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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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FoxSpirit said:
A 6950 at the fall of 2013?? Very possible if they make it to 22nm.
Or you could go 6850, which uses little power and generates little heat. Would still be great. Anything below would be a slight disappointment from both sides.

I'm think more along the lines of something like a 8650 or 8670 (or a 7xxx series equivalent). You get a lot more out of a GPU when it's in a console due to not having to use high level apis like directx and every system being the same.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Leon S. Kennedy said:

I think they will use the ubisoft wii drawing tablet as foundation to build their controller up from. A touch screen will replace the touchpad and a wiimote++ can pop in and out of the controller depending on how the controller is being used. Their will be some buttons / analog sticks on the tablet as well.

This makes a ton of sense.


Cygnus X-1 said:
I was asking myself the same thing. I hope it is not merely a gimmick, because I would have to pay for it without any advantage.

Think of it this way. It'll be like a console version of the DS. Dual Screens means you can provide interface information on the screen and not have it cluttering the TV.

That's about as basic a plan I can think of, and I can sorta see it helping things out. But only in that context; not as a replacement for actual buttons or anything. If the touchscreen is replacing some buttons then it is worthless and the system is skippable.
Cygnus X-1 said:
Anyway, one thing is clear: the name of the system HAS to be Super Wii.

They'll drop the Wii name for sure.
It's too tainted at this point.
Just call it Nintendo.
Simple, sweet, and incites that oh so wonderful nostalgia from gamers everywhere.


Starchasing said:
some social games are more fun when every player holds a secret from the others.... like when you play cards...

Having a screen for every player enables them to keep secrets.... like what power you have in mario kart
I can see mario party using the screen.


Developer quotes: graphics capabilities "roughly equal to those of the Xbox 360", performance "over the Xbox 360, but just a notch"

so that automatically means better than the PS3, let's hope it will also be easy to develop for

and there is nothing wrong with a display in a controller

<3 Dreamcast controller, Logitech G15 and 19


Could the touch screen almost replace the pointing functionality of the Wii controller? A game like Trauma Center for example would almost benefit from that.


Amir0x said:
Think of it this way. It'll be like a console version of the DS. Dual Screens means you can provide interface information on the screen and not have it cluttering the TV.

That's about as basic a plan I can think of, and I can sorta see it helping things out. But only in that context; not as a replacement for actual buttons or anything. If the touchscreen is replacing some buttons then it is worthless and the system is skippable.
I would hate to remove my sight from the screen just to see the HUD/other relevant information.

But yeah I can't come up with anything else either. What the hell can a screen on the controller do? I can get motion controls: Wii Sports wouldn't be fun without it. But a screen can only be used in a gimmicky Zack & Wiki sort of way, or to make things a tad bit more convenient. Never to make things that can't be made without it.


the piano man
Can someone please have mercy and explain where does the term "Project Cafe" comes from?

is there any link, page or source that explains how is this related to Wii 2??

OP could have that info as well. Thanks a lot!


Junior Member
Skiesofwonder said:
That sounds more like a hologram/headset/projector/virtual reality instead of having a screen on your controller.

Yeah, this is my impression too.

And if anyone can pull it off, he can.
All those rumors remind me of the Nintendo On "prototype":

1.) Sensor bar above the visor.
2.) Screens on the controller, i.e., visor - maybe one lean six inch 3D display or two 3" for each eye.
3.) System could stream games to the visor, "controller", or to a TV.
4.) Motion controls through the camera on the visor.

Could use two wireless motion controllers that are like the nunchuck and the wiimote blended together with built in WM+.

Just saying that ON fits this description almost exactly without having some 12" GameCube controller with a screen in the middle, but I'm not really sure Nintendo would go this route unless they really were just catering to the "hardcore" since most gamers (the people who like 2D Mario over 3D Mario) wouldn't want to be isolated in some VR device. as long as it was sleek, I think most core gamers would be really interested especially since each could have their own visor and link up to one system. But this lines up with what they did with 3DS and the system could also output to a TV as well.

It would have a touchscreen-like functionality as well since it is a VR/hand-gesture/motion-controller setup.

But the "Project Cafe" sounds like something "Social" to me but which also caters to all sorts of interests.

I really think that there is no reason for a new system. All that Nintendo and other game companies need to do is make the games that most people want to play... which are old-school, NESified arcade-style games like the NES Mario, Zelda, Contra, Metroid, etc. This was evidenced by the sales of NSMB which cleaned just about every other game's clock except for other low-key games that have origins in the NES/SNES arcade roots. Developers are trying to create these games with stories and crap but most people don't want that - video game stories aren't interesting or well-written anyway. Most people play video games to play video games not get wrapped-up in a story. They want games like the NES games where you popped-in the game and were playing in seconds without interruption in the gameplay with cut-scenes. Wii could sell for another 5 years with record game sales pushing 200 million units if they would do this.

Today's games are mostly bloated low-quality garbage.


upandaway said:
I would hate to remove my sight from the screen just to see the HUD/other relevant information.

But yeah I can't come up with anything else either. What the hell can a screen on the controller do? I can get motion controls: Wii Sports wouldn't be fun without it. But a screen can only be used in a gimmicky Zack & Wiki sort of way, or to make things a tad bit more convenient. Never to make things that can't be made without it.

Puzzles. Amusing AR opportunities (like, someone sending you a message to your controller screen; think of No More Heroes telephone calls). Stuff like that. There are gameplay opportunities there, but I assume interface information is the one that'll help most.
I think having the OS somehow tied to the screen would be a good idea.
The ability to pull up messages and friends lists while still fully in the game.
Being able to surf online as well.


AceBandage said:
I think having the OS somehow tied to the screen would be a good idea.
The ability to pull up messages and friends lists while still fully in the game.
Being able to surf online as well.

oh that's actually a really good idea. A message from friends popping up on the controller while you're playing would be rad

waaaay too future thinking for Nintendo imo :D


Amir0x said:
Puzzles. Amusing AR opportunities (like, someone sending you a message to your controller screen; think of No More Heroes telephone calls). Stuff like that. There are gameplay opportunities there, but I assume interface information is the one that'll help most.

This is just an idea...think of a detective game where you use the 'controller' to examine an AR object.

That would be pretty ace...a nice high quality image on the 6" screen, allowing you to move the controller around it to find clues.


GAF's Bob Woodward
sphinx said:
Can someone please have mercy and explain where does the term "Project Cafe" comes from?

is there any link, page or source that explains how is this related to Wii 2??

It is the codename for the system, according to 01net.

IGN seems to be corroborating that, although they don't explicitly say that they have heard it independently.

It doesn't have to make any logical sense. Project Dolphin hardly did.


gofreak said:
It is the codename for the system, according to 01net.

IGN seems to be corroborating that, although they don't explicitly say that they have heard it independently.

It doesn't have to make any logical sense. Project Dolphin hardly did.

The processor was called Flipper. Hence, project dolphin.


AceBandage said:
DS was Nitro.
3DS is Century.

Not the system itself...the processor/GPU.

I thought it was Hollywood and Broadway (respectively).


Yeah, I had it backwards...the Processor was Broadway, and hte GPU was Hollywood.


GAF's Bob Woodward
richisawesome said:
The processor was called Flipper. Hence, project dolphin.

Yeah, but I mean in and of itself the names were just arbitrary. I'm sure here some of the chip names might be linked to 'Cafe'. Latte, Cappuccino, Espresso...lots of nice options :p


I miss the " more powerful" rumor. I'm ready for a new generation, not another entry into a generation that is almost over.


apana said:
I still hope it's just a screen. Chances are unlikely but it would be something truly revolutionary:


revolutionarily awful. Literally 90% of genres would be inferior to other platforms. This is the definition of gimmick for gimmick-sake, gameplay-be damned. Fuck that shit. Seriously some of you people...


AceBandage said:
Er, the rumor is still that it's more powerful...

"Developer quotes: graphics capabilities "roughly equal to those of the Xbox 360", performance "over the Xbox 360, but just a notch""

That's not reassuring, but that's all the speculation i'm going to have, just going to chill till E3.


I am thinking this will be an upgrade to the Wii-controller.
Kind of like the 3ds is an upgrade to DS.

It will keep existing buttons and dpad but add two analogue sticks and also keep the IR sensor + gyro inside.

For the controller to work for pointing etc it needs to be holdable in one hand, like the original Wii-mote.

Hence i think it will just more or less be a Wii-mote but the plastic behind the buttons are replaced by a touch screen. It will keep the ratio of the current Wiimote when it comes to dimentsions. It will not be a traditional 16:9 screen. Kind of like this:


The question is.. is it possible to create an lcd/oled screen with physical holes in to fit the dpad, sticks, buttons etc?


I like the codename Café. Makes me think that this one will be all about building on social gaming stuff, like with the 3DS. Also makes me think I could a cake and some tea while playing games...


Amir0x said:
revolutionarily awful. Literally 90% of genres would be inferior to other platforms. This is the definition of gimmick for gimmick-sake, gameplay-be damned. Fuck that shit. Seriously some of you people...

What about haptic feedback replacing buttons? I'm not sure if it can replace the analog stick though.


sillymonkey321 said:
"Developer quotes: graphics capabilities "roughly equal to those of the Xbox 360", performance "over the Xbox 360, but just a notch""

That's not reassuring, but that's all the speculation i'm going to have, just going to chill till E3.
Really? I think it's great. I was satisfied with Wii graphics, so if the games look a bit better I'm in.

Just make sure to make them, Nintendo, because you kinda forgot with the Wii lately


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
oh that's actually a really good idea. A message from friends popping up on the controller while you're playing would be rad

waaaay too future thinking for Nintendo imo :D

The 3DS whispers no.
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