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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Finally, I was able to read the whole topic. Now it's time to sleep. I hope I don't have to spend the entire day tomorrow catching up again!


Holy shit The_Technomancer and Orayn...are you
guys like conjoined twins of The Road To El Dorado or something? Two sets of posts right after the other in succession.

Holy shit.


And I just see that Orayn was banned. I knew some tomfoolery was happening.


speedpop said:

Reading those old knee-jerk reactions helps put all of this in perspective, lol. Though for my part I still have very similar concerns. If the controls are too alienating then it will receive sparse 3rd party support because developers won't want to go through the effort of adapting conventional control schemes to whatever this is.

And if it is only just a stop-gap in power between the 360 and whatever is next, it will be overshadowed by what sony and microsoft launch next.
Cipherr said:
1st place?

I mean, I dont mean to be a downer, but maybe what some people think they should be stupid enough to avoid is exactly what the hell they want.
I knew someone would bring that up. I specifically mentioned that they made a lot of money on the thing, but it didn't pay off for gamers, and third parties shat on the thing. The Wii is dying off while the HD consoles are gaining traction. Nintendo claims they want to recapture the "hardcore" market, so I doubt executing the exact same scenario as the last 5 years will work. Neither the games industry nor the gamers will take it.


Jin34 said:
I know because of all the money RROD cost MS. The bleeding edge means huge power draw and heat which does not go well with closed boxes of electronic equipment. The 360 gpu was based on (at the time) the next gen Radeon card, something that wasn't even available on the pc side if I remember correctly. Next time you won't get that, but something more akin to taking one of the performance "sweet spot" cards from the past year so they can get a better handle on the thermals.

Maybe, but NGP shows that Sony is still willing to market based on having the highest end performance and having the latest and best. If Sony were the one to decide to do what I stated above - go all out - Microsoft would have to follow suit if they wished to release near each other.

It might not be bleeding edge this gen, but I'd bet it will be close. If I'm Sony or Microsoft what would even be my draw if I were going to have to release a year after the next wii and only decided to be slightly better than Nintendos specs?? "Hey guys, were coming out a year after nintendo and unfortunately we will only have slightly better graphics and the same gimmicks - but hey! Just wait and buy me instead!!"

I doubt it, I think they will copy the wii2, improve in some areas - make a big deal about giant leaps in graphics and then try and market to both casual and hardcore demographics. Give people a reason to wait. Make wii2 look like the dreamcast. Make 3rd parties want to jump ship. I cant see any other market strategy can you?? If so, what?


Why do I keep reading that the controller will have a camera that can act as a Wii sensor bar. What would be the point of that? Would someone seriously take their controller and place it on top of their TV for the other controllers?


delirium said:
I really feel the best chance Nintendo has with its next gen console is have a console that is relatively cheap but the power different between the Xbox3/PS4 won't be so great that ports can't be made for it. It will still require something to differentiate from Sony and Microsoft's next offering so that people won't just wait for that and become the next Dreamcast.

They should at least make an effort to make sure the console gets competent Call of Duty games. You can't keep ignoring one of the best annually selling game franchises.


Foffy said:
Wowzies. People thought the Wiimote was worse than the PS3 Boomerang controller? :p

Things change over time.

I certainly would have wanted the boomerang over what we got now (the same thing as the last time).

Balb said:
They should at least make an effort to make sure the console gets competent Call of Duty games. You can't keep ignoring one of the best annually selling game franchises.

The Wii games were well received, at least, but it would be nice if they could compete with the HD ones in sales.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Game-Biz said:
Holy shit The_Technomancer and Orayn...are you
guys like conjoined twins of The Road To El Dorado or something? Two sets of posts right after the other in succession.

And I just see that Orayn was banned. I knew some tomfoolery was happening.
Not what you're thinking, he and I are just real life friends. The ban was temp, and for something else.


suaveric said:
Why do I keep reading that the controller will have a camera that can act as a Wii sensor bar. What would the point on that be? Would someone seriously take their controller and place it on top of their TV for the other controllers?

I know, it doesn't make any sense.


Souldriver said:
I knew someone would bring that up. I specifically mentioned that they made a lot of money on the thing, but it didn't pay off for gamers, and third parties shat on the thing. The Wii is dying off while the HD consoles are gaining traction. Nintendo claims they want to recapture the "hardcore" market, so I doubt executing the exact same scenario as the last 5 years will work. Neither the games industry nor the gamers will take it.

Of course it was brought up, and yes they made alot of money in spite of us ignoring it, and dont kid yourself, even today, they are making money hand over fucking fist from it. The games industry nor the gamers "took it" this gen either and they still made more than they could count. I just think you should consider it is all. They might not give as much a shit as we would like them to.


Souldriver said:
I dunno. If Sony/MS release their consoles 1 year later than Nintendo and theirs leapfrog the Wii2 in power, how different would that be from this gen?

I dunno, it's all conjecture at this point, but I'm just really worried that Nintendo might be stupid enough to put themselves in the same position as this gen twice. I doubt it would pay off for them as it did with the Wii's first 3 years, and it didn't pay of for Wii-gamers at all. But who knows: perhaps Nintendo will do extra effort in the horsepower department, while Sony and MS take a trick out of Nintendo's book and focus more on casual crowds and other innovations instead of raw horsepower.

Wii 2 will likely launched well ahead of PS4.

The only other manufacturer that can launch within 6 months is likely Microsoft. But both manufacturers will essentially be faced with a tough choice.

Drop their millions of investment in their new motion controllers and try to have a presence of give Wii2 a year's head start.

It's easy to give credit here to Nintendo but the situation was largely due to the financial exhaustion of the very expensive current generation of consoles and the subsidies that went into them.

Someone mentioned Nintendo lucked out on a bunch of get out of jail free cards last gen. But what's interesting is, even in the scenario where we assume they are just some dimwitted relic of Japan Inc., then having such a huge head start on both the portable and home space on Sony must be some great streak.


Balb said:
They should at least make an effort to make sure the console gets competent Call of Duty games. You can't keep ignoring one of the best annually selling game franchises.
I don't know of CoD is going to be next-gen's great seller. It's still going to sell a lot, just not on the level that people expect. Remember when everyone thought GTA was going to be this generation's blockbuster because of its performance last generation?

I do agree with the fact that Nintendo needs to make sure this console is powerful enough that ports can come easily to it from Xbox3/PS4 games.


Honestly, I'm not concerned about how big of a technological leap it is, as long as it's HD. I want to play Nintendo games on my HDTV without them looking like a blurry mess (component cables only slightly remedy this, compared to an actual HD game on an HD system). I hope the system can upscale old Wii titles so they look good on an HDTV; it'd be a shame if, say, DKCR is left a VHS tape in a market of DVDs, so to speak (or a DVD in a market of Blu-rays, I should say).
delirium said:
I don't know of CoD is going to be next-gen's great seller. It's still going to sell a lot, just not on the level that people expect. Remember when everyone thought GTA was going to be this generation's blockbuster because of its performance last generation?

GTA4 was a blockbuster, they just only released one GTA this generation. But other hits like Red Dead Redemption and Assassin's Creed (and even Bethesda's open world games) show that that genre is still huge.
I'm still fully prepared for the fact that, if this all ends up true, Nintendo still might not say word one about it at their investor conference, E3, or TGS.


Orayn said:
Eh, Xenos was roughly comparable to some of the higher end X1900 cards with a few bells and whistles from the ill-fated 2000-series thrown in.

I see, most of my knowledge about cards is from 8800GT onwards. Was Xenos about the 4870 equivalent for its time?

Heavy said:
Well whatever, I didn't know that about NGP, sorry. I still think PS4 is going to be bleeding edge tech. At least ONE of the three console makers will have a monster of a box because there's a huge market for that demo.

The NGP is a good indicator as to what the PS4 will be. Not making completely custom chips (Cell) or gigantic chips fitted into smaller spaces. But tweaked versions of stuff available at the time. The jump will be dialed down but not into a half gen thing. Most will see it as a normal jump thanks to the longer gen.

Heavy said:
Wasn't the RROD fiasco more about certain design issues with cooling system rather than the GPU drawing too much power? I remember stuff about the black thermal glue and that type of thing.

Yes they cut corners on to get it out in Holiday 05. However the core issue is the TDP of the chips. Remember all the jokes about the power brick? The launch 360 was a huge power hog and you can only do so much to cool that in such a small box, the best approach to tackle this is to fix the root of the problem: the power used and heat generated by the chips. That's why every die shrink brought with it a big increase in reliability.


ReyVGM said:
Finally, I was able to read the whole topic. Now it's time to sleep. I hope I don't have to spend the entire day tomorrow catching up again!

You should have just waited. Don't you know that this thread will be released as a series of novels?

edit: decent possibility it will be in the science fiction section


Orayn said:
It's not that bad, really.

That's an Archos 7 tablet. Imagine that thing, with one half of an Xbox 360 controller on either side. It would certainly be a hefty device, but far from a monstrosity.

Sorry man but that would indeed be a monstrosity. Think about this, it may be fine for adults with larger hands but how will kids play it? It would be like wielding a stab of stone for them.
This new controller really Mystifies me. I could see some kind of iPhone-wiimote hybrid controller but the ability to stream whole games on it seems so pointless unless there is a misunderstanding and they are talking about connectivity with the 3ds.


ShockingAlberto said:
I'm still fully prepared for the fact that, if this all ends up true, Nintendo still might not say word one about it at their investor conference, E3, or TGS.

You think so? That long?

If this is true, then it would be odd of them to wait a whole year to announce it.

But I guess that is a good way to make people think it's false.
Cipherr said:
Of course it was brought up, and yes they made alot of money in spite of us ignoring it, and dont kid yourself, even today, they are making money hand over fucking fist from it. The games industry nor the gamers "took it" this gen either and they still made more than they could count. I just think you should consider it is all. They might not give as much a shit as we would like them to.
I doubt the Wii2 will sell gangbusters like the original one did if it's basically the same concept all over again. Many gamers feel "fooled" into buying on. Collecting dust yada yada... Not to mention, the Wii really was something new when it came out. The industry mainly focused on better graphics with new generations, so the Wii was a total disruption. Now we have Sony and MS also experimenting with new control schemes. Both the consumers side and the competition have changed.

I repeat though that personally I'm not pleading for a powerhouse. I'm not that focused on graphics. I do however want a console with a healthy stream of good quality games. And evidently you need to keep up with graphical technology to get that, otherwise third parties won't play along.
Both Sony and MS will have new consoles within one year of Wii2, bank on it. They're not going to just sit around when their competitor launches a new product.

Also expect significant price drops on ps3 and 360.
Willy105 said:
You think they would wait that long? If this is true, then it would odd to wait a whole year to announce it.

But I guess that is a good way to make people think it's false.
They might, not saying they will.

The software might not be there yet.

I am kind of wondering if they are going to try to do the same thing as the 3DS launch; make one third party title the "key" launch title and release a few of their own weaker titles. Some GAFers will probably scream bloody murder at another Mario-less launch, but Capcom certainly might like it.


Anticitizen One said:
This new controller really Mystifies me. I could see some kind of iPhone-wiimote hybrid controller but the ability to stream whole games on it seems so pointless unless there is a misunderstanding and they are talking about connectivity with the 3ds.

I frankly think there is no 'one' controller.

If rumors are correct, there could be 2 controllers. A traditional gaming controller with the dual analog etc, and a tablet like 'pod' that is meant to download content for the user to enjoy.

A kind of end run around having to buy a console and a separate portable device so whatever 'social' goal they wish to achieve will be doable out of the box. Nothing being talked about insfar as the 'gaming' controller is particularly innovative. It actually sounds like a repackaged Wii classic controller. Maybe IT IS the Wii Classic controller with some tweaks and additions.

The focus of course will be on the tablet device.

And the 3rd way? 3DS is also the control. It has gyro and motion sensor and will likely double as a simple substitute for the wiimote, tabletmote, classic mote for a number of simpler 'casual' fare.

And yeah it's also got the screen so that's your 2nd Wii2 controller.


delirium said:
I do agree with the fact that Nintendo needs to make sure this console is powerful enough that ports can come easily to it from Xbox3/PS4 games.

And this right here is my biggest concern. For once I would like my nintendo home console to play the best 3rd party titles alongside the great exclusive 1st party content. The Wii didn't have it, the gamecube for the most part didn't have it, and the N64 didn't have it. Come through for me this time Nintendo!!!


H_Prestige said:
Both Sony and MS will have new consoles within one year of Wii2, bank on it. They're not going to just sit around when their competitor launches a new product.

Also expect significant price drops on ps3 and 360.

$150 PS3 here I come.


Heavy said:
be put in exactly the same situation the original is in today. PS4 and 720 will run laps around this thing. The 360 came out with a GPU that had unified shaders which was tech that wasn't in any GPU in the market at the time. Both CELL and the 360 triple core CPU were cutting edge. I can't believe this shit. I'm not fkng buying a console with a 4-year old GPU and a gig of RAM in 2012.

What about a console with a 4 year old GPU and 512MB of Ram? :p

I'm with you. If these are the real hardware specs it will be easy for MS and Sony to trump this device.

Big One

H_Prestige said:
Both Sony and MS will have new consoles within one year of Wii2, bank on it. They're not going to just sit around when their competitor launches a new product.
Both Microsoft and Sony have expressed interest in extending their console's lifespan much further than the release date of Wii2, though


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I like how Nintendo fans believe Nintendo has some secret, magical facility able to develop technology that other companies can't.
Jin34 said:
Was that ATi's top single gpu card back then? Thats what I meant in case there was some confusion.
in its day? sure it was.

Router said:
I like how Nintendo fans believe Nintendo has some secret, magical facility able to develop technology that other companies can't.

I like how you make baseless accusations with no proof to back them up, like its some grand conspiracy theory.


I have not read every response in this thread, but if the speculated feature set and specs of the system are somewhat accurate and that the system is slightly more powerfull that the 360/PS3 and they launch 1 year ahead of the next MS/Sony system, what Nintendo will gain is 3rd party support and ability to have games made on their console first, then ported to the new MS/Sony system.

Now if the new Nin is marginally better, but the new MS/Sony console is twice as powerfull, then I can easily see a shift in 3rd party support to the MS/Sony console due to how more powerfull they may be.

Again another "if" the console is about the power of current HD consoles, the new console will be home to easy ports from the 360 without much added other than funtionality to take advantage of whatever the Nin gimmick is.


artwalknoon said:
Sorry man but that would indeed be a monstrosity. Think about this, it may be fine for adults with larger hands but how will kids play it? It would be like wielding a stab of stone for them.

No, not really.

Kindle, 6"


Router said:
I like how Nintendo fans believe Nintendo has some secret, magical facility able to develop technology that other companies can't.

Well then why don't they think up this stuff first?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Big One said:
Both Microsoft and Sony have expressed interest in extending their console's lifespan much further than the release date of Wii2, though

In that they will continue to support the current gen consoles. It docent stop them from releasing new hardware.
Big One said:
Both Microsoft and Sony have expressed interest in extending their console's lifespan much further than the release date of Wii2, though

I'm sure they would love to, but once wii2 is official they will definitely reevaluate their options.
Router said:
I like how Nintendo fans believe Nintendo has some secret, magical facility able to develop technology that other companies can't.

Well... they kind of do.
Or rather, they are able to use existing technology in ways that others can't.


UltimaKilo said:
Am I the only person that thinks the Wii still has plenty of selling power left? They can drop the price early next year to $129 to pick up sales along with some agressive software releases and some added features with a firmware update. They can announce the console at E3 2012 and release it late 2013 on 22nm architecture and lower RAM/FLASH prices.

I also think it would be risky to announce a new console only a few months after releasing one. From now until E3 2012 should be used to push the 3DS.

The Wii has sold around 85 million at a price point of $200. Didn't PS2 sell about half to its install base at $150? The Wii also trounced the competition last holiday season. The Wii is selling on par with its competitors worldwide even though there is no compelling software. The Wii clearly has a lot of life in it - people are still interested in it. They just need to release more compelling software. I'm certain the 2nd half of the year will be much better software wise and with a $150 price it will be Wii domination again.


Stephen Colbert said:
And they were right. The Wiimote makes for a really shitty gamepad. Hence why we have the classic controller, the classic controller pro, the gamecube controller and a billion shitty variants that people opt to use for their game pad instead of the wiimote.

Not really. The Wiimote sideways gets a lot of use.

apana said:
Well then why don't they think up this stuff first?

They probably do, they might just not want to take the risk. Nintendo is as close a company can be a daredevil in the industry.


Hawk269 said:
I have not read every response in this thread, but if the speculated feature set and specs of the system are somewhat accurate and that the system is slightly more powerfull that the 360/PS3 and they launch 1 year ahead of the next MS/Sony system, what Nintendo will gain is 3rd party support and ability to have games made on their console first, then ported to the new MS/Sony system.

Now if the new Nin is marginally better, but the new MS/Sony console is twice as powerfull, then I can easily see a shift in 3rd party support to the MS/Sony console due to how more powerfull they may be.

Again another "if" the console is about the power of current HD consoles, the new console will be home to easy ports from the 360 without much added other than funtionality to take advantage of whatever the Nin gimmick is.

You seem to have only read parts of the thread that fits your 'angle'.

The power issue is largely contradictory. The range goes from significantly better than PS3 to a notch above 360, but no one knows what a 'notch' is.

Brain_Stew's analysis seems to put it at considerable power over the 360 based on the specs provided by the French site.


Deku said:
You seem to have only read parts of the thread that fits your 'angle'.

The power issue is largely contradictory. The range goes from significantly better than PS3 to a notch above 360, but no one knows what a 'notch' is.
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