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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Azelover said:
I thought Nintendo was the sane company, but with the 3DS they have proved me wrong. So I don't doubt they're working on garbage like this.

"Hey, did you hear about Nintendo's new console yet?"

"Yeah...it's garbage."

"So you've seen exactly what it is and played it?"

"No. It's garbage."



The Amiga Brotherhood
Plinko said:
I really don't think you've done anything in this thread but troll. It's getting old.

I want to stream content to my controller. We only have one gigantic TV in the house. If someone is using it and I want to play a console game this is a fantastic option. And, as always, perfect for the toilet. If it was optional I'd buy one instantly.

To make one of the selling points of a console that it is actually a laggy dumb-handheld that you have to get up and return to the console to change games would be mindbogglingly stupid.

You want to play a game while someone is using the TV, use a handheld. You know, like Nintendo also make.
Plinko said:
I really don't think you've done anything in this thread but troll. It's getting old.

I want to stream content to my controller. We only have one gigantic TV in the house. If someone is using it and I want to play a console game this is a fantastic option. And, as always, perfect for the toilet. If it was optional I'd buy one instantly.

I am trolling cause i want a system stronger than x box 360 ?
If going by the 01 net rumors it's a little bit stronger than x box 360 .


Might be worth posting this again since it's been getting some corroboration:

NaviLink said:
Hey guys, I hope I can get your attention on this.

The french website 01.net has posted perhaps what is the most complete story so far on the successor of the Wii. Link to the story (in french).

They have a very reliable source that previously told them about the specs of the Sony NGP.
Here are the bullet points. Most of them have already been reported by other sites, but here goes :
the console is codenamed "Project Café"
will be introduced at E3 2011
architecture is very similar to the Xbox 360; the Café is a bit more powerful than the 360
porting current xbox 360 titles to the Café should be very easy
should be retro-compatible with GameCube and Wii games, and support all Wii peripherals
Specs : CPU is custom IBM PowerPC with three cores, GPU should be an ATI from the R700 family, with a shader unit at version 4.1. Ram should be at least 512 Mb.
the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate graphic output (appears to be sub-HD, so nothing comparable to an Ipad, for example.)
controller specs : 6-inch screen, single touch (so no multitouch, it seems), front camera, acts as a wii sensor bar, has a d-pad, two bumpers, two triggers, possibly more.
should be released in June of 2012 (for Japan ?), and holiday season (in the West ?)
there is another big surprise they can't talk about just yet

I can do a full translation if you guys want, tell me what you think.
GCX said:
Everything leaks nowadays, even Nintendo's secrets.

With 3DS they prevented leaks by announcing the system before any leaks went public.

Indeed. Back 5 years ago, before the Wii's announcement, leaking was nowhere near as big as it is today.


Cretinously credulous
justchris said:
Haha, I just realized we're all fools. We hear six inch screen and think of it in the classical tablet sense of measurement. However, how long is the Wiimote from top to bottom? They could easily make a screen that's 6" long that pops out of the side of the Wiimote and is only maybe an inch wide, or less. It doesn't have to be 6" on the diagonal.

And how will games show on that? Stretched? The ratio must be 16:9 for proper view.


GAF's Bob Woodward
More from 01net, now with more direct developer quotes.


Google Translate:

Other U.S. sites evoke the passage of Nintendo Blu-ray. Our records do not mention this point, either one way or the other.

The site IGN esteem for his part, from other sources that the console is capable of a 1080p display and is " significantly more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3 " . Our records indicate graphics capabilities more measured, "roughly equal to those of the Xbox 360" , aimed particularly to facilitate the Ports. It seems that the machine is actually producing the HD, but its power, ensures our source, is " over the Xbox 360, but just a notch " .

They also call out neogaf specifically on misinterpreting the sensor bar comment - they say there's IR transmitters/beacons (or something) in the controller, but they won't necessarily serve the same purpose as the sensor bar, but they just were likening them to the IR bits in the sensor bar. They don't know their role in Project Cafe.

edit - beaten anyway :p

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I don't see any way the graphics will be truly incredible on this thing, for it to come out at a reasonable price point ($400 or less). The controller sounds way too expensive.

Unless you're telling me cutting edge tech can be made on the cheap these days, or that we're at the point of diminishing returns.





Only slightly stronger then a X360 would be a major disappointment and a Wii repeat. Much stronger hardware can be gotten quite cheaply these days.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Plinko said:
Wasn't this the same information posted a few hours ago?

No, that was 'just' the more detailed spec. The quotes on how it compares to 360 are new.

01net didn't actually say much about how it compared to 360 in the first article, performance wise...more architecture wise.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
gofreak said:
More from 01net, now with more direct developer quotes.


Google Translate:

They also call out neogaf specifically on misinterpreting the sensor bar comment - they say there's IR transmitters/beacons (or something) in the controller, but they won't necessarily serve the same purpose as the sensor bar, but they just were likening them to the IR bits in the sensor bar. They don't know their role in Project Cafe.

edit - beaten anyway :p

Interesting--that seems on par for Nintendo in this generation, though--lower power, focus on innovation (screen for streaming content), lower price. We're going to have yet another Wii situation on our hands--ahead of the competition for 3 solid years (especially with a launch a year or so ahead of competitors) and then a down year or two. I'm sure they're fine with it with all the money they make.

Can't say I'm not disappointed, though.


No additional functions
apana said:
Say what you want about Matt Castlevania, but at least he wasn't a total clown like the people who currently run IGN.
IAWTP. This has gotten way out of hand. It's megaton all over again. I can't believe people keep falling for the same stuff over and over.


Mr_Brit said:
If it's just stronger than the 360 by a notch then Nintendo will have another Wii situation on their hands next gen where they won't be able to receive ports from the other two systems.
Seriously. Big fucking mistake by Nintendo if they wanted to bring in hardcore gamers. Then again, the hell do I know, they made billions of bucks the last 5 years.
Ah, pre-E3 console announcements.
I love the rampant speculation.

Game-Biz said:
Seriously. Big fucking mistake by Nintendo if they wanted to bring in hardcore gamers. Then again, the hell do I know, they made billions of bucks the last 5 years.

You know, you'd think that, but will Sony and MS really go balls to the wall with tech again, after seeing the Wii make trillions?
It'll be interesting.
Still, even a "marginal" increase over the 360 is perfect to me.


(more a nerd than a geek)
We're getting contradictory "leaks" at this point, aren't we? From "significantly more powerful than the PS3" to "just barely more powerful than the 360"...

Anyway, I'm assuming the controller thing could simply mean we'll get what everyone expected with the Wii -- a "slim", Wii Remote-type control which physically plugs into a larger, "classic controller" shell. Alone, it's an upgrade Wii remote with better capabilities. Inserted into the shell, you get dual analog joysticks and a more Wavebird/Classic Controller look and feel.

It makes more sense than assuming NCL is either going to remove pointer functionality -or- make it clunky and unwieldy via a "two handed controller grip" pointer.


Man said:
Only slightly stronger then a X360 would be a major disappointment and a Wii repeat. Much stronger hardware can be gotten quite cheaply these days.

looks like they spent their budget on that screen on controller lol


Man said:
Only slightly stronger then a X360 would be a major disappointment and a Wii repeat. Much stronger hardware can be gotten quite cheaply these days.
yeah, they'd definitely be setting themselves up for a repeat performance of what happened this gen, with a far less sure shot at market dominance.
Man said:
Only slightly stronger then a X360 would be a major disappointment and a Wii repeat. Much stronger hardware can be gotten quite cheaply these days.

Seriously that would be a complete joke releasing something like that right before 2013. That would make the Wii look good in comparison since it only launched with 5-6 year old hardware, not 8 or 9 years old.


*wakes up, sees new rumors* Oh god, if this pans out...I will laugh so hard. Before we heard of the waggle for Wii, I kept insisting to my friend that a screen on the remote would be a cool gimmick for the "Revolution". We finally shelved the idea and looky, here we are discussing this again. I still like the idea of it.


Just a notch over the 360? Wow, this thing will be destroyed (graphically speaking) by the next Sony and Microsoft machines.

The HD screen on the controller sounds really interesting. I want to see it.
Mr_Brit said:
If it's just stronger than the 360 by a notch then Nintendo will have another Wii situation on their hands next gen where they won't be able to receive ports from the other two systems.
THIS! They need to fix everything that went wrong with Wii, not make the same mistakes.


Super Wii Time. It's SWiiT. ;)

mysteriousmage09 said:
IGN said the 3DS would be close to PS3/360 visuals.....
To be fair it's somewhat true. Just look at Capcom's games. Obviously they aren't actually close in the technical sense but it's possible to look similar. Just wait for someone to post those RE: Revelation gifs.


I wonder though, why would you bring it only about 360 level. I remember in some of the NGP/future console threads, that several people said it would be hard to not bring a console more powerful then the ps3/360 with just off the self parts.

Only just above them in power would leave the unit vastly underpowered when the ps4/xboxnext comes out, unless they saw that it didn't matter much with the Wii and figure it'll just work again.


Neo Member
I knew Nintendo would find a way to fuck this up. Slightly more powerful than the 360 is unacceptable if you're trying to recapture the hardcore market..


(more a nerd than a geek)
Amir0x said:
Yeah Wii Shop purchase BC is a biiiiig point for me. I really want to hear about that. It will literally determine whether I spend a dime on Wii HD's shop or not. There is no way all the money I spent on downladable games should be eliminated in the move to Wii HD, considering how simple it would be to retain licenses for the software you downloaded.

If Nintendo could not do that, then I would not trust them enough to do it for Wii HD's successor, and that'd make me turn to other downloadable services.

Amir0x, I know you're being cautious here, but is there any plausible reason to DOUBT transfer of VC/WiiWare titles at this point when they are enabling it for DSiWare?

I mean, yes, until they do it's not set, but the way you're writing makes it sound as though you seriously expect them to not allow transfers of old purchases.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Game-Biz said:
Seriously. Big fucking mistake by Nintendo if they wanted to bring in hardcore gamers. Then again, the hell do I know, they made billions of bucks the last 5 years.

Not really if done right. Sony is still talking "10-year cycle" and MS seems content with Kinect. Latest rumors had new systems coming out in 2013 and 14, IIRC.

If Nintendo has something more powerful than 360 and somehow manages to get a new COD game they'll be fine with "hardcore."


Man said:
Only slightly stronger then a X360 would be a major disappointment and a Wii repeat. Much stronger hardware can be gotten quite cheaply these days.
With a controller like that it will be a Wii repeat regardless of power.
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