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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Always-honest said:
it would be more than enough for me personally too. Cause i think the difference between the jaggie low res output of the Wii and the PS3 is quite big. way too big, and especially on a HDTV. (i'd like even better ofcourse..)

When I play Wii games, like Mario or Zelda, I cannot help but imagine what those games would like on better hardware. I remember playing Red Dead Redemption and imagining what Zelda would look like with those graphics and the open world it could offer with better hardware.

My only concern is that if Nintendo took 4 or 5 years to make Zelda on Gamecube hardware, how long will it take them to make Zelda on hardware where the world can be the size of Red Dead's? 10 years? Do they have the man power to create a Zelda the size of GTA? I hope so.


Opus Angelorum said:
I don't quite understand why some think the gap will be much smaller this generation, it's not going to be the case.

If we are to assume these Wii HD rumours, to suggest the Xbox 360 (housing 5+ year old architecture) is only going to improve marginally is absolute nonsense.
I'd say at least some of it probably has to do with the lack of an HD divide in this next coming generation. The best we could get back when the current generation launched was 1080p, and that's still the case for now. I suppose you could say that the PS4 and Nextbox might push for big support in 3-D televisions, but even if the Cafe is less powerful, it doesn't have that huge resolution drop to worry about anymore.

Azure J

supabrett said:
Actually you sound like the fat chick who is always trying to tell her friend to leave a good dude because she doesn't like him.

OK, I don't really care about the actual back and forth here, but this comparison got a good chuckle out of me. :lol
Game Analyst said:
When I play Wii games, like Mario or Zelda, I cannot help but imagine what those games would like on better hardware. I remember playing Red Dead Redemption and imagining what Zelda would look like with those graphics and the open world it could offer with better hardware.

My only concern is that if Nintendo took 4 or 5 years to make Zelda on Gamecube hardware, how long will it take them to make Zelda on hardware where the world can be the size of Red Dead's? 10 years? Do they have the man power to create a Zelda the size of GTA? I hope so.
it will take a while.. but it neds to be done. They can hire the best people and they can hire a lot.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Also you guys are assuming ms and Sony will automatically launch with high end tech. I can totally see ms pulling a wii this gen. They would love to be in nintendo's shoes right now. Sony I'm not sure about. They seem to be dead set on having bleeding edge hardware, profits & marketplace be damned.

Eric C

Ericsc said:
This thread


Seems to think it's the AMD Trinity. If it's true the Dev kits probably wouldn't even have it yet. That would explain the conflicting rumors about the specs.

So unless Microsoft or Sony are releasing a console in 2012, it's probably Nintendo thats using the AMD Trinity.

Fourth Storm said:
But going from an IBM CPU powered devkit to an AMD final version? Not likely.

Maybe I'm not understanding something but why would that be a problem?

Wouldn't the AMD just be the GPU? I don't think the AMD Trinity would replace the CPU in the dev kits would it? Doesn't the Wii have an IBM CPU with an ATI GPU?
AceBandage said:
Graphically, it won't be huge. It'll be smaller than the jump from XBox - 360.
All that extra power will be going into lighting and particles and AA and physics. Which, I hate to say, is not what most people look at. The average consumer wouldn't be able to tell the different between MSAA on or off.

That's not so it going to be a huge gap , PC games right don't show what PC can really do.
If they were to do next GTA on current high end PC only , it blow everything away it would be easy for anyone to see.
Then there also the push for 3D which you know Sony going for next Gen.
I think if Nintendo launched with a sick controller, a new Mario, lots of 3rd party support (with both hardcore and casual games) and in the fall (to capitalize on holiday buzz), they could easily get away with a $350 system. In the mindset of the hardcore and early adopters, that's not bad for a cutting edge home console. It's also only $100 more than the 3DS.

If they are really trying to get 3rd party support and be comparable with the PS4/720, this may be their only reasonable option...


Always-honest said:
it will take a while.. but it neds to be done. They can hire the best people and they can hire a lot.

Are there any numbers on the size of some of Nintendo's teams? Do they have a team as big as the Assassins Creed team (500 I think)?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Ericsc said:
Maybe I'm not understanding something but why would that be a problem?

Wouldn't the AMD just be the GPU? I don't think the AMD Trinity would replace the CPU in the dev kits would it? Doesn't the Wii have an IBM CPU with an ATI GPU?

I think trinity is a CPU/gpu combo chip.


Ericsc said:
Maybe I'm not understanding something but why would that be a problem?

Wouldn't the AMD just be the GPU? I don't think the AMD Trinity would replace the CPU in the dev kits would it? Doesn't the Wii have an IBM CPU with an ATI GPU?

Trinity is a CPU and a GPU


Game Analyst said:
When I play Wii games, like Mario or Zelda, I cannot help but imagine what those games would like on better hardware. I remember playing Red Dead Redemption and imagining what Zelda would look like with those graphics and the open world it could offer with better hardware.

My only concern is that if Nintendo took 4 or 5 years to make Zelda on Gamecube hardware, how long will it take them to make Zelda on hardware where the world can be the size of Red Dead's? 10 years? Do they have the man power to create a Zelda the size of GTA? I hope so.
but if it's 10 years, the next console will be out by then!

Game Analyst said:
Are there any numbers on the size of some of Nintendo's teams? Do they have a team as big as the Assassins Creed team (500 I think)?

500?! WHAT THE HELL! Talk about too many cooks...
And no. I don't think any Nintendo team goes much past 100.


Game Analyst said:
When I play Wii games, like Mario or Zelda, I cannot help but imagine what those games would like on better hardware. I remember playing Red Dead Redemption and imagining what Zelda would look like with those graphics and the open world it could offer with better hardware.

My only concern is that if Nintendo took 4 or 5 years to make Zelda on Gamecube hardware, how long will it take them to make Zelda on hardware where the world can be the size of Red Dead's? 10 years? Do they have the man power to create a Zelda the size of GTA? I hope so.

They would have to more resources into its development than a wii game.
Game Analyst said:
Are there any numbers on the size of some of Nintendo's teams? Do they have a team as big as the Assassins Creed team (500 I think)?
I'm sure somebody knows. I have no idea. Anyone?

AceBandage said:
500?! WHAT THE HELL! Talk about too many cooks...
And no. I don't think any Nintendo team goes much past 100.
well, mayby now.. Zelda is a huge game. If you want it with all the bells and whistles of a next gen game...
TheExecutive said:
I dont think they do, oh how many of us own wii's on here? I know I do. Do you? My point being is that the "core" group is the least demographic they should be worried about. We always find an excuse to buy a console.
I think Nintendo means the COD and dudebro crowed.


Beam said:
You mean join the current gen, if these specs are real
kidding, well not really

The current Gen is more than good enough if these systems had 1 or 2 gigs of ram. The 512 MB's of memory on these current next-gen systems is what has been limiting developers since they were released.


Beam said:
You mean join the current gen, if these specs are real
kidding, well not really

I think you missed the memo, HD-generation doesn't begin until Nintendo says so! ;P
Game Analyst said:
The current Gen is more than good enough if these systems had 1 or 2 gigs of ram. The 512 MB's of memory on these current next-gen systems is what has been limiting developers since they were released.

Forgive my ignornace, but what would improve if the consoles had more RAM?


AceBandage said:
500?! WHAT THE HELL! Talk about too many cooks...
And no. I don't think any Nintendo team goes much past 100.

From my understanding, that is what it takes them to make games the size they are and in a timely manner (1 or 2 years). I am sure Assassins Creed could be made by a 150+ team but it would take them 3 to 5 years to do it.


Game Analyst said:
Are there any numbers on the size of some of Nintendo's teams? Do they have a team as big as the Assassins Creed team (500 I think)?
Zelda team has usually been Nintendo's biggest studio with 80-150 people (that's just my really rough uneducated estimate).

There aren't any concrete numbers though because developers in EAD can be moved from development team to another depending on which project needs much work force.
Game Analyst said:
From my understanding, that is what it takes them to make games the size they are and in a timely manner (1 or 2 years). I am sure Assassins Creed could be made by a 150+ team but it would take them 3 to 5 years to do it.

No wonder Ubisoft is so screwed up...
Game Analyst said:
The current Gen is more than good enough if these systems had 1 or 2 gigs of ram. The 512 MB's of memory on these current next-gen systems is what has been limiting developers since they were released.
I agree, but when Sony and MS release a new consul, the Wii 2 will be treated by 3rd party developers the same way as the Wii. Which is where the problem lies, if these specs are true.


GCX said:
Zelda team has usually been Nintendo's biggest studio with 80-150 people (that's just my really rough uneducated estimate).

Then it would be fair to say, if they keep the 150 team (assuming they used that many), it would take them 6 to 8 years to make a Zelda game the size of a GTA or RDR?


Game Analyst said:
My only concern is that if Nintendo took 4 or 5 years to make Zelda on Gamecube hardware, how long will it take them to make Zelda on hardware where the world can be the size of Red Dead's? 10 years? Do they have the man power to create a Zelda the size of GTA? I hope so.
That's exactly what I was getting at earlier...it would suck to see just one Zelda/Mario/Kirby/Metroid on Nintendo's next system because of development times being lengthened.
As far as a name goes, what if they just called it Nintendo HD?

The brand resonates with core games and casuals alike and ditches the stigma which Wii has had attached to it. Think of it as a reboot of sorts.


Always-honest said:
wasn't that Sony?. ehh. yeah, guess that was the memo..

Sony said the next generation doesn't begin until we say so, but the "memo" I wrote was made up here on NeoGAF long time ago after the fact Nintendo didn't go HD and still was successfull I think. ;p


Doc Holliday said:
Also you guys are assuming ms and Sony will automatically launch with high end tech. I can totally see ms pulling a wii this gen. They would love to be in nintendo's shoes right now. Sony I'm not sure about. They seem to be dead set on having bleeding edge hardware, profits & marketplace be damned.

I could absolutely see Sony using similar tech to the NGP. If you don't have to worry about battery life, you could supercharge those chipsets (more likely their successors) to the max. In fact, I fully expect this. You could easily do a console that maxes at 50-60 watts, is cheap and profitable at 299.99, and is a significant upgrade over 360/PS3.

Problem is, this is still a vast jump over current consoles. Is it anywhere near top end PCs? No. But so what. It doesn't have to be. Consoles are vastly more efficient. If rumors are to be believed, this isn't what Nintendo is doing. They went to IBM and ATI and said give us the lowest wattage parts you can make that match 360 performance.
Mithos said:
Sony said the next generation doesn't begin until we say so, but the "memo" I wrote was made up here on NeoGAF long time ago after the fact Nintendo didn't go HD and still was successfull I think. ;p
Ahh, okay got it.


If it is slightly more powerful than a 360 I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, it just depends on how it plays out. For instance if they launch this console and both MS and Sony decide to wait it out, it could end up competing with current gen systems (i.e throwing more weight behind kinect & move etc around the same time). That would probably give them a good portion of market-share but the buzz that would most likely be created when the other two systems come to launching could end up just taking the wind out of their sails. Plus the waiting it out period could give MS and Sony more R&D time etc thereby increasing the chances of a great technological gap. Otherwise if MS and Sony respond quickly the gap may indeed end up being less since it seems doubtful that either are willing to push specs as hard as they have in the past.


Is AMD Trinity only slightly more powerful than 360? Or would it be a really nice boost above 360 if Nintendo goes with the Trinity chipset?


If the rumors are true that the specs are essentially 360-level (does anyone think it will have more RAM?), then I'm slightly disappointed. I honestly don't mind the fact that it won't be dramatically more powerful, but I'm worried this will yet again alienate Western developers, especially if the competition puts out new consoles during this system's life. I think it would essentially kill it. It seems like they're going to have to truly try to offer a new experience a la Wii in order to sell units, because if it's similar in functionality to the PS3 and 360, I don't think many gamers will bite. I also think it will just become a port-fest. What do you guys think about this? I haven't read the past ~30 pages or so I'm a little behind. Thread exploded :p


Game Analyst said:
Then it would be fair to say, if they keep the 150 team (assuming they used that many), it would take them 6 to 8 years to make a Zelda game the size of a GTA or RDR?
I don't think Zelda and GTA are really comparable in any way.

And btw there were reports a while back that Nintendo has been expanding their internal teams by hiring new staff.


crazy monkey said:
this are few of the games that I personally think looked amazing. Developers will do wonders with updated hardware even with just above 360 graphics level. Although I can not say much my personal taste graphics is not that high. I am usually easily satisfied.

Why don't you post the fucking game titles instead of a bunch of meaningless screenshots? (not that it's really relevant to the thread anyway).


Beam said:
I agree, but when Sony and MS release a new consul, the Wii 2 will be treated by 3rd party developers the same way as the Wii. Which is where the problem lies, if these specs are true.

I am not so sure. Triple AAA games currently cost 20+ million to make. I have read that the real next gen systems will triple that cost. If these Nintendo specs are real, I would imagine many developers would continue supporting Nintendo because of the added benefit of not having to spend 60 million to make a game for their system. Especially if Nintendo has a huge install base.
onken said:
Why don't you post the fucking game titles instead of a bunch of meaningless screenshots? (not that it's really relevant to the thread anyway).

thread linked in the post has all the titles and pictures from many more games.
Has anyone addressed this? The 360 has an in order execution processor, while the Wii has an OoOE processor. Would not Wii emulation be extremely difficult if the processor was even anything remotely like the 360's?

If Dolphin is any indicator, it would take some finagling, even if the specs are moderately high, in order to attain BC. That is unless they wastefully include the Wii chipset in the system, which I do not see happening.


GCX said:
I don't think Zelda and GTA are really comparable in any way.

Texture quality, sound, AI and physics will be comparable though. They will need more artists, sound engineers, AI programmers & expert programmers for 360/PS3 level hardware compared to Gamecube.

Eteric Rice

Game Analyst said:
Texture quality, sound, AI and physics will be comparable though. They will need more artists, sound engineers, AI programmers & expert programmers for 360/PS3 level hardware compared to Gamecube.

Unless they make a new 2D Zelda.



01net.com said:
- 6" touchscreen, not HD, not multitouch
- D-Pad, L, R, two triggers, others
- 'Front-facing camera'
- A sensor roughly analagous to the Wii sensor bar is incorporated in the controller - i.e. some kind of IR beacons/transmitters. Purpose isn't clear.

- Custom triple-core PowerPC
- AMD/ATI GPU. 'Probably' derived from R700 series.
- RAM unknown
- Developer quotes: graphics capabilities "roughly equal to those of the Xbox 360", performance "over the Xbox 360, but just a notch"

- One other 'huge surprise' about the system

All of this and more for $249. Right?
Fourth Storm said:
Has anyone addressed this? The 360 has an in order execution processor, while the Wii has an OoOE processor. Would not Wii emulation be extremely difficult if the processor was even anything remotely like the 360's?

If Dolphin is any indicator, it would take some finagling, even if the specs are moderately high, in order to attain BC. That is unless they wastefully include the Wii chipset in the system, which I do not see happening.

Wii emulation isn't actually confirmed yet, but yes they might need to include a PPC if the new chip isn't compatible.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Fourth Storm said:
Has anyone addressed this? The 360 has an in order execution processor, while the Wii has an OoOE processor. Would not Wii emulation be extremely difficult if the processor was even anything remotely like the 360's?

It probably isn't the same.

It might be 3 cores, 3 PowerPC cores even, but they're probably not the same cores as Xenons. I'd expect OOoE cores for starters.
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