I get what youre saying and Im a fan of both original and remakes, but fuck this attitude of catering to Newer Audiences. Are they too inept to appreciate what millions of people cherish as great games for their time?
No, but some genres and games have aged poorly or at worse like milk. I have stated on here plenty of times that I feel the PS1/N64 generation gave us a ton of classics but at the same time aged the poorest in many regards. A lot of newer gamers simply will not touch sluggish tank control games. It is a relic of it’s time that one can understandably see when they take a second to step back and look at things from all points of view.
Every older gamer on this site has to cope with this. Yes, our generation grew up with quite a few fun experimental games of that time period, but not
every experiment back then was a good idea, as it was simply what that developer could manage at the time. Things like nostalgia cloud judgment in that regard.
Even I make an effort to play older games of a franchise if Im not familiar with them, and try to appreciate their place in the series' history.
As do I (I even post about it in the 52 game thread when I complete it), but I am willing to directly state if a game has simply aged poorly. Again, not many here want to because they feel they are ‘betraying’ history. However, you can’t be betraying it if you know there were much better games that controlled much better back then and you managed to simply put up with a game that controlled a bit worse because it was heralded for it’s time for reasons beyond it’s control scheme. Those reasons eventually fade away, and what you’re left with is ‘does this control well or does it control terribly’?
Adapting things for these so called new gamers is a trash strategy and is disrespectful to the gaming generation. Sure, tank controls unplayable, cheesy voice acting, shit graphics. Those are part and parcel of classic games.
Usually when it comes to remakes the point is to respect the legacy. Capcom usually does a great job of respecting legacy. Which leads me to my problem with your next point:
Sometimes those aethetics are preferable over modern anti- aesthetics. Bastardizing the lore and molding the premise to fit a modern narrative, whether it is objectively improved, is akin to how crystal dynamics thinks they need to modify tomb raider history for the sake of political correctness.
In a predictable manner, thanks to our current political climate on this forum, You’re going off on the usual tangent of criticizing certain western companies and ideologies that everyone here lately starts to veer into…in every single thread, almost as if it takes up real estate for you guys. This is something that is unrelated to Capcom.
Im aware its not a direct comparison, but lets not kowtow to modernity.
It’s not at all, and a kowtow is not the point here. Another problem I have noticed on this forum is that people will treat a remake in a combative way as if it has completely erased the original from a storefront. Literally the only known company who has attempted this crap was Rockstar with the GTA definitive edition. Aside from a few exceptions, nearly every other remake stands next to it’s predecessor on the store, both available to buy as a choice to every gamer.
At that point, part of me feels that the reaction is a selfish one that’s essentially ‘they
must experience this older game this way because
I did’ which usually doesn’t happen that way as it’s more wishful thinking and those older games just stay ignored.
Once again, I will look forward to this game because its a rarity that remakes are handled well.
Same here. If it’s a great game I just hope that people here won’t nitpick it to death like many here tried to do with RE 2 Remake and RE 4 Remake, attempting to convince(or some would say gaslight) others into believing that the highly rated game they’re playing is actually a 4/10 game because things weren’t 1:1 with their nostalgia.