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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Mistle said:
Has anybody thought that maybe it'll look something like this? Replace the keyboard with a screen:

That's would be a strong case for the detachable screen idea. It would actually make sense and function.


justin.au said:
The mock-ups are killing my hype.

All but one of them look atrocious.
really just have no idea what to expect. Its been said motion controls even more precise than Move are built in, 6 Inch Touch screen etc. Makes for alot of wtf moments


BertramCooper said:
Holy shit, this is going to be the most expensive controller ever made.

The money isn't the problem, it's the fact that you can't physically construct this controller without giving something up in functionality.


Unconfirmed Member
Jarmel said:
Yes because the RAM size wasn't a complaint with the 360. The R700 is still not that much of a jump. It's been outdated for awhile now on the PC side and even ignoring that, still DX10. Both the PS4 and 360 2 or whatever, will quickly eclipse it. I would bet money that both of them are going to be DX11 which means we're going to end up with another Wii situation.

The CPU is another factor in that yes it's better than either the 360 or PS3 but it sure as hell won't be better than the 360 v.2 or the PS4.

In other words, it's not enough of a jump.
So, the argument changed from "barely more than a 360" to the "720/Ps4 are going to be more powerful?" Ok.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Glass Joe said:
If the controller has a screen, I imagine it functioning similarly to the DS... for pauseless menus, etc. For my guess, cut a DS in half (remove the top) and there's a good idea of what it would look like.

Yeah, but its stuff like this that comes across as a waste of resources to me. "It's like a DS...on a bigger screen" is a pretty boring concept, especially from Nintendo.


Fantastical said:
I just don't understand the point of the screen. It doesn't make any sense to me, and it adds to the cost of the controller.

Yes, a second screen is great on a handheld device, but looking down to see something you could see just as clearly on the TV screen seems like a pain.

I'm guessing there is something major we don't know about the screen, dealing with functionality.
Well one rumor is an outward-facing camera. This could have its uses. For instance, a Metroid game could have you scan by aiming the camera at the screen and you see the scan on the controller screen overlapping the TV screen.
apana said:
The major thing we don't know about the screen is the fact it doesn't exist. Mini screen on the Wii mote at best.
I would much rather this. If they open up e3 and show me an uninspired traditional 360 controller with a screen, I will be utterly disappointed. Thankfully, I don't believe they would do that since...

This is nintendo though, so who knows. It will probably have some sort of drm so you can only use it on one system.


BladeoftheImmortal said:
Here's my mockup...


LOL that's probably about right. The psp2 actually has just about all the same shit that a normal game controller would have, plus a 5 inch touch screen.

The controller will probably have the form factor of a handheld game system, meaning smaller buttons, and sticks.


Also just a screen doesn't make any sense. If it has haptic feedback or some sort of vitality sensor ability then yeah you can at least say it adds something.


Death Prophet
EatChildren said:
Yeah, but its stuff like this that comes across as a waste of resources to me. "It's like a DS...on a bigger screen" is a pretty boring concept, especially from Nintendo.
I really don't think this is what Nintendo is doing, and this is why I think the screen on the controller isn't a good idea.

Maybe the screen exists, but I doubt Nintendo slapped it on to work like a freaking DS. Maybe Nintendo hasn't said all its secrets to developers yet (I'm pretty sure that developers didn't even know the 3DS had 3D until a while after they heard about it). If there is a screen on the controller, I would hope it isn't used in such a boring way as suggested here.

"Instead of pausing the game, you can control your inventory on the screen on the controller"
But don't you still have to pause if you are looking down at your controller? I see that as taking away from the experience. I think I would rather just pause and manage it that way.

Branduil said:
Well one rumor is an outward-facing camera. This could have its uses. For instance, a Metroid game could have you scan by aiming the camera at the screen and you see the scan on the controller screen overlapping the TV screen.
This is kind of what I feel Nintendo is thinking about. Using the controller as a type of window or something into the game, which I still feel is kinda stupid.
Fantastical said:
I just don't understand the point of the screen. It doesn't make any sense to me, and it adds to the cost of the controller.

Yes, a second screen is great on a handheld device, but looking down to see something you could see just as clearly on the TV screen seems like a pain.

I'm guessing there is something major we don't know about the screen, dealing with functionality.

This is what I've been thinking. The idea of playing a fps where the hud is on the controller is so impractical. But using the touch screen to say reload a gun doesn't make any sense either because that's what the buttons are already for.


The screen could be on the controller because they want to do 3D. This console may not use your television.

Having a very powerful gpu and better cpu could mean they could output some amazing graphics to that 6 inch 3d screen.

With more meager hardware they could compete with the next sony and microsoft that has to output to full resolution HD televisions. The screen on the controller may not be full HD resolution, but look it because of it's compact size.


apana said:
Also just a screen doesn't make any sense. If it has haptic feedback or some sort of vitality sensor ability then yeah you can at least say it adds something.
I'm assuming the vitality sensor will be built into the controller yeah.

Start said:
The screen could be on the controller because they want to do 3D. This console may not use your television.

Having a very powerful gpu and better cpu could mean they could output some amazing graphics to that 6 inch 3d screen.

With more meager hardware they could compete with the next sony and microsoft that has to output to full resolution HD televisions. The screen on the controller may not be full HD resolution, but look it because of it's compact size.

There is no way it won't have a TV out.


Death Prophet
Start said:
The screen could be on the controller because they want to do 3D. This console may not use your television.

Having a very powerful gpu and better cpu could mean they could output some amazing graphics to that 6 inch 3d screen.

With more meager hardware they could compete with the next sony and microsoft that has to output to full resolution HD televisions. The screen on the controller may not be full HD resolution, but look it because of it's compact size.
Woah, that's a really good idea. I just did a quick mockup.


har har

I got it guys. Nintendo + Apple merger, controller with no buttons. BOOM!


Start said:
The screen could be on the controller because they want to do 3D. This console may not use your television.

Having a very powerful gpu and better cpu could mean they could output some amazing graphics to that 6 inch 3d screen.

With more meager hardware they could compete with the next sony and microsoft that has to output to full resolution HD televisions. The screen on the controller may not be full HD resolution, but look it because of it's compact size.

That's one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard. A non-portable console that you can only play on a 6-inch screen.
I'm thinking the controller will be the screen with a d-pad and analog stick on each side with bumper and trigger buttons at the top, no face buttons.
Nirolak said:
Yeah, personally the only things I'm treating like fact are:
-It's real.
-It has a controller with a touchscreen and buttons.
-Launching in Fall 2012, revealing at E3.
-It's more powerful than the current generation, but how much and the specific hardware I still view as totally up in the air.
So i was right to believe the French rumors to be accurate in the first place. Damn so many rumors.

Eric C

Mistle said:
Has anybody thought that maybe it'll look something like this? Replace the keyboard with a screen:


In my head, I originally envisioned something very similar to the IGN mock-up. But the more I look at this it actually makes the most sense to me. A DETACHABLE screen at the bottom!

If the screen is detachable you can use it like an iphone/ipad when needed. If Nintendo wants to go down that route.

Since it's not permanently on the controller Nintendo could put the Wii style motion and pointer controls on it. So it'd be like a fatter button-less touchscreen Wiimote that fits under your controller.


y'all should be ashamed
Ericsc said:
If the screen is detachable you can use it like an iphone/ipad when needed. If Nintendo wants to go down that route.
At this rate the controllers will cost more than the system itself.

Eric C

chubigans said:
At this rate the controllers will cost more than the system itself.

Well I don't think it would function independently like an iphone/ipad you'd still have to stream stuff from the main console.
Branduil said:
You could also display the control scheme directly beneath the buttons. So instead of Zelda having a massive, unsightly HUD showing all the items and controls, it would all be on the controller.

That could be nifty.

Anyway, all of this information makes Miyamoto's comments that if he were releasing the Move or Kinect, he'd be embarrassed, make sense. Seems Nintendo is swinging for the moon in regards to the controller.


WTF is wrong with all those controllers, am i the only one who feels that if nintendo puts something like that, would think about buying one, do you guys forget how bad the quality in nintendo accesories are.
antonz said:
this is IGNs guess

That wouldn't work with Wii Sports. It seems the only route Nintendo can go with a screen that big is like others have said, put buttons on top of the screen. Basically have the screen be most, or all of the controller.

Can't imagine the battery life though.


SlipperySlope said:
That wouldn't work with Wii Sports. It seems the only route Nintendo can go with a screen that big is like others have said, put buttons on top of the screen. Basically have the screen be most, or all of the controller.

Can't imagine the battery life though.

Does the controller have to work with Wii games? There were Gamecube ports on the Wii. Could be the SUPER WII 2 HD TURBO could just recognize a Wii controller for legacy games.

Eric C

Mistle said:
Has anybody thought that maybe it'll look something like this? Replace the keyboard with a screen:


J-Rock said:
This actually seems like a decent design idea. We just need some mockups now.

Yeah, somebody make mockups with the GameCube and Classic Controller Pro.
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