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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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antonz said:
They will forgive Ubisoft for opening their mouth if it leads to another successful platform.

I can say with 99.9% certainty that its people at Ubisoft misbehaving

Which could actually be a good thing for us.
If it's Ubisoft that's making all this noise, then maybe they won't load the system up with shitware in the first year.

Router said:
No physical face buttons... No sale.

All the rumors point to it having the buttons of the Wavebird in function (not in form).
Orayn said:
Won't matter. If system sells well and the big publishers are really on board, I can't see them abandoning it.

And god knows they've already got a lot of folks onboard with the Nintendo brand name. All Nintendo would need is a good marketing budget (and let's face it, the Wii was on Ellen) and they've already got a lot of interest built up by November. If the Super Wii can gain both core and mainstream interest, then Nintendo could have a successful launch in the bag.
Not sure if you will get this post, but thanks for keeping the OP updated Wario. So many threads like this have little to no maintenance, and its great to finally see one that is kept up well.

Thanks :^)

Eric C

Original-Blue said:
Nintendo has always hated discs and memory cards are becoming much cheaper these days.

I wouldn't be surprised if they went crazy and did something like having memory cards for games instead of discs.

I would LOVE that. Hopefully no more LOADING!


The touch screen on the controller would make a great way to control FPS if used like a notebook touch pad.

(Although I guess this has been posted a million times in this thread, can't keep up with it)


The LCD screen on the controller just seems silly. I fail to see what benefit that would give me.

surprised to see posts like this, have you never used a DS?
no more huds or map screens.
think of the notebook in Uncharted and how that could be implimented.
think of receiving a message on your mobile in GT4 etc etc


KAL2006 said:
Yes, but from what we know MS and Sony won't have there consoles ready for 2012, by then Battlefield 3, Skyrim, GTA5 will be old and we will be looking forward to Battlefield 4 and GTA6.
Xbox3 could easily be ready for a 2012 release. It doesn't take two years to design a system.


Only slightly better than 360 in graphics!!!! Is that the consensus right now??

Honestly the only way I could see myself buying this is if I have the money and it looks like it will be a year plus before the next Xbox of PlayStation arrives.

Also only if it means that most multiplatform games will get a noticeably higher quality version on the wii2. Plus the price-point isnt too high. Otherwise, screw it, Ill wait til the real next-gen starts with Microsoft and Sony.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
DavidDayton said:
Wait a sec...

"Two bumpers and two triggers"...

What in the world does that MEAN?

I assume "trigger" is someone's silly term for analog shoulder buttons... what in the world are "bumpers"?

Bumpers are the buttons above the trigger buttons.


markot said:
It might finally make all that ubi shovel crap unprofitable >_>
They will just open up more China studios for that
Jonm1010 said:
Only slightly better than 360 in graphics!!!! Is that the consensus right now??

Honestly the only way I could see myself buying this is if I have the money and it looks like it will be a year plus before the next Xbox of PlayStation arrives.

Also only if it means that most multiplatform games will get a noticeably higher quality version on the wii2. Plus the price-point isnt too high. Otherwise, screw it, Ill wait til the real next-gen starts with Microsoft and Sony.
what seems likely right now is the CPU powering the Unit will be a slight upgrade over the older ones but the GPU will be a pretty big leap though obviously not the maximum nintendo could do


beelzebozo said:
at least this is more interesting than "like the old system but with more horsepower."
Exactly. If Nintendo fucks up big time and launches a dud of a system, it won't simply be an upgrade to an older one. Complacency is not the Blue Ocean Way™.

Eteric Rice

Luthos said:
The LCD screen on the controller just seems silly. I fail to see what benefit that would give me. I hope it's not true, because it seems Nintendo adopted the mindset of doing something new for the sake of doing something new.

You're not thinking about this hard enough.

- Would allow you to have un-hindered access to the menu, allowing you to switch weapons, items, and sort inventory without having to stop the game.

- Would allow RTS type games on the system (if the screen is big enough).

- Would allow you to boot straight to your game, with the system's OS on the controller. So you can basically manage stuff while the game is loading.

- Would allow you to no longer have to use the D-Pad or analog stick to type messages and what not in chat/character name/everything requiring letters.

- Would clear your TV of huds, etc. So it'll be like gaming bullshots in a way.

I'm sure there's more, but there would be a lot of uses.


L00P said:
I just can't picture the controller. It sounds something like Homer Simpson's car

You can easily pcture it if you assume it won't include motion controls. What I'm wondering is whether there will be a Wii Mote+Nunchuk included in the box.


So yeah the dimensions are all screwy and I changed the button config halfway through but you get the idea.


Tthe screen can be used like a tablet to browse the web/eshop, then you can merge it with the controllers using some fucking magic magnets like the smart cover to create this horrible monstrosity to game on. One benefit is that if you break your controller you don't have to buy a whole new screen. You can also detach the controller parts and you kiddies and moms can still get your waggle on.


redbarchetta said:
Besides shoulder buttons, the Super Nintendo didn't innovate either. I'd argue the 3DS does substantially more than the Super did from an innovation perspective.
For folks who can't see or don't care about 3D, it's little more than a more powerful DS with a thumbstick.
At least compared to NES the SNES had 4 extra buttons and considerably better 2D graphics and the power of MODE 7


Wait. what the fuck

The site [from the specs post below] also concurs that the controller is a touch tablet, with moderate , sub-HD graphic output with a single-touch 6-inch screen, a front camera which acts as a Wii sensor bar, two d-pads, two bumpers, and possibly more than two triggers.

Two d-pads? like, virtual boy style? wat
OK, if it's keeping in line with current-gen hardware then I don't give a shit. Seeing Zelda et al in HD would be great but they'll be taking the piss after the Wii.


antonz said:
They will forgive Ubisoft for opening their mouth if it leads to another successful platform.

I can say with 99.9% certainty that its people at Ubisoft misbehaving

Is it because 01net is a French website?

But seriously, I highly doubt that any of the western publisher went to the lengths that, say Kojima did when working on the 3DS, what with taking members of the Peace Walker team and isolating and relocating them.


abstract alien said:
Not sure if you will get this post, but thanks for keeping the OP updated Wario. So many threads like this have little to no maintenance, and its great to finally see one that is kept up well.

Thanks :^)

Quoting for truth(as they say).


mysteriousmage09 said:
IGN said the 3DS would be close to PS3/360 visuals.....

And that's not an incorrect statement. If you were to look at Resident Evil Revelation's video or screenshots without knowing the specs of the 3DS, I bet you would say the exact same thing. Visually, RE Revelation looks near 360 graphics. But that's just visually, of course.
ombz said:
Until Sony and Microsoft update their systems

This. bizarre controller aside, it seems like nintendo is making something that can compete graphically with the PS3 and 360, which makes no sense as those two systems will be ancient by 2012.

Whatever Sony and Microsoft are working on will blow the doors off of their current hardware. 512Megs of Ram in the new nintendo system is a joke. It should be 2 to 3 times that, and I'm not convinced we'll see cutting edge CPU and GPU hardware if the rumors about a crazy huge touchscreen based controller are anywhere remotely close to true- pricing would be a huge problem. The NGP alone is expected to run $400!
DonMigs85 said:
For folks who can't see or don't care about 3D, it's little more than a more powerful DS with a thumbstick.
At least compared to NES the SNES had 4 extra buttons and considerably better 2D graphics and the power of MODE 7

Compared to the DS, the 3DS has circle pad, accelerometer, gyroscope, AR-style games, and substantially improved graphics. 3D is really only its most touted feature, not its most important.


KAL2006 said:
Yes, but from what we know MS and Sony won't have there consoles ready for 2012, by then Battlefield 3, Skyrim, GTA5 will be old and we will be looking forward to Battlefield 4 and GTA6.

I hope its cheap ($299/$249 launch price?).


abstract alien said:
Not sure if you will get this post, but thanks for keeping the OP updated Wario. So many threads like this have little to no maintenance, and its great to finally see one that is kept up well.

Thanks :^)
isn't nirolak updating?

as usual?


Manmademan said:
This. bizarre controller aside, it seems like nintendo is making something that can compete graphically with the PS3 and 360, which makes no sense as those two systems will be ancient by 2012.

But the tech/expense to make games for those 2 systems will be low enough to the point where developing for a Wii HD without added cost looks VERY appealing.

The Wii was severely underpowered graphically against the PS3 and 360 and look how that turned out, sometimes its not what you have but how you utilize it
antonz said:
If the Wii 2 can do 1080p at 60 FPS as a standard the graphics wont really matter that much. Its only the super diehards who will see the difference. If the Wii 2 gets a 4870 or something it will be close enough to whatever the others do to stay in the fight

That really depends on how much ram Sony\MS consoles going to have.
It going to be easy for them to beat Nintendo in GPU\CPU what Nintendo don't want is them using 2gb of ram which mean they won't get any more ports.
Which why they should go for 1gb to be on the safe side.


markatisu said:
But the tech/expense to make games for those 2 systems will be low enough to the point where developing for a Wii HD without added cost looks VERY appealing.

The Wii was severely underpowered graphically against the PS3 and 360 and look how that turned out, sometimes its not what you have but how you utilize it
Pretty much. Even with anemic third party support, the Wii positively pummeled the competition because it drummed up a lot of new interest and had stellar first party software. Now, imagine the same scenario, but with stronger third party support and a smaller hardware gap.
I think the Wii2 will have 1.5x the power of a PS3/360. the PS4/720 would prolly have 1.75x the power. yea, I'm pulling these numbers outta my ass. feelsgoodman.jpg


redbarchetta said:
Besides shoulder buttons, the Super Nintendo didn't innovate either. I'd argue the 3DS does substantially more than the Super did from an innovation perspective.

but it pales in comparison to its competition, the launch software is shit and it's very expensive to boot

say what you want about the snes but it was very competitive graphics wise, it had some real gems at launch, it was competitively priced and the snes pad was much more innovative than the 3DS control scheme
Gotta love Nintendo rumors.

This has gone from "Nintendo's glorious return to the graphics race!" to "Wait...what? What the fuck is this thing?"


antonz said:
They will just open up more China studios for that

what seems likely right now is the CPU powering the Unit will be a slight upgrade over the older ones but the GPU will be a pretty big leap though obviously not the maximum nintendo could do

Interesting. I noticed in the OP speculated only half a gig of ram. That seems a little low?

I guess time will answer all questions.

I'm still not sure how I feel. Or I how I feel this will turn out for Nintendo. I feel this could end up being a move that turns Nintendo into the next Dreamcast by blowing their load too early and soon after getting outshined by their competitors while 3rd parties slowly jump ship til only Nintendo is really developing games for it.

Or they blow the release out the water, convince casuals to once again hop aboard and convert some of the hardcore market with some strong launch titles that will actually appeal to them. Steal the thunder from Microsoft and Sony by having a console that is close enough in power and features that the other two cant ever get a strong footing and get stuck in the backseat all next gen.
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