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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
DECK'ARD said:
Posting this again for the new page, because the only concrete thing we know is that Nintendo were faffing around with the vitality sensor and there's applications of that where a screen would apply:

If bio-feedback is involved, then even a small information screen like the VMU makes sense. You'd display the relevant information directly to the person concerned, heartrate, whatever. It would personalise the remote, an extension of what they did with the Wii.

Also if bio-feedback is involved, then it's likely the back was touch-sensitive which might be where all this 6" talk is coming back.

Going wilder on speculation, if they go to town on bio-feedback it might have a thumbprint reader as well. So the screen would display the current user of the remote, and in doing so personalise the experience of the game, the Home screen of the Wii 2, everything. That would give you automatic parental controls as well, and we know how much Nintendo love them :)

I really do believe it will mainly be there to give instant feedback for the Vitality Sensor (which I'm guessing will be built into the controller). That said, I do think it can (and will) be used for other features lke menus, HUDS, Invetories, seperate camera angles, Streaming, multi-player, etc.
Until we make a leap to holographic gaming, we won't be completely floored by the update in graphics. Even Xbox -> 360 wasn't all that huge (it was still a good update, but nothing close to N64->GC)


Kung Fu Grip said:
I think we are far from diminishing returns. There's ton's of graphic effects thats still not being done in real time. But i don't think we can be wowed again like we were when we saw mario64. That shit was game changing.

So your saying if i tell my little brother that NextGen consoles are coming next year he'll say "about time!" ?


Time seems to last forever as a kid. Years fly by the older you become.


LovingSteam said:
All 1st party games. Nintendo isn't releasing another class of games so soon after. Regarding their userbase not playing and buying software please tell me you seriously are not that ignorant. Please. The Wii sold the least amount in March. Dropping the Wii to $99 isnt going to change the fact that the Wii is as good as dead. The Wii was never about the 3rd parties. If the successor is about getting 3rd party support Nintendo can't wait for the other 2 to put out their system and compete. They need a year head start.

im not arguing that the wii is in a dire situation. it is. nintendo needs to do something asap. but its not dead. price drops will give them sales bumps and nintendo can support the platform with some of their software releases. its better then abandon the platform now that its not the hotselling thing anymore.

also the wii managed to beat the 360 last year (barely) due to high christmas sales there are still people comming in.

and 290k isnt as abysmal as gamecube thats crazy talk

regarding 3rd parties its better for nintendo to ignore them. its not like they will ever support nintendo platforms anyways. they will always find better platforms to develop for then nintendo platforms and find excuses to ignore the platform. gearing towards third parties would be a dire mistake on nintendos part they need to strengthen their own releases rather then approaching third parties that will not support them no matter what.

really if wii is in a dire situation what situation is ps3 in ? according to your logic sony should have abandoned the system back in 2006 when it sold like shit and rushed to ps4


I'm a little surprised given the source that inches are used. I mean, Royale with cheese anyone? 6cm would make a lot more sense to me.


LovingSteam said:
All 1st party games. Nintendo isn't releasing another class of games so soon after. Regarding their userbase not playing and buying software please tell me you seriously are not that ignorant. Please. The Wii sold the least amount in March. Dropping the Wii to $99 isnt going to change the fact that the Wii is as good as dead. The Wii was never about the 3rd parties. If the successor is about getting 3rd party support Nintendo can't wait for the other 2 to put out their system and compete. They need a year head start.
Yep, Nintendo needs some time to experiment because they're moving into unfamiliar territory working closely with third parties in the west and trying to be part of the HD club they've shunned for a while. They can also shake up Sony and Microsoft with this move like they did before with the Wii. From the interviews and their actions it's clear that Sony and MS never expected Nintendo to launch a new HD machine with good specs anytime soon. A 2011 release would really throw them off and give Nintendo all of 2012 to advertise and market their new system. If they launch in 2012 they're probably up against Xbox 3.


One thing I would like ALL the nextgen systems to have: User-based controller configs at the system level.

Basically, I would like to not have to adjust aiming-sensitivity/camera-inversion/whatever else more than once on the system. They should have these options as part of the system menu, that way developers can simply say "would you like to use aiming controls ____?". You could just select it and move on with the game.


herod said:
I'm a little surprised given the source that inches are used. I mean, Royale with cheese anyone? 6cm would make a lot more sense to me.
Screen size is measured in inches everywhere.
TheUnknownForce said:
Personally as long as Nintendo can get an online infrastructure that grows naturally a la Xbox Live, I'll be happy.

When Nintendo made the Wii, I think they anticipated that the mid-to-lower-end development teams would move to them while the higher-end developers shifted to HD consoles and potentially developed down-ports to Wii. Unfortunately, they miscalculated the power of DD game venues such as Steam, XBLA, PSN, and iOS. Developers went there instead, as they offered cheaper ways to produce higher-end games.

This next generation will be hard to gauge. If PS4/Xbox3 come out with a huge boost of graphical prowress, it might be that much harder to produce games that are not aimed as AAA. Perhaps Nintendo hopes that this time the other two will not boost themselves so high as they did this gen. That way they can get their ports and also improve relationships with smaller and larger developers.

In the end, that is the biggest thing that hurt Nintendo this generation: the lack of third party support within 3 years.
Ooooh. I hadn't thought about that that way before. Thank you for altering my perspective.


Refreshment.01 said:
Sadly the touch screen part is the info in regards to the controling method that mos sites are reporting. In my limited point of view the VMU/ HUD/Menu dump function alone are not compelling enough to warrant its inclusion with the console.

But GI broke the story. Maybe I like the simplest solution a little too much, but if the controller really was some 6 inch tablet that was the focus of control, I'd like to believe that GI's sourcees would have mentioned something along the likes of: "OMG! Wait till you see this controller! It's gonna melt your mind!"

But going by the podcast where they discussed the breaking news, their initial reactions didn't have any focus on the controller. Zero. Seems strange. Like something, somewhere, got blown out of proportion and everyone else ran with it.
farnham said:
im not arguing that the wii is in a dire situation. it is. nintendo needs to do something asap. but its not dead. price drops will give them sales bumps and nintendo can support the platform with some of their software releases. its better then abandon the platform now that its not the hotselling thing anymore.

also the wii managed to beat the 360 last year (barely) due to high christmas sales there are still people comming in.

and 290k isnt as abysmal as gamecube thats crazy talk

regarding 3rd parties its better for nintendo to ignore them. its not like they will ever support nintendo platforms anyways. they will always find better platforms to develop for then nintendo platforms and find excuses to ignore the platform. gearing towards third parties would be a dire mistake on nintendos part they need to strengthen their own releases rather then approaching third parties that will not support them no matter what.

really if wii is in a dire situation what situation is ps3 in ? according to your logic sony should have abandoned the system back in 2006 when it sold like shit and rushed to ps4
I'd argue that Sony is as prepared or better than Nintendo in 1st and 2nd party production. But even Sony needs 3rd party support. Nintendo hasnt made it easy for 3rd party support since the SNES.

N64 had cartridges while the PS1 had discs. The GC had mini discs while PS2 and Xbox had DVD. The Wii had horrible hardware that was ancient and the Wii mote so they were never going to be able to get straight ports of the boggest 3rd party games. If Nintendo builds the successor around what devs and pubs need they will have 3rd party support. No pub is turning down millions of potential buyers but only if its viable financially. Up until this point it hasnt been on Nin home consoles.


Gilby said:
One thing I would like ALL the nextgen systems to have: User-based controller configs at the system level.

Basically, I would like to not have to adjust aiming-sensitivity/camera-inversion/whatever else more than once on the system. They should have these options as part of the system menu, that way developers can simply say "would you like to use aiming controls ____?". You could just select it and move on with the game.

Oddly enough the 360 has that. It's one of the things Microsoft got right. I do agree that I'd love to see both Sony and Nintendo adopt that feature.


Gilby said:
One thing I would like ALL the nextgen systems to have: User-based controller configs at the system level.

Basically, I would like to not have to adjust aiming-sensitivity/camera-inversion/whatever else more than once on the system. They should have these options as part of the system menu, that way developers can simply say "would you like to use aiming controls ____?". You could just select it and move on with the game.

I think MS did something like this where you set your control preferences in the Dashboard and games use that. Problem is, Developers tend to do what they want and having a unified system that everyone agrees on, it more than difficult.
farnham said:
yeah we knew what the wii would have for christmas this time of the year in 2009 right

kirby epic yarn, donkey kong country returns

we all knew about those games right ?

also will a new console suddenly make the nintendo console into a third party heaven with a constant release list..? dream on

nintendo better try to convince the current userbase they have that the wii purchase wasnt a bad idea before convincing them to buy something new

also we still have kirby wii, pandoras tower, rythm heaven, wii play 2, dragon quest 10 alongside some unknown games

also did you ask every wii user on the planet if they are playing it or not ? probably not.
We appreciate your efforts warrior, but please stop.


Third parties wont just stop existing. They will be here forever and if Nintendo can never get on good terms with them, well that spells out a lot of problems for the future.


LovingSteam said:
I'd argue that Sony is as prepared or better than Nintendo in 1st and 2nd party production. But even Sony needs 3rd party support. Nintendo hasnt made it easy for 3rd party support since the SNES.
sony has not ever sustained a console on their own while nintendo has with the wii. they have released over 5 20 millionsellers on the wii while sony has yet to produce such a game

sony has more studios and more people working for them but in terms of selling power nintendo has the upperhand.
LovingSteam said:
N64 had cartridges while the PS1 had discs. The GC had mini discs while PS2 and Xbox had DVD. The Wii had horrible hardware that was ancient and the Wii mote so they were never going to be able to get straight ports of the boggest 3rd party games. If Nintendo builds the successor around what devs and pubs need they will have 3rd party support. No pub is turning down millions of potential buyers but only if its viable financially. Up until this point it hasnt been on Nin home consoles.
the GC minidiscs were little to no hinderance for some third party multiplatform titles like prince of persia (arguably the best version is on GC) or soul calibur 2

yet third parties cut the multiplatform development after the first year.

nintendo cant count on third party multiplatform development
apana said:
Third parties wont just stop existing. They will be here forever and if Nintendo can never get on good terms with them, well that spells out a lot of problems for the future.

And Iwata has made it very very clear that they NEED third parties to survive long term.
The 3DS was made with third party input to make it a developer friendly device, and I'm betting the N6 had even more input.
Basically going "Ok, we'll play it your way. What do YOU want US to make?"


apana said:
Third parties wont just stop existing. They will be here forever and if Nintendo can never get on good terms with them, well that spells out a lot of problems for the future.
Noone is saying it out loud, but what 3rd party devs basically want is for Nintendo to make their games less popular. They keep blaming this, that and the weather, but on a corporate level they don't believe they can achieve success on a system where Mario dominates, and so they really never even try.


AceBandage said:
And Iwata has made it very very clear that they NEED third parties to survive long term.
The 3DS was made with third party input to make it a developer friendly device, and I'm betting the N6 had even more input.
Basically going "Ok, we'll play it your way. What do YOU want US to make?"

Yeah at the very least Nintendo must have asked where third parties see development heading in the next few years and how much power they will need to get it done.

boyshine said:
Noone is saying it out loud, but what 3rd party devs basically want is for Nintendo to make their games less popular. They keep blaming this, that and the weather, but on a corporate level they don't believe they can achieve success on a system where Mario dominates, and so they really never even try.

Third parties dont make platformers, motion control games, kart racers, so how are they competing with Nintendo? Also I'm not talking about thrid parties making exclusives, I'm simply talking about ports. There is no reason not to give ports to a Wii system if it is powerful enough to receive it.


AceBandage said:
And Iwata has made it very very clear that they NEED third parties to survive long term.
The 3DS was made with third party input to make it a developer friendly device, and I'm betting the N6 had even more input.
Basically going "Ok, we'll play it your way. What do YOU want US to make?"
yeah really not liking that new direction iwata tries to go into

and so far 3ds has not been very successful. not in the firstparty front and not in the third party front

what nintendo needs to do is M and A. the japanese gaming industry was hit by recession and nintendo has a lot of money. they need to buy some of those guys and secure a better lineup for their platforms in the future. they have the resources.

but on the otherhand yamauchi really wants that golden ferrari i guess.
boyshine said:
Noone is saying it out loud, but what 3rd party devs basically want is for Nintendo to make their games less popular. They keep blaming this, that and the weather, but on a corporate level they don't believe they can achieve success on a system where Mario dominates, and so they really never even try.
yeah this is one of the essential reasons why i dont think nintendo should listen to third parties

they basically will want nintendo to slow down on their software

look at the 3ds launch lineup

its atrocious
Kung Fu Grip said:
I think we are far from diminishing returns. There's ton's of graphic effects thats still not being done in real time. But i don't think we can be wowed again like we were when we saw mario64. That shit was game changing.

So your saying if i tell my little brother that NextGen consoles are coming next year he'll say "about time!" ?


yep those points plus 5/6 years in and most of us have spent 300/400 on our consoles and they're like still priced that much. we're used to these things being 100/150 by the time we start hearing next gen talks so it just feels off, also certain games that we expected for this gen still haven't come out or just came out, all making it feel like we're not done yet.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Refreshment.01 said:
Ahhh! Gotcha. Thanks for explaining.

Yea, i know of a million uses a bio sensor would bring to a console. Not arguing that. But if you are using that screen just to output bio readings, why make it touch sensitive then?

Also the fact is, the rumors from sources talk about a 6´´ screen touch sensitive, so we shouldn´t leave it out of considereation when we debate the possible uses.

Edit: Also to the people im engaged in conversation take in mind i like to edit previous posts when answering to not clog the topic more than it already is :D

No worries.

At the moment the rumours don't fit together, many are totally contradictory, which is why its hard to make sense of it all. The 6" one being the biggest problem, because its totally at odds with motional controls. And game-streaming, because it's not practical and Nintendo are incredibly fussy with controls and would not tolerate lag. However if you go all Chinese whispers, the screen/touchscreen could be small, the 6" bit could be the back of the remote for bio-feedback, game-streaming could just be information related to the game displayed on the controller, and 2+2=5.

If the screen is related to bio-feedback/thumb-print recognition from the controller, you are in effect creating a personal connection between the remote and the user. This would be a natural extension of the Wii and it's speaker etc.

If you have a personal connection with the remote, then it would be also be very natural to interact with the little screen. So a small touchscreen that displays your name when you identify yourself, heart rate, asks you questions, let's you select things in games with your thumb, would all fit. Or it's just a screen, and it's just the back of the remote that is touch-sensitive for the bio-feedback.

Either way, I think the screen is a by-product of whatever the Wii 2's new idea is. Rather than the screen in the controller/attached to the controller itself being the big new idea.
farnham said:
sony has not ever sustained a console on their own while nintendo has with the wii. they have released over 5 20 millionsellers on the wii while sony has yet to produce such a game

sony has more studios and more people working for them but in terms of selling power nintendo has the upperhand.
the GC minidiscs were little to no hinderance for some third party multiplatform titles like prince of persia (arguably the best version is on GC) or soul calibur 2

yet third parties cut the multiplatform development after the first year.

nintendo cant count on third party multiplatform development
Nintendo had some 3rd party support early on with the Wii but they pulled out when people (blue ocean customers) weren't buying and hardcore (red ocean) were buying on the PS3/ 360. You ignored the N64, the fact that that the mini disc was an issue, and the Wii hardware/ Wii mote made it a gurantee Nintendo wasnt getting long term support. Nintendo realizes this and according to some are more open to cater to devs needs.

You continue throwing out ridiculous arguments with no logical support to back up said argument. A 7 year old could understand that by giving building a product around the desires of those that you want to support said product will make it more likely you will receive such support but apparently you are unaware of this basic and simple concept.


For all the harping about the Gamecube it did receive Resident Evil games, Metal Gear Solid exclusive, the Medal of Honor and Need for Speed series, and a bunch of other stuff I cant remember right now.


LovingSteam said:
Nintendo had some 3rd party support early on with the Wii but they pulled out when people (blue ocean customers) weren't buying and hardcore (red ocean) were buying on the PS3/ 360. You ignored the N64, the fact that that the mini disc was an issue, and the Wii hardware/ Wii mote made it a gurantee Nintendo wasnt getting long term support. Nintendo realizes this and according to some are more open to cater to devs needs.
so in other word make a platform that resembles ps3 and 360 loose all the uniqueness and selling point that made you popular in the first place just to hope for shoddy ports. great strategy.

and no nintendo had no serious 3rd party support when the wii launch. they had and still have some releases that try to emulate the wii sports or wii fit formula and they have been successful despite being very low budget.

LovingSteam said:
You continue throwing out ridiculous arguments with no logical support to back up said argument. A 7 year old could understand that by giving building a product around the desires of those that you want to support said product will make it more likely you will receive such support but apparently you are unaware of this basic and simple concept.

and you dont see that third parties basically want nintendo to make a platform that is just another xbox. that platform will not be as successful as something like the wii as its just following an industry standard and therefore will be easily replacable with 360 or ps3. all the advantage nintendo had with the wii will be gone.
apana said:
For all the harping about the Gamecube it did receive Resident Evil games, Metal Gear Solid exclusive, the Medal of Honor and Need for Speed series, and a bunch of other stuff I cant remember right now.

RE was definately a big deal nintendo scored with GC. but Capcom breeched the Deal with RE4.

MGS was nintendo developed (well silicon knights developed.. but that was a second party studio back then)

MoH and NFS were shoddy ports

Nintendo still does these kind of things.. Last Story, Pandoras Tower, Fatal Frame 4, Punch Out, Excitebots are examples of third party titles that are nintendo published

also they definately had a lot of good japanese third party titles (fragile dreams, earth seeker, rune factory frontier, trauma team, innocent aces, little king story, muramasa) due to the fact that japanese devs just couldnt handle HD platforms.
Gilby said:
One thing I would like ALL the nextgen systems to have: User-based controller configs at the system level.

Basically, I would like to not have to adjust aiming-sensitivity/camera-inversion/whatever else more than once on the system. They should have these options as part of the system menu, that way developers can simply say "would you like to use aiming controls ____?". You could just select it and move on with the game.
Well the technolgy is here. Kinect could easily do that. As a matter of fact i always found puzzling why FPS dont support it to instantly load a profile with control preferences.

1-D_FTW said:
But GI broke the story. Maybe I like the simplest solution a little too much, but if the controller really was some 6 inch tablet that was the focus of control, I'd like to believe that GI's sourcees would have mentioned something along the likes of: "OMG! Wait till you see this controller! It's gonna melt your mind!"

But going by the podcast where they discussed the breaking news, their initial reactions didn't have any focus on the controller. Zero. Seems strange. Like something, somewhere, got blown out of proportion and everyone else ran with it.
But the following rumors after the GI one went into more detail mentioning the 6´´ screen. And in reality its the most juicy piece of info we have.

Also i see it as a supplemental control method and not as a substitution of the other ones.
DECK'ARD said:
No worries.

At the moment the rumours don't fit together, many are totally contradictory, which is why its hard to make sense of it all. The 6" one being the biggest problem, because its totally at odds with motional controls. And game-streaming, because it's not practical and Nintendo are incredibly fussy with controls and would not tolerate lag. However if you go all Chinese whispers, the screen/touchscreen could be small, the 6" bit could be the back of the remote for bio-feedback, and 2+2=5.

If the screen is related to bio-feedback/thumb-print recognition from the controller, you are in effect creating a personal connection between the remote and the user. This would be a natural extension of the Wii and it's speaker etc.

If you have a personal connection with the remote, then it would be also be very natural to interact with the little screen. So a small touchscreen that displays your name when you identify yourself, heart rate, asks you questions, let's you select things in games with your thumb, would all fit. Or it's just a screen, and it's just the back of the remote that is touch-sensitive for the bio-feedback.

Either way, I think the screen is a by-product of whatever the Wii 2's new idea is. Rather than the screen in the controller/attached to the controller itself being the big new idea.
Perfect, thats one possible and cool use :D

But thats it were the problem of the disscusion liess. On one hand we go nuts and try to come up with uses for the control if we take as base exactly what the rumors are saying. Or we start making interpreations of such rumors, heres were your line of thinking falls. And theres absolutely nothing wrong with that, just in case.

Only thing is if the screen is also the bio sensor then your skin would need to be constantly in contact with it. So probably the sensors are distributed in the the surface of the controller.

Im basing my speculation of exactly the info we have.


farnham said:
they basically will want nintendo to slow down on their software

look at the 3ds launch lineup

its atrocious

Yup. What Nintendo needs to do, and they should have done this with the 3DS, is to launch with Mario Bros. and nothing else from them. People will buy it in droves. Then they can hold back a little bit and let the third parties release their games.


Farnham, you honestly believe if Wii was powerful enough it wouldn't have received ports of Call of Duty, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, and all the other games that were released for 360/PS3. There would be no reason not to.


AceBandage said:
And Iwata has made it very very clear that they NEED third parties to survive long term.
The 3DS was made with third party input to make it a developer friendly device, and I'm betting the N6 had even more input.
Basically going "Ok, we'll play it your way. What do YOU want US to make?"

At least, that's what they want GAF and the 'hardcore' to think, so that's where they are focusing their discussions and interviews. Behind the scenes it's business as usual and they're no closer to having 3rd parties fall over themselves to get on the platform than before.

Nintendo aren't rocking up to EA, Activision or Ubisoft and asking for tips. If they were, do you think we'd have a 3D portable and a touchscreen-in-the-controller? I don't. And yeah, Capcom are giving them some loving, but watch 3DS get a port of MHTri, and NGP get the next *real* MH because it has the power they want (and the power Nintendo would have gone with, had they asked Capcom what they want to make games on).
farnham said:
so in other word make a platform that resembles ps3 and 360 loose all the uniqueness and selling point that made you popular in the first place just to hope for shoddy ports. great strategy.

and no nintendo had no serious 3rd party support when the wii launch. they had and still have some releases that try to emulate the wii sports or wii fit formula and they have been successful despite being very low budget.

and you dont see that third parties basically want nintendo to make a platform that is just another xbox. that platform will not be as successful as something like the wii as its just following an industry standard and therefore will be easily replacable with 360 or ps3. all the advantage nintendo had with the wii will be gone.

RE was definately a big deal nintendo scored with GC. but Capcom breeched the Deal with RE4.

MGS was nintendo developed (well silicon knights developed.. but that was a second party studio back then)

MoH and NFS were shoddy ports

Nintendo still does these kind of things.. Last Story, Pandoras Tower, Fatal Frame 4, Punch Out, Excitebots are examples of third party titles that are nintendo published

also they definately had a lot of good japanese third party titles (fragile dreams, earth seeker, rune factory frontier, trauma team, innocent aces, little king story, muramasa) due to the fact that japanese devs just couldnt handle HD platforms.
I'd argue that had the Wii been more up to par
hardware wise with the PS3 and 360 they'd have better 3rd party support even with the Wii mote. Which is most liky what they are aiming for with the Wii 2. You can have the gimmick and competitive hardware. It isnt an either/ or situation.


Refreshment.01 said:
Well the technolgy is here. Kinect could easily do that. As a matter of fact i always found puzzling why FPS dont support it to instantly load a profile with control preferences.

But the following rumors after the GI one went into more detail mentioning the 6´´ screen. And in reality its the most juicy piece of info we have.

Also i see it as a supplemental control method and not as a substitution of the other ones.

I just find it suspicious that the one source we know was operating on valid intel (GI), didn't make a peep about it. As you say, it's the juiciest piece. Talk about burying the lead.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Yeah something rather fishy is going on when one source says "Nintendo is doing this one right. It's aimed at the hardcore and no gimmicks" then another comes out and claims there is a 6" screen on the controller along with another "huge surprise".

It's like these sources saw two totally different consoles or something....
swerve said:
At least, that's what they want GAF and the 'hardcore' to think, so that's where they are focusing their discussions and interviews. Behind the scenes it's business as usual and they're no closer to having 3rd parties fall over themselves to get on the platform than before.

Nintendo aren't rocking up to EA, Activision or Ubisoft and asking for tips. If they were, do you think we'd have a 3D portable and a touchscreen-in-the-controller? I don't. And yeah, Capcom are giving them some loving, but watch 3DS get a port of MHTri, and NGP get the next *real* MH because it has the power they want (and the power Nintendo would have gone with, had they asked Capcom what they want to make games on).

As long as the controller has the buttons that devs are use to (which it seems it does from rumors) then why would it matter to them?
They made the CCPro for third parties specifically, they even changed some of the things in the 3DS for Street Fighter and DoA (notably the D-Pad).

Skiesofwonder said:
Yeah something rather fishy is going on when one source says "Nintendo is doing this one right. It's aimed at the hardcore and no gimmicks" then another comes out and claims there is a 6" screen on the controller along with another "huge surprise".

It's like these sources saw two totally different consoles or something....

It really all depends on what the screen is used for. We can't say it's simply a gimmick without seeing it in action, first.
farnham said:
the GC minidiscs were little to no hinderance for some third party multiplatform titles like prince of persia (arguably the best version is on GC) or soul calibur 2

yet third parties cut the multiplatform development after the first year.

nintendo cant count on third party multiplatform development

The mini discs may not have been a problem but the near complete lack of online coupled with the piss poor image the Gamecube had were enough to deter some third parties.

And in instances like Prince of Persia, the whole trilogy was released for the Gamecube. Yes, many franchises which didn't sell were pulled, but there was still some solid third party support. Publishers were just more selective as to which games fit the system.


Skiesofwonder said:
Yeah something rather fishy is going on when one source says "Nintendo is doing this one right. It's aimed at the hardcore and no gimmicks" then another comes out and claims there is a 6" screen on the controller along with another "huge surprise".

It's like these sources saw two totally different consoles or something....

Its possible that the screen is not a bad gimmick who knows.


farnham said:
MoH and NFS were shoddy ports
It wasn't untill NFSU2 that the Cube got shitty ports. It all went rather well at the start actually, outside of a few Xbox/PS2/Cube exclusives all the three systems had nearly all the games. After 2002 the sales of the GameCube stalled and Nintendo's answer to the lack of interest in the GameCube was Connectivity and that blew up in their face because online gaming became a much bigger deal. In 2004 they would unveil the DS and they pretty much dropped the GameCube. As soon as Nintendo walked so did the third parties. The GameCube could've reached 40 or 50 million units sold if Nintendo developed more games and didn't switch their focus. Not only was the third party support lacking even their own published games like Star Fox Assault started to suck and half of what they showed and talked about like all the Rare titles, Kirby Roll 'O Rama, GameBoy Advance Gyrosensor used to control Cube games, Stage Debut, Mario 128, Pilotwings Factor 5 and more never arrived.
1-D_FTW said:
The French site claims there's a secret feature that's yet to be revealed. The back of the controller featuring biofeedback grip is highly likely that.

I agree with this, also the part about "2 or more" triggers is interesting(if it isn't a bad translation) individual finger grips with vitality sensors perhaps?
The biggest rift between Nintendo and third parties is that 3rd parties by their nature want to release multiplatform games. And Nintendo doesn't want them to.


[Nintex] said:
It wasn't untill NFSU2 that the Cube got shitty ports. It all went rather well at the start actually, outside of a few Xbox/PS2/Cube exclusives all the three systems had nearly all the games. After 2002 the sales of the GameCube stalled and Nintendo's answer to the lack of interest in the GameCube was Connectivity and that blew up in their face because online gaming became a much bigger deal. In 2004 they would unveil the DS and they pretty much dropped the GameCube. As soon as Nintendo walked so did the third parties. The GameCube could've reached 40 or 50 million units sold if Nintendo developed more games and didn't switch their focus. Not only was the third party support lacking even their own published games like Star Fox Assault started to suck and half of what they showed and talked about like all the Rare titles, Kirby Roll 'O Rama, GameBoy Advance Gyrosensor used to control Cube games, Stage Debut, Mario 128, Pilotwings Factor 5 and more never arrived.
and why were the sales so bad ?

id argue that the GC had little uniqueness going on and did not appeal to the mass consumer like the wii did.

regarding stage debut.. isnt that essentially what mii channel + tomodachi collection is

Fourth Storm said:
The mini discs may not have been a problem but the near complete lack of online coupled with the piss poor image the Gamecube had were enough to deter some third parties.

And in instances like Prince of Persia, the whole trilogy was released for the Gamecube. Yes, many franchises which didn't sell were pulled, but there was still some solid third party support. Publishers were just more selective as to which games fit the system.
id rather have the quirky unique third party games on wii then ports galore tbh
Skiesofwonder said:
Yeah something rather fishy is going on when one source says "Nintendo is doing this one right. It's aimed at the hardcore and no gimmicks" then another comes out and claims there is a 6" screen on the controller along with another "huge surprise".

It's like these sources saw two totally different consoles or something....
when any gaming journalist claims nintendo is doing something right then im very concerned
civilstrife said:
The biggest rift between Nintendo and third parties is that 3rd parties by their nature want to release multiplatform games. And Nintendo doesn't want them to.

Err, that isn't true at all.
Nintendo has never said "Hey, don't put that multiplatform game on our console!"
Skiesofwonder said:
Yeah something rather fishy is going on when one source says "Nintendo is doing this one right. It's aimed at the hardcore and no gimmicks" then another comes out and claims there is a 6" screen on the controller along with another "huge surprise".

It's like these sources saw two totally different consoles or something....

I'm pretty sure the screen and front facing camera point to Nintendo implementing video conferencing. I'm surprised nobody is talking about this more. It fits the whole theme of "Project: Cafe" as well in that it is in effect creating a new social space.

Also, remember in an investor conference where Iwata mentioned they were looking at partners for social networking, but that it was not in their immediate future. The launch of a new console would be the logical time for this to happen.
Cerebral Assassin said:
I agree with this, also the part about "2 or more" triggers is interesting(if it isn't a bad translation) individual finger grips with vitality sensors perhaps?
why would a biofeedback grip be interesting?.. If three games will use it, it will be a lot.


AceBandage said:
Err, that isn't true at all.
Nintendo has never said "Hey, don't put that multiplatform game on our console!"

No, but they've also never said 'we'll pay 20% of your advertising budget if you put a logo for our console at the top and tail of your multiplatform game ad'.

Which the other guys have.
swerve said:
No, but they've also never said 'we'll pay 20% of your advertising budget if you put a logo for our console at the top and tail of your multiplatform game ad'.

Which the other guys have.

To be fair... there's never been a reason for them to on the Wii.
Though, it did get Wii specific ads for games like CoDMW and such.
Always-honest said:
why would a biofeedback grip be interesting?.. If three games will use it, it will be a lot.

if it's implemented directly into the controller thats sold with every system, then i doubt it will be underutilized, unless it ends up like the speaker.


apana said:
Farnham, you honestly believe if Wii was powerful enough it wouldn't have received ports of Call of Duty, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, and all the other games that were released for 360/PS3. There would be no reason not to.
if the wii was as powerful as 360 and ps3 it would have cost too much for the casual audience and it would have not received ports of said games due to lacking interest in the platform

oh and wii received ports of cod.. they are actually pretty good (i bought all cod titles on wii that are available except 4 because i already own that on 360)


So now that Pikmin 3 has all been but confirmed for release on Wii 2 can we all just move on and agree that Skyward Sword and Dragon Quest X have moved as well.

There are absolutely ZERO gains to be made by releasing these games on Wii only at this point in Wii's life.
AceBandage said:
Err, that isn't true at all.
Nintendo has never said "Hey, don't put that multiplatform game on our console!"
They did it by design. They want exclusive games like everyone else, but Instead of moneyhatting, their approach has always been to make their systems different enough in some key area to make porting from it impractical. Unfortunately, it's a two way street.


Bizzyb said:
So now that Pikmin 3 has all been but confirmed for release on Wii 2 can we all just agree and move on that Skyward Sword and Dragon Quest X have moved as well.

There are absolutely ZERO gains to be made by releasing these games on Wii only at this point in Wii's life.
Huh? I don't recall hearing anything about this. I also highly doubt that Skyward Sword and Dragon Quest X are going anywhere. There's a slim change that Zelda will be released for both consoles, but I don't see that happening either.


Bizzyb said:
So now that Pikmin 3 has all been but confirmed for release on Wii 2 can we all just move on and agree that Skyward Sword and Dragon Quest X have moved as well.

There are absolutely ZERO gains to be made by releasing these games on Wii only at this point in Wii's life.
wii has a bigger userbase

and there is no confirmation for pikmin3 on either platform
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