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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Will Eat Your Children
Starchasing said:
biometrics is my call
What would that do specifically?

apana said:
I'm still going with haptic feedback. Can a screen work as a pulse oximeter?
Ah yes, the vitality sensor. Very possible it's something like that I guess

edit, did someone drop that it could also be used as a phone yet?


apana said:
What about haptic feedback replacing buttons? I'm not sure if it can replace the analog stick though.

Impossible to say. I'm not sure any of us have tried the advanced haptic touchscreens just yet. Even so, though, certainly not a controller that is JUST a screen. Do you know how quickly that would get ruined? There'd be no placement for back buttons either. Also, where would the sensor go?

Skiesofwonder said:
The 3DS whispers no.

Hate to break it to you there is nothing in the 3DS that is future thinking at all. The tech is ancient. The 3D autostereoscopic tech is also quite old (the screen itself is just a more updated version of the tech). 3D gaming itself is NES-old. The online features and interface is all outdated. The AR stuff is outdated.

If that's your vision of the future you're looking backwards


Amir0x said:
Puzzles. Amusing AR opportunities (like, someone sending you a message to your controller screen; think of No More Heroes telephone calls). Stuff like that. There are gameplay opportunities there, but I assume interface information is the one that'll help most.

A touchscreen on the controller would be great for all those things. Especially used for additional controls/information like on the DS.
I think it would complement a traditional controller very well.

BUT: 6"? that's huge

for DS-type functionality a DS-size screen would fit better.

so if it's really 6" then I'd guess there's more to it than just the above-mentioned functionality


maeh2k said:
A touchscreen on the controller would be great for all those things. Especially used for additional controls/information like on the DS.
I think it would complement a traditional controller very well.

BUT: 6"? that's huge

for DS-type functionality a DS-size screen would fit better.

so if it's really 6" then I'd guess there's more to it than just the above-mentioned functionality

Depens on the aspect ratio:



If it really is six inches I think it has to be mostly just a screen with a small area for an analog stick. If Nintendo do manage to create virtual buttons that is a serious advance over everyone else.


Just read a rumor from a site I've never heard of that Pikmin 3 has been moved to the Cafe. Not saying I believe this, but what are the odds that games other than Zelda and DQX have been switched?

Pokemon rumors were floating around earlier this, and I wouldn't be surprised to see this moved over along with Pikmin. Why put a new big game on the wii, when it can be launched with the new console?

To be clear, I highly doubt Zelda will be Cafe exclusive.


BroHuffman said:
Just read a rumor from a site I've never heard of that Pikmin 3 has been moved to the Cafe. Not saying I believe this, but what are the odds that games other than Zelda and DQX have been switched?

Pokemon rumors were floating around earlier this, and I wouldn't be surprised to see this moved over along with Pikmin. Why put a new big game on the wii, when it can be launched with the new console?

Fucking ridiculous if Zelda is moved to be Wii 2 exclusive.
apana said:
If it really is six inches I think it has to be mostly just a screen with a small area for an analog stick. If Nintendo do manage to create virtual buttons that is a serious advance over everyone else.
If you have ever played a game on an i-phone or Android phone with virtual buttons, you'd know that it's not really an advantage.


i don't know about anyone else on here, but thought of steamworks on wII makes me wet.

touchscreen = keyboard!!!
touchscreen controller = the legitimate DSi XL


Will Eat Your Children
Dark Octave said:
If you have ever played a game on an i-phone or Android phone with virtual buttons, you'd know that it's not really an advantage.
Oh god yes. Fuck touch screen buttons for gaming, fuck em
Beam said:
Are meetings like these not kept secret?
I remember Sony investor meeting and they did not mention the NGP. At least not publicly.

I don't think Nintendo has ever embargoed their Investor Meetings. I dunno though.


Dark Octave said:
If you have ever played a game on an i-phone or Android phone with virtual buttons, you'd know that it's not really an advantage.

I'm talking about virtual buttons that actually feel and work exactly like real buttons.


If it's only a "notch" more powerful than the 360, I doubt I'll even bother to buy it. Please don't fail me again Nintendo.. this needs to be years ahead in terms of tech.. the 360 is OLD at this point.

*slits wrists*


Cygnus X-1 said:
I was asking myself the same thing. I hope it is not merely a gimmick, because I would have to pay for it without any advantage.

Could be they are foreseeing tablets and istore minigames as a major in home competitor and are after a piece of facebook style gaming pie.


I think the controller will keep the physical buttons and have a screen in the middle like most of the mock ups. I don't think Nintendo is going to lose physical buttons ala iphone/ipad and I don't think haptic feedback buttons makes sense. That idea is like hiding the buttons/making in the interface invisible. Plus it also sounds expensive to do this kind of tech. But Kinect already took this idea of "you are the controller" and made it mainstream. So this idea of "the controls are up to you" or something doesn't seem particularly innovative.

But I was thinking about the quote that its motion controls are "better than the move" and I thought of some possibilities. Like others have mentioned, imagine trauma center where a patient is on the table (on your HD tv). You move the controller+6" screen over the part you want to operate on and press a button to lock in. Once you do that that part of the body screens to the screen on your controller and you use the touch screen to operate. So you're like operating on a zoomed up body right on your lap while the hd tv shows everything else.

In metroid you could use the motion controls and screen of the camera to scan the hd tv output for bits of information like the prime series. And in mario kart the 6" screen could show your map, ranking, item etc.

These are just me trying to figure out things the screen could be used for besides having the full game playable on your screen while someone else watches tv on the HD.
Meier said:
If it's only a "notch" more powerful than the 360, I doubt I'll even bother to buy it. Please don't fail me again Nintendo.. this needs to be years ahead in terms of tech.. the 360 is OLD at this point.

*slits wrists*

A R700 with Trinity would indeed be "years ahead". But it's completely speculation right now.
I would really, really not be worried about the 512 MB RAM thing. I mean, just looking up some of the R700 models on Amazon, one can get cards for $50 that themselves include a gigabyte of RAM. I'm sure I could get a better deal, too, if I waited until next year and offered to buy a few dozen million of them.

lunchwithyuzo said:
I wonder how this gen would've looked had Wii launched 1-2 years before 360?
ShockingAlberto said:
...in 2003?

There would be lots of angry people, probably!
Heh. Give them a time machine trip to 2003-2004, and I bet they'd be willing to pacify the existing 10-15 million GCN owners with a cheap upgrade offer to get to the other 90 million buyers more quickly.
I really hope they're already working on a Zelda game for this new hardware. And not just a Skyward Sword up-port.

I don't want to wait 4+ years for a Zelda that'll fully show off what this hardware is capable of!
makingmusic476 said:
I really hope they're already working on a Zelda game for this new hardware. And not just a Skyward Sword up-port.

I don't want to wait 4+ years for a Zelda that'll fully show off what this hardware is capable of!

It's possible.
We know one Zelda team is working on Skyward Sword.
The other?
Maybe it has to do with the Zelda 25th Anniversary (which apparently won't just be ROM dumps).
A remake of the original Zelda on the N6?


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
SpokkX said:
Depens on the aspect ratio:


I think the controller and screen dimensions are probably right, but the buttons and sticks would be located on a slider. For motion control games, it would function exactly like the wiimote (virtual buttons on the touchscreens would be sufficient for these applications.) For more traditional games, slide it out and use it normally, with the screen and the camera serving some other gameplay purposes.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Amir0x said:
Hate to break it to you there is nothing in the 3DS that is future thinking at all. The tech is ancient. The 3D autostereoscopic tech is also quite old (the screen itself is just a more updated version of the tech). 3D gaming itself is NES-old. The online features and interface is all outdated. The AR stuff is outdated.

If that's your vision of the future you're looking backwards

I was trying to allude to what supposively (rumor from ONM that's floating around) the 3DS May update is going to allow where you can write messages with the touch screen to your friends. The recipient recieves a notification on the bottom screen, and is able to pause the game and open the friend app and check it whenever.
AceBandage said:
It's possible.
We know one Zelda team is working on Skyward Sword.
The other?
Maybe it has to do with the Zelda 25th Anniversary (which apparently won't just be ROM dumps).
A remake of the original Zelda on the N6?

New 4 Swords game?!
from these rumors its apparent no one has seen any games 1st hand, so the best thing is to wait and see. Gamecube & the original Xbox weren't evenly match spec wise . But for those that actully put forth effort got some pretty damn good results out of the Cube. But if it can run Unreal 4, Crytek 3, ID Tech 5 and the next generation of Capcom's MT Framework smoothly, I don't foresee any huge short comings
Dark Octave said:
I must be out of the technological loop, but how the hell can you do that?

I used a new android tablet last week that had three button icons to the side of the screen and when touched they vibrated. Could work something like that.


Captain Chaos said:
I used a new android tablet last week that had three button icons to the side of the screen and when touched they vibrated. Could work something like that.

I don't think it's just a vibration, watch that you tube video that was posted.


Amir0x said:
If that's your vision of the future you're looking backwards

the biggest problem IMO is that the 3DS ends up proscribing what it does. The tech is limited and the AR demos etc end up trying to define it.

Personally I don't think you can have a true vision of the future in all aspects - maybe you can place a few bets, but stuff emerges that you couldn't possibly have planned - these things need to last 5-7 years and still be relevant.

Thats partly the reason I want Sony/MS/Nintendo to cram them full of the most expensive tech they can, to cover themselves for the things they can't plan for.


mrklaw said:
the biggest problem IMO is that the 3DS ends up proscribing what it does. The tech is limited and the AR demos etc end up trying to define it.

Personally I don't think you can have a true vision of the future in all aspects - maybe you can place a few bets, but stuff emerges that you couldn't possibly have planned - these things need to last 5-7 years and still be relevant.

Thats partly the reason I want Sony/MS/Nintendo to cram them full of the most expensive tech they can, to cover themselves for the things they can't plan for.

yeah but within a certain price range. Imo, all the tech they can fit in for $399 is the goal.


The reason I'm focusing on feedback or oximeter tech is that without it the thing is just a motherfucking giant screen shoved into a controller. What's the point?


Chittagong said:
all this reminds me of the "secret feature" of the Wii controller that turned out to be that small tinny speaker.

lmfao i remember that shit

and it was the worst, cheapest speaker ever made by man too. hilarious
Amir0x said:
lmfao i remember that shit

and it was the worst, cheapest speaker ever made by man too. hilarious
Yeah. Although I remember IGN or someone saying the secret wii feature was kinda lame, right before the reveal.
apana said:
I don't think it's just a vibration, watch that you tube video that was posted.

Yeah, I think I felt what the guy on the video felt touching that iPhone, it doesn't feel like the sensation is provided by a motor of some sort, more like a tiny pulsating electrical shock. I was impressed by it and straight away thought it'd be great for gaming.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Chittagong said:
all this reminds me of the "secret feature" of the Wii controller that turned out to be that small tinny speaker.

Yeah and it was potentially a very cool feature. But it ended up being plagued by little support and Nintendo using the cheapest speaker in the world for it.

The Wii speaker still had some neat/good use though, with Shattered Memories being the best.

boiled goose

good with gravy
no way in hell nintendo wont have buttons on the controller.
nintendo makes hardware to suit their developers needs. mario is their main franchise. nintendo puts a lot of emphasis on how games feel. their controller will have buttons.

if the system is not considerably more powerful than current gen consoles I will happily pass.
I thought the speaker was kind of a cool idea, but yeah it was also really bad quality. I think I remember it was also used as the sword swinging sound effect in Twilight Princess and that got really annoying.
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