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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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LovingSteam said:
I don't know farham but from reading his posts the last few pages I'd say he is the real life George Costanza: do the exact opposite of what he says.

I think he's pro Nintendo but in a very limited sense like not pro new Nintendo just old Nintendo.


LovingSteam said:
I don't know farham but from reading his posts the last few pages I'd say he is the real life George Costanza: do the exact opposite of what he says.
can you please give me any convincing reason ?
artwalknoon said:
I think he's pro Nintendo but in a very limited sense like not pro new Nintendo just old Nintendo.

what old nintendo. im certainly not convinced with the strategy of GC days nintendo although i loved their games back then.


DrLazy said:
I remember a quote from one of the many Miyamoto interviews. He was asked during the Wii's success where else he sees gaming going in the future. He responded with a bizarre quote that he wanted to eliminate "tethering video games to a television" or something to that effect. Does anyone else remember that quote?

What I remember is everyone thinking "NO TV? HOLOGRAMS HOLOGRAMS HOLOGRAMS!"



farnham said:
and as a result they have an even shittier launch lineup then the one they had for the ds.

Crazy talk.

The DS didn't have any good games until Kirby: Canvas Curse, Meteos, and Advance Wars: Dual Strike came out...during summer 2005.
Dissonance said:
Wow, that's weird. Maybe they have something secret to show!

It'd make sense for Nintendo to be the last one and "save the best for last" just in case this madness is all true.

NGP blowout and a possible hint at PS4?


zero_suit said:
Crazy talk.

The DS didn't have any good games until Kirby: Canvas Curse and Advance Wars: Dual Strike came out...during summer 2005.
i dont see any original title on the 3ds that is as good as wario ware touched

its all ports galore

even pilot wings is a port of a portion of wii sports resort

also mario 64 had more new content then any of the ports on the 3ds
Dissonance said:
Wow, that's weird. Maybe they have something secret to show!

It'd make sense for Nintendo to be the last one and "save the best for last" just in case this madness is all true.

well they've got ngp , all those ps3 games etc. I'm guessing they don't want to be over shadowed by nintendo (if they had gotten word of all when deciding their time) like last year.Also their old spot was always shit and overlapped with the opening of the show floor and the beginning of private meetings for journalists.


M74 said:
What I remember is everyone thinking "NO TV? HOLOGRAMS HOLOGRAMS HOLOGRAMS!"


But I love the scale of a beautiful HD game on my widescreen tv. If the purpose of this 6" screen is to take my attention away from the HD tv then I will be worried. If its a VR helmet I'll be worried for a different reason. But if it makes mario playable on my kitchen table I would freak out.


Infinite Justice said:
NGP blowout and a possible hint at PS4?
Far more likely they dont want NGP relegated to the backpage while Wii 2 dominates headlines. Go the day before and get front page for a day
As far as I'm concerned all Wii 2 needs to do graphically is be capable of 1080p with some decent AA with graphics that are maybe slightly more detailed than the current systems. If this gen proved anything it's that Nintendo doesn't need to match Sony and Microsoft in pure tech to have an extremely profitable console.
Boney said:
I think Sony's conference is the 6th at night


Woffls said:
I think we only know the Sony details as being June 6th at 8pm Eastern. For some reason I thought the times had changed, but that actually sounds like last year's now I think about it >_< Forget I said anything. It's 3am, and this is the 2nd sign I should go to bed :p

antonz said:
Yep June 6th 5PM PST at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena.

Ah, so as of now Sony's will be held on the 6th and the other two don't have a definite date yet. Got it.


farnham said:
i dont see any original title on the 3ds that is as good as wario ware touched

its all ports galore

even pilot wings is a port of a portion of wii sports resort

also mario 64 had more new content then any of the ports on the 3ds

here are the list of the best (ranging from somewhat decent to 'good if you're a fan of that sort of thing') games for the ds's first seven months:

feel the magic
yoshi touch & go
wario ware touched


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Holy Order Sol said:
arrgh crab battle



AniHawk said:
here are the list of the best (ranging from somewhat decent to 'good if you're a fan of that sort of thing') games for the ds's first seven months:

feel the magic
yoshi touch & go
wario ware touched
well looks a lot better then what i have currently on the 3ds

and i totally forgot polarium.. man that game was addicting

i loved that game so much that i got the GBA version actually (and boy that version was bad)


listen to the mad man
AniHawk said:
here are the list of the best (ranging from somewhat decent to 'good if you're a fan of that sort of thing') games for the ds's first seven months:

feel the magic
yoshi touch & go
wario ware touched

I notice a shocking lack of Zoo Keeper.



Shalashaska161 said:
As far as I'm concerned all Wii 2 needs to do graphically is be capable of 1080p with some decent AA with graphics that are maybe slightly more detailed than the current systems. If this gen proved anything it's that Nintendo doesn't need to match Sony and Microsoft in pure tech to have an extremely profitable console.
they do need to come close to get third party support though. just so it receives multiplatform releases like the ps3 and 360 got (except for their next gen counterparts).


Junior Member
farnham said:
like that will happen

konami, capcom, sega and bethesda all ignored the wii

i see little reason to believe that those publishers suddenly will turn to the wii

First of all, Capcom and Sega most certainly did not ignore the Wii.

Maybe the Wii2 might not get the next gen iterations of those franchises depending on where it falls hardware-wise. However, I don't think it'll be too hard for the Wii2 to come out of the gate with enhanced versions of 2012 multiplatform games like Assassin's Creed 3.


farnham said:
well looks a lot better then what i have currently on the 3ds

and i totally forgot polarium.. man that game was addicting

i loved that game so much that i got the GBA version actually (and boy that version was bad)
What you have currently on the 3DS is only one month into the system's life... we're talking first seven months for the original DS...


farnham said:
well looks a lot better then what i have currently on the 3ds

Maybe because its not been like 7 months yet, like the timeframe was for those DS games listed?

Lets see in october if it still is as sucky sucky.


Stumpokapow said:
I notice a shocking lack of Zoo Keeper.


point is, there were just basically puzzle games and platformers. and sm64ds was a remake with lots of new, good content on system with shitty controls. yoshi was a nice little arcadey thing, but it wasn't the yoshi's island 2 everyone wanted it to be.

it's the equivalent of the 3ds launching, and in the first seven months, the best games are $5-$10 download titles.


RedSwirl said:
Capcom and Sega most certainly did not ignore the Wii.

if you consider how many copies of resident evil games and monsterhunter games capcom sold and how many sonic games sega sold its pretty mesmerizing how little they did on the platform. the next sonic game will not even be on the wii despite sonic being a constant million seller on the platform. thats worse then ignoring the platform imo


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
AniHawk said:
point is, there were just basically puzzle games and platformers. and sm64ds was a remake with lots of new, good content on system with shitty controls. yoshi was a nice little arcadey thing, but it wasn't the yoshi's island 2 everyone wanted it to be.

Even Yoshi's Island 2 wasn't the Yoshi's Island 2 everyone wanted it to be...


artwalknoon said:
But I love the scale of a beautiful HD game on my widescreen tv. If the purpose of this 6" screen is to take my attention away from the HD tv then I will be worried. If its a VR helmet I'll be worried for a different reason. But if it makes mario playable on my kitchen table I would freak out.

If the streaming thing is true, i gotta be honest, I can't really imagine how it would be useful to me. I have no problem getting off my ass to walk into the next room to sit in front of the TV. Though I see what people are saying about public spaces and mass groups and such; maybe pubs will use it to host trivia nights or something. But that's pretty much useless to home users. Why would I want to play on a tiny screen in my kitchen when I can walk a few feet to my couch?

That said, I can think of some good uses for the screen to enhance gameplay sitting on the couch. Some of it has already been mentioned, like making inventory screens accessible without interrupting gameplay, displaying control schemes and eliminating hideous HUDs, AR applications, etc. Think of a game where you have an item that's supposed to scan something, and the way you do it is by holding up the controller and "scanning" with the screen in your hands as if the item were real. There's use for this sort of thing with console play, regardless of streaming capabilities.


Mithos said:
Maybe because its not been like 7 months yet, like the timeframe was for those DS games listed?

Lets see in october if it still is as sucky sucky.

Don't try, he/she clearly doesn't listen to logic or at least that's my observation.


dvolovets said:
What you have currently on the 3DS is only one month into the system's life... we're talking first seven months for the original DS...
yeah that list has a lot of omissions

daigasso band brothers as i mentioned and kirby canvas curse too

meteos, another code all came out within the first 7 month of ds
Andrex said:
Even Yoshi's Island 2 wasn't the Yoshi's Island 2 everyone wanted it to be...
yoshis island 2 is at least leaps and bounds better then yoshis story


No additional functions
AniHawk said:
here are the list of the best (ranging from somewhat decent to 'good if you're a fan of that sort of thing') games for the ds's first seven months:

feel the magic
yoshi touch & go
wario ware touched
To be fair, the DS was a new way of playing when it came out, plus it changed from 2D only to being able to render 3D. The 3DS doesn't offer anything new other than better graphics (which are still outdated) and stereo 3D. I've only played one game on the 3DS so far (Ridge Racer) but I have to admit I have mixed emotions about the stereo 3D on it. Half the time I turn it off as it's more of a hindrance than aid.

Farnham - I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but what are you getting at? The Wii2 is doomed for third party support?


farnham said:
yeah that list has a lot of omissions

daigasso band brothers as i mentioned and kirby canvas curse too

meteos, another code all came out within the first 7 month of ds

meteos was out in late june and another code was out in september. so no, they weren't.
farnham said:
this makes little sense. you dont just release a platform and say "no matter what the sales are we will support it x years"

if it sells well you will support it for as long as you can and if its a virtual boy you pull the support asap
Except there's no chance in hell the next console will be a virtual boy type of fail.


AniHawk said:
meteos was out in late june and another code was out in september. so no, they weren't.
meteos was out in march and another code was out in february 2005 (unless you are referring to the usa situation.. which im clearly not as i imported japanese titles.. another thing you cant do with the 3ds but yeah..)


MadOdorMachine said:
Farnham - I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but what are you getting at? The Wii2 is doomed for third party support?
well doomed is one way to say it. nintendo trying to take over the gaming industry alone is another

it worked out for them with the wii so far.


MadOdorMachine said:
To be fair, the DS was a new way of playing when it came out, plus it changed from 2D only to being able to render 3D. The 3DS doesn't offer anything new other than better graphics (which are still outdated) and stereo 3D. I've only played one game on the 3DS so far (Ridge Racer) but I have to admit I have mixed emotions about the stereo 3D on it. Half the time I turn it off as it's more of a hindrance than aid.

Farnham - I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but what are you getting at? The Wii2 is doomed for third party support?

i think something like a racing game, platformer, fighting game... basically anything that makes you use the slider pad is going to have crappy 3d, just because you'll be inadvertently moving the entire system slightly, screwing up the sweet spot. this was the case with rayman 2. when i played the best launch game, ghost recon, i also had 3d on, but it was far, far better, and i think it's because it's a strategy game that only needed me to use the d-pad (and occasionally the touch screen, but not during normal gameplay).
It's possible it has already been discussed in the thread before, but does anyone think the controllers will basically be a new Game Boy. Nintendo always said the DS was a third pillar. Maybe they are going back to that. It is a controller for the Wii. But it will work as a stand alone as well.

Wiiware / VC games can be stored on the device (synced to the Wii, like iOS devices are synced to the PC). This way, they can compete in the Angry Birds / Cut the Rope arean of $1 - $5 games as well.


Shalashaska161 said:
As far as I'm concerned all Wii 2 needs to do graphically is be capable of 1080p with some decent AA with graphics that are maybe slightly more detailed than the current systems. If this gen proved anything it's that Nintendo doesn't need to match Sony and Microsoft in pure tech to have an extremely profitable console.
Nintendo proved that if you don't have the graphics you better offer a unique gaming experience that you competitors can't offer. Now that Microsoft and Sony are offering similar experiences, you can clearly see the Wii declining. Going with weak graphics again, the Wii2's controller better be the second coming of the "waggle" or they will be in trouble.
Shalashaska161 said:
As far as I'm concerned all Wii 2 needs to do graphically is be capable of 1080p with some decent AA with graphics that are maybe slightly more detailed than the current systems.

Even having the games out now running at 1080p is a huge jump in hardware requirements let alone throwing in AA.

I have a question about that, is there any reason why we don't have games that are between 720p and 1080p? Everything is being upscaled anyway, isn't it?


AniHawk said:
i think something like a racing game, platformer, fighting game... basically anything that makes you use the slider pad is going to have crappy 3d, just because you'll be inadvertently moving the entire system slightly, screwing up the sweet spot. this was the case with rayman 2.

What? I have Rayman 3D and I have no problem using the slide pad and staying in the sweet spot.
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