true, and the ports are there, I'm in.
But they give more of a shit about handhelds than home consoles. The fact that the 3DS sold as well as it did despite both its rocky start & the rise of mobile gaming is nothing short of astounding. There's definitely still demand for a Nintendo handheld, & it would be dumb for Nintendo to forego that market entirely right now.

Yet the decline is clear, Nintendo need to adopt a worldwide approach with their future systems. A handheld might do reasonable numbers in Japan, but could very well perform poorly everywhere else. Not to mention that Japan's love for handhelds is majorly through Nintendo anyway, and so mobile interests would rise once Nintendo commit full development to it.

Fire Emblem on mobile? That'd have global appeal, and it would work.

JoeM86 said:
So Nintendo need to remove their most successful arm and shift it to mobile in order to do home consoles?

Yeah no. Not happening. While mobile has impacted handhelds a bit, Nintendo managed to still knock it out of the park. They're not going to drop handhelds. It's just not the initial NX focus.

I'd describe it as preserving their most successful arm, because another handheld generation isn't going to do them any favours.
because it rumoured to have a 4K blueray player so its aimed at people with 4K tvs (which are very cheap now) and VR.

Here's what I meant :

Those with 4k TV will have their games upscaled to 4K and everything else in native 4k.

For everyone else, the ps4k is just a more powerful ps4 that wil render at 1080p. No upscale.
I think you know the answer to this.

It's ridiculous.

"Yeah but PS4K LOL Nintendo."

You would think out of all the damn forums online, GAF wouldn't give a fuck about console allegiance and just enjoy playing good games.

Guess some people never grow out of that shit.

I'm more scared to the Nintendo fan expectations. Every new hardware they lose their mind completely.

No one is losing their mind. It's a new console coming up and people like playing video games, of course people are excited. People were excited for the PS4 and Xbox One just as much.


The fact that no Western source (outside of...an indie, i.e. Thomas Mahler) has heard of a handheld component makes me think about this scenario.

...this is possibly the family of consoles, but with a different execution compared to what we thought. In fact, what I think now is that

- remember how Iwata talked about taking care of the two different (Western and Japanese) perspectives of gaming while changing the concept of home and handheld consoles? At this point, I suppose West will get the home earlier and the handheld a bit later, while Japan will get the handheld earlier and the home a bit late. Maybe, they're coming out at the same time in both regions this year, but one thing is becoming clearer, and that is...
- while Nintendo+Japanese third party developers for most of their games+indie developers+some Western developers will fully use the family concept, most of the Western developers who, unfortunately, couldn't care less / see as a way too big hurdle the porting of resource-intensive games to the handheld (even in the best case power scenario, several Western games are simply difficult to scale down well) won't develop for it and release games directly only for the home console

I've been thinking about this, and i think the handheld will be pushed back for maybe 6 months because "they can" (having released the New 3DS not that long ago).

Otherwise i keep hearing how certain fabrication nodes would be more likely in 2017 than in 2016. If the console internals are in 28nm and the handheld in 14nm, that would mean they can release a handheld closer to console performance compared to 2016. So better performance and better power consumption.


Junior Member
Yet the decline is clear, Nintendo need to adopt a worldwide approach with their future systems. A handheld might do reasonable numbers in Japan, but could very well perform poorly everywhere else. Not to mention that Japan's love for handhelds is majorly through Nintendo anyway, and so mobile interests would rise once Nintendo commit full development to it.

Fire Emblem on mobile? That'd have global appeal, and it would work.
Yet the 3DS still did well throughout the rest of the world. The main reason why sales are on the decline now is because the 3DS is showing its age. The handheld market needs a brand new device to reinvigorate interest. And while I do agree a worldwide approach should be taken, it can be done with a shared platform between the console & handheld. Not necessarily sharing every game, but sharing a good chunk of them to maximize the output of each developer.

I'd describe it as preserving their most successful arm, because another handheld generation isn't going to do them any favours.
Yes it will, especially if they ride the hype of the NX Console. If Nintendo wants to go for a worldwide approach, then they need to give a more affordable in for the NX Platform (& an in for Japan since, as stated earlier, they don't give as much of a shit about console as they do handhelds).
Why are so many people scared of the NX being more powerful than the PS4?

Fucking gaf lol

I'm not scared but I can't imagine a third party is going to do much to take advantage of that horsepower given the lackluster track records of third party games on Nintendo hardware.

Anyone who buys a Nintendo system for anything other than first party games is a bit foolish in my opinion.


You're going to have to point out this fatal loading flaw in miiverse for me because I've never experienced it. In fact you can easily get to miiverse from your web browser so it shouldn't be too difficult to point out. You're also going to have to qualify how that disqualifies a claim that Nintendo's games have "polished and packed content"

I don't use miiverse, personally, because it takes too long to load. Especially on 3DS. It's a good ~2 minutes to share a photo. Doesn't sound like a lot, but when you're staring at a screen for most of that time, doing nothing, it makes it not worth sharing on miiverse at all. On Wii U, I post screenshots to twitter, which takes about 30 seconds, most of that time is me typing the tweet message. Miiverse is slower than the alternative, so I don't use it. Also, no one I know checks miiverse, so if I want to share to friends/family/gaf, twitter is easier and more visible.

Not dismissing any of your other points, just saying that miiverse is TOO slow on 3DS and slower than alternatives on Wii U. That's just my anecdotal experience though.

I'm not scared but I can't imagine a third party is going to do much to take advantage of that horsepower given the lackluster track records of third party games on Nintendo hardware.

Anyone who buys a Nintendo system for anything other than first party games is a bit foolish in my opinion.

Well, nintendo systems haven't had the best versions of ports since maybe SNES? Some exceptions on gamecube and N64, but those were the exception to the rule. If NX is on par or better than PS4/XB1 *AND* has a great ecosystem implemented (mynintendo) where 3rd party want to take advantage of that (or are allowed to), it's very possible that NX gets identical or better ports than the competition. If that manages to be the case, I will gladly buy as many 3rd party games as possible on NX (if not PC). Hopefully japanese 3rd party are on board (SE, BN, KT, etc). I'm not going to BUY the NX FOR 3rd party, as you say, since nintendo's track record has been bad for the last 20+ years, but it's a hope a lot of us have.


I'm more worried about Nintendo's development capabilities to be honest, Nintendo have a few studios like Nd Cube and 1UP studios that don't seem fit for developing any kind of software that will prove helpful in luring gamers to the NX, furthermore Nintendo still haven't really made an effort to expand other console development teams. This again will see software droughts as games like Tropical Freeze (Retro) and Pikmin 3 (Software Development Group No. 4) had lengthy turnaround times.

Then there's the issue of what their handheld development teams are going to be doing, Intelligent Systems don't really seem cut out for console development.

Nintendo are really going to have to change the field, either producing a hybrid handheld/console, or just translating all of their handheld development to mobile and foregoing any future handheld hardware entirely.

1UP is an asset support studio. They don't develop games. They're perfectly fine as they are. Nd Cube can make Mario Party 11 and it'll sell because Mario Party. Not sure what your problem is. You're also forgetting that they went through the HD switch last time for every dev, including Retro and EAD. That's why all that stuff took so long. How are IntSys not cut out for console development (they have a console game coming out this year btw)? What in the world. I don't think any of your concerns are actually based on our reality here :D
Why are so many people scared of the NX being more powerful than the PS4?

Fucking gaf lol

I think people are much more skeptical than fearful. Nintendo's recent history certainly doesn't lead one to believe that they'd do something like that. Like people have already brought up, before the Wii U launched there are numerous rumors about how it was going to be significantly more powerful than the PS3/360, and we all know how that turned out. If it turns out that it's true then that's fantastic. But I don't see why it's surprising that people would be skeptical because doing what's being described would require a big strategy shift from Nintendo.
Gamecube didn't have a power problem, but it still missed ports all the time.

Every situation is different of course, there are a lot of factors at play. Ultimately, a publisher is going to have to ask, 'is it worth the extra investment/resources to put this game on the Nintendo system?'

The answer may be 'no'. Possibly because the system has less power or unique architecture, and it would be a bigger investment to get the game running on that hardware. Possibly because the demographics are different, and they believe the group that bought the hardware won't buy the game in large numbers. Possibly because the system has an install base of only a couple million people, and there just isn't enough opportunity there. As long as the answer is 'no' it'd be a problem.

It's never been a power problem. Not even a disc size problem most of the time. It's always been and it will always be a return on investment problem, and that will become very clear when Nintendo puts out a PC-lite like the rest of them and still doesn't receive a whole lot of big titles. That's when the shock will come to many of the people thumping their chests and jerking their epeens about power all these years.

I wouldn't mind the current console cycle to go on just a bit longer, but you've made an excellent point.

There is no more current console cycle. Everything is iterative from here on out, and that includes Nintendo who will have another box in 2 or 3 years, just like MS and Sony


This does not make sense. The rumor was that ps4k would cost 400 or even 500. Nintendo launching a 400 machine is the end and they are not going to loss lead. None of this adds up to me!

That rumour also suggested ps4k with upgraded CPU at 500.

I can see a 2 tier system, ps4 cheap at 399 moving down to 350/300 with die shrinks etc...and a 500 premium model. Can see MS doing the same.

So will NX be low cost model (300-350) with die shrinks (slim) or premium model (499) or somewhere inbetween ?

Maybe Nx will have 2 console models as well ? That would be fun


I'd describe it as preserving their most successful arm, because another handheld generation isn't going to do them any favours.

Removal is not preserving.

Even to this day, 3DS games are doing amazingly. Look at Pokémon, Yo-kai Watch, Fire Emblem etc., and that's in the height of smartphone gaming.


It's ridiculous.

"Yeah but PS4K LOL Nintendo."

You would think out of all the damn forums online, GAF wouldn't give a fuck about console allegiance and just enjoy playing good games.

Guess some people never grow out of that shit.

No one is losing their mind. It's a new console coming up and people like playing video games, of course people are excited. People were excited for the PS4 and Xbox One just as much.
I have nothing against the other excitement. But expect NX will be such powerhouse hardware is not that realistic. I don't think will be crazy difference in performance from the ps4. To be optimistic.
Yet the 3DS still did well throughout the rest of the world. The main reason why sales are on the decline now is because the 3DS is showing its age. The handheld market needs a brand new device to reinvigorate interest. And while I do agree a worldwide approach should be taken, it can be done with a shared platform between the console & handheld. Not necessarily sharing every game, but sharing a good chunk of them to maximize the output of each developer.

It sold approximately 100 million fewer systems than the original DS. Another dedicated Nintendo handheld would probably reach of the numbers of the 3DS. What good will that do their properties? It's time to move away from dedicated handhelds.


I won't be that surprised if Nintendo go all digital with NX. Removing that bulky disc drive has got to be a tempting move for them when they consider the additional costs involved.

digitak sales are only about 8% of their sales, i doubt they will remove physical media.


Yet the decline is clear, Nintendo need to adopt a worldwide approach with their future systems. A handheld might do reasonable numbers in Japan, but could very well perform poorly everywhere else. Not to mention that Japan's love for handhelds is majorly through Nintendo anyway, and so mobile interests would rise once Nintendo commit full development to it.

Fire Emblem on mobile? That'd have global appeal, and it would work.

One problem. It'd have to be Premium, which doesn't fly at all on mobile


It's F2P, with microtransactions, which would piss off people who love Fire Emblem. You could insert that logic for most Nintendo franchises, and it simply would work against them in those cases.


I wish nintendo the best of luck. I want this to be successful. (Mainly so I can keep getting proper console zelda games).

Hopefully this combined with mynintendo keeps a level of consumer engagement that wasn't possible before. An ecosystem that keeps people coming back which makes 3rd party interested. Especially if they can also be a part of that ecosystem (so people like me feel compelled to get 3rd party ports on NX vs PS4/XB1).

These ports of Wii U games serve 3 purposes:
  1. Pad out the release schedule
  2. Incentive for customers who passed on Wii U to get NX
  3. Keep consumers engages in their online ecosystem/service (and probably also buying amiibo).
Notice how all 4 of those port game rumors use amiibo? Zelda is confirmed to use wolf link amiibo, almost guaranteed to have its own entire line of amiibo.
New characters in smash and new gamers = more amiibo to sell. They can keep the smash bros set alive for another year or two, if they want.

And even if it's less powerful than PS4K, I'd expect some userbase of PS4 would rather get a new system altogether (which is also more powerful than PS4) than trash their PS4 to upgrade to slightly better versions of SOME games. Maybe i'm wrong on that judgment.

Good luck nintendo.

All excellent points. Also bring s up an interesting question in that how will Nintendo deal with people who DID buy the wiiU and games. Will they allow you to buy the NX versions at a discount? Although mynintendo seems to suggest a bit more customer friendliness this time it's not like they haven;t fucked customers over on this before with the Virtual Console.

Also if they fuck over their hardcore - the WiiU faithful - there will be hell to pay,
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