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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Eh, this thread is getting derailed into an argument about the 3ds and the ghosts of nintendo's past. Can we talk about rumors that aren't true and hardware that doesn't exist instead please?
ColonelColon said:
not if it's only slightly more powerful than Xbox 360.

It will if the GPU guess is correct. 01net's speculation about the GPU doesn't really jive well with their slightly more powertful than the XBox 360 bit. I'm not even sure there is any truth to the rumors. I suppose we'll see.
Andrex said:
Hopefully, Wii 2 will be packing Blu-ray. But I'm not betting on it.

It needs to have the storage capacity similar to that of a Blu-ray disc, whether it ends up actually using Blu-ray or a proprietary format doesn't matter to me. It would be nice to have a Nintendo console that plays movies and such, but I can do without it...again.


HYDE said:
Born in 1980, and have a pregnant wife along with three kids. Good grief, is it really hard to comment without insulting someone. How do you make assumptions based off of internet posts.

You should really buy a 3DS then so you have something else to spend your time on and give your wife a break already ;)
whatsinaname said:
It's possible it has already been discussed in the thread before, but does anyone think the controllers will basically be a new Game Boy. Nintendo always said the DS was a third pillar. Maybe they are going back to that. It is a controller for the Wii. But it will work as a stand alone as well.

Wiiware / VC games can be stored on the device (synced to the Wii, like iOS devices are synced to the PC). This way, they can compete in the Angry Birds / Cut the Rope arean of $1 - $5 games as well.

You may be into something. Cheap games available on the e-shop either for the 3DS or the Portable Controller.
evangd007 said:
I imagine a GTA where you have to swap discs every time you change islands. The mini-DVDs hamstrung the Gamecube more than Nintendo thought.
antonz said:
Exactly just like skipping CDs for the 64 really screwed them. It really was a major misstep with the GC to yet again have a smaller capacity format. After the N64 Yamauchi and company should have known better
As much as everyone (includng me) likes to harp on te lack of multi-platform support for Nintendo consoles there's usually a rational explanation for it. In every generation since Nintendo developed this stigma there's been some major mistake they've made that contributed to them not getting the level of support they expected going in. It really does seem this time that they're making an effort, at least with what we've seen and heard about behind the scenes with the 3Ds, to make their systems more 3rd party friendly.
A.KU.MU said:
We know - but we still have to pay for something we don't want - 3D, that is. Don't force 3D/motion controls etc. on the customer. Make it an option.
What? I don't understand what's going on. Is Nintendo showing up at people's houses with these things while armed with guns or something?


ReyVGM said:
You should really buy a 3DS then so you have something else to spend your time on and give your wife a break already ;)

Nah, I got my Uncharted multiplayer. It's hard when my wife's as hot as she is, even after 3 kids. I adopted one by the way....which explains why I have as many children as I do at 31.
brochiller said:
It needs to have the storage capacity similar to that of a Blu-ray disc, whether it ends up actually using Blu-ray or a proprietary format doesn't matter to me. It would be nice to have a Nintendo console that plays movies and such, but I can do without it...again.
Nintendo will never do the movie thing, since most everyone has a DVD or Blu-Ray player hooked up to their TV's already, and it just adds an extra cost to the system for Nintendo.
mugurumakensei said:
It will if the GPU guess is correct. 01net's speculation about the GPU doesn't really jive well with their slightly more powertful than the XBox 360 bit. I'm not even sure there is any truth to the rumors. I suppose we'll see.

There probably is a lot assumption going on inside 01net's office. Dev tells them that the dev kit specs and 01net runs with it. First released dev kits are never a accurate representation of the final product. Dev kits with the real chipsets will probably be released near the end of this year.


farnham said:
yeah i dont understand the mantra of some people here.

why abandon all the uniqueness nintendo had thanks to their decision in favor of some shoddy ports ?

also looking at the sales numbers and profits i believe nintendo faired better this gen then they faired with the Gamecube (which was pretty much what people on this forum seem to want. a nintendo platform that is pretty much the same as the xbox and the playstation)
3D is already an option

You know I had a long assed rant ready to go but fuck it. I'll just say this.

There is nothing wrong with just giving us a console with a controller with no gimmicks. There is nothing wrong with saying you were stubborn and apologizing for that. There is nothing wrong with saying you're sorry and giving developers proper support and incentive to make games for your console.

I like others here love Nintendo and am just tired of the bullshit. We just want to play games without a bunch of gimmicks and bullshit. We're tired of having to buy multiple consoles to play Nintendo games and other games because they aren't put on Nintendo consoles due to the bullshit.

Sure they sold a lot of consoles but their consoles are used more for paper weights anymore due to the software sales sucking total ass. So sure they made money but at the cost of a lot of fans and a lot of respect.


mugurumakensei said:
It will if the GPU guess is correct. 01net's speculation about the GPU doesn't really jive well with their slightly more powertful than the XBox 360 bit. I'm not even sure there is any truth to the rumors. I suppose we'll see.

The R700 was speculation, and even if correct, it could be a lower powered stand-in for the final hardware. This practice is not uncommon. Perfect Dark Zero was made on a dev kit less powerful than the 360. Goldeneye 007 was made on a dev kit more powerful than the N64, which is why it had atrocious slowdown.


OG_Original Gamer said:
There probably is a lot assumption going on inside 01net's office. Dev tells them that the dev kit specs and 01net runs with it. First released dev kits are never a accurate representation of the final product. Dev kits with the real chipsets will probably be released near the end of this year.
Well the problem is 01net didnt actually say any solid information. They said they dont know and flat out say that it has to be at least A because A is needed for HD.

Others just took what they said and said confirmed specs are A


PsychoRaven said:
You know I had a long assed rant ready to go but fuck it. I'll just say this.

There is nothing wrong with just giving us a console with a controller with no gimmicks. There is nothing wrong with saying you were stubborn and apologizing for that. There is nothing wrong with saying you're sorry and giving developers proper support and incentive to make games for your console.

I like others here love Nintendo and am just tired of the bullshit. We just want to play games without a bunch of gimmicks and bullshit. We're tired of having to buy multiple consoles to play Nintendo games and other games because they aren't put on Nintendo consoles due to the bullshit.

Sure they sold a lot of consoles but their consoles are used more for paper weights anymore due to the software sales sucking total ass. So sure they made money but at the cost of a lot of fans and a lot of respect.
so yeah you want a gamecube

but guess what apparantly the "we" you are referring to did not like that console that much either.

and due to dismal sales you wont be getting any multiplatform games either after 2 or so years


ReyVGM said:
You should really buy a 3DS then so you have something else to spend your time on and give your wife a break already ;)

Kids are great.

Heads up. No animated avatars. Change it before someone hits you with the small ban hammer. Just lookin' out for you. Make it a Persona 4 avatar and you get extra "cool" points.


PsychoRaven said:
You know I had a long assed rant ready to go but fuck it. I'll just say this.

There is nothing wrong with just giving us a console with a controller with no gimmicks. There is nothing wrong with saying you were stubborn and apologizing for that. There is nothing wrong with saying you're sorry and giving developers proper support and incentive to make games for your console.

The irony is that farnham is complaining about the N6 having no gimmick when it's going to have a 6" tablet as part of its controller.
evangd007 said:
The R700 was speculation, and even if correct, it could be a lower powered stand-in for the final hardware. This practice is not uncommon. Perfect Dark Zero was made on a dev kit less powerful than the 360. Goldeneye 007 was made on a dev kit more powerful than the N64, which is why it had atrocious slowdown.

What I mean is the midrange gpus in the R700 series were much more powerful than the XBox 360 gpu.


evangd007 said:
The irony is that farnham is complaining about the N6 having no gimmick when it's going to have a 6" tablet as part of its controller.
im saying thats not enough to convince casuals to buy the new console in droves
A.KU.MU said:
We know - but we still have to pay for something we don't want - 3D that is. Don't force 3D/motion controls etc. on the customer. Make it an option.

Yeah. That way people get to complain about having to pay extra for something they feel should be standard.

In my case, I don't give a shit about all the community stuff and info update on XBL, I just want to play online. Doesn't mean I feel robbed when I pay my subscription.

Not having the use of literally everything that comes in a package happens all the time. Otherwise you end up with a bazillion SKUs, stuff being ignored for not being standard and general confusion.


PsychoRaven said:
You know I had a long assed rant ready to go but fuck it. I'll just say this.

There is nothing wrong with just giving us a console with a controller with no gimmicks. There is nothing wrong with saying you were stubborn and apologizing for that. There is nothing wrong with saying you're sorry and giving developers proper support and incentive to make games for your console.

I like others here love Nintendo and am just tired of the bullshit. We just want to play games without a bunch of gimmicks and bullshit. We're tired of having to buy multiple consoles to play Nintendo games and other games because they aren't put on Nintendo consoles due to the bullshit.

Sure they sold a lot of consoles but their consoles are used more for paper weights anymore due to the software sales sucking total ass. So sure they made money but at the cost of a lot of fans and a lot of respect.

Every console has at least one "gimmick". Every good game has at least one "gimmick". One man's gimmick is another man's "gotta have" feature.
AniHawk said:
what's easier to remember, awesomeguy0324 or 9932-2198-3984?
Man, when my brothers and cousins pick dumbass gamertags that look like P.I.3LiMiN8tOr, who knows.
farnham said:
yeah the dreamcast was out early and it was developer friendly as well... didnt help out all that much did it
Luckily Wii 2 doesn't have to try to be the followup to the Saturn. It gets to be the followup to a system with the userbase of Master System + Genesis + Game Gear + Saturn + Dreamcast and growing.
mugurumakensei said:
What I mean is the midrange gpus in the R700 series were much more powerful than the XBox 360 gpu.

They are much more powerful, but even a midrange R700 GPU isn't really sufficient for Crysis at a stable framerate.


nevermind. image is from a banned site.

Maybe the controller could function similarly to this for the Wii controllers


but be done wirelessly and serve as a motion sensor bar.
PsychoRaven said:
You know I had a long assed rant ready to go but fuck it. I'll just say this.

There is nothing wrong with just giving us a console with a controller with no gimmicks. There is nothing wrong with saying you were stubborn and apologizing for that. There is nothing wrong with saying you're sorry and giving developers proper support and incentive to make games for your console.

I like others here love Nintendo and am just tired of the bullshit. We just want to play games without a bunch of gimmicks and bullshit. We're tired of having to buy multiple consoles to play Nintendo games and other games because they aren't put on Nintendo consoles due to the bullshit.

Sure they sold a lot of consoles but their consoles are used more for paper weights anymore due to the software sales sucking total ass. So sure they made money but at the cost of a lot of fans and a lot of respect.

They can still be innovative AND cater to third parties so they can get good multiplatform games on their system. I will get Nintendo consoles pretty much regardless of what they do, simply because I love their first party titles. I also had to get an Xbox 360 this generation because the the fantastic multiplatform titles released for it, and I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat.

If Nintendo were to create a console that had the graphics capabilities of the others, sufficient storage input, and a controller that can be easily used for any type of game, I wouldn't need another system.

Think about their last 3 systems. The N64 and GCN were powerful enough, but the media was in sufficient. The Wii's media is sufficiently sized, but is not powerful enough. If they can bring all these characteristics together and finally create a robust online experience, they could have a huge success on their hands.


ColonelColon said:
They are much more powerful, but even a midrange R700 GPU isn't really sufficient for Crysis at a stable framerate.
I doubt we will ever see a Crysis like game from the west ever again anyways. The West has gone full speed into lowest common denominator mode.

Crysis 2 would play like butter on a speculative modest Wii 2


JoshuaJSlone said:
Luckily Wii 2 doesn't have to try to be the followup to the Saturn. It gets to be the followup to a system with the userbase of Master System + Genesis + Game Gear + Saturn + Dreamcast and growing.
well you could argue that the saturn had better (japanese) third party support then the wii though. and that was the topic of that reply i believe.
brochiller said:
They can still be innovative AND cater to third parties so they can get good multiplatform games on their system. I will get Nintendo consoles pretty much regardless of what they do, simply because I love their first party titles. I also had to get an Xbox 360 this generation because the the fantastic multiplatform titles released for it, and I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat.

If Nintendo were to create a console that had the graphics capabilities of the others, sufficient storage input, and a controller that can be easily used for any type of game, I wouldn't need another system.

Think about their last 3 systems. The N64 and GCN were powerful enough, but the media was in sufficient. The Wii's media is sufficiently sized, but is not powerful enough. If they can bring all these characteristics together and finally create a robust online experience, they could have a huge success on their hands.
the media size of GC wasnt the reason why thirdparties pulled the plug one year after its launch.


Since when did gimmick become a connotation? I thought it was more a marketing strategy than anything.
Personally, I love Nintendo's gimmicks. They make me feel warm inside, and they always never fail to surprise me in awesome ways. I was skeptical of the DS and the Wii, and they have not failed.
I was skeptical of the 3D on the 3DS, but now when I play other games on other systems, they all seem so flat. The depth really does add to the experience, and i'm really excited for the possibilities the system has to offer.

I really can't wait to see what Nintendo unveils at E3 this year for their new home console. Additionally, I wonder how much they're going to spill (if anything) and how much they're going to keep secret this time. Nintendo has always played its cards close to its chest, and I have a feeling this time will be no different.

Edit: What ever happened to people talking about Project Butterfly? Did that suddenly change to Project Cafe, or am I missing something?


farnham said:
im saying thats not enough to convince casuals to buy the new console in droves

You know what. FUCK CASUALS!!!!!

Honestly I don't give two shits about them. They've been nothing but bad for gaming. They're the reason we have the same goddamn sports games year after with with only roster changes. They're the reason games come out with shit withheld to sell later for 15 to 20 bucks as DLC. They're the reason we have so much goddamn shovelware that sells like shit.

/rant off.


PsychoRaven said:
You know what. FUCK CASUALS!!!!!

Honestly I don't give two shits about them. They've been nothing but bad for gaming. They're the reason we have the same goddamn sports games year after with with only roster changes. They're the reason games come out with shit withheld to sell later for 15 to 20 bucks as DLC. They're the reason we have so much goddamn shovelware that sells like shit.

/rant off.

The fucked up part of it all... is that they are the majority.


Thoraxes said:
Since when did gimmick become a connotation? I thought it was more a marketing strategy than anything.
Personally, I love Nintendo's gimmicks. They make me feel warm inside, and they always never fail to surprise me in awesome ways. I was skeptical of the DS and the Wii, and they have not failed.
I was skeptical of the 3D on the 3DS, but now when I play other games on other systems, they all seem so flat. The depth really does add to the experience, and i'm really excited for the possibilities the system has to offer.

I really can't wait to see what Nintendo unveils at E3 this year for their new home console. Additionally, I wonder how much they're going to spill (if anything) and how much they're going to keep secret this time. Nintendo has always played its cards close to its chest, and I have a feeling this time will be no different.

Edit: What ever happened to people talking about Project Butterfly? Did that suddenly change to Project Cafe, or am I missing something?

Gimmicks/Connotations are always hit or miss though. Some people are sold on them some aren't. There is no reason both can't coexist. That's like saying everyone has to like a certain type of thing.


PsychoRaven said:
You know what. FUCK CASUALS!!!!!

Honestly I don't give two shits about them. They've been nothing but bad for gaming. They're the reason we have the same goddamn sports games year after with with only roster changes. They're the reason games come out with shit withheld to sell later for 15 to 20 bucks as DLC. They're the reason we have so much goddamn shovelware that sells like shit.

/rant off.
yeah you dont. but they give nintendo more moniez then the so called nintendo fans did in the N64 and GC days. so its pretty clear who nintendo will try to capture.
J-Rock said:
The fucked up part of it all... is that they are the majority.
is that a bad thing though

wii fit, wii sports and wii play are my most favorite nintendo games in years

i prefer those games to mario galaxy although i think mario galaxy is a better produced game


PsychoRaven said:
You know what. FUCK CASUALS!!!!!

Honestly I don't give two shits about them. They've been nothing but bad for gaming. They're the reason we have the same goddamn sports games year after with with only roster changes. They're the reason games come out with shit withheld to sell later for 15 to 20 bucks as DLC. They're the reason we have so much goddamn shovelware that sells like shit.

/rant off.

You know gta and cod are "casual" games. Like it or not, "casuals" rule the gaming world, to great extent.


PsychoRaven said:
You know what. FUCK CASUALS!!!!!

Honestly I don't give two shits about them. They've been nothing but bad for gaming. They're the reason we have the same goddamn sports games year after with with only roster changes. They're the reason games come out with shit withheld to sell later for 15 to 20 bucks as DLC. They're the reason we have so much goddamn shovelware that sells like shit.

/rant off.

cosigned. poster from my own heart.
Thoraxes said:
Since when did gimmick become a connotation? I thought it was more a marketing strategy than anything.
Personally, I love Nintendo's gimmicks. They make me feel warm inside, and they always never fail to surprise me in awesome ways. I was skeptical of the DS and the Wii, and they have not failed.
I was skeptical of the 3D on the 3DS, but now when I play other games on other systems, they all seem so flat. The depth really does add to the experience, and i'm really excited for the possibilities the system has to offer.

I really hate the term gimmick as well. It seems whenever somebody brings out something new besides adding more buttons to a controller or updating the GPU of a console, it's a gimmick. The term makes it very easy to dismiss potentially beneficial ideas.


J-Rock said:
The fucked up part of it all... is that they are the majority.

Sadly yes they are. I honestly miss the days when it was uncool to play games. Either way I'm done ranting. At the end of the day they don't mean shit and don't make a difference anyway. I just had to vent though.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I really can't stand that crysis is always used as a benchmark. I think most pcs still can't run that thing smoothly lol. How come the engine wasn't more popular among devs?


PsychoRaven said:
You know what. FUCK CASUALS!!!!!

Honestly I don't give two shits about them. They've been nothing but bad for gaming. They're the reason we have the same goddamn sports games year after with with only roster changes. They're the reason games come out with shit withheld to sell later for 15 to 20 bucks as DLC. They're the reason we have so much goddamn shovelware that sells like shit.

/rant off.
We've always had shovelware and Madden has been putting out a yearly iteration since the early 90's.


PsychoRaven said:
Sadly yes they are. I honestly miss the days when it was uncool to play games. Either way I'm done ranting. At the end of the day they don't mean shit and don't make a difference anyway. I just had to vent though.
so you would rather prefer gaming companies to go bankrupt due to dismal sales just so they can produce games that would match your specific taste ?

oh god.
PsychoRaven said:
You know what. FUCK CASUALS!!!!!

Honestly I don't give two shits about them. They've been nothing but bad for gaming. They're the reason we have the same goddamn sports games year after with with only roster changes. They're the reason games come out with shit withheld to sell later for 15 to 20 bucks as DLC. They're the reason we have so much goddamn shovelware that sells like shit.

/rant off.

I kinda (really) hope Nintendo just made the Wii so it could make a shit load of money off of the casual market to fund a ton of R&D for it's next console and subsequently turn its back on the casuals.
PsychoRaven said:
You know what. FUCK CASUALS!!!!!

Honestly I don't give two shits about them. They've been nothing but bad for gaming. They're the reason we have the same goddamn sports games year after with with only roster changes. They're the reason games come out with shit withheld to sell later for 15 to 20 bucks as DLC. They're the reason we have so much goddamn shovelware that sells like shit.

/rant off.
As much as you hate it though they're the ones most of the industry is targeting these days. There is too much money involved not too. The focus has shifted to trying to out Dudebro Call of Duty or be the next Angry Birds. It kind of sucks us hardcore guys are no longer the center of attention but there are still more than enough great hardcore games being released that I'm not overly worried about how the rest of the market is going.
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