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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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AceBandage said:
I dunno. Whatever the 3DS uses (I know it's resistive) I can use my fingers on easily and accurately. I was able to just poke my username into it first try without really pressing any harder than on my iPod.

Resistive is okay for button taps, but is abysmal for anything else, such as dragging. Just try scrolling around in your friend list with a finger; it does not work smoothly and you have to apply far too much pressure, which limits your movement. And forget multi-touch (although the technology exists, it's still hindered by the same drawbacks and would be especially frustrating with two fingers.


apana said:
Wow I just read the comments by the IGN editors on Wii 2. Wow no words.
Its a trainwreck for sure. Once the guys who actually enjoyed Nintendo more or less left the people coming in are awful


Doing this will only give Apple more idea on how to implement gaming with their HDTV-out with their iPad and iPhone.

They already started doing it with the iPad 2. It's super easy to connect and display media on the large TV screen while controlling stuffs on the iPad's touch screen.


george_us said:
How many studios are actually going to be able to take advantage of that though?

well it's epic, and that's pretty much all they do is sell this stuff, so i'm assuming they're trying to get as many people to support it as they can.

Glass Joe

The thing I'm most skeptical about regarding these rumors is the Fall 2012 release. If they show anything at E3, it's gonna be for Fall 2011. That's too far off for Nintendo (or any company) to publicly show their hand to their competitors. If they show off something innovative that's so far away, they'd be in danger of Microsoft/Sony stealing and even beating them to the punch with it. Plus, why knock the already slowing momentum of the Wii for basically no reason?

Plus, looking at Nintendo's Wii schedule... Other than Zelda, it's pretty slow as it is. It's drying up too fast for them to wait until Fall 2012. Any decent Wii level game is already probably being scaled back to 3DS (Kid Icarus / Zelda Remake / etc) and we just don't realize it.
Man, this shit is all over the place @_@

Some one says "Our sources have said the the console is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360", someone else says "slightly more powerful than the 360" ... yet most all of them are saying "HD Touch Screen in the control" ... how the fuck are things swinging around like this?
Skiesofwonder said:
I seriously think Nintendo is just telling people to throw out random guesses.

We have

- Builds on the Wiimote
- Nothing like the Wiimote
- HD screen, no touch
- Non-HD screen, touch
- Better the move motion control
- Dual Analogs
- Less than PS3
- Ps3 level
- More than PS3
- WAY more than PS3
- Building upon the Wii name
- Totally new branding
- Late 2012 release
- Hinted at E3 2011
- First and third party games at E3
- Fall 2011 release
- Just got Dev Kits
- Had dev kits since start of the year
- Build for the hardcore. No gimmicks
- Nintendo is doing new and crazy stuff with this
- Sensor bar is controller
- Camera is Controller
- HD screen on controller
- System is controller
- God is the controller

Thanks for the summary, its so hard trying to keep all these facts in line.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Heavy said:
Watch this video and I dare you to tell me it isn't leaps and bounds ahead of the best stuff we're seeing today or that diminishing returns are in play here:


We haven't even gotten close to diminishing returns yet.

I am familiar with the shiny technology of tomorrow. Looks great. It's also demonstration that runs in scripted cut scene and hand animated space - hello, Killzone 2 teaser video, how I've missed you.

Diminishing returns is not a goal post we "reach". That's kind of the idea. It's an infinite sliding scale, that gets infinitely smaller as time goes on.

My point, is that there is proportionally a magnitude less obvious deficit between a PS360 level kit and the next two years state of the art hardware, than there is between a Gamecube and a PS3. Especially since we're not going to be viewing the next 2 years of technology on anything but the same display technology we've been using for PS360, if you're talking consoles. 1080p is it.

It doesn't mean that Nextbox and PS4's better games won't display obvious bells and whistles that are beyond a WiiHD Turbo. They clearly would. I honestly do not think though, it would be the same shocking and ugly difference between a Wii title and a PS360 title, on an HD display. We've progressed beyond that point now.

We *know* what PS360 level graphics look like compared to shiny hand scripted demos of the next tech and Battlefield 3's also tightly scripted single player extravaganza, etc. It's not hard to forecast what this sort of supposed Nintendo console would look like next to MS and Sony's next consoles.

For some tech heads, who are already "bored" of Gear of War 3, Uncharted 2 and 3, Killzone 3, and The Last Guardian, well, more power to you. Can't help you there. But nobody is going to convince me that when put against next years' technology, Nintendo stuff on PS360 level is going to look like freakin' Red Steel 1 480i-against-Battlefield 3 PC On Very High In HD Resolution.


Black-Wind said:
Man, this shit is all over the place @_@

Some one says "Our sources have said the the console is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360", someone else says "slightly more powerful than the 360" ... yet most all of them are saying "HD Touch Screen in the control" ... how the fuck are things swinging around like this?

Well the power issue can be kinda explained. The french site themselves contradict themselves to some extent. The GPU they discuss is much more powerful than the 360 one but the CPU they discuss would be marginally better.


Krowley said:
Which means nintendo gets a moderate head start with a system that's weaker than its competition, but not blown out of the water.


If they get a head start and they keep the price around 300 bucks, the other two will not be able to afford to blow them away on power. They're not going to want a repeat of this gen on the price front, and the law of diminishing returns is already in effect anyway.

Honestly, they may even try to wait longer so they can release something massivley more powerful without having to charge 400 or 500 bucks.

But Microsoft and Sony have shown they are willing to take a loss.

I still contend, if your going to come out a year plus later than your competitor, you need to have something to bring to the table. If its not graphics it needs to be something revolutionary like wii did.

PS3 is the prime example of coming to the market late but not doing anything to differentiate yourself. Gamecube is an example of coming late but not bringing anything new.

PS2 is a prime example of coming to the market late, but having a significant power boost over your competitor to differentiate yourself from the competition. Same can be said for N64 and wii. Both came late but offered something noticeable to differentiate themselves and be successful.

Sony or Microsoft probably know they need to do this by now. It might be an enhanced gimmick but more than likely it will at least in part be noticeably better graphics.
Glass Joe said:
The thing I'm most skeptical about regarding these rumors is the Fall 2012 release. If they show anything at E3, it's gonna be for Fall 2011. That's too far off for Nintendo (or any company) to publicly show their hand to their competitors. If they show off something innovative that's so far away, they'd be in danger of Microsoft/Sony stealing and even beating them to the punch with it. Plus, why knock the already slowing momentum of the Wii for basically no reason?

Plus, looking at Nintendo's Wii schedule... Other than Zelda, it's pretty slow as it is. It's drying up too fast for them to wait until Fall 2012. Any decent Wii level game is already probably being scaled back to 3DS (Kid Icarus / Zelda Remake / etc) and we just don't realize it.

There is no way in hell it's coming out this year. Especially not fall. Nintendo isn't in danger of crap from Sony and MS. They can't just put everything full stop and whip up a console to release.
AceBandage said:
It is, but it won't happen with consoles any time soon. UE3 is a pipe dream, right now. Just a "HEY! Look what we can do!" It's completely unrealistic for at least a few more years on PCs, and another 5 at least on consoles. Meaning that the PS4/720 will not be a huge leap over the N6.
Didn't Epic say they could optimize it for one 580? Let's say they exaggerated and could make it 2x 580s but not 1. Now fast forward to 2 years from now... I think a GPU of that caliber (or better) would definitely be reasonable in PS4/720. Two years is a long time in GPU tech.


AceBandage said:
Touch screens aren't that expensive these days, really. Depending on what they use.
And motion sensing tech is dirt cheap.

I hope its capacitive and not resistive. And please have it be multitouch, wouldn't make sense to have all that screen real estate with only single touch input.


antonz said:
Well the power issue can be kinda explained. The french site themselves contradict themselves to some extent. The GPU they discuss is much more powerful than the 360 one but the CPU they discuss would be marginally better.

Well there's other speculation saying AMD is supplying the CPU which contradicts this entirely.

It's very likely a PowerPC CPU is in the guts of this machine for Wii/GC BC, but it could be used for something like streaming content to the controller for all we know.

If you scan the pages, it is interesting to see how picks up on which fact though.
Heavy said:
Didn't Epic say they could optimize it for one 580? Let's say they exaggerated and could make it 2x 580s but not 1. Now fast forward to 2 years from now... I think a GPU of that caliber (or better) would definitely be reasonable in PS4/720. Two years is a long time in GPU tech.

When has a console EVER used a top of the line, just released GPU?
It's not happening. That would not be cost effective, even with them taking a loss on each system.
It is unrealistic.


Deku said:
Well there's other speculation saying AMD is supplying the CPU which contradicts this entirely.

It's very likely a PowerPC CPU is in the guts of this machine for Wii/GC BC, but it could be used for something like streaming content to the controller for all we know.

If you scan the pages, it is interesting to see how picks up on which fact though.
Yep. The AMD Source seems pretty accurate for Nintendos plans but it could be a total swerve and Xbox 3 does come out next year.
IMO, the screen/controller seems more and more like it is a plug-in or connects to the existing wiimote (according to other leaked infos)

Now whether it plugs directly in the bottom a la uDraw Studio or otherwise, I dont know. Whether its existing wiimotes or smaller/redesigned ones, I dont know.

Im betting on a thinner Wiimote with rechargeable batteries that connect with a screened controller similar to the Classic Controller


AniHawk said:
well it's epic, and that's pretty much all they do is sell this stuff, so i'm assuming they're trying to get as many people to support it as they can.
Right but if studios are struggling with astronomical budgets now, I can't imagine how much worse it'll be next generation.


Souldriver said:
I knew someone would bring that up. I specifically mentioned that they made a lot of money on the thing, but it didn't pay off for gamers, and third parties shat on the thing. The Wii is dying off while the HD consoles are gaining traction. Nintendo claims they want to recapture the "hardcore" market, so I doubt executing the exact same scenario as the last 5 years will work. Neither the games industry nor the gamers will take it.

I agree but at the same we are so early and far away from the reality of this next gen that right now you can't accurately predict anything. Just look at the history. Did anyone see PS1 destroying Nintendo in terms of market share? Did anyone think the Wii would outsell both the 360 and PS3 with the same gen console plus motion control?

At this point the reality is this. The motion controls are here to stay. Nintendo introduced it and hasn't perfected it so now is the time. This new system has to show developers how and why its useful.

The other reality is that since Nintendo is coming out first this next gen, no matter what it does in terms of "power" it will be leap frogged by the next Sony and MS consoles. How much is the issue. And how much of a leap it will be is the issue. If the leap the next Sony console takes is the same leap the PS3 took from the PS2, it will be significant. If PS4 is going to be PS3 2.0 and Wii 2 is going to be PS3 1.5, I doubt we see much of a difference. Then it comes down to the games and this magical mysterious controller.

Nintendo has expanded the videogame market to the casuals. They can't just ignore them. They can though, if done correctly, keep the casual market with a new innovation that keeps them interested while also bringing back the hardcore gamers by catching up to the tech and offering the overall traditional gaming experience.

But yeah it does suck that from these early spec rumors, Nintendo is not going to balls to the wall. I do understand because it has a business to run and has to consider pricing, losses, and countless other things we as gamers might not even consider.
AceBandage said:
When has a console EVER used a top of the line, just released GPU?
It's not happening. That would not be cost effective, even with them taking a loss on each system.
It is unrealistic.
Got to remember that with Blu-Ray, HDMI, WiFi, HDDs, and all that other shit being out of the way and cost nothing to make now, all focus can be brought to CPU, GPU, and RAM.


RurouniZel said:
I was trying to do a mockup earlier but I came across one problem; the part about the front facing camera acting as a sensor bar for the motion controller. This got me thinking that it's possible the 6 inch tablet isn't the controller per say, but the console itself. Some control could be achieved in this way, such as a virtual controller to take with you, but with a more Wii-esque "main" controller.

My mock up below, which is probably 100% wrong and will cause me to be laughed at when Nintendo reveals whatever it is they're making.

so ..... the controller is the console....

mysteriousmage09 said:
Got to remember that with Blu-Ray, HDMI, WiFi, HDDs, and all that other shit being out of the way and cost nothing to make now, all focus can be brought to CPU, GPU, and RAM.

Except that we're talking about the GPU alone costing nearly $300!
I'm sorry, but I didn't buy one $600 console, and I won't start now just because Epic releases a new engine that's insane.


AceBandage said:
When has a console EVER used a top of the line, just released GPU?
It's not happening. That would not be cost effective, even with them taking a loss on each system.
It is unrealistic.

PS2, XBOX, 360, PS3???? All were on the verge or at the cutting edge at their release.


Unconfirmed Member
Heavy said:
Didn't Epic say they could optimize it for one 580? Let's say they exaggerated and could make it 2x 580s but not 1. Now fast forward to 2 years from now... I think a GPU of that caliber (or better) would definitely be reasonable in PS4/720. Two years is a long time in GPU tech.
No console launching in the next 2 years will have 580 GTX like power. Like I have pointed before, the 580 alone approaches to 400W while demanded. The 360 and Ps3 had heating and price problems at 180W, for the whole system.


Heavy said:
Didn't Epic say they could optimize it for one 580? Let's say they exaggerated and could make it 2x 580s but not 1. Now fast forward to 2 years from now... I think a GPU of that caliber (or better) would definitely be reasonable in PS4/720. Two years is a long time in GPU tech.
The GPU days were still pretty young at the time, but the original Xbox's GPU was extremely cutting-edge at launch. It just had a bit less memory space and bandwidth to work with compared to its PC counterpart.
PS3's RSX however was a year out of date AND cut down from the 7800GTX in some areas to boot (ROPs and memory bus).
AceBandage said:
Except that we're talking about the GPU alone costing nearly $300!
I'm sorry, but I didn't buy one $600 console, and I won't start now just because Epic releases a new engine that's insane.
The GPU cost will drop dramatically by the time Sony and MS release their new consoles. We're talking a year and a half from now minimum.


RurouniZel said:
I was trying to do a mockup earlier but I came across one problem; the part about the front facing camera acting as a sensor bar for the motion controller. This got me thinking that it's possible the 6 inch tablet isn't the controller per say, but the console itself. Some control could be achieved in this way, such as a virtual controller to take with you, but with a more Wii-esque "main" controller.

My mock up below, which is probably 100% wrong and will cause me to be laughed at when Nintendo reveals whatever it is they're making.

I too share this belief. That is all.
Anticitizen One said:
Not to be rude but you guys thinking the new nintendo will be, at best, the same power of 360/ps3 sound retarded. Nintendo would have to go out of there way to build a system with 6 year old tech. It will be more powerful than existing consoles. I'm more curious how it will stack up to ps4 and the next xbox and if it will support 3dtvs

Nintendo did it for the Wii.
polyh3dron said:
I will lol fucking hard if this console has 512MB RAM.
I'm not buying it unless it's up to par with the rest of the industry. I don't want to throw down 300+ for old tech. Nintendo is just becoming less and less appealing to me with every device they make. Sure the Wii is fun, but you know why I love my PS3 more? It does 100 more things than the Wii. I can even watch DVDs on my PS3!! GASP... sorry... rage moment right there... I just... think I've outgrown Nintendo.

Glass Joe

AceBandage said:
There is no way in hell it's coming out this year. Especially not fall. Nintendo isn't in danger of crap from Sony and MS. They can't just put everything full stop and whip up a console to release.

Who knows what's been happening behind the scenes and for how long though? I could picture Nintendo telling trusted 3rd parties tech specs so they could get games started, and giving vague outlines of innovations a little later. They could have done that some time ago, hence the leaks.

Unless this E3 is just them showing some video clips and announcing a code name to generate buzz, I could see that. But they're not gonna reveal the controller a year and a half out, I don't think. I could be wrong. But I think the 3DS only had 1 E3 before launch, as did the Wiimote. Fall 2012 would be 2 E3's.


phosphor112 said:
I'm not buying it unless it's up to par with the rest of the industry. I don't want to throw down 300+ for old tech. Nintendo is just becoming less and less appealing to me with every device they make. Sure the Wii is fun, but you know why I love my PS3 more? It does 100 more things than the Wii. I can even watch DVDs on my PS3!! GASP... sorry... rage moment right there... I just... think I've outgrown Nintendo.

Would the tech really make you feel differently about the console if you don't like the games though?
george_us said:
Right but if studios are struggling with astronomical budgets now, I can't imagine how much worse it'll be next generation.

Just because the technology is available doesn't mean you need to or should push it to the max. If studios are locked into the big budget AAA mentality, they only have themselves to blame.
mysteriousmage09 said:
The GPU cost will drop dramatically by the time Sony and MS release their new consoles. We're talking a year and a half from now minimum.

Except that we're also talking about a theoretical engine that isn't even running on TWO 580s, let along one!
So, either Epic will completely neuter UE3 (likely) or Sony and MS will release something that's so insanely expensive that they'd be labeled insane.
In the former, the N6 is just a smidgen behind the PS4/720.
In the latter, it doesn't matter since no one will buy them.

snackman said:
Nintendo got lucky twice Pokemon and Wii could've put the company under had they not done well but they got lucky.

This post doesn't make a lick of sense, son.


If these rumors turn out to be true, then it's really, really, disappointing. Really, what's the point of having an sub-hd monitor on your controller? And dated graphics to boot? Nothing here gets me excited.
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