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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Amir0x said:
It hasn't gone well. Most of their added peripherals are barely used at all. There are like five total motion plus games. And there's almost no balance board products at all.

And, as we know, Wii only includes one type of controller inside and few if any developers utilize the ones that are not inside the system from the get go. The nunchuck isn't a separate controller. It's literally part of the remote and only functions as part of the remote. So the only difference is removing the nunchuck or not. That does not two controllers make :p

Nintendo is not stupid. They're not going to include multiple controller types inside the system from the start, particularly if the controllers are wildly different. It's going to split development, it's going to confuse consumers. And it's going to increase the price of what is already going to be an expensive set of controllers.

I agree with your thoughts with regards to the controller. I think we'll see a remote shaped controller, with blue-tooth nunchuck. The controller will have the screen. I'm not sure what they'll add to that to make it more sensitive/precise than Move though. Maybe magnetism?


Junior Member
Pimpbaa said:
You are living in a dreamworld if you think ANY console next gen will have something like a 6950. Too expensive, draws too much power, and puts out way too much heat for a console.

A 6950 at the fall of 2013?? Very possible if they make it to 22nm.
Or you could go 6850, which uses little power and generates little heat. Would still be great. Anything below would be a slight disappointment from both sides.

I want my Samaritan demo in realtime, actually. Hopefully. :-\
Instro said:
So I guess the rumors have stopped for now. Oh well.
If they were real, it's possible they've been clamped down on.

If they were just hearsay and scuttlebutt without much confirmation, then maybe everyone's gotten bored of it.


Zeliard said:
Do people even want all three consoles to share the same games? Plus many of them will also probably go to the PC. Then you'll have the same games on four systems, with one clearly superior to the others.

I want Nintendo to get third-party support back but I'd also like them to not mirror what Sony/MS are likely to do.

not sure. TBH for me at least its more valuable for Nintendo to get multiplatform parity. I'm guaranteed to buy their machines for their first party titles anyway. The more multplatform content they get, the more their online becomes passable, the closer their tech is to the others, the less need I have to buy one of the other platforms.

I've already done that this gen - sold my 360 and have stuck with PS3 and wii.

But if all three platforms have multiplatform parity, then first party titles, and the overall ecosystem of each machine becomes even more important.
Amir0x said:
It hasn't gone well. Most of their added peripherals are barely used at all. There are like five total motion plus games. And there's almost no balance board products at all.

And, as we know, Wii only includes one type of controller inside and few if any developers utilize the ones that are not inside the system from the get go.

Nintendo is not stupid. They're not going to include multiple controller types inside the system from the start, particularly if the controllers are wildly different. It's going to split development, it's going to confuse consumers. And it's going to increase the price of what is already going to be an expensive set of controllers.
I think you misunderstood me, the add-ons have gone well from a consumer perspective, but not from a developer perspective. And Motion Plus not being there initially, but sloppily forced in mid-cycle (with terrible 1st party support I'd add), definitely hurt it's developer support. Consumers though, they didn't seem all that scared of or confused by the multitude of Wii controller options, instead they embraced them and bought tons of boards, wheels, zappers, etc. The thing this probably proved to Nintendo is that consumer adoption alone won't mean developer adoption (Wii overall sort of proves that out) and what you establish day one, out of the box is probably more important.

I'd agree that Nintendo's m.o. is usually to make things more approachable, and that they won't include two entirely separate controllers out of the box. But having hypothetically, two modular components for the standard Wii 2 controller out of the box rather than the one Wii came with, doesn't seem all that unlikely or outside Nintendo's comfort zone.


cacildo said:
THIS TIME nintendo is doooomed.

Just like every new generation, right?


I feel like an idiot for forgetting a few features expected in the Wii 2 in my last mock-up...

This one is hopefully more suitable.


Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Amir0x said:
Think about the idea of developers having to decide which controller to make games for, and then the further idea that now consumers will have to buy multiples of more than one type of controllers. It is asking a lot. It's asking a lot of Sony with the move thing too.

The Wii kind of went through that already. The nomenclature of narrowing down the exact control method i think created a cumbersome and awkward situation for many games. Wii remote? Remote + Nunchuk? Classic controller + GameCube controller + WaveBird? Wii remote on the side with pointer function? All the peripherals (steering wheel, zapper, balance board, wii motion plus).

Personally I hate that the crappy wiipointer was it absolutely necessary to select a game (and all the other stuff). Imagine if you had to change channels on the television by aiming that reticle on a box each time. Just let me use my regular controller and CLICK A.

I think Microsoft has it potentially right. Let the user stick with what he is comfortable. Or as an option let them use the hands free camera to control the system.

The most important thing is not to force anyone into one method over the other. Especially one that they are not used to.

My two cents.
Ezduo said:
Have they ever announced anything at an investors conference?

Well, at the last one they announced Kirby and Pandora's Tower.
They'll talk about this past years sales and what they are going to do in the future. It won't be a full media blowout, but they would announce a new console there.


EatChildren said:
Perfectly? No, not at all. But it wouldnt have been created 'perfectly' on the 360 or PS3 either. It could have been recreated to some extent on the Wii, same with the other consoles, likely looking better on the latter two thanks to the extra horsepower going a long way in rendering 'realistic' graphics like that.

I prefer that original art, for what it's worth, but it really isn't ever going to see the light of day. Spector literally said that Disney and him decided it was too 'dark', and it was from when the game was in a conceptual phase many moons ago. The game we got was the direction ultimately decided and developed, and a hypothetical Epic Micket Wii 2 will look, as said, more like a nicer, cleaner version of the concept art we got in Epic Mickey, not the concept art from the leak.

Alright fine but I hope he reconsiders. I assume you think that Epic Mickey HD will look very close to this:


In fact Epic Mickey Wii got close to that.
Shikamaru Ninja said:
Personally I hate that the crappy wiipointer was it absolutely necessary to select a game (and all the other stuff). Imagine if you had to change channels on the television by aiming that reticle on a box each time. Just let me use my regular controller and CLICK A.
You can control it with the classic controller and IIRC it defaults to hovering over the disc channel.
rekameohs said:
I feel like an idiot for forgetting a few features expected in the Wii 2 in my last mock-up...

This one is hopefully more suitable.


Great improvement!

Everyone remember this quote?

In the future, what do you think video games will be like?
Miyamoto said:
It's convenient to make games that are played on TVs. But I always wanted to have a custom-sized screen that wasn't the typical four-cornered cathode-ray-tube TV. I've always thought that games would eventually break free of the confines of a TV screen to fill an entire room. But I would rather not say anything more about that.
AceBandage said:
Well, at the last one they announced Kirby and Pandora's Tower.
They'll talk about this past years sales and what they are going to do in the future. It won't be a full media blowout, but they would announce a new console there.

Was the 3DS at the meeting last year? That was late March though, and their meetings are at a month after each quarter IIRC; Jan, Apr, etc.

Hope we also get some details of the next Pokeyman for Wii, and more details of Kirby Wii.


$200 said:

- Scrollable screen in the Wiimote

Honestly this is the only logical concept I can think of, assuming the rumours are true, for Nintendo to incorporate a screen into the controller while keeping the strengths of the Wiimote.

You heard it here first.
I think Nintendo is going to drop the Wiimote altogether(but probably keep some motion sensing of sort, but it won't be the selling point anyway ) .. They want the casual (and fickle) crowd to come again.. They need a new different gimmick, not the Wiimote++ to capture their attention or it will tank harder than the Move.


Will Eat Your Children
Does "extra huge surprise" mean something like the speaker in the wiimote? Or is it possible the surprise isn't related to the controller?


lunchwithyuzo said:
I dunno about that, the modular nature of the Wii remote already gave more choices to both developers and consumers in terms of support (remote only, remote & nunchuck, remote plus only, remote plus & nunchuck) and it seems to have gone pretty well for them. Even better, it's encouraged consumers to embrace even more optional control add-ons and extensions (balance board, wheel, zapper, classic controller/pro) though things haven't gone off as well for developers on that side. This hurt Motion Plus support wise as a mid-cycle upgrade too.

Framing this in terms of "complexity" seems the wrong read to me, it's really about choice. I'd expect more choice out of the box next gen, not less.

Thing is in those cases, those peripherals were introduced in a slow drip throughout the years and accompanied by respective games that highlighted their functionalities. The Wiimote/Nunchuk is still universally considered the standard Wii controller.

If Nintendo here introduces both a pointer/nunchuk and a more traditional pad off the bat, which would be nice to see, they would essentially be saying that there are two standard and distinct controllers for the Wii.

Even then, prospects for it are lessened not so much due to confusion (anyone can see they do different things) as due to price. Nintendo would have to ship both pointer/nunchuk and pad in the box for it to really work, and that might end up too cost-prohibitive. Shame, too, because it would encourage devs to add pointer functionality to any game that would benefit from it (i.e. 1st/3rd-person shooters). They may do that anyway but perhaps not if the dual analog pad becomes the dominant controller.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
AceBandage said:
Well, at the last one they announced Kirby and Pandora's Tower.
They'll talk about this past years sales and what they are going to do in the future. It won't be a full media blowout, but they would announce a new console there.

Plus this the fiscal year meeting, if I'm correct, which is likely much more important than the others.

apana said:
Alright fine but I hope he reconsiders. I assume you think that Epic Mickey HD will look very close to this:


In fact Epic Mickey Wii got close to that.

It's probably not entirely his call, but mostly Disney's, even if he agrees. And yes, I would expect it to look cleaner to that.

Epic Mickey Wii used the same style, but you'd be surprised how much you can get out of extra horse power. The exact same art direction on beefier hardware would look gorgeous. Trust me.


rekameohs said:
I feel like an idiot for forgetting a few features expected in the Wii 2 in my last mock-up...

This one is hopefully more suitable.

*Super Wii mockup*
Haha, I had a good laugh at that!



I was really hoping this was going to be a true next gen system. A notch above 360, gives me mixed feelings. On one hand a Retro developed Metroid Prime game with 360 type power would rock.
On the other hand I wanted that 5yrs ago. This gen is almost 6yrs old. Do we really want the same familiar games running on the same familiar engines, or are we going to be ready to move on come 2012-2013?
One big possible benefit for Sony and Microsoft is that once they do move onto their next systems, the 360/PS3 will probably enjoy a nice extra long life sharing multiplatform games with the new Nintendo system.
graywolf323 said:
a controller with a screen? why?

some social games are more fun when every player holds a secret from the others.... like when you play cards...

Having a screen for every player enables them to keep secrets.... like what power you have in mario kart

I think they will use the ubisoft wii drawing tablet as foundation to build their controller up from. A touch screen will replace the touchpad and a wiimote++ can pop in and out of the controller depending on how the controller is being used. Their will be some buttons / analog sticks on the tablet as well.


There have been 38 edits to the topic title at this point. Maybe this will be like that one topic where we aimed for 100 edits!


Sometimes I just pick up some of my game controllers and press the buttons or waggle the sticks.

Favorite controllers in no particular order:

Gamecube (it just fit so snug in my hand)
Xbox 360 controller (thats a damn fine controller)
Snes controller (too many good times to ignore, but it was ergonomically challenged.)

On the other side, I've never used a PS contoller that I liked and the DS3 is one of the worst controllers around.

I look forward to touching Wii2's controller...
Zeliard said:
Thing is in those cases, those peripherals were introduced in a slow drip throughout the years and accompanied by respective games that highlighted their functionalities. The Wiimote/Nunchuk is still universally considered the standard Wii controller.

If Nintendo here introduces both a pointer/nunchuk and a more traditional pad off the bat, which would be nice to see, they would essentially be saying that there are two standard and distinct controllers for the Wii.

Even then, prospects for it are lessened not so much due to confusion (anyone can see they do different things) as due to price. Nintendo would have to ship both pointer/nunchuk and pad in the box for it to really work, and that might end up too cost-prohibitive. Shame, too, because it would encourage devs to add pointer functionality to any game that would benefit from it (i.e. 1st/3rd-person shooters). They may do that anyway but perhaps not if the dual analog pad becomes the dominant controller.
While I don't disagree with any of this, Nintendo also made a strong push with the CCPro in Japan a few years back, bundling it with some systems and tons of 3rd party games. The obvious attempt there being get more "core" consumers comfortable with a traditional pad and traditional games to embrace the platform, though it was a bit too little, too late.

That also makes me think Nintendo might be open to offering a more "traditional" choice out of the box with Wii 2, especially given their moves to seemingly be more 3rd party friendly and more traditional gamer friendly this time out than they went with DS/Wii. Obviously there's room for confusion there, but I think concerns about that get a bit overstated. There seems to be a real desire to get the hardcore back on board at Nintendo (for awhile now), and there also seems to be a strong indication for them that if you don't launch out of the box with something, then developers just won't bother. That's sort of my thought process with a traditional choice out of the box.
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