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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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No, our problems are related with avatar fixing.

We think we have a good solution coming though. The actual page hits themselves we are well prepared to take.

Also I put a gigantic update in the OP.


blizzardjesus said:
I just mocked these up...

Since people love duel analog for some reason.

I've fixed this one for you:

artwalknoon said:
But there's a problem, among many. This would mean that according to Nintendo, putting on a pair of glasses to see 3d is stupid, but putting on an entire helmet to see HD makes perfect sense?! Well seeing as how its Nintendo...

It doesn't neccesarily have to be a helmet. It could instead just be a 3D tablet with a front facing camera and that would be augmented virtual reality akin to face raiders on the 3ds. The closer you hold the tablet to your face, the better the effect.


GAF's favorite analyst chimes in on WiiHD


Michael Pachter, Managing Director, Wedbush Securities:

"I have no [previous] knowledge at all, as I get all of my news from Game Informer. With that said, I think that the right time for a launch was in front of the launches of Kinect and Move, and think that Nintendo missed the ‘perfect’ time to launch in 2009. They could have launched at $300, and would have been competitive with Kinect and Move bundles and may have kept Wii households from upgrading to one of the other consoles. In my view, every Kinect and Move bundle sold cost Nintendo the opportunity to convert or retain a customer, so 2009 was the right time to launch. Once they passed on a 2009 launch, they should have pushed to get the Wii 2 out at the same time as Kinect and Move (late 2010), to at least compete for the market share captured by Microsoft and Sony. Once again, they chose to wait, and recent hardware figures show that they missed an opportunity. I think that there is still significant interest in a Wii 2, particularly from the very large Wii installed base, so it is not ‘too late,’ but it’s also not the ‘right time.'"


Radeon R700? Should be good enough to bury the PS360.

The controller rumors sound so utterly ridiculous to me I'd be weary of believing anything at all. It's an upgraded wiimote! It has an HD screen! it's an HD touchscreen! You can play on the controller! It's a regular controller too! Wait what?
Stephen Colbert said:
No there was a Korean video player with a 5 inch 1080p screen over an year ago.

Being able to encode 1080p doesn't mean the display is 1080p. I just did a quick search and I was just able to find 1080p encoding devices with a standard 800x840 display.

Would you mind posting your source, sir?
redbarchetta said:
How the hell is multiplayer going to work? Is the Wii 2 really going to render five fucking screens?

To piggyback off my own post, this may be one of several reasons why the screens are, evidently, standard definition-ish. Assuming the system is indeed streaming the picture, there's no way Nintendo could built an economical box capable of producing 5 screens of content, unless the other four are simply used for 2D based imagery, such as maps or menu selection, which would be a colossal waste, imo.


Here's my theory:


The entire face of the remote is a screen. The center of the screen is touchscreen, while the sides are covered with transparent plastic and transparent buttons. The whole thing plugs into a classic controller type setup, and there would be a wireless nunchuk included as well.

It's the best I could think of to reconcile most of the crazy rumors.


The Amiga Brotherhood
gofreak said:
On the latter point, it wouldn't - since that would require another $150-$200 (at the time) purchase. Presumably Nintendo will have costed this setup to be much cheaper.

On the tech side though, I think it remains that Nintendo can use a more tailored lower latency tech for a local connection to the controller. It may not be perfect but it may be good enough, and Nintendo's not afraid to use tech that's simply 'good enough'.

Since GC Nintendo has adopted standards like Bluetooth, DVD etc. Proven, reliable, and cheap because of their widespread use.

For a company that hasn't even used HDMI yet, to suddenly jump in as an early adopter of a non-standard problematic wireless HDMI is almost fantasy level. 'Good enough' is not fine when it's something crucial like the picture you are seeing from a console.
2012 would be 6 years from Wii launch.

Meaning....7 years from Xbox360 launch.

I fully expect the xbox720 to launch November 2012, so Nintendo better have something to compete with that, and not with 2005 technology.


Vinrau said:

I disagree. I think 2011 Holiday is the perfect timing.
Last year the Wii had the best year ever in term of quality games. It was a great last leg to the popular console. Also, the 3DS was not even out by that time, why would Nintendo release their console before the handheld? The Wii was released a year later than the original DS.
I'm still betting anyone the 6 inch screen rumour from that french website is total bullshit. I think people here are severely underestimating how ridiculously mother fucking large that is.


Junior Member
Nirolak said:
News Director actually.

Cool new avatar, I see you joined the transparent side.

Also, this is great news. If Nintendo really goes the ATI 4000 family route, should Sony and Microsoft want tech leadership they'll have to up the ante.



Branduil said:
Here's my theory:


The entire face of the remote is a screen. The center of the screen is touchscreen, while the sides are covered with transparent plastic and transparent buttons. The whole thing plugs into a classic controller type setup, and there would be a wireless nunchuk included as well.

It's the best I could think of to reconcile most of the crazy rumors.

This actually could work


jamesinclair said:
2012 would be 6 years from Wii launch.

Meaning....7 years from Xbox360 launch.

I fully expect the xbox720 to launch November 2012, so Nintendo better have something to compete with that, and not with 2005 technology.
It would be a very odd move by Microsoft to end the 360 so soon now that its really taken off.


My friend and I were fantasizing that a new Metroid Prime game could have some sort of command panel on Samus's arm cannon which would be displayed on the controller screen. It could even have atmospheric affects, complete with rain drops and fog that could be wiped off.


What if instead of face buttons they just use the touch screen. You can put 'buttons' anywhere you want. Sounds like something Nintendo would do.
Iron_Scimitar said:
A screen in the controller is so unneeded.
Nothing is really needed until the games come out that need it.

I remember friends complaining that shoulder buttons on the SNES were entirely pointless. I've heard tales of people not liking the D-Pad because a joystick was perfectly fine.

Not saying this will be that fundamental, or even that you're wrong and that it will even be beneficial. But wide swipes at vague concepts as "unnecessary" means that more or less nothing will ever move forward. Or sideways.


MadraptorMan said:
Wait so they aren't going with a remote control style controller this time? What about...pointing and such? :(
Thats said to still be around with a developer source saying its been greatly improved even beyond Move


ShockingAlberto said:
Actually, streaming Mario Kart to each player the same screen size they would get on the big screen kind of makes sense.
Why not just run a local mp 3DS game in that case.

I guess the 6" screen could be a quarter of a 1080p image.
If they want the main game displayed on the controller do that and have the stats show on the TV. Or use the controller as the inventory screen...etc...etc.

I'm not sure how this would be appealing to a larger market though.
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