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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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If all this stuff is true, what I want to know is how much will this monster of a controller cost. Controllers now cost $40+, so how much will spares of this thing cost with its touch screen, camera, and whatever hardware it needs to stream video from the console? Could we really see the $100 controller with this thing?


A.KU.MU said:
No, not really.

Kindle, 6"

But to me that looks crazy big for a controller and I imagine the weight distribution would be weird over the course of long gaming sessions.

I saw this on IGN: http://gearmedia.ign.com/gear/image...i-2-controller-work-20110415053115064-000.jpg

It looks like a nice mock up but that screen isn't 6" inches.


artwalknoon said:
And this right here is my biggest concern. For once I would like my nintendo home console to play the best 3rd party titles alongside the great exclusive 1st party content. The Wii didn't have it, the gamecube for the most part didn't have it, and the N64 didn't have it. Come through for me this time Nintendo!!!

They may have a hurdle considering Sony and MS seem to like getting exclusive deals from third parties, and Nintendo's not a company to shell out money for those types of luxuries.


-COOLIO- said:

day never

People are too quick to believe the worst about Nintendo. Even when we got pictures of 3DS running MGS 3 and Resident Evil, people were acting like it was only as powerful as a PSP or that the footage wasn't representative of what the 3DS could actually do.


Foffy said:
They may have a hurdle considering Sony and MS seem to like getting exclusive deals from third parties, and Nintendo's not a company to shell out money for those types of luxuries.

They do shell out money for big Japanese games like Monster Hunter Tri and Dragon Quest 9/10, not that many people outside of Japan care.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
People raging (or nearly so) over the prospect of Nintendo using moldy 4 year old tech, resulting in the Nextbox and PS4 "running laps around it" are seriously not taking diminishing returns into account. Diminishing returns are in Nintendo's favor this time.

Wii/Gamecube Turbo technology is heavily leapfrogged by PS3 and Xbox 360 tech not just on paper but in the practical output; sub-HD, lacking almost all the shaders, effects, and physics, along with higher resolution textures.

But the difference between a PS3 @ 1080p and a shiny new PC rig running Crysis 2 at full gallop is not the same vast gulf between a Wii 480p game stretched horribly onto a modern TV and competing with Uncharted 2 or Killzone 3.

If this Nintendo thing is *merely* as powerful as a PS3, and outputs a true 1080p image, it's just not going to look nearly as poopy to the average person as a Wii does next to a PS3/360 running one of those platform's apex predator games.

And besides, people like to point out Nintendo's games do the best of anything on their consoles; hate to say it, but a merely PS360 powerful console would be plenty to make Nintendo's own stuff look out of this world.

So yes, I wouldn't be surprised at Nintendo "settling" for a PS360 leap in power. Especially if it's a tradeoff for a sane price, still somewhat affordable game development (remember that... right?), and whatever other unusual feature the console will be predicated upon.

People just won't stop getting mad at the fact that Nintendo is not truly going to play be everyone else's rules. (I'm not even saying they're immune to error in that philosophy. Just observing the fact.)
Willy105 said:
That doesn't mean the system will come with four controllers. I don't remember systems coming with more than one controller since the N64.

Mario Kart being 4 player does not mean the system will come with 4 controllers. Most likely they will be sold separately, just like all the other consoles.

Are you seriously not reading anything I'm posting? I said exactly this in one of my response this to this exact conversation! *sigh*


I'm just gonna throw something out here, my guess as to what may play out over the next few years and leave it here. I know some who read it will probably be quick to dismiss it but the more I read over this last year and really think about it this is what I think might pan out:

Nintendo doing a Wii successor doesn't shock me in the least. I think everyone is expecting it and the the only question we're all waiting to see the answer to is: How in the hell is Nintendo planning to outdo what they've done with the Wii and get lightning to strike them twice? I cannot even begin to imagine how they can out do the Wii success-wise and can't even begin to fathom what features they could be planning for it but if anyone can outdo themselves it's Nintendo.

Initially, I thought every one of the Big 3 would bring out a traditional successor console. My thinking was Nintendo first, Microsoft, then Sony. But with what I'm seeing and reading I do not believe Sony and Microsoft are going to go the traditional console successor route. Just look in Japan, everything is shifting towards portables. A big chunk of the top sellers are all on DS or PSP over there. The PS3 is enjoying some success still but it's clear everything is shifting towards portables there. With the announcement of NGP it pretty much affirmed what I think will happen...

Sony: They're gonna be betting the whole farm on NGP coupled with PS3 connectivity. If they do anything console wise at ALL it will be this rumored PS3.5 thing. Let's face it Sony has lost a great deal of money over the course of the last 5 years with PS3. They're just now breaking even with it so I doubt they have the resources and can't afford a full generational leap right now. For them they'll pin their hopes on NGP plus PS3 connectivity I believe. They even showed how easy it is to port PS3 games over to NGP so I think their plans are getting clearer.

MS: They will probably focus heavily on Kinect and try to develop that out as far as they can. Kinect can be updated via hardware updates so they'll see how far they can take that out. Like Sony they've lost a lot of money too but to a far greater extent. The RRoD fiasco cost 3 BILLION dollars to correct. I'm sure they do not want even the slightest chance of that happening again. If it does, they're really screwed and probably aren't ready eat that kind of cost again. They don't want to be left behind of course so their answer is Kinect: somewhere between the 360 and what a successor would be. I think also in terms of games there's not a lot more they can do. There's only so long Halo, Forza, Gears, and Fable can hold ya up before you have to think outside the box. Kinect is the answer to that. At some point I think they will retire the 360 and Kinect..at that point Live will most likely become exclusive to PC. They've hit a gold mine with Live and will keep that around as long as they can. Think about it, if they make Live exclusive to PCs at some point, they can reach even more people..there are more PC owners out there than 360 owners. They already have the hardware, net connection and headsets so they don't gotta pay anything extra but the yearly fee for Live. Guaranteed expanded audience and a way to continue making money ;)

There IS however a strong possibility of a new major console player and that's Apple. Folks, those recent hirings of people from Nintendo and MS aren't just for the hell of it. They've been watching this generation very closely and I think they feel they can take another crack at a console. I think their console will center around a re-vamped Apple TV..maybe with a CD drive maybe not. But think about it, they HAVE the online infrastructure to go against Live. Game Center will be greatly expanded on to match Live feature for feature. You want movies and music? iTunes will have you covered. They have the app store..if there's any company outside the big 3 right now that can seriously give them a run for their money it's Apple.

Just my 2 cents but I think it will be Nintendo and Apple fighting for console space next time, with Sony dedicating everything to NGP plus PS3 connectivity and finally MS will devote everything they have to Kinect.


bengraven said:
Can't wait to see a Zelda running on 360/PS3/PC4yearsago level hardware. Gotta admit.

This right here is how they rope us in. We may stomp around these threads demanding more power and saying how Nintendo needs to step up, but once we see HD mario and Zelda we will all shed tears of joy and hand over our wallets. Nintendo knows us to well.


The Everyman
apana said:
People are too quick to believe the worst about Nintendo. Even when we got pictures of 3DS running MGS 3 and Resident Evil, people were acting like it was only as powerful as a PSP or that the footage wasn't representative of what the 3DS could actually do.
maybe im shallow but beyond games like super mario galaxy which have great art syle the wii is almost unplayable to me because i find the games so ugly now. i already find 360 and ps3 graphics stale, it's been 6 years.


artwalknoon said:
This right here is how they rope us in. We may stomp around these threads demanding more power and saying how Nintendo needs to step up, but once we see HD mario and Zelda we will all shed tears of joy and hand over our wallets. Nintendo knows us to well.

If they can make a Zelda game that is as beautiful as some of the modern games...that's fine, they can have my money.
Kaijima said:
People raging (or nearly so) over the prospect of Nintendo using moldy 4 year old tech, resulting in the Nextbox and PS4 "running laps around it" are seriously not taking diminishing returns into account. Diminishing returns are in Nintendo's favor this time.

Wii/Gamecube Turbo technology is heavily leapfrogged by PS3 and Xbox 360 tech not just on paper but in the practical output; sub-HD, lacking almost all the shaders, effects, and physics, along with higher resolution textures.

But the difference between a PS3 @ 1080p and a shiny new PC rig running Crysis 2 at full gallop is not the same vast gulf between a Wii 480p game stretched horribly onto a modern TV and competing with Uncharted 2 or Killzone 3.

If this Nintendo thing is *merely* as powerful as a PS3, and outputs a true 1080p image, it's just not going to look nearly as poopy to the average person as a Wii does next to a PS3/360 running one of those platform's apex predator games.

And besides, people like to point out Nintendo's games do the best of anything on their consoles; hate to say it, but a merely PS360 powerful console would be plenty to make Nintendo's own stuff look out of this world.

So yes, I wouldn't be surprised at Nintendo "settling" for a PS360 leap in power. Especially if it's a tradeoff for a sane price, still somewhat affordable game development (remember that... right?), and whatever other unusual feature the console will be predicated upon.

People just won't stop getting mad at the fact that Nintendo is not truly going to play be everyone else's rules. (I'm not even saying they're immune to error in that philosophy. Just observing the fact.)
Watch this video and I dare you to tell me it isn't leaps and bounds ahead of the best stuff we're seeing today or that diminishing returns are in play here:


We haven't even gotten close to diminishing returns yet.


-COOLIO- said:
maybe im shallow but beyond games like super mario galaxy which have great art syle the wii is almost unplayable to me because i find the games so ugly now. i already find ps3 and ps3 graphics stale, it's been 6 years.

Well I don't know. I'm still expecting PS3+. The question is how much +? Right now I think the range is anywhere from just slightly better to almost half a generation leap.
apana said:
Well I don't know. I'm still expecting PS3+. The question is how much +?

2 pluses (rounding down).

Heavy said:
Watch this video and I dare you to tell me it isn't leaps and bounds ahead of the best stuff we're seeing today or that diminishing returns are in play here:


We haven't even gotten close to diminishing returns yet.

Yeah... but NO next gen console will be able to run that. Hell, most PCs won't be able to for years.
The gap between the N6 and whatever Sony and MS put out won't be as large as the Wii to the PS3/360.


The Everyman
artwalknoon said:
This right here is how they rope us in. We may stomp around these threads demanding more power and saying how Nintendo needs to step up, but once we see HD mario and Zelda we will all shed tears of joy and hand over our wallets. Nintendo knows us to well.



get some go again
damn this all sounds pretty damn cool. i think i am ready to jump in if this comes out and it has everything rumored.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ


delirium said:
I don't know of CoD is going to be next-gen's great seller. It's still going to sell a lot, just not on the level that people expect. Remember when everyone thought GTA was going to be this generation's blockbuster because of its performance last generation?

I do agree with the fact that Nintendo needs to make sure this console is powerful enough that ports can come easily to it from Xbox3/PS4 games.

That's why I feel like if I'm Microsoft or Sony Im hoping, praying, BEGGING that Nintendo really is only gonna be slightly above my current console. That way I can pull some shit like clobbering them in the graphics department, copy their gimmicks, and then if I am really mean, start running some VISA type commercials saying:

"The PS4 can run Call of Duty 6 with an HD hub map on your controller with motion controls - but it wont run on Wii2!"....... Ps4, its the real next gen!

Or go all apple vs microsoft on them:

Two Tvs in a room side by side.

*little johnny brings over ps4.* Other kid has wii2 already hooked up.

little johnny hooks up ps4 to second TV.

wii kid remarks: "hey little johnny, I got the wii2!! It has a screen in the controller!"

Little johnny shows wii kid similar controller with slightly better resolution.

Wii kid shows johnny new gimmick controller.

Johnny shows same gimmick controller.

wii kid throws in some weak graphics wii2 game. Smiles blissfully.

cut to montage of little johnny playing cutting edge graphics games using all types of gimmicks (new call of duty, new battlefield, amazing looking casual games, dance games, super online feature).

wii kid looks sad. Than smiles: "hey, can I get those things on here!."

Little johnny finally speaks "No, only PS4 can handle those."

Wii2 kid looks sad.

.........PS4, its just better!

Ok, maybe im just getting too ADD in here. I'll go, lol.
This shit can't be real, not with the contollers. I'd NEVER buy that console if each controller is going to cost 100 fucking bucks.

Touch screen LED screen, a camera, AND motion tech better than move? Yeah, give me a break.

EDIT: Looks like I'm not the only one bringing this up.

Also, how the fuck does the camera act as a sensor bar if the sensor bar for the wii is just two IR LED and the actual "camera" part is on the controller?
phosphor112 said:
This shit can't be real, not with the contollers. I'd NEVER buy that console if each controller is going to cost 100 fucking bucks.

Touch screen LED screen, a camera, AND motion tech better than move? Yeah, give me a break.

Touch screens aren't that expensive these days, really. Depending on what they use.
And motion sensing tech is dirt cheap.
Heavy said:
We haven't even gotten close to diminishing returns yet.

I'm not sure you understand what "diminishing returns" means, because it's not something you get "close" to. While those videos are impressive, they are not the same jump previous generations were to this one, hence the term, just as this jump wasn't as large as the last. Hence the term.


H_Prestige said:
Both Sony and MS will have new consoles within one year of Wii2, bank on it. They're not going to just sit around when their competitor launches a new product.

Also expect significant price drops on ps3 and 360.

Which means nintendo gets a moderate head start with a system that's weaker than its competition, but not blown out of the water.


If they get a head start and they keep the price around 300 bucks, the other two will not be able to afford to blow them away on power. They're not going to want a repeat of this gen on the price front, and the law of diminishing returns is already in effect anyway.

Honestly, they may even try to wait longer so they can release something massivley more powerful without having to charge 400 or 500 bucks.
AceBandage said:
Touch screens aren't that expensive these days, really. Depending on what they use.

Speaking of which, they had better be using a capacitive touchscreen this time around. Resistive is fine for the DS (particularly since they are more accurate and uses a stylus), but since this controller will be held, resistive will not pass muster for thumb/finger presses.
redbarchetta said:
Speaking of which, they had better be using a capacitive touchscreen this time around. Resistive is fine for the DS (particularly since they are more accurate and uses a stylus), but since this controller will be held, resistive will not pass muster for thumb/finger presses.

I dunno. Whatever the 3DS uses (I know it's resistive) I can use my fingers on easily and accurately. I was able to just poke my username into it first try without really pressing any harder than on my iPod.


Jonm1010 said:
90s ideas

game companies don't really do that sort of thing anymore, especially since they're trying to get it in houses for adults who will buy all the stuff that aren't videogames as well.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Sort of having a hard time believing that Nintendo embraced the "less is more" philosophy so hard with the Wii, yet their next console is gonna use a controller that has 2 d-pads, 2 bumpers, and a fucking touchscreen.


Heavy said:
Watch this video and I dare you to tell me it isn't leaps and bounds ahead of the best stuff we're seeing today or that diminishing returns are in play here:


We haven't even gotten close to diminishing returns yet.
You are linking a tech demo that used THREE GTX580s. Yes they say they can optimize it more but 3 580s are nothing to sneeze at. Hardcore PC gamers dont even have that. Your looking at like $1500 in GPU only
Door2Dawn said:
what does this "law of diminishing returns" mean?

That each generation, the leap in graphics is smaller.
The biggest being SNES -> 64, and falling off after that.
The gap between Gen 6 and Gen 7 will be smaller than the gap between Gen 5 and 6.
And you can see it even in the pictures and photos that Heavy posted.
Yes, there is a difference, but the majority of it comes from things that the average person won't notice (advanced lighting/shadows, AA, particles, ect).
redbarchetta said:
I'm not sure you understand what "diminishing returns" means, because it's not something you get "close" to. While those videos are impressive, they are not the same jump previous generations were to this one, hence the term, just as this jump wasn't as large as the last. Hence the term.
I see your point. It might not be PS1 to PS2 scale but I still believe it's worthy enough to be considered a generational leap.

Andrex said:
Compared to PS2->PS3? Yeah, no way. It looks like Uncharted/Crysis+ to me. It's nice, but not as huge IMO.
Uncharted/Crysis+? Yeaaaah.... no, sorry.


Orayn said:
Kind of. Heat and power consumption became much greater in the 7th gen, and the 360's flawed heatsink design happened to push it over the edge. Bear in mind that "next gen" hardware is going to have to deal with even bigger thermal dissipation loads.
not entirely true. given the advances in chip design, many CPUs run cooler than they did 6 years ago. Factor in die shrinks and you've got even less to worry about. GPUs on the other hand still get burning hot.. then again, they have many times the computational power of a CPU.
Not to be rude but you guys thinking the new nintendo will be, at best, the same power of 360/ps3 sound retarded. Nintendo would have to go out of there way to build a system with 6 year old tech. It will be more powerful than existing consoles. I'm more curious how it will stack up to ps4 and the next xbox and if it will support 3dtvs
phosphor112 said:
Also, how the fuck does the camera act as a sensor bar if the sensor bar for the wii is just two IR LED and the actual "camera" part is on the controller?

Anyone? I still think this is a BS rumor.
Heavy said:
I see your point. It might not be PS1 to PS2 scale but I still believe it's worthy enough to be considered a generational leap.

It is, but it won't happen with consoles any time soon. UE3 is a pipe dream, right now. Just a "HEY! Look what we can do!" It's completely unrealistic for at least a few more years on PCs, and another 5 at least on consoles. Meaning that the PS4/720 will not be a huge leap over the N6.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I was trying to do a mockup earlier but I came across one problem; the part about the front facing camera acting as a sensor bar for the motion controller. This got me thinking that it's possible the 6 inch tablet isn't the controller per say, but the console itself. Some control could be achieved in this way, such as a virtual controller to take with you, but with a more Wii-esque "main" controller.

My mock up below, which is probably 100% wrong and will cause me to be laughed at when Nintendo reveals whatever it is they're making.

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