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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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I have not. Is this true? Because WW is amazing and TP is garbo :( Have a link I can read (then cry)?

Eiji Aonuma said:
Let me backtrack a little. As I was busy working on the connectivity project, it wasn’t as though the Wind Waker 2 project that I spoke of earlier came to a halt. Not at all. As some of you know, at E3 2004, we unveiled the game that would become Twilight Princess, the realistic Zelda game, and we announced that it was developed by the team that had been developing Wind Waker 2. Actually, there was a reason that that decision was made at the time. At one point, I had heard that even Wind Waker, which had reached the million mark in sales, had become sluggish in North America, where the market was much healthier than in Japan. I asked NOA why this was. What I was told was that the toon-shading technique was, in fact, giving the impression that this Zelda was for a younger audience and that, for this reason, it alienated the upper teen audience that had represented the typical Zelda player. Having heard that, I began to worry about whether Wind Waker 2, which used a similar presentation, was something that would actually sell. In addition, because we knew how difficult it would be to create an innovative way of playing using existing GameCube hardware, we knew what a challenge it would be to develop something that would do well in the Japanese market, where gamer drift was happening.

That’s when I decided that if we didn’t have an effective and immediate solution, the only thing we could do was to give the healthy North American market the Zelda that they wanted. So, at the end of 2003, I went to Miyamoto and said, “I want to make a realistic Zelda." Miyamoto was skeptical at first. I was so focused on changing the look of the game as being the solution we were looking for without coming up with a breakthrough game idea, and he advised me that “If you really want to make a realistic Zelda, you should start by doing what you couldn’t in the Ocarina of Time. Make it so that Link can attack enemies while riding on his horse using the Wind Waker engine, and make your decision based on how that feels." This is something that went against everything that the staff had been working on and I expected to come as quite a shock to the team. Surprisingly, my entire staff was enthusiastic about this change, and the project on which progress had slowed was given a much-needed jumpstart.

Four months later, development had progressed to a point where Link could swing his sword in battle against enemies while riding on his horse in a realistic looking environment. When it was announced as a surprise trailer at the 2004 E3, it received a standing ovation by the media audience. This was a very exciting moment for us, but we were still very much in the early stages of converting the game into something more realistic. We knew that we had to create a Zelda game that would live up to expectations of fans in North America, and that if we didn’t, it could mean the end of the franchise.


Better for the industry, then.

I'd say it's more like a zero-sum game for all platform makers that makes the platform makers themselves (and therefore the business of being a platform maker) weaker.

Frankly, if you like consoles, you should want the business of being a console maker to be one that isn't effectively equivalent to being a software maker. (Especially since third-party software now sells better than first-party software on average.)

I'd say it's more like a zero-sum game for all platform holders that makes the platform holders themselves (and therefore the business of being a platform holder) weaker.
Well, for Nintendo they're not doing well with 3rd party publishers. Sony can probably get away with charging more, but Nintendo can't.
It's an idea to secure support, or at least help it happen. They can balance the logistics further, of course. Maybe offer it only to a few big publishers like EA, Ubi, and Activision or to big publishers that support the system early on.
Nintendo makes money through software, more 3rd parties on board means more hardware sold which means a larger potential audience for their software.
Not asking for there to be no licensing fees, but lowering them for those that wouldn't be on the system otherwise (like EA that bailed, or Ubi) would be better than losing that support and getting 0 from licensing
There was a rumor that came around during Project Cafe speculation that the new console was going to be called simply The Nintendo, and I kind of liked it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't this be Nintendo's 7th home console? What if it's numbered like the Nintendo 7

Can we have some fun and speculate names? I want to start thinking of names now.


Well, for Nintendo they're not doing well with 3rd party publishers. Sony can probably get away with charging more, but Nintendo can't.
It's an idea to secure support, or at least help it happen. They can balance the logistics further, of course. Maybe offer it only to a few big publishers like EA, Ubi, and Activision or to big publishers that support the system early on.
Nintendo could always offer taking less of a cut off of royalties. Something the other two might never do. 20% is usually the standard for this apparently, maybe they offer 17.5% or 15%? That could entice some publisher support.
Yes, and that sucks, because Wind Waker is a much much better game than Twilight Princess.

I can't agree with you there. Second fewest dungeons in the 3d series (majoras mask), weaker dungeons overall, blatantly missing content and a terribly boring overworld (Not that TP or SS did much better in that last regard).

My only argument was I originally had thought TP had too much padding throughout, but then I beat the remake 100% in ~30 hours, which seems a fair length to me in retrospect.

That Nintendo still hasn't changed paths to having the art style be more TP than WW or SS (despite, again, using a HD twilight princess style as the early demo trailer of the Wii U capabtilities) is confusing as all heck to me. For the same reasons that were posted above about why they originally went with the change from WW to TP in the first place, it will almost certainly sell more.
Well, for Nintendo they're not doing well with 3rd party publishers. Sony can probably get away with charging more, but Nintendo can't.

I know what you mean.

But if Nintendo starts seriously undercutting Sony's sales because now they have all this third-party support that they wouldn't have otherwise had (and moreover third parties are choosing their platform over Sony's to earn more money), you could see one of three scenarios:

- Nintendo now is assured third-party support and doesn't need the licensing fees to remain that low
- Sony responds by cutting licensing fees to match or beat Nintendo's rate before Nintendo can really cannibalize their sales
- Sony doesn't respond to this at all

I think of these three scenarios, 2 is probably the most likely.

Nintendo makes money through software, more 3rd parties on board means more hardware sold which means a larger potential audience for their software.

It also means more competition for their software.


My heart just died.

Sorry. =(

But, honestly, I like the Zelda series and I think if it stuck to what it was trying to do in Wind Waker it was going to die a horrible death. Even the games that kept using the art style haven't exactly been big successes.



I'd say it's more like a zero-sum game for all platform makers that makes the platform makers themselves (and therefore the business of being a platform maker) weaker.

Frankly, if you like consoles, you should want the business of being a console maker to be one that isn't effectively equivalent to being a software maker. (Especially since third-party software now sells better than first-party software on average.)

Makes me sad :<

Could have been great.


There was a rumor that came around during Project Cafe speculation that the new console was going to be called simply The Nintendo, and I kind of liked it.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't this be Nintendo's 7th home console? What if it's numbered like the Nintendo 7

Can we have some fun and speculate names? I want to start thinking of names now.

I like:


Nintendo X


*(if they can get past trademark issues, which is entirely possible imo)

TBF, they did make a ton of games using the aesthetics despite fans saying they didn't like it. They also made Wind Waker 2.
and it was bad

I just have this vision of a cell shaded Twilight Princess. And I need it.
I just have this vision of a cell shaded Twilight Princess. And I need it.


We could have gotten a Wind Waker 2?

I wish I could rip out the hearts of all of those "Wind Waker is for babbies" peeps back in the day.

When the foundation of a franchise is high-fantasy RPGs, you can't really blame people when they get a sequel that's neither of those things.


We could have gotten a Wind Waker 2?

I wish I could rip out the hearts of all of those "Wind Waker is for babbies" peeps back in the day.
Nintendo could always offer taking less of a cut off of royalties. Something the other two might never do. 20% is usually the standard for this apparently, maybe they offer 17.5% or 15%? That could entice some publisher support.
If they do go with cartridges it's kind of a must. No way in hell are publishers going to support Nintendo if the licensing fees are the same while the cartridges cost more.
But it seems like a win win in most cases.
If they can get devs on board this time then it's not needed.
If they can't, then this is one way to entice them to come back. $2 instead of $7 in licensing fees is better than $0, and it's also better to get those games than to not get them.
They can put a limit or special deals: "Big AAA publisher that shows support within the first year gets a special rate for the next 5 years". They can put the special rate back if necessary, but if it works the way it's intended and they build a big enough audience with it then the publishers should stay.
If sony tries to lowers it, it's still better off for the industry making more per game so they can invest more in marketing or making bigger/better games.
If Sony doesn't think it's a threat, then publishers could invest more in making the NX version as good as possible to maximize sales there.
Not seeing many downsides outside of more competition for Nintendo on Nintendo systems, but I thought that was supposed to be a good thing?

And I should add that I really really love that art style and I hope they manage to attract Wind Waker fans, Twilight Princess fans, Ocarina of Time fans, and even fans of other open world games so that style can stick around.

And this is why I'm happy it's going to be on NX.

edit: I think the idea was originally going to have been a real Wind Waker 2, not a cel-shaded Twilight Princess.

I absolutely can. They ruined a good thing.

Yeah, but Wind Waker ruined their good thing first, no?

One of the biggest problems Nintendo's created for themselves (and this will probably manifest in how NX turns out) is the audience that could potentially care about them is now so wildly diverse, thanks to facing tectonic shifts in the way Nintendo's executed their core brands (this is relevant to the 2D/3D Mario thing, the Zelda thing, and of course the very different consoles they've made historically) that it's almost crazy to think they could make one platform with a library that can reach even most of it.


If they do go with cartridges it's kind of a must. No way in hell are publishers going to support Nintendo if the licensing fees are the same while the cartridges cost more.
But it seems like a win win in most cases.
If they can get devs on board this time then it's not needed.
If they can't, then this is one way to entice them to come back. $2 instead of $7 in licensing fees is better than $0, and it's also better to get those games than to not get them.
They can put a limit or special deals: "Big AAA publisher that shows support within the first year gets a special rate for the next 5 years". They can put the special rate back if necessary, but if it works the way it's intended and they build a big enough audience with it then the publishers should stay.
If sony tries to lowers it, it's still better off for the industry making more per game so they can invest more in marketing or making bigger/better games.
If Sony doesn't think it's a threat, then publishers could invest more in making the NX version as good as possible to maximize sales there.
Not seeing many downsides outside of more competition for Nintendo on Nintendo systems, but I thought that was supposed to be a good thing?
That's what I was thinking. At least that way, they take the hit now but build up a reputation at the consumer level that they get third party games on their platforms. Then with the NX2 they go back to more similar royalties.
The models from 3D World, the Olympic Games (surprisingly) and some from Tennis Ultra Smash are already top notch.

A 10K poly Mario model from the next game *drools*
I see what you did there ;)
I absolutely can. They ruined a good thing.
I think the new art style is better.
The inbetween (not full chibi/cartoony or realistic) is probably the best way to go about it.
Skyward Sword's aesthetic is great, OoT 3D's art style is quintessential Zelda, and the new game looks to be the best of both worlds.
It also means more competition for their software.

While true, the sad fact is the amount of money ninte do stands to make from its own software is incomparable with the money they would make from strong third party support on the NX. It sucks, but a lot of the money as a console manufacturer is on other people's software.


Care to contribute further to the discussion? Or are you happy just to drive-by shitpost? This isn't GameFAQs.

Sorry had a few posts on this the past few days in this thread. You can reference them easy enough if you would like.

There isn't room for 3 consoles. And the NX starts 60 million in the hole. IT's going to get leftovers sorta speak when it comes to quality of ports and breadth of ports. Nintendo is much further behind in online features too compared to these other guys. ...

IT's not happening. It's been on a downward trend for 3 or 4 generations now. Nintendo shows no real signs of aggressively going after that support.


I'm so tired to hear those bullshit...
Art style ? No need for that Horse power ?? What does that even mean... Nintendo constantly tries to give life to all their games, and there is not enough power in the universe to do it like an artist could imagine.

Maybe in your shitty imagination Drive Club needs all the power to display real forests and dynamic clouds, yet Mario Kart doesn't need to ? It needs it the exact same way.

I feel like this comment was needlessly rude, I was legitimately curious as to how Nintendo would make use of the extra power.


Sorry had a few posts on this the past few days. You can reference them easy enough if you would like.

There isn't room for 3 consoles. And the NX starts 60 million in the hole. IT's going to get leftovers sorta speak when it comes to quality of ports and breadth of ports. Nintendo is much further behind in features too compared to these other guys. ...

IT's not happening. It's been on a downward trend for 3 or 4 generations now. Nintendo shows no real signs of aggressively going after that support.

Your turn to contribute. As you said this isn't GAmeFAQs.
Stay tuned. You don't know that yet.

Russ T

I think the new art style is better.
The inbetween (not full chibi/cartoony or realistic) is probably the best way to go about it.
Skyward Sword's aesthetic is great, OoT 3D's art style is quintessential Zelda, and the new game looks to be the best of both worlds.

I love Skyward Sword's aesthetic. The new one looks fantastic. OoT is outdated and gross now. Twilight Princess has some cool stuff going on (mostly the Twilight Realm effects, you know what I'm talking about), but it's vastly inferior to Wind Waker.

Opinions, etc. :D
That's what I was thinking. At least that way, they take the hit now but build up a reputation at the consumer level that they get third party games on their platforms. Then with the NX2 they go back to more similar royalties.

I see what you did there ;)
Yeah, just for people to feel better about purchasing the system it would be worth it.


Please stop responding to trolls and giving them the time of day. Look at their posting habit and it will all become clear!

Not sure if people missed my post on this:

Saw some people mentioning it on Twitter as a rumor, while I dont' think that's the case, do you guys think it would be a good idea?
Here's an article of the anatomy of a $60 video game

Mentions that around $7 goes to the platform holders as royalties. For games that sell so many units, I'd think lowering royalties could increase profitability by quite a bit.
Around $27 goes to the publisher while $7 goes to the platform holder. Make it like $32:$2 and you'd need to sell a considerably fewer copies to make the same amount.
Some calculations:
If a game sells a million units on PS4 making $27 per unit sold, if it gets a port to NX at $32 per unit sold it would only need to sell 843,750 to make the same amount.
Even if it sells half as much that's still likely worth investing in.

This is what i meant earlier in the thread, but guys like Hoo Doo are very sure that there is NOTHING Nintendo can do to bring back 3rd party support.

At a certain point, it would be better for Nintendo to drop their cut entirely and grow a healthy catalog with a healthy userbase, which their own software will benefit from, than keep charging and not securing any 3rd parties. Because 7% of nothing is still nothing, so might as well go for saving the platform.
hope they did not update this art style
I like it just the way it is

I wouldn't mind if they gave some more "texture" to the world than what you see with the softened Wind Waker/Skyward Sword/Zelda U style. That might be a good use of NX's extra power, even (particularly for the next game).

But I'd hate for them to ditch the really nice colors they're using. That's a real strong differentiator between Nintendo's games and the drab "realistic" games being put out by competitors.
I love Skyward Sword's aesthetic. The new one looks fantastic. OoT is outdated and gross now. Twilight Princess has some cool stuff going on (mostly the Twilight Realm effects, you know what I'm talking about), but it's vastly inferior to Wind Waker.
Was talking about OoT3D
It's a really good look for not being cellshaded.
Speaking of which, I wonder if Grezzo will re-remake OoT3D or at least remaster it. It's the definitive version but there's not HD/console port
If anything happend it will look the same with more details here and there. The reaction of the press and fans was very good so I doubt Nintendo saw any need to change the artstyle.
I will play it on NX so ready

has it been 4 years yet? it feels like ages ago since I reacted to this art style so hopefully more cleaner and details is all
no mirrored world stuff


I want to see a Nintendo attempt at an Uncharted type game. Something filled with spectacle, insane set pieces, and an awesome cinematic story.

Doesn't even have to be a shooter. I just want something ambitious from Nintendo outside of Zelda.


I love Skyward Sword's aesthetic. The new one looks fantastic. OoT is outdated and gross now. Twilight Princess has some cool stuff going on (mostly the Twilight Realm effects, you know what I'm talking about), but it's vastly inferior to Wind Waker.

Opinions, etc. :D

The Wind Waker art style was the best. Unfortunately Nintendo listened to their fans or at least the loud minority of their fans and went away from that style.
Please stop responding to trolls and giving them the time of day. Look at their posting habit and it will all become clear!

This is what i meant earlier in the thread, but guys like Hoo Doo are very sure that there is NOTHING Nintendo can do to bring back 3rd party support.

At a certain point, it would be better for Nintendo to drop their cut entirely and grow a healthy catalog with a healthy userbase, which their own software will benefit from, than keep charging and not securing any 3rd parties. Because 7% of nothing is still nothing, so might as well go for saving the platform.
Yeah, and they know that companies like EA can just say "we're not supporting you" and not be affected by it. EA straight bailed before the first holiday was even over, they need to do something to keep these publishers on board.
I don't get this sentiment for two reasons:

1) The PS4K, if it exists, isn't going to magically boost Sony's sales. If, like rumors say, it won't fragment the userbase and will be used mainly for 1080p/60fps, that's not enough to get anywhere near a majority of current PS4 owners to go buy it. Plus, with 4K, predictions are only 10% of households will own a 4K display at the end of 2018. That's 3 years away, and a relatively small number of consumers.

2) I think, given the choice, there may be a surprisingly high number of consumers that have wanted a higher-powered Nintendo system for a while and would jump back in to the company if it came out. That doesn't mean they would sell their other systems--just that the power would be enough to draw gamers back into the fold where they use it as a nice secondary system.

My point was that if the NX releases with the power of the PS4, with the price of a PS4K ($399), it's destined to fail. Because that's exactly what happened with Wii U: power of PS3 (if that), price of PS4.

I highly, highly doubt that many people would spend $399 on an unproven, different console that's barely more powerful than the one they already have. Especially when they have the option of selling theirs & upgrading to PS4K/XB1.5, all while keeping their games/data/online profiles/etc.


So what's the problem?

-The fact that you assumed he was doing nothing more than seeking attention.

-The fact that you failed to read that his sources were completely different from the unverified reddit sources.

-The fact that he never claimed to be an insider(which you believed to be the case), but simply a messenger.

-The fact that he clearly said all his info was to be taken with a grain of salt and that none of it was earth-shattering.

- The fact that he and his sources were verified by the mods which is a big deal, yet, you didn't seem to think it was.

Just saying, it's pretty shitty to make assumptions and be so dismissive of 10k when you clearly didn't care to gather the facts from the beginning. He has nothing to gain from this. If you'd follow him a little more closely, you'd see he's not out looking for attention and internet fame.

Russ T

Was talking about OoT3D

It's a really good look for not being cellshaded.
Speaking of which, I wonder if Grezzo will re-remake OoT3D or at least remaster it. It's the definitive version but there's not HD/console port

Sorry, haha. I do agree; OoT3D looks a lot better than the original. They did a really good job! It's still my least favorite of the bunch. :p

My dream Zelda remake is Link's Awakening. But still with 2D art. Gosh I love that game.


I want to see a Nintendo attempt at an Uncharted type game. Something filled with spectacle, insane set pieces, and an awesome cinematic story.

Doesn't even have to be a shooter. I just want something ambitious from Nintendo outside of Zelda.

They did it with the prime series.

I still feel like we'll see another from Retro
cinematic donkey kong espionage thriller
I wouldn't mind if they gave some more "texture" to the world than what you see with the softened Wind Waker/Skyward Sword/Zelda U style. That might be a good use of NX's extra power, even (particularly for the next game).

But I'd hate for them to ditch the really nice colors they're using. That's a real strong differentiator between Nintendo's games and the drab "realistic" games being put out by competitors.
good point no color palette change but new areas can offer other palettes
One thing I love about Zelda is that they play around with art styles. I hope they keep doing that. It adds something special and unique to each game.

Wind Waker would have been garbage with TP art style

Twilight Princess wouldn't have worked with WW.

And they're both fantastic is their own right.

I don't want them to stick to an art style. I'm not going to pick a favorite.


Maturity, bitches.
I want to see a Nintendo attempt at an Uncharted type game. Something filled with spectacle, insane set pieces, and an awesome cinematic story.

Doesn't even have to be a shooter. I just want something ambitious from Nintendo outside of Zelda.
It's called Disaster: Day of Crisis.


I like the WW art style, but I don't quite get why it has to be used in a Zelda game. I'd rather them make a different game with that art style.
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