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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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crazy monkey said:
if it is close to 400 series which one it would be? There is so many of them.


ATI Radeon™ HD 4870 X2

ATI Radeon™ HD 4890


ATI Radeon™ HD 4870

ATI Radeon™ HD 4850

ATI Radeon™ HD 4830

ATI Radeon™ HD 4770


ATI Radeon™ HD 4600


ATI Radeon™ HD 4550

ATI Radeon™ HD 4350

from what i saw on youtube the value HD one are very bad at pc gaming. Which one is closest to 360? or possible for wii2?
Basileus777 said:
It would be stupid design to make it look exactly the same as their old console. Then again, Nintendo did it with the 3DS.

Yeah, but the DSL was already a sexy beast, and the 3DS didn't really need a radically different form.


Original-Blue said:
Wow, this is exciting!

From what I can tell, there's never been a leak of this magnitude that has been false before *ever*, at least in some sense...

In some sense, exactly. I believe there is a new Nintendo system on the way and will probably be shown at or before E3. There's too many people in here taking every word as fact which is just plain foolish. Yeah that French website got the NGP right but that doesn't mean they or their source really knows whats going on.


crazy monkey said:
from what i saw on youtube the value HD one are very bad at pc gaming. Which one is closest to 360? or possible for wii2?
The 4850 is cheap and would destroy the 360, but if it was one, we wouldn't be getting "a little bit stronger" than the 360 rumors unless people just don't really understand the system yet.

The latter is possible though given the vast power range statements we have seen about the device.

- J - D -

antonz said:
If they went with a 2008 R700 GPU it would shit all over the output of the 360 and PS3.

Don't get me wrong. For a Nintendo system it seems adequate. It's been said before many times but I'm just worried that in a year or so after the thing releases, Sony and Microsoft's new offerings will flat out embarass Wii2 or whatever it'll be called.


crazy monkey said:
from what i saw on youtube the value HD one are very bad at pc gaming. Which one is closest to 360? or possible for wii2?
The value brand were basically AGP cards for the lazy shits who didnt want a new motherboard. The 4600 series performed terrible as well because it was another hybrid pci-e or agp card.

The 4770 is the first card where they abandoned AGP to the dinosaurs and it runs roughly double the power of the 360 GPU
Willy105 said:
Who said it was going to come with four controllers? I was talking about playing Mario Kart with 4 people.

So was I. Did you forget what post you replied to, or did you just not read it? You implied the four controller issue when you responded to my post, which was in response to this:

ShockingAlberto said:
Actually, streaming Mario Kart to each player the same screen size they would get on the big screen kind of makes sense.


WonkersTHEWatilla said:
Don't get me wrong. For a Nintendo system it seems adequate. It's been said before many times but I'm just worried that in a year or so after the thing releases, Sony and Microsoft's new offerings will flat out embarass Wii2 or whatever it'll be called.
Yeah, if it is an R700, while notably more powerful than a 360 (assuming it isn't super stripped down), it's not very hard to top by a good margin as well.
I hope Nintendo understands that the 'hardcore' doesn't appreciate friend codes.

Also, this gives me a small glimmer of hope that we'll see an F-Zero game in the future.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Wait a sec...

"Two bumpers and two triggers"...

What in the world does that MEAN?

I assume "trigger" is someone's silly term for analog shoulder buttons... what in the world are "bumpers"?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
MrOogieBoogie said:
I honestly don't get why Nintendo would release a new console only a "bit more powerful" than the 360. What's the point? Sure, Nintendo will have a nice head start with a more powerful console; however, once the next Microsoft and Sony consoles release, they'll be (presumably) considerably more powerful than Wii2, leaving Nintendo in the same exact position it's in with the Wii.

Am I looking at this too simplistically or is this a fair judgment?

Nirolak said:
The 4850 is cheap and would destroy the 360, but if it was one, we wouldn't be getting "a little bit stronger" than the 360 rumors unless people just don't really understand the system yet.

The latter is possible though given the vast power range statements we have seen about the device.

antonz said:
The value brand were basically AGP cards for the lazy shits who didnt want a new motherboard. The 4600 series performed terrible as well because it was another hybrid pci-e or agp card.

The 4770 is the first card where they abandoned AGP to the dinosaurs and it runs roughly double the power of the 360 GPU

Sweet. Thank you so much. AR game on that little screen would be fun as hell.

MrOogieBoogie said:

from what I got it will have adequate power.


DavidDayton said:
Wait a sec...

"Two bumpers and two triggers"...

What in the world does that MEAN?

I assume "trigger" is someone's silly term for analog shoulder buttons... what in the world are "bumpers"?
Bumpers and Triggers are what the things on the Xbox 360 controller are called.


DavidDayton said:
Wait a sec...

"Two bumpers and two triggers"...

What in the world does that MEAN?

I assume "trigger" is someone's silly term for analog shoulder buttons... what in the world are "bumpers"?
Triggers are triggers and I assume bumpers are shoulder buttons >.>


Why is this based off the R700 and not the R800? I can't figure this one out. The R800 is a more efficient chip set than the R700 series and production costs on it are dirt cheap.


DavidDayton said:
Wait a sec...

"Two bumpers and two triggers"...

What in the world does that MEAN?

I assume "trigger" is someone's silly term for analog shoulder buttons... what in the world are "bumpers"?

360 controller has triggers and bumpers:


3 and 4 are bumpers.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Krowley said:
Well, I mean.. It's just a theory.

Apparently serious video game sites are confirming that there is a 6 inch screen in the controller that can have full modern games streamed to it from the system.

People also said motion control was insane when the wii came out.

We've never had a situation where so much has leaked about a new Nintendo system before, let alone its key features which Nintendo always hold very close to their chest.

Half the rumours are contradictory, others like the game-streaming can't be implemented well, and things like a massive touchscreen have practical problems for little gain. I'm taking it all with a massive pinch of salt at the moment, its like the Revolution speculation gone mad.


DavidDayton said:
Wait a sec...

"Two bumpers and two triggers"...

What in the world does that MEAN?

I assume "trigger" is someone's silly term for analog shoulder buttons... what in the world are "bumpers"?

Digital shoulder buttons.
Technosteve said:
i don't believe this at all. all this speculation = ps3 launch price cost and Nintendo doesn't roll like that this gen...

They decided to emulate the PSP with the 3DS, in terms of pricing, loading, game pricing and battery life.

I can certainly see them saying "Lets make a PS3.5!"


(more a nerd than a geek)
Nirolak said:
Bumpers and Triggers are what the things on the Xbox 360 controller are called.

Okay... I get "triggers" -- "bumpers" seems bizarre/silly/annoying, though. Oh well... two analog buttons and two digital buttons - a spruced up Wavebird, then.


WonkersTHEWatilla said:
Don't get me wrong. For a Nintendo system it seems adequate. It's been said before many times but I'm just worried that in a year or so after the thing releases, Sony and Microsoft's new offerings will flat out embarass Wii2 or whatever it'll be called.

But at this point, the graphics on the ps3 and xbox360 basically look like real life to me, or close enough so that I basically don't care. Granted, I'm kind of an oldster, but that shit will never look "ugly" IMO. I'm still impressed with some of the stuff on the ps2, at least artistically.
Iron_Scimitar said:
I hope Nintendo understands that the 'hardcore' doesn't appreciate friend codes.
This is something I am really interested in. If Nintendo wants to recapture the hardcore market, they NEED to have a beefy online service. They have a lot of great examples out there across the platforms to see what does and doesn't work. I hope online play and and online community is a huge focus with whatever this new console ends up being.


Mrbob said:
Why is this based off the R700 and not the R800? I can't figure this one out. The R800 is a more efficient chip set than the R700 series and production costs on it are dirt cheap.
The R700 would be heavily modified, and I assume its cheaper.

Nintendo has never made big consoles though. Its only really the xbox series and the PS3 that have been overly big.


Neo Member
You know, I think this is ripe for nintendos disruption strategy and does their next gen competition prospects great favors.

Nintendo gets out early and is a reasonable - significant graphical jump up from the ps3 / 360. People will buy and ghey get their head start. BUT the average consumer will then hardly be able to notice the difference in graphics for the ps4, xboxnext.

Its like Nintendo might have just enough power to bypass the shortcomings of this gens hd consoles while taking away the "wow" from Sony or microsofts next plans.

Perfect timing if they are both not planning anything for 2 or 3 years. Its also good for Nintendos direct competition prospects because they become the "mid" gen.


richisawesome said:
So, the controller will be fucking expensive. We know that's a possibility.

But does every controller need to be like that? Have one of those with the console, but the option to buy cheaper standard ones for multiplayer. That'll work well.
Exactly. You won't be required to stream every game to the controller, so they'll all feature GUIs that don't necessarily need anything the touch screen offers. I'd imagine the other controllers would come in both Wiimote and dual analog configuration.


If Nintendo bases off the 4870 then no matter what the PS4 or next Xbox have it should still be able to be ported to relatively easily. It's the 512MB of ram I'm worried about, but the article does say at least, so there is hope for more.
If the LCD/streaming controller this is true...then I can see that being big in Japan with the whole Monster Hunter craze while still not taking away from 3DS.

Eteric Rice

DECK'ARD said:
6" screen and game-streaming are both bullshit in my opinion.

In fact none of this is fitting together in a way that makes sense. Plus Nintendo hasn't had anything leak to this degree before, and in the case of the 3DS' screen they made sure to immediately put out a press-release.

If any of this was on the mark I think we would see a similar press-release.

I don't think the streaming is bullshit. However, I think the console will simply stream the game's menu to the controller, not the whole game.

Again, think of the lower part of the DS, with two analog sticks. Something like that, most likely. Thicker and with better grips, of course.


WonkersTHEWatilla said:
The specs already seem underwhelming. I know it's Nintendo and they like to cheap out with the guts of their systems, but an R700 gpu and 512mb ram doesn't cut it for next gen.

If Sony and Microsoft are sticking to the ten year cycle thing then next gen is still some ways off. Nintendo is now catching up and then come next gen everyone will be moving up together, yesno? :p


Sweet jesus, this controller sounds like a Frankenstein monstrosity. I really can't picture at all what this is going to look like. With each edit, it just gets more and more ridiculous.

With all this Wii2 stuff happening at E3, I hope they haven't forgotten to give us NA releases for The Last Story and Xenoblade.
Eteric Rice said:
I don't think the streaming is bullshit. However, I think the console will simply stream the game's menu to the controller, not the whole game.

Again, think of the lower part of the DS, with two analog sticks. Something like that, most likely. Thicker and with better grips, of course.

That sounds like the dumbest gimmick ever. "boohoo I am too lazy to hit start and navigate the menu the "old" way"


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
antonz said:
The value brand were basically AGP cards for the lazy shits who didnt want a new motherboard. The 4600 series performed terrible as well because it was another hybrid pci-e or agp card.

The 4770 is the first card where they abandoned AGP to the dinosaurs and it runs roughly double the power of the 360 GPU

I have a 4670 1GB card and it still performs admirably. Of course, I'm not running today's games at 60 fps in 1080p, but I believe it's still a considerably more powerful card than whatever is in the 360.


Iron_Scimitar said:
The controller has the potential to eat up a lot of battery life. PLEASE let it have a USB interface and not some proprietary bullshit.

It's Nintendo so it's going to be some proprietary bullshit. I predict they will also use an awkward disc format.
MrOogieBoogie said:
I honestly don't get why Nintendo would release a new console only a "bit more powerful" than the 360. What's the point? Sure, Nintendo will have a nice head start with a more powerful console; however, once the next Microsoft and Sony consoles release, they'll be (presumably) considerably more powerful than Wii2, leaving Nintendo in the same exact position it's in with the Wii.

Am I looking at this too simplistically or is this a fair judgment?
My thoughts exactly.


Iron_Scimitar said:
The controller has the potential to eat up a lot of battery life. PLEASE let it have a USB interface and not some proprietary bullshit.

USB interface wouldn't be that unlikely. The Wii had USB sockets and supported USB keyboards, and the 3DS has SD card support. There's no way they'll go with AA batteries for the next console, and usb for charging makes sense.

SneakyStephan said:
Why'd anyone want a screen on their controller?
You'll be staring at your tv,not at the controller that's down in your lap.

Go play a dreamcast and then get back to me.

You're playing a Zelda game. Want to use the bow? Press the bow on the touch screen. Voila - you don't have to pause and go to the inventory and you don't have to have a nasty HUD on the screen either.
Krowley said:
Apparently serious video game sites are confirming that there is a 6 inch screen in the controller that can have full modern games streamed to it from the system.

I feel like people/outlets are mis-interpreting this streaming-talk, in a similar fashion to installing games on your 3DS, which turned out to be StreetPass. By streaming, I'm could to wager a guess that they simply mean streaming a video feed from the console to your controller wirelessly, thus avoiding having to load it with expensive processors.


D-Pad said:
If Sony and Microsoft are sticking to the ten year cycle thing then next gen is still some ways off. Nintendo is now catching up and then come next gen everyone will be moving up together, yesno? :p
Uh no, the 10 year lifecycle doesnt mean no new console during that timeframe. PS4 and Nextbox are both prolly approaching, tho Nintendo will be out first.
Orayn said:
Exactly. You won't be required to stream every game to the controller, so they'll all feature GUIs that don't necessarily need anything the touch screen offers. I'd imagine the other controllers would come in both Wiimote and dual analog configuration.

The DC VMU did this too. Some games had blank screens, others just an icon or some such. Various games also made full use of it. Sega left that up to developers.


DECK'ARD said:
We've never had a situation where so much has leaked about a new Nintendo system before, let alone its key features which Nintendo always hold very close to their chest.

Half the rumours are contradictory, others like the game-streaming can't be implemented well, and things like a massive touchscreen have practical problems for little gain. I'm taking it all with a massive pinch of salt at the moment, its like the Revolution speculation gone mad.

Fair enough, but I'll say this:

I bought a usable little netbook at walmart for only 250 dollars. There are also several android tablets on the market with similar prices and even lower.

This thing will be coming out later on, and presumably prices on tablet style screens will be much cheaper. And in this case, it will only be a screen, with perhaps a very weak little processor inside instead of a whole computer system..

So basically, what I'm wondering is, how much does a screen by itself cost? even a big one? And how much will it cost in a year or two? How much would it really add to the price?
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