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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Professional Schmuck
Not that I'm especially informed, intuitive, or brilliant ... but I called the touch screen controller over two years ago, though I thought it would be a DS/WiiMote hybrid. If anyone can dig up the post (pretty sure I made a mockup), that'd be pretty cool.


Doorman said:
I can't recall if I said it in this topic or somewhere else (because, hell, the direction of this topic has sprawled in so many directions by now that I'm surprised it hasn't somehow made it to international politics yet), but the talk of Pikmin 3 being a Cafe project instead of Wii got me thinking that it might be exactly the sort of game that would need the processing muscle of a new home console beyond the 3DS' capabilities. Animating hundreds of individual pikmin, especially with the possibility of online play and more than one person operating a captain and pikmin squad, is something that most likely just couldn't be done on the 3DS with any degree of success.

So there's one example, at least.

ah, that's a good example. Plus pikmin on the relatively tiny 3ds screen just wouldn't work. I hope pikmin is a wii2 project and not a wii game. The wii is too similar to the gamecube for pikmin to be impressive on it.

I want huge, beautiful, HD environments with great textures and lighting. I want tons of pikmin on screen all with their own smoothly animated odd behaviors, I don't want them to just stand still until I tell them to do something like in the old pikmin games. I also want great physics like the weight of cans and other objects, the flow of the water especially when I run thru it to get away from a giant spider. I can definitely see how an HD powerful console would benefit pikmin in a way the 3ds can't. Also online co-op or even an online versus like starcraft would be hilarious.


PantherLotus said:
Not that I'm especially informed, intuitive, or brilliant ... but I called the touch screen controller over two years ago, though I thought it would be a DS/WiiMote hybrid. If anyone can dig up the post (pretty sure I made a mockup), that'd be pretty cool.

Yeah I think multiple people had predicted there would be some kind of touch screen or pad added onto the controller. I thought it would be on the Wii mote, but apparently it's a six inch screen.


Jackson said:
This is a neat looking thread!
Oh you tease.

Tell us everything you know or the Nintendog dies!


shadyspace said:
I never got into Pikmin because of the hair-pulling-out level of stress the timer induced. Felt very un-Nintendo in that regard.

I think they fixed that in pikmin 2, I agree it was very stressful in the first one.


Faxanadu said:
So will this be a "put up or shut up" to 3rd party devs and "hardcore" gamers that shit on the Wii because it lacked HD Dudebro graphics?

I'm there day 1.
Nope, hardcore gamers say 1080p xbox360/ps3 graphics and power is not enough anymore
apana said:
I'm pissed that Pikmin 3 is a Wii 2 project but as long as I get Skyward Sword and Dragon Quest X on Wii, I guess I'll deal with it.

Well at least Pikmin 3 is one of those games that should greatly benefit from HD.

I never got into Pikmin because of the hair-pulling-out level of stress the timer induced. Felt very un-Nintendo in that regard.

Pikmin is like a survival-horror to me. I hate insects. Especially the noises they make.
Jackson said:
This is a neat looking thread!
So hypothetically

Let's say a non-existent manufacturer named Kont Roller was going to announce a new system

And you've been pretty important on Kont Roller's other system, the HeldHand.

Would they show their home system to you early?


Jackson said:
We're going to be talking about that really soon actually. We will probably announce the release timing in a few weeks.
cool stuff, I need to go on a xbla shopping spree soon.


shadyspace said:
I never got into Pikmin because of the hair-pulling-out level of stress the timer induced. Felt very un-Nintendo in that regard.
I'm actually the same way. And to the people talking about Pikmin 2, yeah it's nice that you don't have the whole 30 day thing to deal with but what also got to me was the timer on individual days. I never felt safe dividing my pikmin squads up for fear that they'd either get eaten by something offscreen or I wouldn't have time to run back and collect them at the end of the day. Still, I'm very interested in the franchise and seeing what they do with it, especially if they expand on the cooperative elements of multiple captains and throw it online. Really, for demonstrating increased power with more intricate and larger pikmin groups, an improved online system with world-spanning co-op campaigns and competitive challenge modes, and even a demonstration for a controller-screen (could you imagine playing Pikmin with a real-time minimap showing you where your pikmin all are? Keeping track of things would be so much easier), Pikmin 3 could actually be a perfect showpiece for a new console.


Doorman said:
I'm actually the same way. And to the people talking about Pikmin 2, yeah it's nice that you don't have the whole 30 day thing to deal with but what also got to me was the timer on individual days. I never felt safe dividing my pikmin squads up for fear that they'd either get eaten by something offscreen or I wouldn't have time to run back and collect them at the end of the day. Still, I'm very interested in the franchise and seeing what they do with it, especially if they expand on the cooperative elements of multiple captains and throw it online. Really, for demonstrating increased power with more intricate and larger pikmin groups, an improved online system with world-spanning co-op campaigns and competitive challenge modes, and even a demonstration for a controller-screen (could you imagine playing Pikmin with a real-time minimap showing you where your pikmin all are? Keeping track of things would be so much easier), Pikmin 3 could actually be a perfect showpiece for a new console.
Oh man oh man oh man oh man I want this.
Doorman said:
I'm actually the same way. And to the people talking about Pikmin 2, yeah it's nice that you don't have the whole 30 day thing to deal with but what also got to me was the timer on individual days. I never felt safe dividing my pikmin squads up for fear that they'd either get eaten by something offscreen or I wouldn't have time to run back and collect them at the end of the day. Still, I'm very interested in the franchise and seeing what they do with it, especially if they expand on the cooperative elements of multiple captains and throw it online. Really, for demonstrating increased power with more intricate and larger pikmin groups, an improved online system with world-spanning co-op campaigns and competitive challenge modes, and even a demonstration for a controller-screen (could you imagine playing Pikmin with a real-time minimap showing you where your pikmin all are? Keeping track of things would be so much easier), Pikmin 3 could actually be a perfect showpiece for a new console.

And you could solve the off-screen Pikmin problem with the screen on your controller tracking them.


Angry Fork said:
I don't disagree but I do think it's worth looking at the ratio of crap that's put out vs. the core stuff. If they want to go for casuals that's fine but at least give core people a fair slice of the pie as well, which they didn't do with the Wii imo.

as far as 'core' games go, the output has been about the same. the difference that ead's done less core games while the company as a whole worked with third parties to make games like the excite ____s, punch-out, and sin & punishment. also, at least ten of the games nintendo's either developed or published haven't made their way to america, when there were only four that had the same issue on the gamecube (doshin, nintendo puzzle collection, giftpia, and kururin squash).


joshwaan said:

Can I expect Mario Kart to look like this but more defined shading?
Given the level of "detail" we got from the models of Mario Kart Wii, I wouldn't bet on it. I actually love MKW but those character models were a crime.


EmmanuelMunoz said:
Don't let him throw us off. We are clearly getting too close to the truth

Well we've speculated about every single piece of technology known to man, the answer is somewhere in this thread.
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