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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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I really hope that Nintendo does go all out this time. It really does seem like the best time to do something drastic. Their brand recognition is probably the best it has been in years and their platforms have been extremely successful even on their own with little to no support from 3rd party developers.

We know that Nintendo is constantly working on new tech and R&D. What if they decided not to waste resources and bloat budgets for crappy sub-HD bullshit that we have been putting up with for most of this gen and just came out early for this next gen with an actual HD console.

I am not holding my breath but if this were the case it would be so awesome.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
snackman said:
Nintendo got lucky twice Pokemon and Wii could've put the company under had they not done well but they got lucky.
No, they couldn't have, because Nintendo never sells at a loss. Done major damage to the company's value and perception? Yeah. Put them under? Not a chance.
snackman said:
Nintendo got lucky twice Pokemon and Wii could've put the company under had they not done well but they got lucky.

This is a common mistaken belief. While the Wii was a risk, there was no chance Nintendo would have failed. They have over $8 billion (likely more now) in the bank and no debt. There was an article sometime ago about this that I'll try to find, but Nintendo could release several systems that don't catch on and remain viable.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Hello, its me Gahiggidy.

I just read this news. Does anyone want to know my thoughts?


legend166 said:
what the hell is going on

You missed out. We got pictures of the new controllers:



Unconfirmed Member
mysteriousmage09 said:
The GPU cost will drop dramatically by the time Sony and MS release their new consoles. We're talking a year and a half from now minimum.
Except, they don't. My GPU is now close to 3 years old. If I want a meaningful upgrade (over 2x) I need to shell $300+.


devildog820 said:
Why PowerPC? If they used an intel or amd CPU, they get a lot of developer support for cheap.

Xbox 360 has a PPC CPU, Cell is a PPC derivative and the Wii's CPU is PPC as well.

Console developers are fully comfortable with PowerPC.


AceBandage said:
No no and wait... No.
They were all pathetic compared the power that PCs at the time were putting out.

Yeah no. 360 had components of their GPU that hadnt even been released on Pc's yet. When the PS2 was released, nothing, raw specs wise, really compared on the PC, graphics wise, for about a year or so. Just as an example:

This gen was pretty much neck and neck but Microsoft had a cutting edge chip at release of the 360. It had matches, but it also had a few bells and whistles no one else did. I submit that it was short lived though. Within a year PC was ahead again noticeably.
hosannainexcelsis said:
Just because the technology is available doesn't mean you need to or should push it to the max. If studios are locked into the big budget AAA mentality, they only have themselves to blame.

and people act like costs dont go down as the generation moves on.
mellowbob said:
If these rumors turn out to be true, then it's really, really, disappointing. Really, what's the point of having an sub-hd monitor on your controller? And dated graphics to boot? Nothing here gets me excited.

The iPad, iPhone 4, 3DS, NGP, and almost every other phone out there are all sub-HD (assuming a 720p minimum). It's far too early to be judging anything at this point.


BladeoftheImmortal said:
and people act like costs dont go down as the generation moves on.
Thats true but it certainly didnt help the large number of developers who found themselves on unemployment


mellowbob said:
If these rumors turn out to be true, then it's really, really, disappointing. Really, what's the point of having an sub-hd monitor on your controller? And dated graphics to boot? Nothing here gets me excited.

While it sounds useless and overly clunky, why not wait to see what it is. You have to believe that while Nintendo raked in tons of money from the Wii, they recognize the situation with 3rd parties. In fact the initial leak mentioned Nintendo's goal to recapture that market.


all this rumor hogging is killing any love i had left for my new 3ds. wheres my hd touch screen! why does this happen every time i try to like this system t.t

i like the idea of nintendo embracing mobile in console form. i've been saying for sometime that a console that merges a home and handheld experience would be best for everyone.

having the option of one software purchase with the two most common ways of playing the content would be amazing.

//wanders into dreamland

if nintendo could actually get online right and a proper app shop running on this thing. make it easy for dev's to move content over from andriod/ios but now they have a full console experience to work with but in a familiar setting... my body isn't ready.
This thread.

Anyway, I'm humbly requesting that anyone who leads their response off with "So excited about these rumors", "I hope these rumors aren't true", etc, will specify which rumors they're talking about. Since at this point every possible permutation of the controller seems to have been synthesized into rumor form.

Since this post wouldn't be complete without my own baseless speculation: the 3DS will work as a controller. The Wiimote will work as a controller. There will be some fancy new wiimote + touchscreen controller as well.


AceBandage said:
Any highlights of stupid? I refuse to give them hits.

Basically that whole IGN 'editorial' is bitching on the codename. "OMG the name is so stupid", "LOL the name sounds like McDonald", "The name is so stupid the console will tank".

Did I mention it is an unconfirmed codename?


mellowbob said:
If these rumors turn out to be true, then it's really, really, disappointing. Really, what's the point of having an sub-hd monitor on your controller? And dated graphics to boot? Nothing here gets me excited.
Funny, I thought this was about gaming and not who has the bigger hardware genitalia... if that's your bag, PC and Sony gaming await you


mellowbob said:
If these rumors turn out to be true, then it's really, really, disappointing. Really, what's the point of having an sub-hd monitor on your controller? And dated graphics to boot? Nothing here gets me excited.
I hate to break it to you but every console released from now on will have dated graphics compared to the latest PC hardware.
seady said:
Basically that whole IGN 'editorial' is bitching on the codename. "OMG the name is so stupid", "LOL the name sounds like McDonald", "The name is so stupid the console will tank".

Did I mention it is an unconfirmed codename?

Ah, so they can't bitch about anything else, so they hit monger over the codename.
Yup, that's IGN.


Are you guys really that concerned about hardware power? This fetish-like fascination over graphics on this forum is disturbing.

I just want to be surprised and have new gameplay experiences I never had before. I seriously hope the focus on the next Wii is something innovative and creative which differentiates itself from any other console. Oh, and being affordable would also be nice.


BudokaiMR2 said:
I really hope that Nintendo does go all out this time. It really does seem like the best time to do something drastic. Their brand recognition is probably the best it has been in years and their platforms have been extremely successful even on their own with little to no support from 3rd party developers.

We know that Nintendo is constantly working on new tech and R&D. What if they decided not to waste resources and bloat budgets for crappy sub-HD bullshit that we have been putting up with for most of this gen and just came out early for this next gen with an actual HD console.

I am not holding my breath but if this were the case it would be so awesome.

It would be the perfect time to do it. If they could keep the gap between the other two almost the level of 360 to PS3, they would dominate. First to market, already a booming name, casual crowd, can court the hardcore crowd and 3rd parties with a similar system.

It seems perfect, thats why I think Nintendo wont do it.


redbarchetta said:
The iPad, iPhone 4, 3DS, NGP, and almost every other phone out there are all sub-HD (assuming a 720p minimum). It's far too early to be judging anything at this point.

It's not the graphical quality that's the issue for me, it's the purpose of the whole thing. What does a 6 inch touchscreen controller add to the experience? If that's the main selling point, there's nothing enticing here (aside from zelda in hd, of course!).


AceBandage said:
Ah, so they can't bitch about anything else, so they hit monger over the codename.
Yup, that's IGN.
Oh one of them bitched about the controller too. Saying it sounds like something you would expect in 2001 not now.


Medalion said:
Funny, I thought this was about gaming and not who has the bigger hardware genitalia... if that's your bag, PC gaming awaits you

Fixed, all next gen consoles will be outdated at launch compared to the latest PC tech.


Unconfirmed Member
mellowbob said:
It's not the graphical quality that's the issue for me, it's the purpose of the whole thing. What does a 6 inch touchscreen controller add to the experience? If that's the main selling point, there's nothing enticing here (aside from zelda in hd, of course!).
Well, what do you want for a next gen console?


Doesn't seem to me like they're really doing the right thing to reclaim the hardcore market. "Just a notch" above 360 won't cut it; the gap between Project Cafe and the PS720 should be comparable to the gap between the PSP and the Xbox in order for it to get respectable ports later on.

Unless Nintendo is trying to emulate an Apple-ish model in the console industry and starts releasing "optional" hardware upgrades every three years? The controller, if pulled off right, could be a killer piece of technology for the casual and hardcore alike. Once you've bought the kick-ass (but expensive) controller, you can choose to upgrade the box if you're a core gamer.

They could even have an equivalent to high and low settings like the PC platform.

Here's a possible roadmap for the next five years;

Late 2011 - Early to mid 2012: Nintendo releases Project Cafe with the new controller as the main hook at a price range of $250-300. The hardware is efficient, clearly above PS360 in a majority of areas and cheap to manufacture. Casuals are wowed by non-gamer stuff while enthusiasts enjoy a noticeable increase in image quality and a cool new control method. Core gamers are attracted by the "best" (console) versions of blockbuster multi-platform titles at a relatively low price. Nintendo fans eat up the Nintendo franchises.

Late 2012 - 2013: Microsoft and Sony launch their next home consoles. Meanwhile, Project Cafe has gained a healthy install base of roughly 30M. Nintendo has benefited from large profit margins on PC since launch, with the 3DS doing its thing on the handheld front.

If the PS720 are only a small upgrade from their predecessors with emphasis on motion controls and the gap between them and Project Cafe is small enough for easy porting, Nintendo keeps on rolling in the dough until next-next-generation.

If the PS720 are expensive monster machines that leapfrog PC, then...

Late 2014 - 2015: Nintendo releases Project Cafe V2 with hardware that is roughly on par with the PS720. Manufacturing costs have gone down and the system can now get ports of high-end titles. Only the box is released as it has full compatibility with the existing kick-ass controller. Games have two compatibility settings; low settings on PCV1 and high on PCV2. Casuals can choose to keep the older model while the hardcore upgrade.

2016-2017: PCV1 is slowly phased out in favor of PCV2 because of lower manufacturing costs. Nintendo is preparing to announce its next system.
Heavy said:
Watch this video and I dare you to tell me it isn't leaps and bounds ahead of the best stuff we're seeing today or that diminishing returns are in play here:


We haven't even gotten close to diminishing returns yet.

No feasible console launching 2012-13 is going to be able to crank that out, unless you expect them to be twice as large as the launch 360's. The GTX 580 alone has a TDP of 244W.


antonz said:
Oh one of them bitched about the controller too. Saying it sounds like something you would expect in 2001 not now.

That's not even counting the barrage of Wii has no gamez and "Nintendo left me".


mellowbob said:
It's not the graphical quality that's the issue for me, it's the purpose of the whole thing. What does a 6 inch touchscreen controller add to the experience? If that's the main selling point, there's nothing enticing here (aside from zelda in hd, of course!).

Have you ever tried the DS? Because the touch screen interface allows for some pretty cool gaming experiences that haven't really been possible on consoles. Making a console that can offer some of those gameplay possibilities could end up being pretty cool all by itself.


I've gone away from this thread for a day and there is an HD screen on a dual analog controller with a Nintendo Console with much better graphics fidelity than the PS3. I can't wait for E3!
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