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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
the androgyne said:
I just made this and even still, i dont know what the hell it is, lol


OMG Nintendo is copying NGP!!!!!1


wsippel said:
And that part simply makes no sense. It's either a R700 or roughly equal to the Xbox 360. Unless it's running at 50MHz or something.
Yeah those are super conflicting.

So now, who do we trust on specs, 01net, IGN, or Game Informer?

EatChildren said:
Just a notch about the 360 and with some spazztastic control.

Third party support DOA.
Yeah, if it's an Xbox 2.1 they're doomed on the third party front as soon as the Xbox 3 and PS4 hit.


Well this is great news, not because of a new Nintendo console, i really don't care about them anymore, but because it will force Microsoft's hand with their new Xbox.

Pretty much guarantees we will see their new box unveiled at E3 2012, with a 2013 launch...it would be the perfect spoiler to a Nintendo launch in 2012, with many people (non hardcore) saying they will wait for the new Xbox.


Sipowicz said:
nah man, you're giving EA too much credit

you'll probably see commercials for cocal cola and hugo boss

I think you're onto something here. Just think of the possibilities. Developers/Gamestop could send ads to the controllers screen without messing up your gameplay. You can now buy DLC while in a game from the controller screen!


GAF's Bob Woodward
wsippel said:
And that part simply makes no sense. It's either a R700 or roughly equal to the Xbox 360. Unless it's running at 50MHz or something.

Well, a R700 derived chip might be why some devs says it's a little more powerful and some say substantially more...because some might consider - say - a GPU that's twice as powerful to be a little or substantially more depending on their POV. Again, 'opinions' based on the same underlying facts.

But knowing the (supposed) architecture tells us nothing about raw power anyway. I mean, it's a scalable architecture.

Also, re. the OP, I wouldn't take 01net's info as 'gospel truth' corrections necessarily. They were the first with the info on the screen size and codename which IGN has seemingly corroborated since, though...


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
EatChildren said:
Just a notch about the 360 and with some spazztastic control.

Third party support DOA.

The French site claims it's to facilitate ports, but from this gen or next gen, it doesn't say. :/
Reading into the article more, using my secret French decoder ring, I understand that the controller of the next Nintendo console will be approximately seven times more powerful than the controller of the XBox 360.


This is my bet:


The screen would of course be able to change what is presented on it, and the controller itself would be somewhat wider than the Wiimote we have now. The screen would have d-pad or A buttons and 1+2 buttons etc depending on orientation, etc. And of course the screen would recognize what direction you're holding the wiimote.


Aight, I'm gonna' try and get wrap my mind around all this stuff and engage in some conversation. At this point it's safe to say that there's conflicting information, so even the wildest guesses could be accurate.

I think the controller will be modular. I think you'll be able to do stuff like plug in a motion controller, or snap the controller in half and stick a screen in the middle. There is absolutely no way that Nintendo will force people to purchase a 6" touch screen controller, and use it with all their games, it's just not going to happen. This is my primary reason for thinking it will be modular, as I consider the alternative to be utterly illogical. If they do end up forcing these screens on us, then even I will doubt Nintendo's ability to pull it off.

Nintendo will ship one with the box, though, because they seem to be showing publishers that it's a big part of their plan, and that will get consumers to buy even more of them. If they're courting 3rd parties as intently as I think they are, then they'll want to offer some standardisation, but also the choice not to use it. The same applies for motion control, there will be one in the box, or you can use a Wiimote, or you can buy a new one. Hopefully.
Amir0x said:
except it has a single analog stick above the screen
Nintendo won't do this. The slim 'screenmote' sounds like the kind of thing Nintendo would do, but this thing pretty much has to have dual-analog, and they aren't going to just plonk an analog stick down on the screenmote like that. I think it's far more likely they'll have a shell with sticks, face buttons and triggers that the screenmote can be placed inside horizontally.


Andrex said:
The French site claims it's to facilitate ports, but from this gen or next gen, it doesn't say. :/
It has to be from this generation.

There's no point for Microsoft and Sony to release new consoles if the consoles are going to be effectively unchanged power wise.


I think the guys in that Detective GAF thread were also saying it's likely to be running on an AMD Trinity, through a source supposedly in the know. Dunno what came of that.

Andrex said:
The French site claims it's to facilitate ports, but from this gen or next gen, it doesn't say. :/

The wording indicates it's from this gen.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Amir0x said:
This is my bet:


The screen would of course be able to change what is presented on it, and the controller itself would be somewhat wider than the Wiimote we have now. The screen would have d-pad or A buttons and 1+2 buttons etc depending on orientation, etc. And of course the screen would recognize what direction you're holding the wiimote.

This was my initial bet because, neatly, the diagonal length of a wiimote is pretty much 6".

However, it doesn't jive with info of being able to stream full games. That would require a 16:9 aspect ratio.


Green Scar said:
Nintendo won't do this. The slim 'screenmote' sounds like the kind of thing Nintendo would do, but this thing pretty much has to have dual-analog, and they aren't going to just plonk an analog stick down on the screenmote like that. I think it's far more likely they'll have a shell with sticks, face buttons and triggers that the screenmote can be placed inside horizontally.

why not? it's the only thing that seems to sync up with all the different reports.

Gofreak said:
However, it doesn't jive with info of being able to stream full games. That would require a 16:9 aspect ratio.

I think the new controller will be wider than the old wiimote, I was just giving a basic jist of the orientation of the new functionality in relation to what we have


Nirolak said:
Yeah those are super conflicting.

So now, who do we trust on specs, 01net, IGN, or Game Informer?
There's too much speculation in the 01net rumors to take them seriously I think. If they knew almost exactly how powerful it is and what kind of CPU it uses, they should also know how much RAM the system has. My guess is that they only know it's a triple core PowerPC, and simply assume the whole system will be very similar to a Xbox360 based on that.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Nirolak said:
It has to be from this generation.

There's no point for Microsoft and Sony to release new consoles if the consoles are going to be effectively unchanged power wise.

So basically, Wii HD for real. Never though I'd see it happen...

Also I made it into the giant OP! Yay!


I imagine the controller like a big mess of buttons and triggers with a huge Dreamcast memory-card slot with a 6" dot-matrix display. That's "sub HD", isn't it?

Also, however am I going to be able to play tennis with a remote like this? You'll tear down a wall if you lose the grip, and the remote can no longer be secured by a string. Diamond teather, here we come!


Zeliard said:
I think the guys in that Detective GAF thread were also saying it's likely to be running on an AMD Trinity, through a source supposedly in the know. Dunno what came of that.

The wording indicates it's from this gen.

The AMD Source says they have a new CPU for a Game Console launching in Late 2012. At this point only Nintendo fits unless we get slammed by a 2nd surprise console announcement at E3.


New powerful Nintendo console aimed at winning back the hardcore market?


Only slightly more powerful than Xbox 360?


ATI Radeon R700 series?


Comes with a controller with 6" screen?

What the fuck?

Oh well maybe next time Nintendo ...


antonz said:
Well technically the R700 series of GPUs could range anywhere from 2x-10X the power of the HD consoles right now.
Didn't brain_stew say that there is no such thing as a "R700" series and that the term R700 was only ever used to refer to the HD4870 X2 or something?


wsippel said:
There's too much speculation in the 01net rumors to take them seriously I think. If they knew almost exactly how powerful it is and what kind of CPU it uses, they should also know how much RAM the system has. My guess is that they only know it's a triple core PowerPC, and simply assume the whole system will be very similar to a Xbox360 based on that.
Well, the issue is the developer quotes.

Developers told Game Informer it was either somewhat weaker or somewhat stronger than the Xbox 360.

They told 01net that it was equivalent or a notch above.

They told Kotaku it was more powerful than the PS3.

And they told IGN it was significantly more powerful than the PS3.

These can't all be true.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Amir0x said:
I think the new controller will be wider than the old wiimote, I was just giving a basic jist of the orientation of the new functionality in relation to what we have

Hmm. 16:9 would require it to be tablet-esque in wideness though.

I still think the 'NGP' design is the best bet, even if motion control seemingly goes out the window. But maybe not if stuff snaps on and off from the main 'tablet' part of the controller.


antonz said:
The AMD Source says they have a new CPU for a Game Console launching in Late 2012. At this point only Nintendo fits unless we get slammed by a 2nd surprise console announcement at E3.

So is it going to include some PowerPC chip for emulation? Are they able to do that?


Game-Biz said:
First game revealed:

That looks nice, nintendo should make a volleyball game. (Unless they have and I'm just clueless) plus most of these mockups are starting to look like handhelds. People seem to forgotten Nintendo is cheap. The most I see this console selling for is 100 more than 3DS. So 350. How much is nintendos profit margin usually on their consoles at launch.
Amir0x said:
why not? it's the only thing that seems to sync up with all the different reports.
Because it's dumb as all hell, there's no way anyone could comfortably play whilst having access to more than the triggers. You said yourself, control would be fucked.
Amir0x said:
This is my bet:


The screen would of course be able to change what is presented on it, and the controller itself would be somewhat wider than the Wiimote we have now. The screen would have d-pad or A buttons and 1+2 buttons etc depending on orientation, etc. And of course the screen would recognize what direction you're holding the wiimote.

This is actually what I had pictured for Nintendo's next console even a couple years ago. At any rate, this does seem to be the most realistic depiction.

Unfortunately, I'm now thinking the screen will be used for only the simplest of content--ie, virtual buttons, inventory, and things of that nature. If this turns out to be the case, my earlier theory of using an e-ink screen may not be far off. I'm also going to take a wild guess and say Nintendo's going to incorporate some kind of haptic technology--ideally one that makes button presses feel just like the real thing (or close enough).

It's also the only way to reconcile how Nintendo would reconcile rendering up to five screens at once--this would use very minimal horsepower.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Actually the more I think about it the more I like Amirox's mockup. Such a screen could easily be six inches in diagonal, the placing the of analog stick makes sense relative to the Wii's d-pad... The only thing is, this thing has a d-pad too. So I imagine it's like two Wii Remotes, except one of them (the right-handed one) has a touch screen and analog stick in place of the d-pad, and the other one has an analog stick in place of the A button.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Andrex said:
So basically, Wii HD for real. Never though I'd see it happen...

Also I made it into the giant OP! Yay!

Pretty much. Ho hum third party support at launch, new consoles from Sony/Microsoft arrive, third party support dies because it's underpowered.

Whatever. I have no idea what the fuck Nintendo are doing, but I'll still buy it. I'm one of the few who considers his Wii are more valuable investment than the dust collecting PS3, and I looove Nintendo's games, so I'll be there day one.

Even if it is a clusterfuck of stupid.
Amir0x said:
This is my bet:


The screen would of course be able to change what is presented on it, and the controller itself would be somewhat wider than the Wiimote we have now. The screen would have d-pad or A buttons and 1+2 buttons etc depending on orientation, etc. And of course the screen would recognize what direction you're holding the wiimote.

This is what I thought when I heard about the controller. Would also explain why it's a singletouch screen since you only have your thumb there.


So basically, Cafe's power is anywhere from PS3/360 level to a vague "significantly above" PS3/360 level.
360< Cafe<PS4/720
Most of the sources other than IGN are pointing to closer to current HD consoles, but we still know almost nothing until more of a consensus emerges (or until E3)


GAF's Bob Woodward
wrowa said:
Didn't brain_stew say that there is no such thing as a "R700" series and that the term R700 was only ever used to refer to the HD4870 X2 or something?

Correctly or incorrectly it's also used to refer to the 4xxx series. At least wikipedia tells me so. It was also a codename for a specific chip. The 01net article talks about the 'R700 series' so it's pretty clear they mean the former I think. Again though, they say it's probably that, they're not definitive...
There's no way Nintendo would be stupid enough not to realize they need a console that can receive competitive ports of PS4 and Xbox 720 games.

If they don't realize this, they truly learned nothing from the Wii. Can Nintendo really be that stupid?


Ami's mockup doesn't really jive with the whole dual analog/shoulder buttons thing, though. That implies a more traditional sort of controller, ergonomically.


Zeliard said:
So is it going to include some PowerPC chip for emulation? Are they able to do that?

Nintendo could certainly include a chip for backwards compatibility. They have done that with other devices.

If it does get Trinity and its a big if we know it will be a Quad Core using Bulldozer Cores and have a 5000 series GPU.

Trinity is currently scheduled for 2012 release so any Devkits right now would not be using final hardware
Zeliard said:
Ami's mockup doesn't really jive with the whole dual analog/shoulder buttons thing, though. That implies a more traditional sort of controller, ergonomically.

Sure it does. Dual analog, one on the Wiimote, the other on the nunchuk, then they simply add a second button onto the back of the Wii Remote, just like the Nunchuk's C-button.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Andrex said:
Actually the more I think about it the more I like Amirox's mockup. Such a screen could easily be six inches in diagonal, the placing the of analog stick makes sense relative to the Wii's d-pad... The only thing is, this thing has a d-pad too. So I imagine it's like two Wii Remotes, except one of them (the right-handed one) has a touch screen and analog stick in place of the d-pad, and the other one has an analog stick in place of the A button.

Anyone wanna take a crack at this? I'm really tired. I'll give you... 2.5 chocolate chip cookies when I wake up.

Or maybe... the right hand analog stick is on the back... how crazy would that be?


my main concern when thinking of how this would work is the fact that the thing is Wii BC. I also have trouble believing Nintendo would abandon the motion control paradigm it itself brought to the industry. A NGP-type controller would make motion controlled gaming an absolute nightmare.

With this, the thing will be backward compatible with Wii games without the need for antoher controller. It'll be able to retain its motion control/pointer functionality. It'll be able to have a touchscreen that does what it wants (even if, as I note, its primary placement cripples comfortable, tactile feedback of buttons necessary in good controllers). And it'll not be horrendously ugly.

But what do I know. Some of those controller mock-ups they had before they settled on the wiimote were truly horrifying looking lol


Amir0x said:
The screen would of course be able to change what is presented on it, and the controller itself would be somewhat wider than the Wiimote we have now. The screen would have d-pad or A buttons and 1+2 buttons etc depending on orientation, etc. And of course the screen would recognize what direction you're holding the wiimote.
How do you play games on the screen tho?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Amir0x said:
my main concern when thinking of how this would work is the fact that the thing is Wii BC. I also have trouble believing Nintendo would abandon the motion control paradigm it itself brought to the industry. A NGP-type controller would make motion controlled gaming an absolute nightmare.

With this, the thing will be backward compatible with Wii games without the need for antoher controller. It'll be able to retain its motion control/pointer functionality. It'll be able to have a touchscreen that does what it wants (even if, as I note, its primary placement cripples comfortable, tactile feedback of buttons necessary in good controllers). And it'll not be horrendously ugly.

But what do I know. Some of those controller mock-ups they had before they settled on the wiimote were truly horrifying looking lol

There was a site that had almost all of them, wish I could find it...


wrowa said:
Didn't brain_stew say that there is no such thing as a "R700" series and that the term R700 was only ever used to refer to the HD4870 X2 or something?
R700 was the codename for the HD4870X2, yes. But the term is also used to describe the whole RV7x0 series, ranging from the RV710 (HD4350) all the way up to the RV790XT (HD4890).


TekkenMaster said:
There's no way Nintendo would be stupid enough not to realize they need a console that can receive competitive ports of PS4 and Xbox 720 games.

If they don't realize this, they truly learned nothing from the Wii. Can Nintendo really be that stupid?

Imagine if this generation, they had kept Wii stocked with games like Smash Bros, Galaxy and Zelda at better intervals, and the machine had looked better on an HDTV.

Basically, as long as it's pretty *enough*, and they find a way to help 3rd parties sell (hrm... co-op marketing?) there is no threat to Nintendo's business from other next-gen systems which don't have Nintendo Software.
Forget about Mark Rein for a second. What I really want to know is if the Rovio guy chilled out with the Big N and if he'll port Angry Birds to the Super Wii's controller?
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