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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Baki said:
I hope its cheap ($299/$249 launch price?).

I think $299 would make the most sense, especially if there is in fact a portable screen of some sort. But as I said before, if it gains interest between E3 and its launch date, $299 will be a fair entrance price, for both the core audience wanting a modernized Nintendo system with competitive visuals (and subsequently more multi-platform releases), and the mainstream audience now-familiar with the Nintendo brand.
Anyone think they'll go with a 21:9 aspect ratio? It would be about the same size as an nes controller



Ichor said:
Can't anyone actually read the OP and do some research before immediately saying this console will be underpowered?

Can't anyone wait for Nintendo to reveal the real information about the system before coming to conclusions about the hardware? No, no they cannot.


So I tried to read from page 1 and got to page 20 some before I gave up and jumped to the future (present).

Its probably been mentioned but the controller is most likely like the sliding cell phones. First layer is the full 6inch touchscreen tablet which then slides up to reveal the traditional controller.

Or the first level is the traditional controller and bottom layer is touchscreen tablet.

Either way BRING IT.


gundamkyoukai said:
That really depends on how much ram Sony\MS consoles going to have.
It going to be easy for them to beat Nintendo in GPU\CPU what Nintendo don't want is them using 2gb of ram which mean they won't get any more ports.
Which why they should go for 1gb to be on the safe side.

Which is why Nintendo always uses high quality RAM. They don't use as much, but the RAM they use is faster.


Shalashaska161 said:
Seriously though, of all the rumoured specs the only one that I hope is fake is the 512 MB ram. Give us at least 1GB Nintendo, and if you put 2GB in there games would look absolutely phenomenal.

The article in the OP does say AT LEAST 512MB of ram.


justchris said:
Which is why Nintendo always uses high quality RAM. They don't use as much, but the RAM they use is faster.
Yep and really the french report says at least 512MB of ram. So they are basically just saying at a minumum you will get 512. Nintendo admitted they gave the 3DS more ram for performance reasons. They wont skimp on the Wii 2 if its gonna impact performance
Sipowicz said:
but it pales in comparison to its competition, the launch software is shit and it's very expensive to boot

That wasn't what we were discussing.

Sipowicz said:
say what you want about the snes but it was very competitive graphics wise, it had some real gems at launch, it was competitively priced and the snes pad was much more innovative than the 3DS control scheme

Graphics =/= innovation
Adding more buttons =/= innovation
Price =/= innovation
Button placement (shoulder buttons) = innovative

The 3DS takes the SNES pad and adds several different motion control methods, producing a more accurate and immersive manner in which to control games programmed with it in mind (such as Zelda 3D's much improved FPS aiming).
justchris said:
Which is why Nintendo always uses high quality RAM. They don't use as much, but the RAM they use is faster.

Consoles always use the best ram on the market at the current time.
Nintendo is not going to have better ram than Sony or MS next gen systems.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Ichor said:
Can't anyone actually read the OP and do some research before immediately saying this console will be underpowered?
What...next you would want us to actually play games before posting how much they suck.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
LayLa said:
surprised to see posts like this, have you never used a DS?
no more huds or map screens.
think of the notebook in Uncharted and how that could be implimented.
think of receiving a message on your mobile in GT4 etc etc

Big difference is that the DS is a portable system, it's easy to look at the 2 screens at the same time. On a console you either have to hold up the the pad up or look down. It's pretty awkward and it doesn't make any sense unless there's is something we're missing.


antonz said:
Yep and really the french report says at least 512MB of ram. So they are basically just saying at a minumum you will get 512. Nintendo admitted they gave the 3DS more ram for performance reasons. They wont skimp on the Wii 2 if its gonna impact performance



justchris said:
Which is why Nintendo always uses high quality RAM. They don't use as much, but the RAM they use is faster.
More ram is better than slightly faster ram. I expect next gen systems to use 4GB of ram. Ram is incredibly cheap now and when you buy in bulk it's even cheaper.


Unconfirmed Member
Nirolak said:
The 4850 is cheap and would destroy the 360, but if it was one, we wouldn't be getting "a little bit stronger" than the 360 rumors unless people just don't really understand the system yet.

The latter is possible though given the vast power range statements we have seen about the device.

That's the catch. Given how things have been described in the pass, a notch above the 360 can mean up to "not quite current high end". Add minimal RAM and CPU differences, and you got your "a notch above 360".

Tu put things into perspective:

Xenos: 48 shaders, 16 TFU, 8 ROPs

HD 4350 (Super low-end R7xx GPU): 80 shaders, 16 TFU, 4 ROPs.
HD 4650 (Low end, gaming grade GPU): 320 shaders, 32 TFU, 8 ROPs.
HD 4870x2 ("family" highest end GPU): 1600 shaders, 80 TFU, 32 ROPS.

Keeping that in mind, I don't see an scenario where the GPU is not considerably more powerful than the 360's.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
gundamkyoukai said:
Consoles always use the best ram on the market at the current time.
Nintendo is not going to have better ram than Sony or MS next gen systems.

I believe the gamecube/wii had faster ram than the ps2, and the xbox. Xbox and gamecube launched around the same time..I think.


JBuccCP said:
So yeah the dimensions are all screwy and I changed the button config halfway through but you get the idea.


Tthe screen can be used like a tablet to browse the web/eshop, then you can merge it with the controllers using some fucking magic magnets like the smart cover to create this horrible monstrosity to game on. One benefit is that if you break your controller you don't have to buy a whole new screen. You can also detach the controller parts and you kiddies and moms can still get your waggle on.

To me, this drawing fits with the rumor about the wii sensor bar...

Basically, If the little screen had a stand on it, you could set it down, and actually play motion control games on it as a TV (sub-optimally of course), or you could play them on your real TV, using the screen as your sensor bar.

At the same time, some other games would be designed mainly to play on the controller itself through the touch screen, while others would be designed to use a mix of both by sending certain data to the screen for maps or whatever.

They could also offer DS games as downloads for it.. or it might even have card slots for DS and 3ds games.


While it's possible that Nintendo will show off something at E3, I'm taking these rumours about the actual features of the 'console' with an enormous pinch of salt.

Once one rumour of this sort gains traction, it is nearly always followed by others trying to get in on the act, usually relating to technical specs but, this being Nintendo, now almost certainly includes 'features' on the writer's wish-fulfilment list ('recapturing the hardcore' etc). The Wii was supposed to have touch screens and be as powerful as the other consoles, the 3DS (prior to its being revealed at E3) much the same. None of those things happened, and generally speaking Nintendo likes to keep their innovations intuitive and simple. As described, this supposed Wii 2 would be ridiculously overstuffed and probably enormously expensive, not Nintendo's way at all. Also bear in mind that there hasn't been a single 'innovation' listed that isn't nicked from some other console. And EVERY Nintendo console since the GameCube has been trying to 'recapture the hardcore' market.

In short, while there's a good chance all these rumours started from a grain of truth, I'm not planning my day out at the beach just yet.


Ichor said:
Can't anyone actually read the OP and do some research before immediately saying this console will be underpowered?

Well what I see in the latest edit is a console that looks to have at least 512mb of ram(maybe only that much), slight upgrade in CPU and a better, but not top of the line, GPU.

Is that a fair statement?

If so, can we expect the recent upgraded unreal engine to run on this thing? New Cry engine level graphics? I am not caught up on my GPU's models and such, so what exactly does the r700 produce?


Ichor said:
Can't anyone actually read the OP and do some research before immediately saying this console will be underpowered?
I think its safe to say the Wii2 will indeed be underpowered. Compared to the nextbox and PS4 that is.

I just hope it will be around PS3 level power. That would be good enough for me.

Big One

So what kind of form factor does GAF think this should take?

Personally I'd like to see it be something like the PSPGo only actually comfortable to hold.


xandaca said:
While it's possible that Nintendo will show off something at E3, I'm taking these rumours about the actual features of the 'console' with an enormous pinch of salt.

Once one rumour of this sort gains traction, it is nearly always followed by others trying to get in on the act, usually relating to technical specs but, this being Nintendo, now almost certainly includes 'features' on the writer's wish-fulfilment list ('recapturing the hardcore' etc). The Wii was supposed to have touch screens and be as powerful as the other consoles, the 3DS (prior to its being revealed at E3) much the same. None of those things happened, and generally speaking Nintendo likes to keep their innovations intuitive and simple. As described, this supposed Wii 2 would be ridiculously overstuffed and probably enormously expensive, not Nintendo's way at all. Also bear in mind that there hasn't been a single 'innovation' listed that isn't nicked from some other console. And EVERY Nintendo console since the GameCube has been trying to 'recapture the hardcore' market.

In short, while there's a good chance all these rumours started from a grain of truth, I'm not planning my day out at the beach just yet.
Mien Got there are so many contradictory reports.

I'm actually thinking Nintendo sent different specs to every developer just to see who was leaking, except they now found out they all were.


Jonm1010 said:
Well what I see in the latest edit is a console that looks to have at least 512mb of ram(maybe only that much), slight upgrade in CPU and a better, but not top of the line, GPU.

Is that a fair statement?

If so, can we expect the recent upgraded unreal engine to run on this thing? New Cry engine level graphics? I am not caught up on my GPU's models and such, so what exactly does the r700 produce?
We know approximately jack shit about the CPU.
The R700 is equivalent to the Radeon 4000 series, (2008-2009) while the 360's chip is a derivative of ATi's Radeon X1900 series (2005), and the PS3's is based on NVidia's 7800 series. (2005)


don't ask me for codes
My take:

Controller consists of controller halves flanking a tablet.

Tablet can display same image as tv (at a lower resolution), and touching can be used to navigate menus directly. Alternatively the tablet works like a laptop touchpad as you move the cursor around on the tv.

When playing games, you can detach the tablet part and connect the controller halves together. This allows for better motion control play where motion control is required. Motion control would be more like Sixaxis, and not pointing like Wiimote.

Where motion control is not required, the tablet part can be left on and even be used as a secondary screen if the game supports it. Sorta like FFCC GC with the GBA.

Next, the console can be turned off, but the tablet can still be used as a... tablet like the iPad. Where you can play smaller games you downloaded from an app store, or bonus mini games which are included with certain console games, or even the actual console game itself! The tablet controller functions just like any other regular tablet portable! (w battery and SSD) The controller halves can be left on so you can use physical buttons for games, or removed for touch/motion games.

The console base is a charging cradle, has backwards compatibility ports, and a disk drive for Wii games. Games will be either downloadable or available on discs. Maybe the game plays off the disc and streams where necessary to the controller, or maybe you install the game on a HDD inside the console base. Or maybe the only storage is inside the tablet, and not the base itself.

EDIT: Dual d-pad and stick for when you turn the tablet controller sideways?


redbarchetta said:
That wasn't what we were discussing.

Graphics =/= innovation
Adding more buttons =/= innovation
Price =/= innovation
Button placement (shoulder buttons) = innovative

The 3DS takes the SNES pad and adds several different motion control methods, producing a more accurate and immersive manner in which to control games programmed with it in mind (such as Zelda 3D's much improved FPS aiming).

you're missing the point. it's 2010. adding a single analogue stick isn't innovative, it was on the old PSP. adding motion sensors isn't innovative it's on the iphone. the graphics aren't particularly impressive as the one year old iphone is capable of more

when the snes was released it was pretty much at the cutting edge of console graphics. the launch lineup was decent. and the control pad was a genuinely new design with more buttons than had been seen on other controllers.


Has problems recognising girls
I hope it's "underpowered" just to see everyone shit in their diapers. And I hope Sony and Microsoft follow suit with that ideaology as well.


Jonm1010 said:
Well what I see in the latest edit is a console that looks to have at least 512mb of ram(maybe only that much), slight upgrade in CPU and a better, but not top of the line, GPU.

Is that a fair statement?

If so, can we expect the recent upgraded unreal engine to run on this thing? New Cry engine level graphics? I am not caught up on my GPU's models and such, so what exactly does the r700 produce?

Cry Engine 3 and such would run on it. They currently run on the 360 and PS3. What you would see would be greatly improved performance overall
I still think that (once again) the power of this console will disappoint and won't be as good as the rumors that float around say it is.

It seems Nintendo will continue their strategy of cheaping out on graphical power and compensating for it with innovation in another field, which again seems to be the control scheme.

I think it's a stupid mistake, but I'd like to be proven wrong.


Fernando Rocker said:
I'm a huge Nintendo fan... but these rumored specs are making me feel sad, literally.
As opposed to just figuratively sad? The R700 is still very far ahead of what the 360 and PS3 have. If the other specs are upgraded to match, we are talking about more than "a notch" more powerful than the 360.


I love me some high end tech but I don't want to deal with another $600 console launch. I'm mostly hoping Nintendo finds the right balance between tech and price.
Sipowicz said:
you're missing the point. it's 2010. adding a single analogue stick isn't innovative, it was on the old PSP. adding motion sensors isn't innovative it's on the iphone. the graphics aren't particularly impressive as the one year old iphone is capable of more

when the snes was released it was pretty much at the cutting edge of console graphics. the launch lineup was decent. and the control pad was a genuinely new design with more buttons than had been seen on other controllers.

I don't understand you. Nothing you listed as being innovative actually is (though I would agree shoulder buttons are, but only because of their location). Having a strong launch line-up is not innovative; that's good business sense. Adding more buttons also isn't any great innovation, unless you consider the Jaguar to be the greatest controller ever made.

What you're really arguing the SNES at the time of release, which is a much more sensible than saying it was more innovative when it really was anything but. The SNES innovated in games, not hardware.


Tempy said:
My take:

Controller consists of controller halves flanking a tablet.

Tablet can display same image as tv (at a lower resolution), and touching can be used to navigate menus directly. Alternatively the tablet works like a laptop touchpad as you move the cursor around on the tv.

When playing games, you can detach the tablet part and connect the controller halves together. This allows for better motion control play where motion control is required. Motion control would be more like Sixaxis, and not pointing like Wiimote.

Where motion control is not required, the tablet part can be left on and even be used as a secondary screen if the game supports it. Sorta like FFCC GC with the GBA.

Next, the console can be turned off, but the tablet can still be used as a... tablet like the iPad. Where you can play smaller games you downloaded from an app store, or bonus mini games which are included with certain console games, or even the actual console game itself! The tablet controller functions just like any other regular tablet portable! (w battery and SSD) The controller halves can be left on so you can use physical buttons for games, or removed for touch/motion games.

The console base is a charging cradle, has backwards compatibility ports, and a disk drive for Wii games. Games will be either downloadable or available on discs. Maybe the game plays off the disc and streams where necessary to the controller, or maybe you install the game on a HDD inside the console base. Or maybe the only storage is inside the tablet, and not the base itself.

EDIT: Dual d-pad and stick for when you turn the tablet controller sideways?
Interesting ideas, particularly the bolded. Nintendo's been talking a lot about their concerns regarding cheap app games taking over. Allowing the console to beam bite-sized app games off an app store to a tablet controller that you can then take with you on the go could be a way to try and grab a part of this market.

EDIT: The tablet concept is also a nice workaround to Japan's alleged growing affinity for portables and alienation from playing on their TVs.
Souldriver said:
I still think that (once again) the power of this console will disappoint and won't be as good as the rumors that float around say it is.

It seems Nintendo will continue their strategy of cheaping out on graphical power and compensating for it with innovation in another field, which again seems to be the control scheme.

I think it's a stupid mistake, but I'd like to be proven wrong.

the 3DS isn't underpowered.


don't ask me for codes
effzee said:
Its probably been mentioned but the controller is most likely like the sliding cell phones. First layer is the full 6inch touchscreen tablet which then slides up to reveal the traditional controller.

Or the first level is the traditional controller and bottom layer is touchscreen tablet.

Either way BRING IT.

It's an Xperia Play! (And I like the 21:9 suggestion).


Stumpokapow said:
If none of this info ends up being right, it'll be the widest, deepest misfire in gaming journalism ever.
Pretty much. It would destroy the reputation of alot of more trusted people.

I cant see Nintendo letting this go on though if there was no truth to it. Its a far more dangerous game to get investors thinking a console is coming and not deliver at all then the have investors expectations maybe not fully met


I'm kind of intrigued by a touchscreen controller. With normal gamepad controllers, game designers are still stuck with a static control layout. However, a touchscreen controller allows controller configurations to be much more flexible and polymorphic. The number of commands are also no longer limited by the number of physical buttons and switches.

There's also an added benefit of artistic license when designing a touch screen control interfaces. Imagine playing a something like Microsoft Flight Simulator and having all your avionics and instruments on the touchscreen drawn exactly like it would on a Cessna.

The problems I see stemming from this would be with usability. Having a certain control elements with no physical features would make it difficult for players to naturally adapt to control schemes without tactile feedback. Muscle memory is a key component of player control and removing an important feedback cue would be very problematic.

I foresee most games that rely on high reflexes to stick with the physical portions for physical actions (combat/movement) while relegating the touchscreen for in-game state management (inventory, stats screen, landing gear, flaps, transfer laser energy to shields, etc).
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