Dark Cloud
I know I'm in the minority in loving Super Mario 3D World, but I'd love a 3D Mario game that was a mix between Super Mario 64 and 3D World.
I know I'm in the minority in loving Super Mario 3D World......
He said he didn't think the Wii U was different enough. And he has said that the NX is a new concept. I expect something original unique and new first and foremost. I'm sure they will leave the door open for 3rd parties. I'm sure 3rd parties will have at least one game each at launch. But wouldn't count on more. And wouldn't count on anyone buying the NX to play western 3rd party games.
Dam would love a 2.5~3.0 Tflops console from nintendo.
Haven't really put much stock into nintendo consoles because of the little performance
they have.
Wasn't new enough? New compared to what? The Wii, or what was currently out there (Ps3/360?)
It's crazy to see howmany gamesites taking nx information from neogaf.
Also found this game engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbMpqqCCrFQ
Wonder if Nx could run it
Yeah Nintendo could do Galaxy 3 but I would want them to do something entirely new. A new concept like Sunshine or Galaxy.
I would love to have that feeling of open world with the Hub like in 64 or Sunshine. I spent so much time just exploring, jumping on the roofs of Delphino plaza, chilling at the beach and playing with coconuts and so on.
That was for Smash 4 DLC.I don't think that's a fair comparison. TPHD was outsourced.
A lot of signs point to a good chance, especially if Namco Bandai/Nintendo is still handling it. (the job listing for SSB5?)
I am willing to bet on a complete edition with at LEAST 1 exclusive character.
It'll be done in agreement with the old guard. I don't think Kimishima is in the same "quitus" position as was Iwata. It's not a movie cast guys.
A gamepad with screen was new, but didn't changed allot of how you played games, we already experience it on nds GC+gba. There is some small new experience like amiibo.
The wii did offer a whole new experience.
the most devices from nintendo offered a new experience.
Hope they can do it again, but this times again with a powerfull console.
Lol no it wouldn't remember ps2 vs gamecube, yes gamecube was more powerful but the ps2 stream rolled it, I can't believe anyone thinks sony is worried about the power of nx, Sony will have a 50 million lead by the time nx launches.
Of course Sony is worried about more powerful consoles. Most gamers from the PS360Wii gen don't even have a current gen console yet.
Sony leads simply because they had the most powerful console. If the XOne had been more powerful it had the lead. When it comes to exclusive games the PS4 is behind both XOne and Wii U, but multiplatform games are almost always better on PS4.
Sony is fully aware why the PS4 is successful thats the reason for the PS4k.
why are we comparing the ps4 to a gen 9 platform?
I know I'm in the minority in loving Super Mario 3D World, but I'd love a 3D Mario game that was a mix between Super Mario 64 and 3D World.
Reading through the thread I started thinking that at the very same time we're discussing these rumors, Nintendo employees must be doing some of the following at Kyoto HQ:
-Finalizing target designs for the console, controller and other peripherals.
-Deciding color schemes, logos, typography and basic marketing between several options.
-Working on technical demos, playable demos and trailers.
-Testing latest stable build of NX OS in prototypes destined to E3/press event.
-Sending memos to key third parties about deadlines for E3 demos/trailers.
-Maybe recording/editing the next Nintendo Direct and designing/sending invitations for the press.
-Recording interviews with Nintendo engineers, designers and third party members about development.
-Recording promotional videos with actors showing the new controller possibilities (and non-specific-action-figure).
...right now, as we speak, they're working frenetically against the clock, designing, touching, playing the NX...
it's almost here...
History has shown this to be factually untrue. In fact, if microsoft hadnt botched the xbone reveal i think the current gen sales landscape would look very different.
Agreed. The planets thing was cool, but I'd rather have larger spaces to run around and explore in the next one. You're right, you could have a blast just goofing around in Delphino Plaza. Sunshine is underrated IMO.
Historically most people were not informed about console specs and power, so your point is not valid.
I did not know if Gamecube or ps2 was more powerful, because social media and forums were not so widespread like today. Ps2 played discs, that alone was important.
Also Sony marketed the Ps4 like this
History is not always relevant when circumstances change.
If someone flips a coin you would guess heads or tails or go with what you like. If you knew the coin was weighted and shaped to favour landing on heads....then things are different. This generation is the first time allot of people understand console relative power.
Of course Sony is worried about more powerful consoles. Most gamers from the PS360Wii gen don't even have a current gen console yet.
Sony leads simply because they had the most powerful console. If the XOne had been more powerful it had the lead. When it comes to exclusive games the PS4 is behind both XOne and Wii U, but multiplatform games are almost always better on PS4.
Sony is fully aware why the PS4 is successful thats the reason for the PS4k.
Well, just last generation the best selling console wasn't the most powerful. So you don't even have to go back to the PS2. At the end of the day what has now is far more important than power, and that's mindshare. That's why the PS4 still sells more even with all of the promotions and pricedrops that MS does. It's simply the go to console this generation for most people.
You're completely ignoring the colossal fan backlash Microsoft got when they were talking about the console not being able to play used games and being always online required. They took a huge hit with the audience over that. I am convinced that played a big role in what is happening now.
Why not? People like to compare the pc to consoles but god forbid people compare console's less then 5 years apart?why are we comparing the ps4 to a gen 9 platform?
Sony leads simply because they had the most powerful console. If the XOne had been more powerful it had the lead. When it comes to exclusive games the PS4 is behind both XOne and Wii U, but multiplatform games are almost always better on PS4.
Sony is fully aware why the PS4 is successful thats the reason for the PS4k.
I have no idea why that potshot was taken against me. I'm just a messenger, who actually did investigating, checked with multiple sources from within the industry, ranging from devs to journalists, PM'd two mods the info, was told by Nirolak it was ok to post, and I posted it as a rumor. If that makes me unverified, so be it. I'm just trying to create fun discussion with legitimate information, I'm a messenger, not an insider, and I'm not doing it for the fifteen minutes of fame. Maybe some mods hadn't seen that Nirolak was informed and assumed I was fake. It's not like I said I knew Miyamoto and had the NX spec sheet with me.
Historically most people were not informed about console specs and power, so your point is not valid.
I did not know if Gamecube or ps2 was more powerful, because social media and forums were not so widespread like today. Ps2 played discs, that alone was important.
Also Sony marketed the Ps4 like this
History is not always relevant when circumstances change.
If someone flips a coin you would guess heads or tails or go with what you like. If you knew the coin was weighted and shaped to favour landing on heads....then things are different. This generation is the first time allot of people understand console relative power.
It's curious that you referred to NX as a "gen 9 platform"; it hadn't occurred to me before.why are we comparing the ps4 to a gen 9 platform?
This generation is the first time allot of people understand console relative power.
Back in the day, everyone knew it was Xbox > Gamecube > PS2 > DreamcastHistorically most people were not informed about console specs and power, so your point is not valid.
I did not know if Gamecube or ps2 was more powerful, because social media and forums were not so widespread like today. Ps2 played discs, that alone was important.
Also Sony marketed the Ps4 like this
History is not always relevant when circumstances change.
If someone flips a coin you would guess heads or tails or go with what you like. If you knew the coin was weighted and shaped to favour landing on heads....then things are different. This generation is the first time allot of people understand console relative power.
What are you on about? Every magazine had features on console hardware. We didn't all sit around on the dark wondering what we were playing pre-1990 you know. I knew the relative powers at the time, just like I did for PS1 vs N64 and SNES vs MD and Amiga vs Atari.
Since the dawn of time there have been technical wars waged in the name of someone's console of choice.
It's just the arguments are now a lot more public, because it's not buried deep in the bowels that is Usenet. But I don't agree they are more plentiful, unless you want to argue that due to sheer numbers of people who game now cause it to be, in which case the percentage of people who are informed/not informed are likely the same.
I did not know the relative powers of those consoles at the time, and yes I was an avid gamer. Today people quote TFLOPS and numbers, its easy....back then I had no idea.
We will just disagree, for me the defining moment was when COD Ghosts was pronounced at 720p on Xb1, and Sony marketed the Ps4 as the worlds most powerful console. I dont recall that in previous generations, ever.
It just means you were uninformed. Perhaps you started caring more about this stuff when you got older.I did not know the relative powers of those consoles at the time, and yes I was an avid gamer. Today people quote TFLOPS and numbers, its easy....back then I had no idea.
The sources I provided were verified. I was told "the fact that nobody banned you should be proof positive that things were cool". The sources, although second hand, were verified.Ah, just saw this earlier post in the thread. You did some serious investigation and that's impressive and appreciated. I'm unsure if you saw my earlier post yesterday evening, (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=200908644&postcount=2551), but I have no qualms about your own trustworthiness. It's the sources themselves I'm apprehensive about.
In Trev's case, AFAIK, the sources themselves were vetted. So, I had been wondering whether your sources were vetted by the mods here, i.e. a formal "verification" process, or if that did not take place and in this case this is more of a rumor per se (with unverified (by GAF mods) sources), rather than a leak as in Trev's case (with his sources being verified by mods). (Yeah, I know the title says rumor lol, I'm not meaning to be difficult here, truly.) I really just wanted to check my own understanding here as to which way I'm supposed to interpret the OP. From this post above that I missed previously, it seems it's more in the rumor camp than the leak camp, but if I'm mistaken about that and it's more proven or verified information, then I'd be glad to take it as such.
(I'll say once more my intention is by no means to be unappreciative or douchey, and my apologies if it comes off as such.)
Of course Sony is worried about more powerful consoles. Most gamers from the PS360Wii gen don't even have a current gen console yet.
Sony leads simply because they had the most powerful console. If the XOne had been more powerful it had the lead. When it comes to exclusive games the PS4 is behind both XOne and Wii U, but multiplatform games are almost always better on PS4.
Sony is fully aware why the PS4 is successful thats the reason for the PS4k.
The sources I provided were verified. I was told "the fact that nobody banned you should be proof positive that things were cool". The sources, although second hand, were verified.
lol the game was a 2-3 yr old port with a design gimmick centered on the 2nd screen controller from a lesser system by the time it got to the X1/Ps4.
yes it wasn't the greatest game in the world, but it was a pretty good launch game. Yet still did poorly.
I do find it kind of unbelievable they will make a relatively big and power hungry box, as it would mark a huge shift in design philosophy.
How much power consumption would it take to be a PS4+ 3 years later? I doubt they can do it under 50 watt which is a lot for a Nintendo console.
Those should almost be in the OP, or at least a summary of them, they were helpful.
I suppose I could but LCGeek's post isn't anything new that hasn't been said in the OP (i.e. the NX is more powerful than the PS4) plus post itself is kind of negative. I have no idea the Thraktor said though.
MMM, thats a difficult one last gen, most powerful was almost a draw. And funnily enough, 360 and Ps3 were very close world wide...
360 ran most multiplat games better, especially stuff in unreal engine 3. Digital foundry had a rack of 360 winning titles, and 360 certainly gave ps3 a run for its money and established MS in the market place.
But on paper, if the cells SPE was used, Ps3 could pull the best visuals..but only Sony first party ever seemed to bother.
So even last gen I would say 360 power for multiplats helped it grow MS share over Sony considerably. Cerny was smart and learned from this, easy power for all multiplats is 1 important factor (as is online, X party chat, Social integration).
For generations you couldn't really make that sort of statement, because every console was built on it's own custom shit that was in no way directly comparable to another console.
This is the first generation where both the leading consoles are effectively built on the same platform, and thus offer a more direct way to compare..
But the best selling console from that gen was the Wii. Which adds to the list of generations where the strongest didn't actually win that generation. I actually don't think that the strongest console has ever won a generation. Someone always comes along with a console that's more powerful.
You mean N gen?why are we comparing the ps4 to a gen 9 platform?
Nice, NGen, as in "engine". I like it, the driving force from here and beyond. LolYou mean N gen?
So, what's your interest in the NX then?Havent owned a Nintendo since the snes, Doesn't matter how powerful it is, I still dont wanna play Mario anymore or any other nintendo game.
Havent owned a Nintendo since the snes, Doesn't matter how powerful it is, I still dont wanna play Mario anymore or any other nintendo game.
So, what's your interest in the NX then?
Havent owned a Nintendo since the snes, Doesn't matter how powerful it is, I still dont wanna play Mario anymore or any other nintendo game.
I can tell you mine if that helps, I like console gaming, and play on the most capable console for multiplat games, dont care if its Nintendo, MS or Sony, and will eneter each MS, N or sony next console thread showing interest....But I am never playing at a desk with a mouse or mixing with that playerbase online.
Havent owned a Nintendo since the snes, Doesn't matter how powerful it is, I still dont wanna play Mario anymore or any other nintendo game.
Havent owned a Nintendo since the snes, Doesn't matter how powerful it is, I still dont wanna play Mario anymore or any other nintendo game.
I can tell you mine if that helps, I like console gaming, and play on the most capable console for multiplat games, dont care if its Nintendo, MS or Sony, and will eneter each MS, N or sony next console thread showing interest....But I am never playing at a desk with a mouse or mixing with that playerbase online.