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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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wwm0nkey said:
We already know this is using a R700 correct? So it will look better than the 360, not by a super holy shit next gen amount but will obviously be better and if it does have Blu-Ray say hello to high resolution textures :)

Technically, we don't know crap about the N6.


Lonely1 said:
They skimped in the NGP compared to the PSP, PS2 and PS3.
By skimp, I think they mean intentionally gimping the machine. Whilst NGP could be a lot more powerful than it is, it is in no way gimped unlike say the 3DS where Nintendo cut every imaginable corner to get manufacturing costs down below $100.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Fourth Storm said:
New concept:
-Screen can attach to top of two wands or rest on a coffee table with built in stand.
-Option of free-hand dual wand style (wireless) or traditional controls
-When turned sideways, controllers allow for NES and SNES play style
-large A button on right hand controller for ease of use
-Triggers on upper portion of each controller
-Bumpers on lower portion (for squeezing or horizontal play styles)
-Dpads provide intuitive way to navigate 6" screen

GAF > Internet > GAF.


Take the bottom half of a 3DS, add an analog stick to the right side and maybe another set of shoulder buttons, and there's your controller.


wwm0nkey said:
We already know this is using a R700 correct? So it will look better than the 360, not by a super holy shit next gen amount but will obviously be better and if it does have Blu-Ray say hello to high resolution textures :)
Nothing is confirmed. At this point everything is still rumor or speculation.


squicken said:
Has there been a consensus yet? Is this system the beginning of "next gen", or simply a continuation of current gen?

We'll have to wait until Nintendo officially reveals the console before we make a decision like that. For all we know this could all be BS. None of the sites have revealed their source (and never will) so we can't determine whether or not they're trustworthy.

EDIT: Or like the other user said, the new generation is marked by new hardware, regardless of how powerful it is.


Mr_Brit said:
I love how you use a supersampled, photoshopped bullshot to prove a point instead of posting a direct framebuffer grab like a reasonable person.

I looked for shots and that is the best shot I found. Didn't know it was fake.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Lonely1 said:
They skimped in the NGP compared to the PSP, PS2 and PS3.

I don't think that's fair.

The goal to be to PS3 what PSP was to PS2 - but perhaps with even more RAM than the home system - hardly seems less ambitious. And it looks like they've pulled that off fairly convincingly.

The architectures are off the shelf and less custom than PSP or PS2 or PS3, but that really is a different point than whether they're skimping or not on performance. It's hard to accuse them of skimping when it will be at release probably at the top end of mobile performance, or thereabouts, in its size class. They've probably put as much performance in there as is possible with a given battery life in mind.

I actually thought NGP was quite a reassuring post-Kutaragi design, from both a cost-effectiveness and power POV, but *shrug*
Forkball said:
So it went from significantly more powerful than the PS3 to maybe a bit stronger than the Xbox 360. Just... just...

Tomorrow, it'll be weaker than NGP.
By next week, we'll be saying it's 1.5 Gamecubes.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I believe Nintendo knows how well casual titles work on a touch screen, but they also want the ability for hardcore gamers to play with button controls, and have a motion control system in place. So this is how I figure it.

1. 6 inch touchscreen controller with shoulder buttons.
2. Two Analogs and face buttons/d-pad that slide in place on the back for the ability to play with touch screen only like tablets.
3. Dual Analogs and buttons/D-pad can slide from the back to the side of the touch screen, OR over the touch screen for complete classic gaming.
4. Games are played on a HDTV with screen being used for menu, items etc.
5. Games be streamed onto your tablet for touch screen-only control or traditonal control buttons on the side.
6. Wiimotionplus (and other accessories) supported for BC with Wii and potential new motion control games.
7. Also included (the big surprise) is a camera/sensor bar that allows for motion control simliar to Kinect.
8. Also used to stream video chat to your touch screen tablet along with other things.

Of course I'm probably way off, but it seems (to me) like a similar system would have to be in place to support this rumored controller and motion control.


No fucking way will it have a 6'' screen. And nor will it have so few physical inputs that PS3/4 and 360/720 ports would be undoable.


Forkball said:
So it went from significantly more powerful than the PS3 to maybe a bit stronger than the Xbox 360. Just... just...

It's basically got a cheaper price tag now. I'm bettering on $249.99.
gofreak said:
As I said to brain_stew, I'm sure some stuff can be offloaded, but if that's the plan to get around any potential CPU issues, I hope there is a beefy enough GPU there. That it's a 2008 architecture doesn't necessarily tell us so, but hopefully...

Well, the clock speed of the GPU, the number of processing units, and the amount of ram will matter, this is true. But most mid-range AMD and Nvidia 2008 gpus were already running circles around the XBox 360s GPU and especially the PS3s GPU. I think the fact that there have been few PC games that have taken advantage of mid-high range GPUs post 2006 might be coloring 01net's evaluation of the Wii 2's supposed power. Now, the CPU might still be an issue, but I highly doubt that it will be the bottleneck for the system all things considered.


Billychu said:
Which sounds like a Classic Controller. The 'cube's button layout was awful.
I never understood why people hated the radial button layout so much. If the C-stick had been a proper analog stick, and if both sticks would have had a press-in function, and if there had been two z-bumpers instead of just one, it would have been a fantastic controller IMHO.


Game Analyst said:
I looked for shots and that is the best shot I found. Didn't know it was fake.
If it doesn't look like gameplay, it's fake.

M74 said:
I never understood why people hated the radial button layout so much. If the C-stick had been a proper analog stick, and if both sticks would have had a press-in function, and if there had been two z-bumpers instead of just one, it would have been a fantastic controller IMHO.
A button was too big, everything else was too small.
brain_stew said:
Power draw is very important to Nintendo, wider cores ran at a lower clockspeed is pretty much a given.
Nah! that's only true in the hanheld space, its not so important to them on the consoles.

Only reason you heard that in regards to the Wii was due to marketing reasons.


Unconfirmed Member
mugurumakensei said:
Well, the clock speed of the GPU, the number of processing units, and the amount of ram will matter, this is true. But most mid-range AMD and Nvidia 2008 gpus were already running circles around the XBox 360s GPU and especially the PS3s GPU. I think the fact that there have been few PC games that have taken advantage of mid-high range GPUs post 2006 might be coloring 01net's evaluation of the Wii 2's supposed power. Now, the CPU might still be an issue, but I highly doubt that it will be the bottleneck for the system all things considered.
2006 GPU's were already running circles around Xenos and RSX.
I enjoyed the gamecube's button layout much more than the dpad replica button set up we've had since the snes days. I feel it works better for just about everything outside of a traditional fighting game, for me at least. So comfortable.
At this point, I'm rather bothered by the lack of multitouch on the screen. At the very least, I hope it's not going to be a pressure based touch screen like the DS and is instead a capacitive one like what's in smartphones. I also hope it's as responsive as the screens on the iPhone.

Eric C

wwm0nkey said:
We already know this is using a R700 correct? So it will look better than the 360, not by a super holy shit next gen amount but will obviously be better and if it does have Blu-Ray say hello to high resolution textures :)

Actually we don't know ANYTHING for sure yet. That's what 01net.com thinks it "Probably" is

DetectiveGAF found one of the Big 3 is "probably" using the AMD Trinity for a console released in 2012. Unless Microsoft or Sony are releasing in 2012, it looks like it could be Nintendo.

Ericsc said:
This thread


Seems to think it's the AMD Trinity. If it's true the Dev kits probably wouldn't even have it yet. That would explain the conflicting rumors about the specs.

So unless Microsoft or Sony are releasing a console in 2012, it's probably Nintendo thats using the AMD Trinity.

brain_stew said:
Its entirely possible AMD are architectting the system from memory controller to GPU to internal cache design and simply using PowerPC cores instead of x86 cores. Many forget that the latest iteration of the 360's CPU does exactly this (except IBM led the design) so that level of communication and cooperation has already happened between the companies on a console chip design just a year or two ago.

Ultimately whether the CPU cores are x86 or PowerPC is academic. The design could still be derived from AMD Trinnity even if it usesPowerPC cores


NEO0MJ said:
I always thought the wii was 3 Gamecubes...

That was the original spin. Two to three times more powerful. Believe it was quoted in the E3 USA Today article.

Then the internet exploded and said WUT?! Only 3 times more powerful?!

Nintendo PR then said that's not what they meant. Calm down. You will say wow when you finally see the graphics!

And when it was revealed it was a Gamecube overclocked by 1.5 times, the WWW did say WOW!

Refreshment.01 said:
Nah! that's only true in the hanheld space, its not so important to them on the consoles.

Only reason you heard that in regards to the Wii was due to marketing reasons.

It's the whole basis for the size of a DVD thing. And for the stillborn Wii Connect. Being able to leave the system on without fans running required low TDP. Unfortunately, for a feature they seemed to design the entire hardware around, they never found anything remotely useful for it.


abstract alien said:
I enjoyed the gamecube's button layout much more than the dpad replica button set up we've had since the snes days. I feel it works better for just about everything outside of a traditional fighting game, for me at least. So comfortable.
This. The size of the buttons may have been uncomfortable for some, but the radial button concept was in and of itself a great idea. I'd love it if they revisited it with improvements.
Door2Dawn said:
I was looking at some gears 3 gameplay footage, and if the wii 2 manages to pull off those kind of visuals...


Even if it's a "notch" above the 360, it will still be able to pull off BETTER than those graphics.

J-Rock said:
So far this system sounds more appealing to me than the Wii. That's what I'm happy about right now.

I loved my Wii, but I'm waiting on price and games, first.
I know that Nintendo won't disappoint on the latter, but I want to see if third parties can be taken seriously again.


Unconfirmed Member
gofreak said:
I don't think that's fair.

The goal to be to PS3 what PSP was to PS2 - but perhaps with even more RAM than the home system - hardly seems less ambitious. And it looks like they've pulled that off fairly convincingly.

The architectures are off the shelf and less custom than PSP or PS2 or PS3, but that really is a different point than whether they're skimping or not on performance. It's hard to accuse them of skimping when it will be at release probably at the top end of mobile performance, or thereabouts, in its size class. They've probably put as much performance in there as is possible with a given battery life in mind.

I actually thought NGP was quite a reassuring post-Kutaragi design, from both a cost-effectiveness and power POV, but *shrug*
Is not in the same class of effort as the PSP. Also, the PSP had the same (and more later on) RAM than the Ps2 and launched 4 years into the PS2 life, rather than what, five of Ps3 if it launches this year?


1-D_FTW said:
That was the original spin. Two to three times more powerful. Believe it was quoted in the E3 USA Today article.

Then the internet exploded and said WUT?! Only 3 times more powerful?!

Nintendo PR then said that's not what they meant. Calm down. You will say wow when you finally see the graphics!

And when it was revealed it was a Gamecube overclocked by 1.5 times, the WWW did say WOW!

Such a sad development. i think that happened during my last year or two of blind stupid fanboyism, was defending those decisions like crazy.


1-D_FTW said:
That was the original spin. Two to three times more powerful. Believe it was quoted in the E3 USA Today article.

Then the internet exploded and said WUT?! Only 3 times more powerful?!

Nintendo PR then said that's not what they meant. Calm down. You will say wow when you finally see the graphics!

And when it was revealed it was a Gamecube overclocked by 1.5 times, the WWW did say WOW!

Seems we might have a similar reaction.

"Oh...so we get to play 5 more years of the same graphics we had...5 years ago?"
Technically, Nintendo wasn't wrong with the Wii.
If the others had followed, we might have come out with a much healthier industry that was more diverse.
But, ifs and buts are candy and nuts....
The thing is that we're all saying it's too low spec if it's only as powerful as Xbox 360, and that's true because in two years it'll be massively overshadowed by the competitors.

However alot of people, myself included, would pay top dollar to be able to play Zelda, Metroid and Mario with xbox level HD visuals. That's how they'll hook the hardcore market.

They'll get the casuals because it'll be the follow up to the Wii and will be marketed as a next gen console that costs the same price as the current gen. And will most likley have a gimmick to draw the crowds once again.
Lonely1 said:
Is not in the same class of effort as the PSP. Also, the PSP had the same (and more later on) RAM than the Ps2 and launched 4 years into the PS2 life, rather than what, five of Ps3 if it launches this year?

This is really reaching far. The only question that matters is if the ngp is the most powerful handheld device for 2011/12? Anyone sane would say yes it is, and it will remain so for quite a long time.

Could Sony have gone with some custom frakenstein design with cell, 12 core gpu, and mini bluray or something and make something with even more horsepower? Sure. But that would be dumb.


Appollowexx said:
They'll get the casuals because it'll be the follow up to the Wii and will be marketed as a next gen console that costs the same price as the current gen. And will most likley have a gimmick to draw the crowds once again.

Casuals don't upgrade every 5 years.

A ton of the casuals that bought the Wii are going to be fine with the Wii, especially when they only own Wii Sports and Just Dance.
Weenerz said:
Doubt Nintendo would do a 6" touchscreen in the controller, unless they expect people to pay $100 for their controller.

Appollowexx said:
That's why the specs are so low.
Coolit down guys, its probably 1 screen per system not per controller. With the option of buying extra ones of course.


abstract alien said:
I enjoyed the gamecube's button layout much more than the dpad replica button set up we've had since the snes days. I feel it works better for just about everything outside of a traditional fighting game, for me at least. So comfortable.

Yes, I actually enjoyed third paty games like fifa, ssx tricky, crash bandicoot more with the gamecube controller. Even the good old Mario Party was fun!

I always somehow felt more connected to the games, and a lot has do with the ergonomics of the controller. Super Mario Sunshine has a really fantastic feeling controlling Mario in a way that the Super Mario Galaxy couldn't do with the wii remote because you felt more detached from the playing experience.


Weenerz said:
Doubt Nintendo would do a 6" touchscreen in the controller, unless they expect people to pay $100 for their controller.
I just checked on Futureshop.ca and to get a complete controller setup for the Wii (Wiimote, nunchuk and motionplus) is 44.99, 24.99, and 24.99. So...yeah.
wwm0nkey said:
Have to love detective GAF. So if it is the Trinity we are all good then correct? DX 11 support and all that jazz?

If it's trinity, as well as being DX11 capable, that means the cpu part is based on AMD's state-of-the-art bulldozer design, which hasn't even come out yet for Servers/PC's. Which would be rather surprising, as it's totally untested outside of AMD labs.
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