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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Fantastical said:
This would be incredibly stupid. How is it different from a handheld? This is what I don't understand. A screen on a controller is a fucking portable gaming device.

This one is married to a home console purchase for its content delivery.
Well, the big 3 have seemingly been taking turns in console power superiority.


Nintendo's turn again? Ha...doubtful.

If This system can run that Epic tech demo then :O

Who am I kidding. This is Nintendo.


artwalknoon said:
Ya know the fact that the french site took the time to respond to GAF makes me question its legitimacy, but now that IGN have jumped on board with the same info... Is this all some elaborate ruse? A pre-E3 fake out? We go in expecting some 360+ with a mini tv and they pull out something waaay different?

Well I believe the french site because they got NGP leak right 100%

Also their leak seems like something Nintendo would do
Similar to 360 in architecture so it is easy to develop for (3DS was easy to develop for)
More powerful than 360 but not a full generation ahead (something that Nintendo would usually do)
Project Cafe (who the fuck would make this shit up)
6" screen but not HD (that is a bold claim)
Backwards compatible with WiiMote and all peripherals (sounds like a smart idea for Nintendo)
Nlroh said:
This "near ps3/360 level" doesn't seem very good for Nintendo. I'm sure since this wii2 leaks Sony and Microsoft are rushing everything for their next gen consoles.

Have you seen Uncharted 3? When a game looks that good, you don't have to rush.


Plinko said:
LOL at the people freaking out about how the 6 inch screen would make the controllers unusable. How in the world are you going to play the NGP?

Even the NGP's screen is 'only' 5 inches, and there's a difference between being a dedicated handheld and a gaming controller. An alleged gaming controller.

And I'm not saying it would make it unusable (at least for me). I'm saying this is some strange shit. :p
What if there's a mixup, and the sources are talking about a 6" tablet-type controller with a touchscreen?

That would bring us back to something more like a DSiXL-sized pad, and a more reasonably-sized screen...


The Amiga Brotherhood
TwinIonEngines said:
This one is married to a home console purchase for its content delivery.

So Nintendo's take on the iPhone/iPad, just with laggy play and without being able to take it outside.

What a great idea!


disappeared said:
I'm somewhat concerned with battery life of the controller. Needing to charge it every six hours or some bullshit like that would be frustrating.

Frustrating? Would be disastrous IMO.
Zeliard said:
Even the NGP's screen is 'only' 5 inches, and there's a difference between being a dedicated handheld and being a gaming controller. An alleged gaming controller.

And I'm not saying it would make it unusable (at least for me). I'm saying this is some strange shit. :p

So... it's Nintendo.

I'm hoping the system come with a charging cradle for the controller like the 3DS.

WAIT! It'll use the SAME charging cradle!

artwalknoon said:
Jim Reilly clarifies: "No, I'm not trolling. Calm down. If it's on the site it's legit info we heard." https://twitter.com/jimreilly

so I guess...BELIEVE!

What was the info he posted? So much that I can't keep track.


Leave it to Nintendo to do something just off center to distance themselves from the competition... At first we are like wtf? That is lame, it will never work...then after it launches, few months later...it prints money


GAF's Bob Woodward
DECK'ARD said:
Why have a 6" screen then if you don't have a resolution that takes advantage of it? And even SD resolution would be massively more data to send over than the PSP's resolution which equals far more lag.

None of this adds up.

A 'more SD'-ish resolution would look 'OK' on that screen. They don't say it is SD, just 'more SD' than 720p or 1080p.

And as you say, there is wireless tech in other contexts. What kind of latency does wireless HDMI have?
Has anyone speculated yet that the 3DS could serve as a controller for this new console, maybe that's the connectivity feature between 3DS and "another console" Capcom was saying we had to wait for E3 to see more of?


Zeliard said:
Yeah but that would seem to defeat the purpose of having a screen of that length for display, if it's essentially always going to be cut off that drastically.

There's just no getting by it. If it's actually a 6" screen (which must again be stressed is goddamn huge to be on a controller), and they want to display the streaming stuff (and whatever other media) at a workable aspect ratio, the screen will have to have some decent height to it held horizontally, not just length. And that's going to mean a fairly large controller sitting in your hands.

None of the rumors seem to have mentioned some sort of flipcase or slider mechanic so I assume the screen sits on top of the controller and is visible at all times, which would also make sense if they're trying to put game info on it or use the touchscreen to "enhance" gameplay.

For full game streaming you're right, but as merely an info screen that slides out of the side of the remote, you don't actually need that sort of aspect ratio. Imagine something like the LCD screen in the Logitech G9 and G13? keyboards, only with better resolution. It displays game/HUD info to open up more real estate on the big screen.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Anth0ny said:
A notch above 360 is incredibly stupid. Incredibly stupid.

A notch above Gamecube was stupid in the sense that is cost them a lot of developer support, but great in the sense that they got to sell a system at a lower price with a huge profit margin and lead monthly sales for a few years. I don't see them completely abandoning that philsophy, especially since "development budgets" have been a huge rallying cry for them. 360 level gets them a ton of support for the next few years. Well beyond 360... not so sure. If Microsoft is to be believed, they are going to be sticking with 360 for several more years, so trying to completely leapfrog that won't do a lot of good if 360 remains the development footprint for most third party software. And I'm not sure that I see Nintendo financing a lot of games themselves with "Samaritan" level visuals.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I wonder how behind Sony and MS are with their next gen plans? I'm sure they had plans in case nintendo pulled some shit like this.
TSA said:
Has anyone speculated yet that the 3DS could serve as a controller for this new console, maybe that's the connectivity feature between 3DS and "another console" Capcom was saying we had to wait for E3 to see more of?

I think odds are good. And I think that the eShop will be cross platform, which is why they haven't launched it yet, since it'll reveal things about the N6.


We are missing a very important detail here. My guess is that if the 6 inch screen rumor is true, then the motion control fucntionality has been thrown out. Pointer controls remain.


I hope the controller battery life isn't shit. Screens drain a shit-ton of battery. Also hope these controllers aren't crazy expensive or they pack in two.


So the Console will be a Hub & this system will be built around remote play?

sending HD console games to your handheld.

basically what Sony was doing with Remote Play but it will be for all the games,

& the people that was crying saying they don't want Console games on a Handheld will go crazy over HD Nintendo games on a Handheld.
gutter_trash said:
if it's BC with Wii, does that mean that it's BC with GC?

Possibly. If they can make a Wii emulator then GC emulator should be even simpler. Nintendo probably wants to start selling GC games on the VC too. Only issue is whether or not the new system will load mini discs or not.
Medalion said:
Leave it to Nintendo to do something just off center to distance themselves from the competition... At first we are like wtf? That is lame, it will never work...then after it launches, few months later...it prints money
Everyone buys one and we get a few years in, most 3rd party devs say "fuck this", everyone goes "where the hell are all the games", Nintendo goes "lmfao that was fun! lets do it again!".


I guess this means that games using the pointer are going to be rare if available at all. So if this is true, then I won't be getting one. I don't care about a screen as a controller. If I wanted that, I'd just by an iPad 2 or something. Man, these rumors are destroying my hype. :(


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
It sounds more and more like a powerful HANDHELD that streams to the TV, and not the other way around.

In other words, the controller IS the console.



I just can't handle it anymore. The screen HAS to be optional in some way. If its real which I still find super-hard to believe. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable when dual analog popped up. And now it's even more crazy. I don't want them to go back from the split controller concept. It was such a great idea and made gaming a lot more comfortable. Next to the pointer the main advancement introduced by the Wiimote for traditional gaming.

I could think of the screen as a way to play the Wii 2 in bed etc., touch screen as pointer replacement - would be actually nice. But as the new standard control mechanism? If it's part of the package, I greatly hope you're not fixed to it.

And regarding power, the info from the French site sounds accurate, although sad. Such low-end philosophy will most certainly hurt Nintendo in the battle for 3rd party support.


justchris said:
For full game streaming you're right, but as merely an info screen that slides out of the side of the remote, you don't actually need that sort of aspect ratio. Imagine something like the LCD screen in the Logitech G9 and G13? keyboards, only with better resolution. It displays game/HUD info to open up more real estate on the big screen.

I think in that function it could work perfectly well in the way you're describing, and be more manageable. But the game streaming throws a wrench into it. And I would think the sites and sources would have mentioned something like it looking like a Wiimote that has a 6" screen underneath with a slider mechanic, but frankly, who knows at this point with these freaks. :>


twinturbo2 said:
Dual analog sticks + touch screen = could be awesome if done right.

Did I just thinking NGP (like) as the controller of Wii 2??? o_O

This leak rumors drive me crazy, I had not even posted any comment since yesterday o_O


onQ123 said:
So the Console will be a Hub & this system will be built around remote play?

sending HD console games to your handheld.

basically what Sony was doing with Remote Play but it will be for all the games,

& the people that was crying saying they don't want Console games on a Handheld will go crazy over HD Nintendo games on a Handheld.

So much speculation in one post....my mind can't contain it....head explodes.


AceBandage said:
I think odds are good. And I think that the eShop will be cross platform, which is why they haven't launched it yet, since it'll reveal things about the N6.

I wish this were true but I think we're giving Nintendo to much credit with this idea. I think the two shops will be different and interaction between the 3ds and the N6 will be very finite, better than ds-wii but not much.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm kind of stunned people are saying almost the exact same things that were said about the Wii's graphical prowess:

"Just a notch above PS2/XBOX? THEY'RE SCREWED. It's over for Nintendo."

Don't you guys realize that, outside of GAF, most people don't care that much--especially now with the level of graphics these systems are going to be at?
AceBandage said:
For 1: The N6 coming out early and getting a userbase will means developers will want to get in on those sales, unlike with the Wii, where they could just use both the 360 and PS3 to basically equal the same amount.
For 2: The Wii wasn't capable of basically anything the 360/PS3 was. This won't be the case with the N6. It'll be able to do all the effects and stuff that the big boys can, just with sacrifices to some geometry and physics.

1) I don't know. Third parties basically have to be dragged kicking and screaming towards Nintendo to develop for them. Reality is that their whole business model is in line with what Sony and MS do, not what Nintendo does. When the Wii came out, the industry had invested so much time and money in next gen hardware/software that going back to producing for current-gen hardware like the Wii/PS2/Xbox just wouldn't make sense. So third parties chose to ignore the Wii. At first it seemed incredibly stupid because the Wii was soaring. But the industry had made its bed and had to lie in it. It was only later in this gens lifecycle that the investment earlier on paid off: the HD consoles have a big enough userbase to form a safe and profitable environment. Another reason why the industry never really embraced the Wii, was that it was new and unknown, and only Nintendo itself seemed to have mastered the formula to reach the userbase. All in all: if the industry had anticipated the Wii and had done it's homework, they could've made gazillions of dollars with it. But they didn't: they had invested in other and more familiar technology, and that investment had to pay off sooner or later. So to get back to the Wii2: it might come too soon in the business cycle that third parties have in mind, as they are just now starting to maximize profits from the current gen. They might just as well again wait for Sony and MS to release their consoles before fully investing in the next gen.

2) How are you so sure that "next time around next-gen will be more similar to current gen than this time". Is there some technical reason i don't know: like say the architecture of console hardware hasn't fundamentally changed since the 360/PS3, and next gen will use similar guts. Because if that's not the case, there's no reason to doubt that if the Wii2 is basically a 360, that the xbox 720 and PS4 will be such a big leap forward again that developing for both generations becomes a hassle.


mysteriousmage09 said:
Everyone buys one and we get a few years in, most 3rd party devs say "fuck this", everyone goes "where the hell are all the games", Nintendo goes "lmfao that was fun! lets do it again!".
I know it is criminal...yet they make moar money than the royal mint
Just a notch above 360 could mean anything. Maybe the CPU is no better (it doesn't need to be) but 1GB of RAM and a 400SP modern AMD GPU, while still fitting that description, would still be a very significant leap forward. You're not going to need much more than that to run current generation games in 1080p at 60fps with much better textures and tesselation on a closed box.
capslock said:
It sounds more and more like a powerful HANDHELD that streams to the TV, and not the other way around.

In other words, the controller IS the console.

Other way around it seems like. Console can stream to the controller's display. Remote play essentially.


Nintendo would be more or less forced to clamp down hard on this if there was no truth the a console coming. The Hype and knowledge of one coming is going to impact investors views a ton.

To go into E3 and suddenly be told what that was all bullshit would nosedive their stock


These rumors are becoming too much for me. Wake me up in some days, right now all of this has become way too crazy and it doesn't even make sense anymore.


Majine said:
I thought the DS Lite would be backwards compatible with Game Boy and Color since it is with GBA, got stung :(
That's because the pre-Micro GBAs included a Z80-derived CPU to support old GB/GBC games.
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