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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Andrex said:
I thought I'd try and get you since Anihawk's post about HL3 being on Wii 2 didn't seem to get a rise.

But OK, next time I'll wink. :p

I think my humour sensor is off this week because you're no less than the fifth person that said something really insane and then i fell for it and the response was "dude, relax, I'm joking!" You guys never joke with me before now you can't stop joking! lol ;)

GCX said:
But really, all I'm saying that DQ has never been in a situation like this. SE wants to maximize DQX's sales potential because it's one of their biggest money makers. It could go either way, Wii or Wii2 depending on what SE finds more appealing (aka which makes more money). I wouldn't trust Horii's pr talk too much though.

I don't think it could go either way.

Think on this: The Wii HD is Wii backward compatible. It will be able to play DQX regardless.

Think on this: You claim it's user base/sales that force SquareEnix to move it. It'll be years before Wii HD has the userbase of Wii. DQX is near completion. It's stupidity to hold it when they can just get started on a new Dragon Quest for the platform (if that is indeed their intent).

Think on this: Dragon Quest will do gangbusters no matter what the platform is. And this platform is Wii and has quite a sizable population of owners. It will sell, Squeenix need not worry. And they know that.

Add to that the recent confirmation (multiple times!) that it is coming to Wii and almost complete and you can rest easy knowing it is almost here. :)


Amir0x said:
It means a high definition resolution. Likely, if the remote play is true, it will require at least a 720p resolution me thinks. Probably the screen quality would need to be quite high indeed. We're talking a NGP type screen

But only CVG said HD, and everyone else says 'not HD'. It's perfectly likely that is just down to wishful thinking/poor interpretation of the very limited info their dev source leaked.


Zeliard said:
Been away for a bit, only to come back and find that the 6" screen thing is apparently still legit.

At this point I think someone at Nintendo must be trying to fuck with Sony or MS to see it they try this E3 to pull out a "PS4/Xbox with improved motion AND camera functionality (kinect), double FullHD touchscreens, 3d glasses, and it's named Project Cappuccino, because it doesn't make ONLY coffee!"


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Have any JPN news sites gotten a scoop? It seems only western sites have got sources talking.


redbarchetta said:
NGP isn't HD either.

It's close. But I didn't mean that NGP was a HD screen. I mean it's using a high quality OLED type screen. That's the type of screen I think the Wii HD would need to be effective as a remote play system for a 1080p platform. But maybe they would scale downwards, would be lame though.

swerve said:
But only CVG said HD, and everyone else says 'not HD'.

Oh alright. God I hate rumours


redbarchetta said:
I'm not familiar with that game, but everything the DSi (or any DS) connects to wirelessly is used via the same wifi radio.

OK cool. I guess I got confused with the Wii which has bluetooth for the controllers and wi-fi for the net.

So they replace that chip with a bluetooth chip.


I don't care if it has the computing power of a school bike or of CERN as a whole.

Gimme No More Heroes 3 bastards !


Darklord said:
Is Nintendo's conference on right at the start or on the second day at E3?
Not sure yet. In an odd twist Sony is going on the Day Microsoft has traditionally done so and waiting until 8 Pm EST to do it. So either Microsoft will do it early in the day or it will be Nintendo and MS sharing conference day the next day.
Amir0x said:
It's close. But I didn't mean that NGP was a HD screen. I mean it's using a high quality OLED type screen. That's the type of screen I think the Wii HD would need to be effective as a remote play system for a 1080p platform. But maybe they would scale downwards, would be lame though.

Why would they need an OLED screen? Most TVs aren't even of that quality. Plus they're more expensive and less energy efficient overall (which will be pretty important for a wireless controller). I have no doubts the controller's screen, if true, will be using an LCD.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Amir0x said:
I think my humour sensor is off this week because you're no less than the fifth person that said something really insane and then i fell for it and the response was "dude, relax, I'm joking!" You guys never joke with me before now you can't stop joking! lol ;)

It must be off because I find it hard to believe you'd think I was serious about an unreleased, unconfirmed controller being a better input mechanism than a mouse. I thought for sure the FACT in caps would give it away. :p

Or maybe you really do think that little of me.............


GAF's Bob Woodward
The one thing I'm still puzzling over is motion control...even if, say, the sides are basically detachable wiimotes, the apparent core concept of the system doesn't seem to really accomodate motion control very well. I mean, maybe I split off the right side to use as a pointer, but then I hold this tablet thing in my other hand?

From a number of points of view it seems like 'too much' - too much in the hands, too much going on at once from an attention POV. If the system is going to be focussed around control with this 'tablet', it seems like they're returning to a more stationary mode of play perhaps.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
antonz said:
Not sure yet. In an odd twist Sony is going on the Day Microsoft has traditionally done so and waiting until 8 Pm EST to do it. So either Microsoft will do it early in the day or it will be Nintendo and MS sharing conference day the next day.

So we're looking at the 8th, then? I thought all of them got it done before E3 opened, so like the 6th.


swerve said:
OK cool. I guess I got confused with the Wii which has bluetooth for the controllers and wi-fi for the net.

So they replace that chip with a bluetooth chip.

Well, the problem with this is--assuming they're actually streaming the video content--is that bluetooth has a very low transfer rate and would not work, by itself, for video (of any decent quality). If it's not streaming the video, yeah, it should work.


Aeana said:
You seem to be unable to grasp that moving a game to a system with a grand total userbase of zero will not maximize sales.
It's not that simple (aka 11 000 000 userbase vs. 0 userbase).

DQ is a franchise that people buy on whatever platform, that is true. But to maximize profits that platform needs to be still relevant and have people's interest. If people have moved on to new things when the game releases, it's not as new and exciting and gets less media coverage. Release on a newer platform also gives the game longer legs which is why many launch games end up being console's biggest sellers.

But of course, there is a huge risk since no one knows how well the console will sell in the end.

I'm not saying that DQX is 100% releasing on Wii2, I'm just saying that it's possible, no matter what the pr speeches say.


redbarchetta said:
Why would they need an OLED screen? Most TVs aren't even of that quality. Plus they're more expensive and less energy efficient overall (which will be pretty important for a wireless controller). I have no doubts the controller's screen, if true, will be using an LCD.

Hopefully the resolution is high enough, even if not HD, because 6" is fairly large.


Andrex said:
So we're looking at the 8th, then? I thought all of them got it done before E3 opened, so like the 6th.
Microsoft has traditionally done it the day before E3 opens. then Nintendo and Sony do theirs opening day before/as the floor opens at the conference hall.
This year we know Sony is doing it the day before and MS and Nintendo have not indicated when yet.

Sony Conference: June 6th 5 Pm PST/8 Pm EST

Its really odd choice as its late in the day and as said before E3 starts very unlike Sony.


When reading these rumours, something stands out more than the rest to me:

two bumpers, and possibly more than two triggers

The N64 controller is about six inches wide, I just measured.

Without further ado, MS Paint:


It's like it never left us.


mjc said:
Make it even slightly stronger than PS3/360 and I'll be content. The HD is my biggest desire atm.
360 and PS3 are 6 year old technology. If Wii 2 is only slightly more powerful than those, it's gonna get raped by PS4 and 720 graphics-wise.
It seems unlikely that they'd have such a large screen on a controller given the manufacturing shortages for lcd screens that would likely ensue. Also, battery life on a wireless controller would be poor.

segasonic said:
360 and PS3 are 6 year old technology. If Wii 2 is only slightly more powerful than those, it's gonna get raped by PS4 and 720 graphics-wise.
And? It is far cheaper for Nintendo to use existing technology than to waste billions on super powerful hardware just because it's cool.


segasonic said:
360 and PS3 are 6 year old technology. If Wii 2 is only slightly more powerful than those, it's gonna get raped by PS4 and 720 graphics-wise.

Which I doubt Nintendo sees as a concern given how this gen worked out and how little the hardcore niche matters in the scheme of things.


Maturity, bitches.
segasonic said:
360 and PS3 are 6 year old technology. If Wii 2 is only slightly more powerful than those, it's gonna get raped by PS4 and 720 graphics-wise.
And suddenly the beautiful games of today will be considered ugly.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Napoleonthechimp said:
It seems unlikely that they'd have such a large screen on a controller given the manufacturing shortages for lcd screens that would likely ensue. Also, battery life on a wireless controller would be poor.

And? It is far cheaper for Nintendo to use existing technology than to waste billions on super powerful hardware just because it's cool.
None of the rumors mention an LCD screen, though. For all we know they are going with projector technology. With roll up screen.

Zeliard said:
Hopefully the resolution is high enough, even if not HD, because 6" is fairly large.

Indeed. But one problem is the massive amount of power it will take to render multiple HD-ish signals. If it's being done by the system, two 720p signals should be do-able (the PS3 already does this in 3D mode for some games). However, if it is indeed the system, you're going to run into serious trouble in multiplayer, where it will conceivably rendering up to 5 screens at once.

Of course, this is also conjecture. I'm very curious as to how whether the system is doing all the rendering, or if it's offloading it to the handheld itself (which would drastically increase the cost of each controller), and how multiplayer will work, if at all, with multiple screens.


The 6" rumour doesn't sit well with me. I'm expecting something like the 3DS' lower touch screen on the controller, used like the VMU - which would be great. Then again, that's a tried idea - Nintendo usually do something absolutely new/bizarre.


segasonic said:
360 and PS3 are 6 year old technology. If Wii 2 is only slightly more powerful than those, it's gonna get raped by PS4 and 720 graphics-wise.

Well, if it is indeed an upcoming AMD chip that will be found in the insides of the Wii 2, then you can be sure that it would one good leap beyond X360. We're talking about exactly what you would expect from a generation shift. 512 Mo of memory is weak I totally agree. 2 Go would probably be not much more expensive and a lot more mainstream.

Talking about the memory, there is a possibility Nintendo dishes DDR3 out and aims for some faster RAM.

All of this leads me to the conclusion that we still don't know shit. At all. Those leaks lead to ask ourselves more questions than anything else. And this goddamn 6-inch display screen inside the controller ? What the fuck, seriously. What the fuck.

I'd rather punch the ones who made these leaks public and kick them in the balls for giving us shit-to-ununderstandable info.
wait.. so the OP can't update anymore?

Sipowicz said:
i just realsied you could play for swords with this

and you could play games with people in other parts of the house

i'm always more concentrated on the toilet. think i played over 3000 games of Mariokart DS in that tiny space.


Not a gimmick?
Sounds like they crammed as many gimmicks into this thing as humanly possible.
Also...specs arent THAT "way more powerful than 360/PS3" to me.
Gahiggidy said:
None of the rumors mention an LCD screen, though. For all we know they are going with projector technology. With roll up screen.


Who knows, maybe they'll go with a color e-ink display. Sure, it wouldn't really work at night, and they're refresh rate isn't great (though improving), but if Nintendo plans to use this for non-dynamic imagery, such as an inventory, it would be much better from a battery perspective.

I don't think they'll go that route (as it would greatly limit what you could do with the screen), but you never know with Nintendo.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
On a completely unrelated note, what's the financial situation of both Sony and Microsoft in the current industry? I know both launched and sold at a significant loss, but as far as I'm aware both have been making profit on hardware sales for 12+ months.

But what about the total investment? You know, R&D, manufacturing, shipping, marketing, etc. Do we have any figures of where Sony and Microsoft are financially in the games industry, and the kind of impact launching a new home console sooner rather than later would be?

I remember figures circulating not too long ago. Both companies have said they want this generation to last as long as possible, and I was under the impression that both (Sony in particular) had still quite a bit of money to make back, and that launching new systems would be a pretty poor financial move.

Just trying to get an idea of what kind of specs the Wii 2 could launch with and sit comfortably on before the PS4 and XboxWhatever come along and smoke it.


Maturity, bitches.
richisawesome said:
The 6" rumour doesn't sit well with me. I'm expecting something like the 3DS' lower touch screen on the controller, used like the VMU - which would be great. Then again, that's a tried idea - Nintendo usually do something absolutely new/bizarre.
I expect an LCD screen as used with the Game & Watches. Graphics will also be displayed in a similar matter in order to attract the retro gamer who has fallen out with modern games.


Okay Some random thoughts:

- Assemble your own controller based around a core unit. The core unit has the LED screen, pointer sesnor on the front, two shoulder buttons, a B like trigger and a d-pad (embedded in the screen. You can attach two standard nunchucks to this controler or use one seperate. I cannot see this, it is insanily complicated, very unNintendo and would be a disaster for devs

- Some of the rumours are slightly wrong; some of the functionality, maybe the analogue sticks, are done using the touch screen (maybe with haptic feedback).

- The standard controller will have to have both pointer and motion controls as the unit is backward compatible.

- Two standard controllers in the box; one is a Wiimote/chuck++ and the other a modified classic controller. All sounds very expensive. Maybe some of the components are detachable and interchangeable. (this would feed into that earlier rumour about there being a lego/assembly aspect to the new machine)

- It is a standard remote with a touch screen on the full face (like one of the mock ups) but with real button embedded in it. So you get some touch screen goodness and the glory of real buttons. It would make watching full screen stuff annoying.

Anyway, will the wife and baby are out in the garden, I'm off to play Dead Space Extraction on the PS3 .


BGBW said:
I expect an LCD screen as used with the Game & Watches. Graphics will also be displayed in a similar matter in order to attract the retro gamer who has fallen out with modern games.

This would be completely awesome. I'd bow down to the developer that could show me a Game&Watch rendition of Mario Kart that's better than those racing games with four lanes and no corners.


redbarchetta said:
Indeed. But one problem is the massive amount of power it will take to render multiple HD-ish signals. If it's being done by the system, two 720p signals should be do-able (the PS3 already does this in 3D mode for some games). However, if it is indeed the system, you're going to run into serious trouble in multiplayer, where it will conceivably rendering up to 5 screens at once.

Of course, this is also conjecture. I'm very curious as to how whether the system is doing all the rendering, or if it's offloading it to the handheld itself (which would drastically increase the cost of each controller), and how multiplayer will work, if at all, with multiple screens.

I assume it may work like a variation on the PS3's remote play, which I've never used, but I believe streams content to the PSP wirelessly via a video stream if I'm not mistaken.

If it's actually the controller rendering it I'm not sure how they expect that to be even remotely power-efficient or cost-efficient.


EatChildren said:
On a completely unrelated note, what's the financial situation of both Sony and Microsoft in the current industry? I know both launched and sold at a significant loss, but as far as I'm aware both have been making profit on hardware sales for 12+ months.

But what about the total investment? You know, R&D, manufacturing, shipping, marketing, etc. Do we have any figures of where Sony and Microsoft are financially in the games industry, and the kind of impact launching a new home console sooner rather than later would be?

I remember figures circulating not too long ago. Both companies have said they want this generation to last as long as possible, and I was under the impression that both (Sony in particular) had still quite a bit of money to make back, and that launching new systems would be a pretty poor financial move.

Just trying to get an idea of what kind of specs the Wii 2 could launch with and sit comfortably on before the PS4 and XboxWhatever come along and smoke it.

Microsoft is still a billion dollars or more in the red on the 360 overall. Sony well lets just say they were like Mike Tyson discovering cocaine. The money went faster than a bad coke habit. Sony erased the profits earned in the PS1 and PS2 generations combined getting the PS3 out to people


GAF's Bob Woodward
EatChildren said:
On a completely unrelated note, what's the financial situation of both Sony and Microsoft in the current industry? I know both launched and sold at a significant loss, but as far as I'm aware both have been making profit on hardware sales for 12+ months.

But what about the total investment? You know, R&D, manufacturing, shipping, marketing, etc. Do we have any figures of where Sony and Microsoft are financially in the games industry, and the kind of impact launching a new home console sooner rather than later would be?

I remember figures circulating not too long ago. Both companies have said they want this generation to last as long as possible, and I was under the impression that both (Sony in particular) had still quite a bit of money to make back, and that launching new systems would be a pretty poor financial move.

I'm not sure it's a case of them having to make all their investment back on the previous generation before starting on the next...

Sony would be waiting forever in that case.

Of course they want the current gen to last as long as possible, but not - I don't think - because they necessarily couldn't make the investment sooner to bring a new system to market, but because it just makes sense to ride the profitable part of a generation's lifecycle for as long as possible. Both MS and Sony hope for a longer stretch this gen in that regard - Nintendo doesn't see such a stretch which is why they're moving now.

I think Nintendo will have company within a year, and everyone will be at the party within 2 at most.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
"Il s'agit en fait d'une erreur de traduction d'un des utilisateurs du forum NeoGAF."

Oh NeoGAF and mistranslations.

So they say no Blu-Ray, Backward compatibility with Wii may not be there. Roughly the same as the 360. That they speculate.
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