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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
maeda said:
Actually most of the Spaceworld 2000 stuff was real time. The only CG one was WaveRace.
Ok, it may not have been renders but rather "target". I.E. Metroid, Zelda. The only game I can think of that made it to launch looking the same is Luigi's Mansion. I think anything more than a short teaser video of a single game could risk dampening Wii sales.
The Xtortionist said:
And how will you be able to determine exactly where your thumb is without looking at the touch screen? Having physical buttons allows you to "feel" your way around the controller.
There ARE screens that have feedback so that you can feel surfaces and junk.

But I don't think thats happening anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
JaseC said:
That would be even remotely plausible if Valve had set a precedent for such a thing. Not only will they not make other platform owners wait on a game purely because of an as-yet unavailable console, they wouldn't announce a game ~18 months before it's due to hit shelves (Episode Three's informal announcement notwithstanding).
I was assuming that HL3/E3 is coming at the same time as the Wii 2. Which may or may not be late 2012. But you're right, Valve wouldn't unveil the game that early if we are looking at year end 2012.

The situation I described isn't going to happen, but it's the sort of thing Nintendo should try to make happen if they're serious about fighting their current market perception.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Another mockup:



GCX said:
And I don't think a numbered DQ will release on a console that has been dead for two years before its release.
That's right, so it makes much more sense if it moves not to Super Wii but to 3DS, so that SE don't have to completely rebuild the game for HD.


GCX said:
Yeah, Horii should've totally said "We moved the game to that unannounced Nintendo console that I'm not supposed to talk about yet lol!"

one doesn't need to confirm a new console is coming to not openly announce it's still coming to Wii and that more details are forthcoming and that the game is mostly complete

It's coming to Wii. The system is only 'dead' (lol exaggeration) because there are not games people want to play. DQX is a game people want to play.

Krev said:
I wouldn't be that surprised if Nintendo tried to one up Gabe's Sony conference arrival from last year and had Half-Life 3 debut at the Wii 2 unveiling.

That's a lie, I actually would be a bit surprised. But I could still see it happening, if Nintendo have done their homework on what actually matters to the 'hardcore'.

hahahahahahHAHAHAH lmfao. we're getting wild with our fantasies now


Gahiggidy said:
Ok, it may not have been renders but rather "target". I.E. Metroid, Zelda. The only game I can think of that made it to launch looking the same is Luigi's Mansion. I think anything more than a short teaser video of a single game could risk dampening Wii sales.
I am certainly expecting a lot of target real time graphic demonstrations. I am sure we will that second project Retro has been working on. Lots of 3rd party upports (hoping for many myself so i can have less clutter in the house) And it will be glorious! Can't fucking wait
I'm down with a touch screen as long as Nintendo keeps all of the traditional physical buttons in place. I hate touch buttons.

Of all the companies to get this philosophy though, I would think Nintendo would be at the front here.


Aeana said:
What determines whether it is alive or dead? Rate of new Wii sales? Rate of new software releases? 11.5 million Wiis have been sold in Japan, and that is what matters. Also, it can't be completely dead or DKCR wouldn't have sold 870k to date on it in Japan.
Wii sales have been abysmal in Japan this year. I mean, really REALLY abysmal. It's on a sharp decline because there's no new software to drive sales.

Horii said we might see the first glimpse of DQX before the end of the year which means it's still far from complete even then. If it'll be released in summer 2012 (that's being optimistic) Wii has been dead for 1,5 years at that point.

And Wii's installed base doesn't matter if people don't care about the system itself anymore. PS2 has an installed base of over 150 million so why doesn't SE release DQX on that?


FlightOfHeaven said:
So, what, controllers are going to be 150 USD for this console?

There's really no reason to be guessing the price of a controller we only know a few sentences of rumor about.

They order millions of single-touch screens already. Changing the spec a little and ordering in similar volumes will keep the screen cheap, and the other components of the controller seem fairly standard and it could be using the same bluetooth comms as the Wii Remote or the 3DS.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
FlightOfHeaven said:
So, what, controllers are going to be 150 USD for this console?

And how fragile are they going to be if this screen stuff is true? I don't think I've ever given a shit if a controller fell on my hardwood floor, but this thing sounds more like an iPhone. If Nintendo want to keep their reputation for sturdy hardware, this new pad is going to be one chunky fucker.


Unconfirmed Member
Amir0x said:
hahahahahahHAHAHAH lmfao. we're getting wild with our fantasies now
It's nice to dream.

But yeah, Nintendo will come up on stage and say, "wow, Call of Duty! Rockstar Games! Unreal Engine!"
Nothing that would really make me happy like Valve or Platinum. It's just not their style.


Multi-core, 512M RAM, HD touch screen controller with camera, etc ... How much does this thing cost? Five hundred ninety nine dollars didn't work for PS3, won't work for Wii 2 either.


GCX said:
Wii sales have been abysmal in Japan this year. I mean, really REALLY abysmal. It's on a sharp decline because there's no new software to drive sales.

Horii said we might see the first glimpse of DQX before the end of the year which means it's still far from complete even then. If it'll be released in summer 2012 (that's being optimistic) Wii has been dead for 1,5 years at that point.

And Wii's installed base doesn't matter if people don't care about the system itself anymore. PS2 has an installed base of over 150 million so why doesn't SE release DQX on that?

GCX, are you just willfully ignoring things that were said if they don't conveniently meet your argument?


Nintendo Power: Is development on Dragon Quest X proceeding smoothly?

Yuji Horii: All we can say is that development is going well and we're on the last parts of the game. We can't really share much else at this point, but by the end of this year we should be able to announce something regarding it.

B-B-Bonus ROUND:

Nintendo Power: Do you see any advantages to making Dragon Quest on a home console again?

Yuji Horii: The next Dragon Quest game, Dragon Quest X, will actually be released on Wii. I feel that some users will want to play Dragon Quest on the big screen, which is why we are working toward releasing it on Wii. Of course, in the future we might develop on handhelds again, so it's really a case-by-case basis. It all depends on what the customer wants at that time. Something else we hear is that players want a new Dragon Quest that follows the same system of Dragon Quest VIII, so that's something else we're taking into consideration while in development for a Dragon Quest on Wii.

So let's review.

DQX to Wii: Fact

Horii said:
The next Dragon Quest game, Dragon Quest X, will actually be released on Wii. I feel that some users will want to play Dragon Quest on the big screen, which is why we are working toward releasing it on Wii.
Horii said:

DQX almost complete: Fact

Horii said:
All we can say is that development is going well and we're on the last parts of the game.
Horii said:
we're on the LAST parts of the game.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I'm surprised to see there hasn't been any mock-ups using the idea of a rotary/flip around like some mobiles have for a Wii Remote with a touch screen.

Dragon Quest X on Wii is fine. Even if sales have gone to near nothing, doesn't mean people can't still buy a game for it if they have the system. If Xenoblade can get 83,000 first week, Slimes can easily outdo that.


I truly hate the sound of that controller. Not only does it sound weird to hold but a touch screen? Controls on iphones fucking SUCK because of that. I mean if it was just a couple of extra buttons that's one thing but I hope they don't mean to add movement controls on to the screen. Playing CoD or BF with that style of control sounds vomit worthy.


Krev said:
It's nice to dream.

But yeah, Nintendo will come up on stage and say, "wow, Call of Duty! Rockstar Games! Unreal Engine!"
Nothing that would really make me happy like Valve or Platinum. It's just not their style.

Is that a dream? Really? Who the heck would want to DREAM about playing Half-Life 3 on a console? This is a dream. If you can dream, you're supposed to dream for the good things. Any good dream would mean playing Half-Life 3 on a PC.

PC Half-Life 3 is the only Half-Life 3 that matters. Real talk.


Think about how cheaply they can make a DSi or an XL right now - pretty cheap, right? Take out one screen, take out wi-fi, keep local-comms, add dual analogue. New controller. Not so pricey.

Wii Remote Plus? How expensive? Not so much, right? So they keep selling them, too.


swerve said:
Think about how cheaply they can make a DSi or an XL right now - pretty cheap, right? Take out one screen, take out wi-fi, keep local-comms, add dual analogue. New controller. Not so pricey.

Wii Remote Plus? How expensive? Not so much, right? So they keep selling them, too.

yeah not that simple. This will apparently be a six inch HD screen, let alone all the other crap we've heard about the controller so far. Will be a pricey controller without a doubt. They already overcharge for their wii motion controller. $70 controllers definitely not beyond realm of possibility.


GAF's Bob Woodward
_Xenon_ said:
Multi-core, 512M RAM, HD touch screen controller with camera, etc ... How much does this thing cost? Five hundred ninety nine dollars didn't work for PS3, won't work for Wii 2 either.

The spec being rumoured would be cheap to manufacture, particularly by 2012.

A screen on the controller is an extra expense vs before, but not MASSIVE. It won't be HD and probably won't be very high quality.

From what we're hearing so far, assuming it's correct, I think they can hit their traditional price point at a profit.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Amir0x said:
Is that a dream? Really? Who the heck would want to DREAM about playing Half-Life 3 on a console? This is a dream. If you can dream, you're supposed to dream for the good things. Any good dream would mean playing Half-Life 3 on a PC.

PC Half-Life 3 is the only Half-Life 3 that matters. Real talk.

Wii 2 controller touchscreen > mouse FACT


Andrex said:
Wii 2 controller touchscreen > mouse FACT



oh sweet God, Andrex, holy fuck *wipes tear from eye*

What the fuckhahahahahaHAHAHA

it takes a special man to be so incorrect. you created a black hole in the time space continuum with the gravitational pull of your wrongness

just lmfao hahahahahaha
swerve said:
Think about how cheaply they can make a DSi or an XL right now - pretty cheap, right? Take out one screen, take out wi-fi, keep local-comms, add dual analogue. New controller. Not so pricey.

Wii Remote Plus? How expensive? Not so much, right? So they keep selling them, too.

The local-comms is wi-fi.


Unconfirmed Member
Amir0x said:
Is that a dream? Really? Who the heck would want to DREAM about playing Half-Life 3 on a console? This is a dream. If you can dream, you're supposed to dream for the good things. Any good dream would mean playing Half-Life 3 on a PC.

PC Half-Life 3 is the only Half-Life 3 that matters. Real talk.
It would be nice if all their multiplatform games have the same deal that PS3 Portal 2 gets. But yeah, Nintendo won't come on board for that.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Amir0x said:


oh sweet God, Andrex, holy fuck *wipes tear from eye*

What the fuckhahahahahaHAHAHA

it takes a special man to be so incorrect. you created a black hole in the time space continuum with the gravitational pull of your wrongness

You know I was kidding, right?


It was worth it for that post, though. :p


Krev said:
It would be nice if all their multiplatform games have the same deal that PS3 Portal 2 gets. But yeah, Nintendo won't come on board for that.

Yeah, sure, i could dig it.

Andrex said:
You know I was kidding, right?


I'm starting to think you guys are all just saying you're joking this past week when you're really not. You've argued some craaazy things before Andrex, WINK or something to help me out here with your "jokes" :p


redbarchetta said:
The local-comms is wi-fi.

It is? I thought DSi could bluetooth-like-local-comms at Wii whilst also Wi-Fi-ing to my router. It seems to do that when I use it for Karaoke JoySound DX


Amir0x said:
yeah not that simple. This will apparently be a six inch HD screen, let alone all the other crap we've heard about the controller so far.

What does 'HD' even mean in this context? we only heard that from CVG, and if this is info being leaked out from developer friends who don't want to reveal too much, it makes perfect sense for each news outlet to get bits wrong and interpret things differently.


swerve said:
What does 'HD' even mean in this context? we only heard that from CVG, and if this is info being leaked out from developer friends who don't want to reveal too much, it makes perfect sense for each news outlet to get bits wrong and interpret things differently.

It means a high definition resolution. Likely, if the remote play is true, it will require at least a 720p resolution me thinks. Probably the screen quality would need to be quite high indeed. We're talking a NGP type screen


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Amir0x said:
I'm starting to think you guys are all just saying you're joking this past week when you're really not. You've argued some craaazy things before Andrex, WINK or something to help me out here with your "jokes" :p

I thought I'd try and get you since Anihawk's post about HL3 being on Wii 2 didn't seem to get a rise.

But OK, next time I'll wink. :p


Amir0x said:
GCX, are you just willfully ignoring things that were said if they don't conveniently meet your argument?
Yeah, I see Horii is saying that they're on the last parts of the game which means they'll probably announce something by the end of the year. I think that's a bit contradicting but whatever. I also remember Horii saying pretty much the same thing last year.

But really, all I'm saying that DQ has never been in a situation like this. SE wants to maximize DQX's sales potential because it's one of their biggest money makers. It could go either way, Wii or Wii2 depending on what SE finds more appealing (aka which makes more money). I wouldn't trust Horii's pr talk too much though.
Amir0x said:
It means a high definition resolution. Likely, if the remote play is true, it will require at least a 720p resolution me thinks. Probably the screen quality would need to be quite high indeed. We're talking a NGP type screen

NGP isn't HD either.


GCX said:
Yeah, I see Horii is saying that they're on the last parts of the game which means they'll probably announce something by the end of the year. I think that's a bit contradicting but whatever. I also remember Horii saying pretty much the same thing last year.

But really, all I'm saying that DQ has never been in a situation like this. SE wants to maximize DQX's sales potential because it's one of their biggest money makers. It could go either way, Wii or Wii2 depending on what SE finds more appealing (aka which makes more money). I wouldn't trust Horii's pr talk too much though.
You seem to be unable to grasp that moving a game to a system with a grand total userbase of zero will not maximize sales.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Amir0x said:
It means a high definition resolution. Likely, if the remote play is true, it will require at least a 720p resolution me thinks. Probably the screen quality would need to be quite high indeed. We're talking a NGP type screen

Something NGP like would be reasonable, but HD is very unlikely IMO. And 01net says it's not HD, and I think that's more believable. It doesn't need to be HD to support remoteplay, the machine or the screen on the controller can rescale the resolution before display.
swerve said:
It is? I thought DSi could bluetooth-like-local-comms at Wii whilst also Wi-Fi-ing to my router. It seems to do that when I use it for Karaoke JoySound DX

I'm not familiar with that game, but everything the DSi (or any DS) connects to wirelessly is used via the same wifi radio.
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