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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Thoraxes said:
Additionally, someone can easily come along and make their own engine for the 3DS that looks better.
Unlikely. We haven't had any major engine licensers announce support for 3DS whilst NGP has support from nearly everyone already including Crytek and Epic and it's still several months away. This suggests that the 3DS hardware is either non conducive to modern game development(AKA you need to create a completely separate 3DS version of multiplatform games like you'd have to do on the original DS) or that there simply isn't any demand for expensive engines on the platform as most devs will be making low fidelity games and using their own engines would be more viable.


AceBandage said:
In this topic:


= Disappointing

Wii 2 = 2012.
PS3 = 2006.


Amir0x said:
No it'll definitely be wireless imo. I put that in another post.

With the new corrected rumours, I'm even more convinced the controller will look very similar to the wiimote design.

I'm still thinking a more traditional style for the dual analog/screen pad. I don't think they're going to have that 6" screen pad also be the pointer, and they seriously better not get rid of the IR pointer, so I assume they'll just have a seperate Wii MotionPlus type thing with a nunchuk (or maybe literally just the actual Wii MotionPlus).

But who the fuck knows at this point lol, especially with Nintendo.
Lonely1 said:
Is Open World... with nothing interactive or dynamic in it. The game resulted into something anything but open. And Epic themselves said that those limitations are part of the limits of the system.
It's also about as "Open World" as the castle in Mario 64, and actually smaller. A bunch of interconnected hallways/paths, with a few wider areas. Epic Citadel is actually pretty limited and scripted, even if you can go anywhere.


Get Inside Her!
If that Epic demo is "next gen" then we have officially reached the point of diminishing returns. Obviously it looks great and if you put it next to Gears 3 the differences will be clear but if I compare it to a MEMORY of Gears 3, the difference just isn't [as much] there. And really that's what you need from a new generation, you don't play games with old games on a screen next to them. If it doesn't immediately shoot me in the brain as "oh shit this is leagues beyond what I am used to" then we have Hit That Point.

A box slightly more powerful than a 360/PS3 will be able to produce gorgeous games. High res, full of effects, very nice looking games. It will not be THE MAX!!!! but man we are in the age (sans Wii) where there is enough power bubbling around for everything to Look Good. I mean damn people's eyes bug out at Dolphin games, and that's just a high-res Wii. Imagine Nintendo's games running at that resolution but with like 40x the friggin power (I have no idea what the actual difference is but you get the point).


I was just thinking about the power thing. I think it would be best if Nintendo were only marginally less powerful than Sony and MS' next consoles, but I'm not entirely sure if they have to be. It is true that the gap between PS2 and GCN and XBox wasn't huge, but 3rd parties didn't even do that many ports then. GCN was a marketing nightmare and XBox was hated by many. So why should the power gap matter that much now? If cafe can get the developers on board and become the lead platform with a head start, wouldn't it be the other two consoles worrying about getting ports? The head start factor could make a big difference between this gen and next.


Unconfirmed Member
Mr_Brit said:
Unlikely. We haven't had any major engine licensers announce support for 3DS whilst NGP has support from nearly everyone already including Crytek and Epic and it's still several months away. This suggests that the 3DS hardware is either non conducive to modern game development or that there simply isn't any demand for expensive engines on the platform as most devs will be making low fidelity games and using their own engines would be more viable.
Or, the correct answer, that the NGP is an easier target for 360/Ps3 Engines ports. By design. Of the high end engines, we have MT framework, which is not slouch (but no licenses either). Also, yes, the NGP is considerably more powerfull than the 3DS, as so is the iPad 2. But you were talking about the iPad 1, iPhone 4, etc. I believe that the 3DS is competitive with 2010 hardware (and many 2011 devices such as Xperia Play). If the device was underpowered, we wouldn't have battery concerns. Is arguable that PowerVR solutions are better than what Nintendo went, but the other option Nintendo had in mind was Tegra, which I'm not so sure they would be better of with (other than having an UE3 port out of the gate).


I think Wii 2 will probably be a quarter to half a generation leap. That's what they probably need to get under the porting umbrella of the next gen consoles. They don't need to get all the games just certain important ones: next gen Call of Duty, Resident Evil, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, GTA, and a few other franchises.

Glass Joe

This 3DS vs iOS talk is balls. I have Street Fighter IV for the iPhone and for the 3DS. There is NO comparison, even with the 3D off the 3DS wins hands down. Granted I paid $1 for the iPhone version and $40 for the 3DS but that's another story. Maybe SFIV doesn't max out the iOS, but I don't think the 3DS has shown all its might yet either. Oh, and playing with no buttons on the iPhone is NOT ideal.

Talk of the WiiHD/NES6/whatever's graphics will have to wait until there's footage. Releasing something that's "360 quality" I agree would be pointless to woo the hardcore with. Nintendo could get caught in a Dreamcast situation by releasing earlier than the rest the generational cycle and looking underpowered.

Not claiming that won't happen (regarding hardware, Nintendo seems to like to profit out of the gate) but it is a little annoying to see all these people reacting to rumors as facts, with no video to back it up with. Nintendo likely won't try to go above the $299 launch point, but let's wait to actually SEE what they put out for the price.


Haunted said:
wow, 8000 posts already.

The next Nintendo console seems to be hotly anticipated.

It was, but with all the new rumors pooring in, I think we are all settling in for disappointment and not as big of a jump as we all wanted.

FinalBoss said:
Motion sensing better than Move?

Lol, yeah right.

Is Move the ultimate motion control device? I bet with Sony's new console, they also have an updated Move. Not so hard to picture.


boyshine said:
adding my mockup as well

This mockup probably makes the most sense to me so far based on the available info. The 6" screen given its own surface makes sense if you're also going to have a dual analog design and don't want it to feel too enormous in people's hands (especially kids). Hasn't been a single mention so far though of some sort of flip/slider mechanic, but it could just be that bit of info hasn't gotten out there yet.


Lonely1 said:
I wouldn't use the word "easily".
Well I know coding your own engine is a huge task in itself (I have coding friends who've built their own for their games), I was just speaking how I normally do, which is sometimes not conducive to posting on forums.


Good Art™
i'm worried about all that.
In my personal opinion, 3DS (and even Wii and NDS) clearly showed that Nintendo is in some blind race to try anything different and refuse linear progression. That was cool when they still had some pertinent new tech to play with, but they seem clueless now.

I fear that they try something totally illogical for the sake of it this time...


Mr_Brit said:
We don't know the final specs of the PICA in the 3DS so we can't really use that to compare to the ipad. From what we've seen nothing on 3DS will match Epic Citadel which is a non final open world tech demo, you can expect most UE3 iOS games to look significantly better.
You are kind of a silly person. In the one post you are calling the 3DS an intentionally gimped hardware, now you are acknowledging that we don't even know the specs of 3DS's GPU.
BroHuffman said:
It was, but with all the new rumors pooring in, I think we are all settling in for disappointment and not as big of a jump as we all wanted.

What kind of leap did people actually want, exactly?
Dual 6990s or something?
I mean... let's keep this in reality, please...


Zeal said:
i'd say nintendo is gearing up for a huge disappointment if this system is only marginally more powerful than a 360. microsoft and sony's next consoles will make their game's look as dated as wii's.

the technology is already ancient.

The difference in graphic quality has never been the real issue for the Wii getting third-party ports. It's the difference in architecture.

Maybe at first, third-parties shunned it expecting GameCube performance, but once it took off, it would've gotten those third-party titles if it had been easy to port to. It wasn't. If this new console is easily scalable to PS4/720 (think PC games that can run on newest of new and 5-year old PCs), then if it sells those titles, it'll get the ports. It's the same reason Xbox got such an "in" with PC developers. It was relatively easy to port their code over to the system.

Therefore if the games can scale easily to Wii 2 levels (hoping for 1.5+ GBs of RAM, here) and they don't lose money from the amount it took to port it, the Wii 2 should still get the ports with occassional "exclusives" that already make sense for the console (i.e. not COD-n Wii 2 exclusive or anything). The games will be there, so if it can get strong with a headstart/$299 price/something fancy (besides graphics) to attract the masses, it should be in infinitely better shape than the Wii has been the last 2-3 years.


orioto said:
i'm worried about all that.
In my personal opinion, 3DS (and even Wii and NDS) clearly showed that Nintendo is in some blind race to try anything different and refuse linear progression. That was cool when they still had some pertinent new tech to play with, but they seem clueless now.

I fear that they try something totally illogical for the sake of it this time...

3D is not something crazy or clueless. Consumers may not react to it but that's another story.


I'm sorry, was that hard to comprehend?

I'm just wondering why it's not possible. Nintendo were the first ones to build and ship a motion controller so I assume they have been figuring out how to build new motion controllers.


AceBandage said:
What kind of leap did people actually want, exactly?
Dual 6990s or something?
I mean... let's keep this in reality, please...

When you first hear new rumors, there is so much excitement, it's hard to rein in our hopes be realistic.


the specs are weird... an R700 GPU, which ran hot and was power hungry (very non-nintendo like). On the other hand the Wii consumed 18W at peak load. If Nintendo wanted to increase the power of their console but keep it relatively cool and keep power consumption low, they would try to find parts that kept heat down. In that case, newer chips on smaller processes would be a better choice (Trinity Fusion APU is at 32nm and has TDP between 65-100W).

However, Nintendo likes to customize the chips for their consoles. They tend to take an older design and tailor it to meet their needs. If work on the chipset of this successor started in 2008, it wouldn't be hard to imagine Nintendo using the R700 as the base for the GPU and then modifying it. but as i mentioned earlier, it doesn't fit Nintendo's design philosophy... then again, the 3DS has 3-5 hour battery life, so maybe that's changed.
apana said:
I'm just wondering why it's not possible. Nintendo were the first ones to build and ship a motion controller so I assume they have been figuring out how to build new motion controllers.

the only thing that could be better is precision. soon you will get so good, people can't even tell the difference. I'm sure the M+ and Move are about equal anyway, unless someone wants to correct me


Im pretty sure it will be almost the same format as a wiimote since I think it will have ir sensor and be holdable in one hand. They won't ditch this functionality

Imagine I wii mote with analogue sticks + a touch screen instead of white plastic. Side to side a wii mote is... Yep 6 inches almost exactly!

The question is... Is it possible to create LCD or oled screens with holes in them? Anyone know ?
orioto said:
i'm worried about all that.
In my personal opinion, 3DS (and even Wii and NDS) clearly showed that Nintendo is in some blind race to try anything different and refuse linear progression. That was cool when they still had some pertinent new tech to play with, but they seem clueless now.

I fear that they try something totally illogical for the sake of it this time...

Where are your worries coming from? The rumors we've heard include the inclusion of traditional controls, a touchscreen (a proven concept in gaming), and motion controls more advanced than Move (another proven concept, though some still choose to dispute it).

Moreover, the rumors about the graphics seem pretty "linear" in so far as it is a generational leap over their previous system. If anything, this is a much more "linear progression" than the Wii was.

People are freaking out over nothing.


From The Dust said:
the only thing that could be better is precision. soon you will get so good, people can't even tell the difference. I'm sure the M+ and Move are about equal anyway, unless someone wants to correct me

No they aren't. Motion plus is slightly better in pointer controls while Move is much better for everything else.


From The Dust said:
the only thing that could be better is precision. soon you will get so good, people can't even tell the difference. I'm sure the M+ and Move are about equal anyway, unless someone wants to correct me

They aren't. Plenty of videos on Youtube demonstrating the difference.

It comes down to the fundamental core way they track.
Door2Dawn said:
Who gives a shit. It looks amazing.
In 1997 FF7 looked amazing too. As did Resident Evil 1. I find it hilarious when people excuse a major hardware builder for using 7 year old tech in new hardware. Amazing. PS3 hardware will be 6 years old by the time the Wii 2 releases for crying out loud.
J-Rock said:
People still listen to this?

Only ironically, I'd imagine.

LovingSteam said:
In 1997 FF7 looked amazing too. As did Resident Evil 1. I find it hilarious when people excuse a major hardware builder for using 7 year old tech in new hardware. Amazing. PS3 hardware will be 6 years old by the time the Wii 2 releases for crying out loud.

FF7 was destroyed on the PS1 in terms of graphics. Even with in its own series. It never really looked all that great.
But regardless, the jump from PS1->PS2 was greater than PS2->PS3 which will be greater than PS3->PS4.


Door2Dawn said:
And no one will care.

No one that matters anyway ;)

I'll care.

Just because Nintendo are going to go with a more powerful console this time around, doesn't change the foundation of the brand. Next gen will still be the exact same way this gen.

Normal games on the big 2 720/PS4
Nintendo "happy time" games on Wii2
I like the idea that a hypothetical PS4 and 360-2 have already won.

I remember when the Gamecube placed third, everyone thought the successor was totally going to leapfrog an early-launching XBox 2.
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