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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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AceBandage said:
It's possible.
We know one Zelda team is working on Skyward Sword.
The other?
Maybe it has to do with the Zelda 25th Anniversary (which apparently won't just be ROM dumps).
A remake of the original Zelda on the N6?
If that's true then Project Cafe will have to debut this year. Otherwise a 25th anniversary wouldn't make sense.


amtentori said:
no way in hell nintendo wont have buttons on the controller.
nintendo makes hardware to suit their developers needs. mario is their main franchise. nintendo puts a lot of emphasis on how games feel. their controller will have buttons.

if the system is not considerably more powerful than current gen consoles I will happily pass.

all the rumours say it has buttons. The question is, will the touchscreen be in a position that facilitates the necessity to remove SOME buttons. I hope not


amtentori said:
no way in hell nintendo wont have buttons on the controller.
nintendo makes hardware to suit their developers needs. mario is their main franchise. nintendo puts a lot of emphasis on how games feel. their controller will have buttons

if the system is not considerably more powerful than current gen consoles I will happily pass.

The virtual buttons will presumably feel like the real thing.


Chittagong said:
all this reminds me of the "secret feature" of the Wii controller that turned out to be that small tinny speaker.

wow i completely forgot about the speaker. haha, i turned the volume on that thing down on day 1 and never looked back. what a peice of shit.


JordanLMiller said:
I thought the speaker was kind of a cool idea, but yeah it was also really bad quality. I think I remember it was also used as the sword swinging sound effect in Twilight Princess and that got really annoying.
That's true as well. For some reason though it just felt right as well, having the voices come out of the controller felt really intuitive (but yes, very annoying, especially the clawshot, that was just unbearable). I REALLY hope they would go further with this idea and actually put a decent speaker.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
JordanLMiller said:
I thought the speaker was kind of a cool idea, but yeah it was also really bad quality. I think I remember it was also used as the sword swinging sound effect in Twilight Princess and that got really annoying.

Yeah I turned it off in Twilight Princess. Nintendo made some super annoying uses of the speaker in the game.

Play Shattered Memories people. Great game and made wonderful use of the speaker.
Why is there a screen in the controller?

Well Zelda SS got pushed back to new console. The Zelda SS HUD was a dogs nightmare but Miyamoto wants it displayed all the time, so they made a controller with a screen just for that HUD.
To keep the main screen clear for HD Zelda glory.

In other words... Wjo cares we'll all just roll with it anyway. Freaking Mario Galaxy and the likes in HD...lol


I just don't see nintendo releasing a controller with a 6 inch touch screen, kids are one of nintendos biggest markets. Having a screen that big can't exactly be child-proof or cheap.
I really hope they're already working on a Zelda game for this new hardware. And not just a Skyward Sword up-port.

I don't want to wait 4+ years for a Zelda that'll fully show off what this hardware is capable of!

I hope Skyward Sword gets trashed and they make a Zelda game influenced by Zelda & AOL. I'm sick of these fruity-tootie "Zelda" crap with trains, boats, and lollipops. Bring back the action and Adventure to this genre please. Whoever said NewLOZ.... Yes!

BUT: 6"? that's huge

for DS-type functionality a DS-size screen would fit better.

so if it's really 6" then I'd guess there's more to it than just the above-mentioned functionality

There isn't going to be a 6" screen on a controller. This is just a piece of info that got jumbled up passing from person to person. That doesn't even make sense. Do you think they are going to scrap the current free two-handed design to implement some screen on a Wavebird when people have TVs? Lets say that the Screen in 3D... we are going to buy a home console for a 6"3D screen built into an ipad sized controller and better graphics for 2X as much as a 3DS?

The only way screens are going to be included is if they are part of a VR device.


Ridleyscott said:
I hope Skyward Sword gets trashed and they make a Zelda game influenced by Zelda & AOL. I'm sick of these fruity-tootie "Zelda" crap with trains, boats, and lollipops. Bring back the action and Adventure to this genre please. Whoever said NewLOZ.... Yes!

There isn't going to be a 6" screen on a controller. This is just a piece of info that got jumbled up passing from person to person. That doesn't even make sense. Do you think they are going to scrap the current free two-handed design to implement some screen on a Wavebird when people have TVs? Lets say that the Screen in 3D... we are going to buy a home console for a 6"3D screen built into an ipad sized controller and better graphics for 2X as much as a 3DS?

The only way screens are going to be included is if they are part of a VR device.

What if that screen has other abilities not in regular touch screens? Honestly it could just be a flat wii mote. One side has normal buttons/analog stick and the other side is a haptic feedback screen that can accomodate any control type.
AceBandage said:
It's possible.
We know one Zelda team is working on Skyward Sword.
The other?
Maybe it has to do with the Zelda 25th Anniversary (which apparently won't just be ROM dumps).
A remake of the original Zelda on the N6?
Zelda OoT remake in 3D on your 3DS
Zelda OoT remake HD on your Super Duper Wii
Maybe it actually has 6 different 1 inch screens.
Some kind of haptic screen feedback could justify the large size, but I'm wary of speculating that as I seem to remember a lot of haptic controller nonsense in the Revolution speculation.
While I am looking forward to seeing the what the next Metroid/Zelda will look like on a "current gen+" console, I don't think Nintendo will have much of a chance of getting the core gamers back if their controller is so "special" that Call of Duty can't be easily played on it. Friend Codes will make sure that the online will be severely gimped as well.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Ridleyscott said:
I hope Skyward Sword gets trashed and they make a Zelda game influenced by Zelda & AOL. I'm sick of these fruity-tootie "Zelda" crap with trains, boats, and lollipops. Bring back the action and Adventure to this genre please. Whoever said NewLOZ.... Yes!

There isn't going to be a 6" screen on a controller. This is just a piece of info that got jumbled up passing from person to person. That doesn't even make sense. Do you think they are going to scrap the current free two-handed design to implement some screen on a Wavebird when people have TVs? Lets say that the Screen in 3D... we are going to buy a home console for a 6"3D screen built into an ipad sized controller and better graphics for 2X as much as a 3DS?

The only way screens are going to be included is if they are part of a VR device.

It's one of the only rumors to have been reported by multiple sources. I'm not saying it's true (yet), but it's looking more and more likely.
makingmusic476 said:
I really hope they're already working on a Zelda game for this new hardware. And not just a Skyward Sword up-port.

I don't want to wait 4+ years for a Zelda that'll fully show off what this hardware is capable of!
Between Skyward Sword Wii and Super Mario 3DS, I think it'll be awhile before we see either series on Super Wii. Nintendo will probably deliver NSMB and Metroid on the system first (if both aren't going to 3DS first too).
Captain Chaos said:
It's fucking bullshit that the speaker was so underused.

Agreed. Especially seeing as elsewhere, this has been the generation of 'ANYA' slow-walk-with-hand-to-ear dialogue sections. Those bits in NMH made me wish more games used it like that.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Beside that I want some innovation on the console (otherwise all big three would be too similar and I'm a multiconsole owner and I'll be next round as well), I want AT LEAST comparable graphics to PS3 in 1080p, stat. I still play my Wii but a new console in 720p would be a slap in the face, I prefer paying $50 more for it.
I know, it's nice to want things, but am I going to be disappointed?


Luthos said:
I'm sure Skyward Sword will be delayed and ported to Wii 2 as well as on Wii, like Twilight Princess.

No more delays for Zelda, that would be a real slap in the face to all the loyal fans who have been waiting patiently for half a decade!


For my money, the best use of the Wiimote speaker was in RE4: Wii Edition, where it echoed the reload noises and codec static/beeping. That shit was badass, and it actually worked correctly 100% of the time - no pops, crackles, or sounds dropping out.
wrowa said:
Lol, the Wiimote speaker. I totally forgot about its existence.
I love that damn thing. I hope it stays, and for the love of God, bring back the digital analog clicks from the GC/Wavebird.

*shakes fists*
As I said several times before, I just can't reconcile the source saying Nintendo are "getting it right" this time with some of the info being discussed here. And how on Earth do you get from the feature-packed tablet controller to "no gimmicks"?

Is one source privy only to base technical specs and sees Nintendo using significantly more powerful hardware (standard architectures etc.?) and concludes they're "doing it right" with "no gimmicks", being unaware of the odd controller? And surely "getting it right" wouldn't be building a system only just above the level of a 360?


re: Wiimote speaker. Best used where the audio source was meant to be distorted - i.e. crackly telephone calls etc. - but very limited where a sound was meant to be clear. Would love to see it return (and be better used by more talented third parties) in any future controller, provided it was better quality.
Cosmonaut X said:
As I said several times before, I just can't reconcile the source saying Nintendo are "getting it right" this time with some of the info being discussed here. And how on Earth do you get from the feature-packed tablet controller to "no gimmicks"?

Is one source privy only to base technical specs and sees Nintendo using significantly more powerful hardware (standard architectures etc.?) and concludes they're "doing it right" with "no gimmicks", being unaware of the odd controller? And surely "getting it right" wouldn't be building a system only just above the level of a 360?

Even with the "touch screen gimmick" a controller with all the normal buttons and dual analogs would be great for developers.
And a system that is more powerful than the 360 and can easily handle ports of all the engines currently being used is certainly "getting it right" in their eyes.


Router said:
They won't. No virtual buttons feel like the real thing.

Do you have experience with haptic feedback technology? Maybe not exactly like the real thing but close enough, judging from that video posted. I hope I can try it out in phones soon.


Neon_Icarus said:
While I am looking forward to seeing the what the next Metroid/Zelda will look like on a "current gen+" console, I don't think Nintendo will have much of a chance of getting the core gamers back if their controller is so "special" that Call of Duty can't be easily played on it. Friend Codes will make sure that the online will be severely gimped as well.
They will most definitely have to go another route with the online system if they want to get a piece of the COD-like community. Friend codes are not going to cut it. The developer shouldn't have to make their own online friend system for their game to function for multiplayer.

I really hope they take online gaming seriously this time. It's a huge part of the "hardcore" these days. Like it or not.
Alien Coded DNA said:
They will most definitely have to go another route with the online system if they want to get a piece of the COD-like community. Friend codes are not going to cut it. The developer shouldn't have to make their own online friend system for their game to function for multiplayer.

I really hope they take online gaming seriously this time. It's a huge part of the "hardcore" these days. Like it or not.

Why would they have to?
Man, you guys really need to look up what the 3DS can do.


It seems Nintendo is doing some weird stuff with the controller, but I echo the sentiments others have expressed. Whatever this thing is, it needs competent, no friend code, or friend invite system, for online. The controls also have to be standard enough for AAA 3rd party games. And lastly the system has to be powerful enough for AAA 3rd party games. If it doesn't have this no innovation is going to win back the hardcore.
AceBandage said:
Even with the "touch screen gimmick" a controller with all the normal buttons and dual analogs would be great for developers.
And a system that is more powerful than the 360 and can easily handle ports of all the engines currently being used is certainly "getting it right" in their eyes.

...but we're talking about sources who - I would think - are aware of future developments in engine tech and know that a hypothetical 360-level Wii2 will be outclassed relatively quickly. Would they really think that that's "doing it right"?


Death Prophet
Luthos said:
I'm sure Skyward Sword will be delayed and ported to Wii 2 as well as on Wii, like Twilight Princess.
This is really not going to happen unless they plan to release the Wii 2 in 2011 (which is pretty crazy). Nintendo has to get Zelda out this year.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
apana said:
Do you have experience with haptic feedback technology? Maybe not exactly like the real thing but close enough, judging from that video posted. I hope I can try it out in phones soon.

I have tried haptic screens. While being very cool it's still no where near close to a real physical button. I also doubt this thing will be haptic. Rumors are saying it's not even multitouch.
Cosmonaut X said:
...but we're talking about sources who - I would think - are aware of future developments in engine tech and know that a hypothetical 360-level Wii2 will be outclassed relatively quickly. Would they really think that that's "doing it right"?

Because, as has been stated a thousand times, a 360+ will still likely be able to run everything the 720/PS4 could, just scaled down.
apana said:
It probably won't happen but how do you know it's bad before you even try it?

Because I think enough of us have had experience with virtual controls on a touchpad to know how very limited they are, and how poor a tactile experience they are.

AceBandage said:
Because, as has been stated a thousand times, a 360+ will still likely be able to run everything the 720/PS4 could, just scaled down.

Yes, I've seen that point made.

I think we'll have to agree to disagree here - I simply can't see a dev coming off the back of the Wii, being told the Wii2 is basically a slightly beefier 360, then running off to the press to tell them how Nintendo are finally getting it. As you can see just from this thread, the reaction to "Wii2=360+" is more like "oh, for fucks sake...", and while a developer is likely to have a better handle on the subtleties I can't see them being so positive about 360-level hardware at this stage.


As always I find it funny reading definite answers from posters who have nothing to go on right now. We don't have complete specs, any clue about the controller and how it works or what it introduces, and haven't seen a single game. Yet some posters have already written it off.

Not saying its not justified to be disappointed if the specs do turn out to be less than stellar and the controller is terrible. But we have nothing right now. How can anyone decided based on some leaked info?
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