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Rumor: Ubisoft’s Upcoming ‘Assassin’s Creed Hexe’ Will Be “The Gayest Assassin’s Creed Yet”


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives

In the above video, Endymion shared, “I was also told that the next Assassin’s Creed, which is called Hexe, which is set during the Salem Witch Trials, was being internally claimed and get this, to be the gayest Assassin’s Creed yet.

“I’m told that it only has a single female protagonist and it’s also the most fantastical Assassin’s Creed yet,” he continued. “There will be lots of mysticism and will also have, as they said, very striking visuals. I don;t know if that means an entirely different art style or anything, but this is what I was told.”

Next, he said, “I was told it will still be an open world action game like the other ones, but from what I’ve been told it is the biggest departure yet for the series. My sources claim that Hexe is very, very female power oriented. We are talking lots of lesbian relationships and female characters. It has witch covens and apparently very little masculine presence within the game.”

I wonder if the working title is Assassin’s Creed: Scissors & Blades

Scissors and Blades LOL!!!


I bet they could right the ship with this setting. Make the main character visually pleasing. And focus on the dangers of blindly adhering to claims just to avoid being ostracized (cancelled, etc.).

There are some overlapping themes between the witch trials and the cancel culture that helped lead the gaming industry into multiple flops that cost in excess of 100 million dollars. Obviously the end result of the witch trials was far more severe and devastating to the people in the mob's targets. Both are still examples that support the age old proposition that we shouldn't jump off a bridge just because our friends wanted to.

I'd be interested in a game whose message was "Don't bend to the mob." But I don't expect Ubisoft to make that sort of game.
Of course it is.

Capital Pride Kiss GIF by Identity
I don't know if I believe what's said in the OP but I think it sounds absolutely awesome. What a fantastic setting, most interesting one on a long time for this series 🤷‍♂️
There haven't been any gay AC games so far so the gayest yet isn't saying much. I'm sorry but you guys need to learn to pick your battles, from the description of the game it sounds like it's based on witches or something and a female lead fits perfectly there. I'm sick of the woke overemphasis on female etc stuff but this doesn't sound like it's one of those things.

As a gay man I never feel the need to see that part of myself in a game character, we don't know who most game characters are in love with because most games don't go into that so you actually have the ability to just think what you want if that's what you need to do to make the character more relatable to you.

I do think the obsession with lesbians among game devs is a bit funny though, when gay relationships are explored in games the vast majority of time it's lesbian relationships. I don't know if they think it's because they think straight guys will be more accepting or they are just closet pervs who think this will score them some points with their purple haired feminist co workers.
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Wait, lots of nuns having lesbian sex and you people are all in cancelling this? Gamers have truly turned full on lame gay. The alphabet mafia has gotten into GAF.
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Lesbian stuff, witchcraft, rituals, dark atmosphere by Ubi Montreal and Day 1 steam release?

I think this will be the first time I'll buy a Ubisoft game on release. Sign me up!
Right? A medieval dark open world with lesbian witches. Would be the first Ubisoft game I buy. Sounds like a riot.


Golden Boy
I mean, if it features a lot of hot lesbian witches getting frisky i see nothing wrong with this.
But if they are “diverse” and loaded with modern mental baggage they can fuck right off.


To be honest i don't see the problem with having female only playable characters and lesbians if it makes sense within the game world.
I'd bet there will be at least one dialogue that doesn't make sense and is aimed at white straight men though.


I mean... I'd be down for a game about hot lesbian witch Assassins.
This being Ubisoft in "current year" though, I expect it will be more like the right side of the meme:

I feel like everyone's writting their own rage fanfiction lately.

Well the western gaming industry is making it fairly easy to make random rage fanfiction guesses and have a decent chance of being right.

Just be like "The next game from this major western dev will have a female main character and she is going to be a lesbian" and you probably have like a 40-50% chance of being right.
Get a few of them right in a row and soon you'll have some credibility as a "leaker"



In the above video, Endymion shared, “I was also told that the next Assassin’s Creed, which is called Hexe, which is set during the Salem Witch Trials, was being internally claimed and get this, to be the gayest Assassin’s Creed yet.

“I’m told that it only has a single female protagonist and it’s also the most fantastical Assassin’s Creed yet,” he continued. “There will be lots of mysticism and will also have, as they said, very striking visuals. I don;t know if that means an entirely different art style or anything, but this is what I was told.”

Next, he said, “I was told it will still be an open world action game like the other ones, but from what I’ve been told it is the biggest departure yet for the series. My sources claim that Hexe is very, very female power oriented. We are talking lots of lesbian relationships and female characters. It has witch covens and apparently very little masculine presence within the game.”

I wonder if the working title is Assassin’s Creed: Scissors & Blades
"We are talking lots of lesbian relationships and female characters."

Sounds awesome.


- Ubisoft honestly thought that having a black MC would be a huge selling point for the game

I can totally believe this one without any source. Someone at Ubi HQ totally thought that it would be "cool" to use black character and audience will be all over it. Those people think that stuff talked by left wing journalists and people on twitter (probably like 70% of "mainstream" internet) is representing views of normal folks, which is totally opposite. Not to mention that people that actually pay for their games (and keep them afloat) are even more conservative than general population - gamers.

They keep making games for audience that doesn't exist.

"We are talking lots of lesbian relationships and female characters."

Sounds awesome.

Lesbians in AC Hex:

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Why do we pick up these stories and run with them when we know they aren't true?

The answer is simple.

We have very little leverage against these large companies to prevent games we don't like.

However, what we do have is ridicule.

If we ridicule them enough about this topic, they will instinctively start to cringe themselves when they create it and eventually won't create it at all anymore because our reaction will be known and expected and undesired.

We need them to learn us, their customers, which Ubisoft has refused to do, thus making the ridicule necessary.

If this turns out to be false, no harm done as gamers will have the actual info long before this game releases, but we still leverage it to virtue signal to Ubisoft that no, we don't want things like this.

For the record, I don't spread false info knowingly, but I also am not going to white knight for Ubisoft over this when I know they would just love to make this a reality if we didn't exist.
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Kind of a side tagent, but I genuinely wonder if Unisoft ought to rebrand the series from "Assassin's Creed"? I don't dislike the more mythological/mystical direction they've started leaning into, but it also seems like it's evolved into something outside the scope of the original games (not better or worse, necessarily, just different). Considering they are generally more focused on presenting authentic looks at various time periods above "assassination" (and even that has been replaced more with regular combat), I feel like you could almost make it its own series like "Fact & Fiction" or "History of Man" or something.

In any case... Ubisoft has very clearly decided to establish itself wholly behind very particular social justice issues. It's not my jam, and like my previous point, I do feel like the series has distanced itself a bit from what the original games seemed to prioritize. But hey, it's their call to make. I'm personally over games or movies trying to tell me what my beliefs are supposed to be, or shoehorning a bunch of misplaced "diversity" in a setting it doesn't make sense. But I will say, I *do* feel like an Assassin's Creed game based around Salem actually, shockingly, makes a *ton* of sense. I actually think it lends itself really well to the series.
The hysterical madness driven by females seems appropriate.

Who knows if this is real though, endymion doesn't strike me as the most reliable source of info, but he's a solid bet if you want rage videos.

Just stop buying shit games from shit publishers. If they want to make woke crap, so be it. Just play something else. Unless you're 15, you should be well aware that many of our beloved studios are in name only, the talent is gone and the motivations have significantly changed. Elder gamers should not be getting hoodwinked by any of these crap "AAA" games.

Have some self control.


Gold Member
I've a VERY hard time imagining how their Salem is gonna look. It could be a pretty heady mix of english religious dogma, satanism, native magics, and slave voodoo/Vodun with some "lost world"/alien stuff or whatever the AC "lore" is up to these days. They could really open the story and allow you, the player, to be an investigator and basically drive folks to the stake or rescue them from it as you chose, shaping the town for some "modern" events.

And for the record, Ubi, here are some references for GOOD (as in..very bad) witches :p



To be honest i don't see the problem with having female only playable characters and lesbians if it makes sense within the game world.
I'd bet there will be at least one dialogue that doesn't make sense and is aimed at white straight men though.
Hot lesbian witches and you are worried about dialogue?


I'm completely ok with girl on girl, plus it doesn't seem that odd with the witches coven theme

All the mythological stuff and playing as a literal demi-god wasn't?
Also HEXE doesn't take place in Salem, there's more places in the world where there were witch trials, this one is in germany
Nah, but vikings and shit are known for battle and warfare and actually cool, the witch theme just feels kinda ehhh. You've got me on the European witch trial thing though, I just immediately think Salem because I'm a New England resident and it's right next door down there.
If we're talking hot lesbian witches, then by all means shower me in this gayness!

But... eh, this Endymion guy is a ragebait grifter with an audience of incel types. He offers nothing of value.
It won't be the lesbians you want , believe me.

You'll get this:

When you thought you would get this:

The latter is a fantasy, that no game company will ever sell you anymore (Well maybe on steam :p )
Nah, but vikings and shit are known for battle and warfare and actually cool, the witch theme just feels kinda ehhh.
In the end most of the protagonists in AC aren't born as assassins, AC2 story is literally just a batman retread, the backdrop of this being a witch themed shouldn't change that, the woman who becomes the assassin is probably because of something happening to her friends/family.
They could even go back to AC liberation and incorporate some mechanics that involve seduction and charm.


In the end most of the protagonists in AC aren't born as assassins, AC2 story is literally just a batman retread, the backdrop of this being a witch themed shouldn't change that, the woman who becomes the assassin is probably because of something happening to her friends/family.
They could even go back to AC liberation and incorporate some mechanics that involve seduction and charm.
Fair point. Would be an opportunity for some different mechanics at least.
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Got no problem with AC having gay characters or whatever they're going for. However, Ubisoft has shit writers and they're not gonna portray anything that comes close to a realistic relationship, let alone LGBTQ in whatever historic setting this game is set in. They're gonna look at Marvel and say oh so that's how you do it.


Yeah, can we not use alt right grifter cunts on YouTube as our news sources, please?

It’s the equivalent of listening to a purple haired screamer whining about Stellar Blade.
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Astral Dog

i wouldn't care that its full of lesbians as long as its a good game, but i haven't cared about the Assasins Creed brand for a long time, since the third game i think,its just not fun

And while they claim its not gonna have masculine energy, i expect most of the women to wear digital men faces anyways,and have the blandest dialogue (and outfits) possible

Lets see if Ubisoft can surprise me
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