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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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charlequin said:
I understand what you're trying to say. You're just wrong about it.

I don't think there's any fundamental holy war for the future of control here or anything. But your statement is factually inaccurate. If you made a controller that was a Wiimote (with no nunchuk attachment) with a touchscreen bolted on and you tried to play Super Mario Galaxy with it, it would fucking suck. That's so obvious I shouldn't even have to point it out.

A 360-style pad is not a bad design; it's actually an extremely elegant and refined tool for gaming control that's stood the test of fifteen years of time with largely ergonomic improvements specifically because it's so good at its job. FPS/TPS control is borked on consoles only from the requirement that every game use the same control scheme (even in genres that suit said control less well), not from the controller or the use of two analog sticks being poor in the first place.

What exactly can dual analog do that can't be covered by motion controls, pointer, or touch controls?
mysteriousmage09 said:
IGN said the 3DS would be close to PS3/360 visuals.....
Yeah but a source who told them that could have easily exaggerated. Which he/she clearly did. I was just throwing that out there. I don't like IGN these days but it should definitely be noted that they probably have a larger pool of sources than others.


MadOdorMachine said:
IAWTP. This has gotten way out of hand. It's megaton all over again. I can't believe people keep falling for the same stuff over and over.
We can't be sure what kind of features Wii2 will have because every rumor seems to be contradicting each other.

But what we do know is that the new console is indeed coming and far in development. With this many sources it can't be a fake rumor anymore. This rumor chaos always happens before new console's announcement.


God, this almost reminds me of the insanity over the "Revolution" controller, only this time, the "leaks" aren't coming from a bunch of no name blogs! I will remain skeptical because this controller sounds fucking absurd, but this hype train is far too much fun so I'm gonna hop on anyways!
Again, though, even a smaller increase over the 360/PS3 shouldn't put them out of the race for next gen.
ESPECIALLY if 360 ports are indeed as easy as the rumors say. They'll be able to easily downport all the games, and with the 1-2 year head start, devs will pretty much have to, since it'll have a good sized userbase by then.
So this will likely be the final bullet point of Nintendo's E3 conference. The lights will go down, Reggie and Iwata will go on stage, and they will sing the song that ends the world.


Ok - so 6" screen? Doesn't that mean the controller will be massive. I must say - I am quite intrigued by this direction. Its definitely very unique - and I would love to see where they go with this.

This is almost seems like its positioned against the iPad/NGP? Streaming HD games to a pad like device?!

Also 512MB ram is very disappointing - 1GB would have been far more pleasing. Actually if they had made it slightly more high end - the WII2 could be the lead SKU (with PC) with the PS3, 360 being the down ports.


Soooo how are people allowed to be so open with the info?

Did nintendo allow them to build hype or are they just uh doing it

Davey Cakes

Amir0x said:
They've got a lot of "concepts", most unrefined. Shallow sports games - WITH MOTION! Shallow party games - WITH MOTION! Fitness games - WITH MOTION and a board. I mean, all these genres existed before and in better form. They've just been latched (successfully, obviously) to a really attractive mass market gimmick.
I'm curious about this point, Amir0x. See, while I consider the Mario Galaxy games to be two of the best platformers of all time, I don't feel the need to act like they're the only good thing to come out of Nintendo this gen. But I guess we were arguing creativity, not goodness. SMG/2 were full of creativity that actively made them good.

I know you're not partial to motion control or anything of the like, but what do you actually think of Wii Sports/Resort/Party from a pure gaming perspective?

My opinion is that, while games like Mario Galaxy have their place, the Wii__ line does as well. I've had some of the most fun with Wii Sports/Resort in social settings that I ever have as a video game hobbyist. Sure, there's an element of gimmickry to it all, and sure it's not like these games are the first of their kind. But Mii integration is charming for all players and these games are just fun and replayable in social settings, even though they may be shallow in a way. I love their addition to Nintendo's repertoire.

As for Wii Party, I just recently started playing it with friends and I've already come to the conclusion that it's better than any of the last several Mario Party games. Give me Mario Party 2 on VC and Wii Party and I have that genre covered. More good, clean fun.

But this is all my opinion. I actually see a goodness to the Wii's flagship IP (Wii__ games), even though I will always appreciate the core/bridge Nintendo games as well (like Kart, Smash, DKCR, Kirby, Metroid, Zelda, etc). What about you? Do you have some sort of vendetta against Nintendo's direction this gen because of some actual concern for where the company is headed, or is it just a bitter response based on the fact that you personally just don't like these games very much?


Wish there was more talk here about how Nintendo may play its various cards, franchise-wise, in relation to this console. In other words, what teams they have working on it, what franchises they might be working on, etc. That's always my favorite part of speculation, and why this calm before the storm is so fun. :)

Seems Nintendo would consider a new F-Zero if one of this system's strong points is HD. Maybe sluggish U.S. sales of GP Legend aside, Nintendo skipped out on DS and Wii because they wanted a sufficient jump in visual fidelity? An F-Zero on Wii wouldn't look much more impressive than GX, but on this console? Indeed.

Who would make it? Maybe they could get Amusement Vision again. (Does AM still exist?) Or maybe Monster Games would take the reigns, having done Excite Truck, ExciteBots and Pilotwings (and NASCAR games in the past, I believe).

I also think Pikmin 3 might wind up on this console. A tablet-style controller or controller with a touchscreen could be useful for RTS-style games like Pikmin. Plus, didn't Shiggy say a small group was working on it, trying to find some "twist?" HD could bring a lot to the game, both from a presentation and gameplay standpoint. Not to mention all the added horsepower could support far more intricate action onscreen at once. I guess this would be an EAD title.

Hmm, what else?


ColonelColon said:
A controller with a 6 inch screen sounds kind of disastrous. I can't imagine that feeling very ergonomic.

I cant imagine it being ergonomic in any sense either. The controller would have to be fairly enormous if the screen is going to be even worth being there at all. There would be no point in having a screen on the controller which is tiny and useless. It'd also be a poor gaming concept as far as finding a balance between concentrating on what's going on in the TV and what's going on in the controller screen... why would I be looking at my controller when I should be looking at the TV?


(more a nerd than a geek)
DennisK4 said:
So just a notch over 360 but way more powerful than the PS3?

Oh God the trolling, make it stop.

You know, there is a PLAUSIBLE explanation here... aside from trolling... either

1) The "slightly better than 360" thing is a 'leak' from a 3rd party developer with early dev kits, focused more on the new stuff than the power, and the final setup is more powerful. Possible, but odd.

2) Someone leaking info is clueless when it comes to actual system power and is basing this on eyeballing a demo running on the hardware.

3) It's speculation.
Boney said:
Soooo how are people allowed to be so open with the info?

Did nintendo allow them to build hype or are they just uh doing it

A leak is a leak. Whether or not this information is all true is another story, but it's not entirely possible anymore for Nintendo to keep their stuff under wraps like they used to. The internet has seen to that.


mysteriousmage09 said:
IGN said the 3DS would be close to PS3/360 visuals.....
To be fair they said:
Several developers that have experienced 3DS in its current form have reported, off the record, that it has processing capabilities that exceed the Nintendo Wii, and with 3D shaders they can make games that look close to current generation visuals on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on the lower resolution screens.

This is indeed accurate description of the 3DS. Developers can make very impressive visual games. They can also make games that dont come anywhere close.


mysteriousmage09 said:
IGN said the 3DS would be close to PS3/360 visuals.....

Close to PS3/360 visuals, well hard to tell on the small screen but the Re: Revelation looks pretty damn good, and the 3ds are pushing PS3/360 visuals "effects".
That's how I understood the PS3/360 visuals talk they made.

Edit: beaten >_<

(Nintendo will be using the same -bottom- screen as the (3)DS, obviously with the same touch functionality)


*I'm writing from the past (page #39) with a message:

Please stop posting so much god damn it! Every time I finish one page, two new ones pop up!

Thank you.


DavidDayton said:
We're getting contradictory "leaks" at this point, aren't we? From "significantly more powerful than the PS3" to "just barely more powerful than the 360"...

Anyway, I'm assuming the controller thing could simply mean we'll get what everyone expected with the Wii -- a "slim", Wii Remote-type control which physically plugs into a larger, "classic controller" shell. Alone, it's an upgrade Wii remote with better capabilities. Inserted into the shell, you get dual analog joysticks and a more Wavebird/Classic Controller look and feel.

It makes more sense than assuming NCL is either going to remove pointer functionality -or- make it clunky and unwieldy via a "two handed controller grip" pointer.

It would be much simpler if they just had pointer & nunchuk peripherals completely separate from the main controller, and ideally all included in the bundle, and would make more sense with the 6" screen.

Not only do you want that screen to have a somewhat normal aspect ratio if you're going to be watching stuff on it streamed from the console, but if it has touch screen capabilities you also want it to have some real estate. And that may mean a sizable screen that won't be conducive to grasping and pointing at anything. Provided all of this is even true, of course.


If this doesn't turn out right in the end that French website along with IGN better get the ban hammer placed on them.


Vinci said:
REGGIE: Today, gaming changes. Forever.

[reveals the most profoundly convoluted whatchamacallit of all time]

REGGIE: [off] How the hell do I hold it again?

lol, would be funny as hell


kittoo said:
And how will games show on that? Stretched? The ratio must be 16:9 for proper view.

Zeliard said:
That would be a fairly interesting aspect ratio. :p

Yeah, it probably would not work for streaming entire games, although if you turn it on it's side, you could pull off that resolution by not using part of the screen.
Azelover said:
I thought Nintendo was the sane company, but with the 3DS they have proved me wrong. So I don't doubt they're working on garbage like this.

But seriously, I posted 2 times in this thread:
(*) One post about how the "Wii2 is super powerful" rumors will probably end up being wrong just like the how the Revolution rumors ended up being wrong.
(*) One post about how I don't want some weird functionality being slapped on the thing for the sake of being different.

As it stands now, I see both things becoming reality. God fucking damned! In regards to graphics: it's not so much that I give a damn about them. But if the rest of the world, including developers cares so much about them that they see the hardware as a pile of shit (like the Wii), I'm getting fucked. So I truly hope Nintendo knows what it's doing.

I hope none of these ridiculous "confirmed rumors" are true, and we can only be for sure that a Wii2 is around the corner.


Neiteio said:
Seems Nintendo would consider a new F-Zero if one of this system's strong points is HD. Maybe sluggish U.S. sales of GP Legend aside, Nintendo skipped out on DS and Wii because they wanted a sufficient jump in visual fidelity? An F-Zero on Wii wouldn't look much more impressive than GX, but on this console? Indeed.

Who would make it? Maybe they could get Amusement Vision again. (Does AM still exist?) Or maybe Monster Games would take the reigns, having done Excite Truck, ExciteBots and Pilotwings (and NASCAR games in the past, I believe).
I don't think Amusement Vision exists anymore in the form that made GX.

I'd guess NST or Monster Games will reboot either Wave Race or F-Zero.
Fantastical said:
I'm kinda confused on this... what exactly do you mean? How would it be any better than just turning on the system.

Instead of having to pause a game to say, look up your friends list or send messages, you could just do it from your controller.


justchris said:
Haha, I just realized we're all fools. We hear six inch screen and think of it in the classical tablet sense of measurement. However, how long is the Wiimote from top to bottom? They could easily make a screen that's 6" long that pops out of the side of the Wiimote and is only maybe an inch wide, or less. It doesn't have to be 6" on the diagonal.

I made a post a few pages back. The Wii-mote is exactly 6" diagonally.

Pocks said:
6" screen, hmm..

The Wii Remote measures 5.83" x 1.43" — that happens to be exactly 6" diagonally.

5.83² + 1.43² = c²
33.99 + 2.05 = c²
36.04 = c²
c = 6.00 inches

Could be a coincidence, but I don't think Nintendo is going to go with a conventional touch screen on the controller. If there is any truth to the rumor, I bet it'll be a new remote with some sort of haptic feedback on the surface.. Who knows..


GAF's Bob Woodward
DavidDayton said:
You know, there is a PLAUSIBLE explanation here... aside from trolling... either

1) The "slightly better than 360" thing is a 'leak' from a 3rd party developer with early dev kits, focused more on the new stuff than the power, and the final setup is more powerful. Possible, but odd.

2) Someone leaking info is clueless when it comes to actual system power and is basing this on eyeballing a demo running on the hardware.

3) It's speculation.

GameInformer said they got conflicting reports on power. Everything from less powerful to more powerful.

Maybe different devs have different perspectives on it. I mean, if the CPU is similar but GPU is some ways better, some might consider that 'similar' or 'a notch better'. Some might consider that more substantially better if it's - say - twice as powerful on the GPU side, while some might consider that a smaller deal.

In other words, we may be hearing varying opinions based on the same underlying facts...
I think the buttons will be cut into the screen itself. Basically, the entire surface of the controller will be a contoured screen, with buttons and sticks cut directly into it.

There was an early "DS2" mockup with this effect. I'd love to find it again, if knows where it might be...
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