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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Unconfirmed Member
Mr_Brit said:
There's nothing to compare, NGP and iOS devices are in another plane of graphics to the Wii. Even the relatively weak ipad 1 thrashes the 3DS and that's whilst running at a much, much higher resolution.

I'm not talking about the quality of games, that is up to the developers.
It does? Pica200 has higher fill-rate and Poly-count, going by specs alone.


i'd say nintendo is gearing up for a huge disappointment if this system is only marginally more powerful than a 360. microsoft and sony's next consoles will make their game's look as dated as wii's.

the technology is already ancient.


JCRedeems said:
I have priorities with my money. It's harder these days when gas is approaching $5 a gallon, food prices are increasing etc. If gaming becomes too expensive than I have no problem spending my cash on something else for fun and enterntainment.
You're not forced to buy $50 or $60 games. After 6 years, you can easily compensate the price of a new console by renting, buying used games, re-selling games, and finding discounted games.


AceBandage said:
In this topic:


= Disappointing

Get that dated looking shit out of here.


AceBandage said:
In this topic:

http://www.gamesonsmash.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/uncharted3_21.jpg[/ IMG]
= Disappointing[/QUOTE]
Wait, you're using a [B]non real time cutscene 1080p supersampled image which was then downsampled to 720p for flawless image quality[/B] as an example of current gen graphics?


Zeal said:
i'd say nintendo is gearing up for a huge disappointment if this system is only marginally more powerful than a 360. microsoft and sony's next consoles will make their game's look as dated as wii's.

the technology is already ancient.

Yeah but how much will the games cost for the assumed superior hardware of the PS4 and 720?


wormstrangler said:
Disappointing that it's apparently only slightly more powerful than the 360.

We don't actually know that yet. It could be that its specs on the surface read like a modest upgrade to a layman but depending on what gets the boost it could be substantial. The reading that it's also slightly more powerful than 360 is also entirely based on the (translated) word "notch" and IGN's "not significantly more powerful", which could mean anything (what would "significantly more powerful" entail?)
J-Rock said:
You sound confused.
lol it's still nintendo games in HD and this Frankenstein will still be endlessly amusing. Like I said, it's more scientific curiosity at this point. So I'm disappointed but excited for E3 none the less. New console time is always exciting.


Zeal said:
i'd say nintendo is gearing up for a huge disappointment if this system is only marginally more powerful than a 360. microsoft and sony's next consoles will make their game's look as dated as wii's.

the technology is already ancient.

Difference is, the resolution won't be the same, so it won't be as noticable as wii compared to ps360. At best it will have slightly more detailed textures, AA and ai. That is if they both decide to go all out on specs again.


Unconfirmed Member
JCRedeems said:
Yeah but how much will the games cost for the assumed superior hardware of the PS4 and 720?
If they concentrate on IQ (which can make much of a difference) not much more.


Mr_Brit said:
There's nothing to compare, NGP and iOS devices are in another plane of graphics to the Wii. Even the relatively weak ipad 1 thrashes the 3DS and that's whilst running at a much, much higher resolution.

I'm not talking about the quality of games, that is up to the developers.
The system is still in it's infancy.
iOS devices, like the iPad, had the advantage of being able to use the entire iOS library of games because Apple provided the tools to port. If you look at most iOS retina display compatible games, they don't look all too great when you look at them in their native resolution.

Also, compared to the Wii? I disagree. The titles out there that take advantage of the hardware and were built from the ground up for the Wii look fantastic. It's the shoddy ports that gives the system a bad rap.

I honestly wouldn't say it thrashes the system. The 3DS just came out, nobody has had time to make proper titles for it, and lets be honest, the launch line-up was pretty much all ports and rather disappointing.

Also, I'm at least refusing to comment on the NGP till the system is actually released and we see the quality of all the games on the system as a whole. We were only shown a very meager portion of the games being made for the system, and a very hand-picked portion of games.

Anyways, that's enough "off-topicing" for me for now.

Edit, here's an IB pic at its native resolution I took just a minute ago.
AceBandage said:
In this topic:

= Disappointing[/QUOTE]

Isnt PS3 level technically not, "a marginally to a notch above X360 level?" (or else they would compare to ps3). Plus it took many years for developers to get this point, Ninty games couldnt be at this level until at least many years into the next gen.
Mr_Brit said:
Wait, you're using a non real time cutscene 1080p supersampled image which was then downsampled to 720p for flawless image quality as an example of current gen graphics?


If the next Xbox / PS4 had that level of image fidelity, I'd be amazed.


Lonely1 said:
It does? Pica200 has higher fill-rate and Poly-count, going by specs alone.
We don't know the final specs of the PICA in the 3DS so we can't really use that to compare to the ipad. From what we've seen nothing on 3DS will match Epic Citadel which is a non final open world tech demo, you can expect most UE3 iOS games to look significantly better.


I don't plan to have only one console next gen so these tech rumors don't bother me in the least. Got my Wii to play Nintendo games mostly. Will do the same with Wii2. If 3rd parties actually support it well then that's a fucking bonus in my book.


So it's pretty much equal with the PS3 in terms of graphics?

I don't even think 360/PS3 graphics look good anymore.

After seeing Crysis 2 on PC, I hate terrible IQ which plagues every console game.


So it's looking more and more that the "only slightly more powerful rumors" are more realistic than the earlier "substantially more powerful" rumors?

If so, count me out.

Sony and Microsoft will copy whatever gimmick Nintendo wows people with and throw in real next gen graphical updates.

I'll probably pick up a wii2 at some point to play Mario and Zelda but I won't be rushing out to grab one and certainly won't make it my go to for multiplayform games.... Which I still contend has the chance to bury Nintendo and cause it to lose next gen in the long haul.
Jonm1010 said:
So it's looking more and more that the "only slightly more powerful rumors" are more realistic than the earlier "substantially more powerful" rumors?

If so, count me out.

Sony and Microsoft will copy whatever gimmick Nintendo wows people with and throw in real next gen graphical updates.

I'll probably pick up a wii2 at some point to play Mario and Zelda but I won't be rushing out to grab one and certainly won't make it my go to for multiplayform games.... Which I still contend has the chance to bury Nintendo and cause it to lose next gen in the long haul.
We honestly have no idea how much power this thing will have.
For all we know, it'll just be Wii with 1MB of more RAM.


I'm looking forward to clarification on the memory sizes. Hopefully enough embedded dram for whatever 'free' effects the devs crave.

Also I'd like to see an unusually high amount of system ram in order to encourage gameplay variety (real time weapons change!).


Am I the only one skeptical that PS4/720 are going to be these crazy super machines like the 360/PS3 were when they were released?


Starchasing said:
Can anyone post any video of what a Wii2 will not be able to do graphicaly???
No, because we don't even know what specs it will have yet. All we have is "R700" and some conflicting statements.


Jonm1010 said:
So it's looking more and more that the "only slightly more powerful rumors" are more realistic than the earlier "substantially more powerful" rumors?

If so, count me out.

Sony and Microsoft will copy whatever gimmick Nintendo wows people with and throw in real next gen graphical updates.

I'll probably pick up a wii2 at some point to play Mario and Zelda but I won't be rushing out to grab one and certainly won't make it my go to for multiplayform games.... Which I still contend has the chance to bury Nintendo and cause it to lose next gen in the long haul.

Again, we still don't know this. It's just as likely to be a marginal upgrade as well as a significant upgrade from 360 at this point. So many conflicting things, and Detective GAF in the other thread seems to think it's the AMD Trinity, which is apparently a good step up.

All speculation still at this point, though.


Unconfirmed Member
Mr_Brit said:
We don't know the final specs of the PICA in the 3DS so we can't really use that to compare to the ipad. From what we've seen nothing on 3DS will match Epic Citadel which is a non final open world tech demo, you can expect most UE3 iOS games to look significantly better.

Is Open World... with nothing interactive or dynamic in it. The game resulted into something anything but open. And Epic themselves said that those limitations are part of the limits of the system.


-viper- said:
So it's pretty much equal with the PS3 in terms of graphics?

I don't even think 360/PS3 graphics look good anymore.

After seeing Crysis 2 on PC, I hate terrible IQ which plagues every console game.

Holy shit this is how I feel too!! I saw a super model at the mall the other day and now I don't want to fuck my good looking girlfriend anymore.
I will probably get Wii2 mostly to play Nintendo games in HD but it will be a secondary console for me. I have invested to much time and money in my PSN account to go Wii2 exclusive. I think Nintendo should keep things like that in mind if they plan to recapture hardcore gamers which mostly have been playing 360 or PS3 this gen.


Lonely1 said:
Is Open World... with nothing interactive in it. The game resulted into something anything but open. And Epic themselves said that those limitations are part of the limits of the system.
Additionally, someone can easily come along and make their own engine for the 3DS that looks better.


Jonm1010 said:
So it's looking more and more that the "only slightly more powerful rumors" are more realistic than the earlier "substantially more powerful" rumors?

If so, count me out.

Sony and Microsoft will copy whatever gimmick Nintendo wows people with and throw in real next gen graphical updates.

I'll probably pick up a wii2 at some point to play Mario and Zelda but I won't be rushing out to grab one and certainly won't make it my go to for multiplayform games.... Which I still contend has the chance to bury Nintendo and cause it to lose next gen in the long haul.

Not particularly, theres nothing really compelling one way or another. The stuff the french appears to be pretty speculative as well. Also, if I understand correctly, it only being "slightly more powerful" doesnt really jive with the rumored hardware its supposed to be using.


Ericsc said:
Amir0x, STILL not a wireless nunchuck?

No it'll definitely be wireless imo. I put that in another post.

With the new corrected rumours, I'm even more convinced the controller will look very similar to the wiimote design.


Mr_Brit said:
GTA IV, AC, Halo Reach, Fallout, ES, Arkham Asylum etc.... AKA the majority of AAA games.
Red dead redemption, LA Noire, uncharted, killzone, GTA4, crackdown, demons souls(Wiis shitty online hampers this more than anything else), metal gear 4, god of war 3..... Shut this could go on for a while.


I'm going to be in love with first party HD games.

I wish third parties would turn their franchies to stylized art on the Wii 2. Assassins Creed DS looks like balls from what I've seen. They tried to make it realistic so it's low quality and meh. Making the art style simple and cartooney would be amazing.


A little bit or substantially better doesn't mean shit. I have crossedfired 6970s and you know what? It doesn't make that much of a difference. It's all art assets at this point. The technically impressive game is dead (or more accurately it's what you do with the hardware you are given that is impressive).

Cygnus X-1

Amir0x said:
No it'll definitely be wireless imo. I put that in another post.

With the new corrected rumours, I'm even more convinced the controller will look very similar to the wiimote design.

For me the screen will be just a waste of money if it's not used to improve the gameplay. And the only way I can see a screen to improve it is to be multitouch. Nintendo should stop be dumb.


Hero of Legend said:
Bravo, I really like this. Too similar to the DS/3DS mind you, but design-wise they can't get much better than that.

Maybe make the sticks and buttons like the 3DS. I don't know.

I don't know. A touch screen just hanging on a hinge seems like a bad idea.
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