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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Snakeyes said:

See, I look at this and all I can think about is "WHY".


erotic butter maelstrom
No one gives a shit about what I want, but I would love it if Skyward Sword was a launch title with Wii 2. Obviously it'll be ready to go long before the console comes out, so there's no reason to delay it, but since I had to part ways with my Wii I'd love to have another chance to play it in HD on a next Wii. Of course, there's likely to be B/C so I should be good either way.



Time Traveler
Bizzyb said:
So now that Pikmin 3 has all been but confirmed for release on Wii 2 can we all just move on and agree that Skyward Sword and Dragon Quest X have moved as well.

There are absolutely ZERO gains to be made by releasing these games on Wii only at this point in Wii's life.
It's completely stupid to think that DQX and Zelda SS would move to a new console.

It's not all about momentum of consoles, in games like DQ, it's about userbase (active or not, in that game it doesn't matter). If you release a DQ game at launch, you will limit the sales to only the people that buys the console at launch, and the DQ fanbase is a different one than that. It would be the stupidest move S-E could ever make.

Zelda SS is built from the ground to be on the Wii; if the rumors about the new controller are true, there is absolutely no chance ever it will be released on another console; SS relays heavily on the Wiimote+ + Nunchuk setup; and all of the game's assets are in SD resolution, and built for a machine with the technical capabilities of the Wii. You are mad if you think they'll release a port of a Wii game to showcase the ability of the new console.

The case of TP is different; it was designed for the GCN, but it worked as a Wii launch title because the technical ability of the Wii is very similar as the one on the GCN.

BC on the new console would make pointless a release of SS as a launch game; the most you'll see would be enhanced features to those playing the game on the new console, like what happened with Zelda OOA and OOS.

Also your theory is highly unlikely, Zelda SS is probably mostly done, the build last year was very complete, they had playable demos and all.

We know absolutely nothing about Pikmin 3; it has never been announced for the Wii, the only thing we know is that Miyamoto said they were working on it, all the rest is just speculation. Maybe they were working on it in HD the whole time, we just don't know.


Always-honest said:
read a few posts up. Sure i can. For some games it would be a really great feature i think.

i like the idea too. especuialyy in combination with Valve :))))

But i can't see it being used enough to justify it as a full fledged feature of a console.
Maybe an add-on.

WTF would you want it as an add-on? If I have to stick my finger in anything, they can keep that ghetto junk in the lab. It's either a structural part of the plastic, or forget it.


farnham said:
the GC is as close as we get to a console that is pretty much standard to what the other competitors offered. it had nothing unique and the sales failure was a direct result of that uninspiredness.

if it had wii aesthetics and used DVDs it would have hardly sold anything more then what GC sold because GCs sales suffered from the fact that GC had no uniqueness at all in comparison to ps2 and because PS2 already had the market down. Xbox at least had the slightly better hardware and the online capability that made it unique. GC had first party nintendo titles and that was it.

it is a model nintendo never should lead themselves into again.

Are you saying that a sleeker GC with little to no gimped features would've been less successful? I don't buy that.

its just epic that is refusing to port ue3 on any nintendo platform

the iphone has ue3 lol

The iPhone has a more flexible GPU.
Always-honest said:
But i can't see it being used enough to justify it as a full fledged feature of a console.
Maybe an add-on.

But as an add-on I would have no real chance of getting real support, unlike if it is included in the controller. Also even if it isn't used a great deal as long as it gets some decent support it would be worthwhile.


Always-honest said:
That's a must.

Agreed. It will sure make E3 interesting to watch. Though it might be a little sad for Wii owners who will have to sit through an event where they basically see the Wii being killed off in favour of Wii 2 and 3DS.

idwl said:
Is there anyway this new console can be more successful than the wii, same thing that happened from ps1 to ps2

Really depends if Nintendo can get current Wii owners to migrate and also get the 360/PS3 crowd to take a more serious look at their Hardcore offerings. They could do amazingly well, or they could do a Sony.


Snakeyes said:
Are you saying that a sleeker GC with little to no gimped features would've been less successful? I don't buy that.
it would have been slightly more succesful then GC

maybe it would have outsold the xbox

but thats about it


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Do Nintendo consoles use OpenGL? I thought I read somewhere they did...

AceBandage said:
April 25th/26th at the earliest.
If not then, E3.
If not then... E3 2012.

Or September (Spaceworld/TGS.)
1-D_FTW said:
WTF would you want it as an add-on? If I have to stick my finger in anything, they can keep that ghetto junk in the lab. It's either a structural part of the plastic, or forget it.
It's not abut ME wanting anything. It's about me thinking that it would be a feature that wouldn't be used that much. For all i care they overload that baby with all kinds of features.
But there would have to make sense business-wise to Nintendo. I don't see that as much as you i think in this case.

Cerebral Assassin said:
But as an add-on I would have no real chance of getting real support, unlike if it is included in the controller. Also even if it isn't used a great deal as long as it gets some decent support it would be worthwhile.

Kinda true. There are some games that could really benifit from it. More than from, let's say, a speaker.......
Raide said:
Agreed. It will sure make E3 interesting to watch. Though it might be a little sad for Wii owners who will have to sit through an event where they basically see the Wii being killed off in favour of Wii 2 and 3DS.

I think they will still show off some Wii goodies at E3.
We still have Kirby and Rhythm Heaven. We should also see Xenoblade and maybe a Last Story announcement.

Andrex said:
Do Nintendo consoles use OpenGL? I thought I read somewhere they did...

Or September (Spaceworld/TGS.)

The 3DS does. The Wii and GC used TEV.


M74 said:
And Nintendo answers, "Why not?"

Perhaps a pre-announcement/tease at the investors' conference on April 25/26.

Door2Dawn said:
if it works, why not?

It's not about it working or not. I'm just curious as to how this controller can function in a way where it won't cause any hindrance to the experience. Like motion sensing. You let go of that thing mid-swing and it's game over.


Raide said:
Agreed. It will sure make E3 interesting to watch. Though it might be a little sad for Wii owners who will have to sit through an event where they basically see the Wii being killed off in favour of Wii 2 and 3DS.
I feel bad for the 3DS in general. I mean, they aren't even going to let it have a full year alone in the spotlight. Divided attentions might backfire. And despite being the fastest selling handheld at debut, it's not doing so hot right now. We have got to see some 3DS software at E3. The combination of N6 teasing and 3DS software is going to seem like an unusual Nintendo overload.
M74 said:
I feel bad for the 3DS in general. I mean, they aren't even going to let it have a full year alone in the spotlight. Divided attentions might backfire. And despite being the fastest selling handheld at debut, it's not doing so hot right now. We have got to see some 3DS software at E3. The combination of N6 teasing and 3DS software is going to seem like an unusual Nintendo overload.

If Project Cafe isn't launching until Fall of 2012, then the 3DS will be fine. They'll have plenty to show off for both at E3, and the 3DS will have a great library by the time their console comes out.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
wwm0nkey said:
Its weird because we could very well see those goes on a Nintendo console now. Hell they should port over the Orange Box on the new system.

I'm telling you guys, it's going to happen.

Gabe Newell said:
We think biometrics will be really important," the Valve boss told his GDC audience (via Develop). "We've seen a lot of work since the Wii shipped to explore how motion -- and with this next generation of controllers -- how vision systems are going to affect our games."

Newell continued, "Given that we have all these proxies inside of our games, that measure player state, we think that actually being able to measure small things like pupil dilation, heart rate -- those are the techniques that are going to give our games enormous impact in the future."

Gabe Newell said:
Ultimately this kind of additional input from videogamers will become the norm. "So, I think that that's just going to happen, in how we get there, what form factors that takes, how controllers and input devices change. That's the thing we don't know - the fact that it's going to occur I think is pretty predictable at this point," he continued.

"We're working on sort of industrial designs ourselves, like we did a mouse design that we've been using here internally. You could also do game controllers and things like that and even the primitive kinds of hardware that a software company does, we're working pretty well. So I would actually be surprised if the next generation of certainly living room devices didn't have some form of that."

Gabe Newell said:
Speaking with PC Gamer UK, Valve big man Gabe Newell discussed the furor that had surrounded the developer's E3 2010 Portal 2 "surprise" - which had ended up being the announcement that it would be on the PS3, too. Newell said that the fans' frenzied speculation wouldn't end there.

"I can guarantee you people are going to be surprised at stuff we do," he said. "That isn't going to stop any time soon. I'm just laughing because ... people will be shocked again."

Why will they be shocked? "We have three pretty big surprises in the next 12 months at least," said Newell.



hmm, I guess it sounds like a pretty cool piece of hardware if the roumors are true, but I for one certainly hope they manage to keep the pointer from the wiimote somehow, otherwise it'll feel like we're moving back in time. And pointing with a weird touch panel gamecube controller will feel awkward.


idwl said:
Is there anyway this new console can be more successful than the wii, same thing that happened from ps1 to ps2

Offer a nice middle ground between innovation and performance. Nintendo is pretty good at the former but they need a console that will support most, if not all of the next generation's graphical trends, albeit on a smaller scale. Tesselation, ray-tracing and all that. Don't skimp on the RAM.

A system like that would be a nice entry-level next-gen console that would garner a good amount of support from developers and core gamers, especially if it's released more than a year before the competition.
Always-honest said:
It's not abut ME wanting anything. It's about me thinking that it would be a feature that wouldn't be used that much. For all i care they overload that baby with all kinds of features.
But there would have to make sense business-wise to Nintendo. I don't see that as much as you i think in this case.

Kinda true. There are some games that could really benifit from it. More than from, let's say, a speaker.......

I would assume Wii Relax would be the reason they would add it(if it is added), I can see a meditation "game" being popular with the expanded market. As for the speaker, true but it was kinda cool the first time I received a "phone call" on it.


Junior Member
For some reason I've always seen Nintendo and Valve as two very compatible companies despite them working on the complete opposite ends of the gaming spectrum. Sometimes I've even thought of Valve as "the Nintendo of PC gaming".

They just seem to have very similar philosophies on how to design a game.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Refreshment.01 said:
The vitality sensor aspect, its one worthy of disscussion.

What could be the hook for something like this if it ends up being the controller biggest feature? I mean that general appealing feature that distinguises the console from the competition and attracts a wide spectrum of user, for example the traditional and new gamer.

The profile loading, settings adjustment and game recomendations per person, its a given the bio tech could easily allow. But then MS is just one firmaware update away from this.

Then we have something like alteration of game conditions acroding to bio feedback. Primary example, difficulty adjustment. But thats something that can be succesfully achieved with an ingame algorithm.

What could be a show stopper use of the tech?

Yeah, the Vitality Sensor is the only concrete thing we have to go on. It could have been dumped, but it could quite easily have been moved to the next console in the same way the remote was born. And then go the whole way with biometrics, thumbprint recognition etc.

It would be a very easy thing to market in a way people automatically understand: "Wii 2, it knows who you are, and how you are feeling".

Microsoft could do facial recognition thing via Kinect, but it's a lot less immediate and understandable than your remote showing "Hello Andy" when you put your thumb on it, turning on the Wii and bringing up your custom Home screen.

Automatic and foolproof parental controls as well. No faffing around with settings once family members have been registered.

With bio-feedback you open up possibilities in both the casual side of things and the hardcore. Wii Fit would display your heartrate and other info on the remote, the game could advise you based on it. Also, the obvious Wii Relax type stuff.

Games could change animation depending on how the player is feeling. In multiplayer games you'd have an automatic visual cue as to the type of person you are dealing with and would change how you play accordingly. I believe this is what Valve said was the biggest game-changer about bio-feedback.

Using a sniper rifle would be a lot easier if you were breathing slowly etc.

Games like Resident Evil could alter based on how you react to things. That didn't scare you? Well how about THIS.

Other games could trigger events because of how you are feeling. High heart rate? Here's some hallucinations.

How it is applied in games may be less tangible than say swinging your arm about in Wii Sports, but when you wrap it all together under a banner of the console knowing who you are and how you are feeling, a personalised experience unique to yourself, then that could be quite compelling.


So everyone, the case for PIKMIN 3 on Project Cafe:

  • In an Iwata Asks interview, Iwata explicitly notes a Pikmin game would benefit from HD
  • EAD Group #4 has been working on Pikmin 3 since completing NSMB Wii...
  • ...yet we still haven't seen anything; just reassurances from Miyamoto it's coming
  • Pointer controls + touch screen controls = best RTS controls on a console
  • More horsepower means more Pikmin, more enemies, more rendering
  • HD means each critter, intricate detail, etc, is crisp and clear, no matter how small
  • Project Cafe is HD; at least 360/PS3-level; has Wii controls and built-in touchscreen
It seems highly likely we will see Pikmin 3 for Cafe, hopefully alongside the rumored new character-driven, water-based IP from Miyamoto and F-Zero, which skipped a generation and has historically been a technical showcase (hence skipping Wii, which was too close power-wise to GCN).

Also, if Nintendo wants to make Pikmin 3 social and build on the two-player aspect of Pikmin 2, a true co-op campaign could work. With Cafe's power, each player could even have their own set of 100 Pikmin.


Bring it, Ninty.


Always-honest said:
It's not abut ME wanting anything. It's about me thinking that it would be a feature that wouldn't be used that much. For all i care they overload that baby with all kinds of features.
But there would have to make sense business-wise to Nintendo. I don't see that as much as you i think in this case.

That's a fair point. But IMO they need to either go with an elegant solution or leave it in the lab. That finger thing they showed before was extremely limited in usability. Try playing with a controller while your finger has a big clamp stuck to it. It takes one hand out of commission. It was designed strictly for breathing meditations and other casual gimmicks.


robor said:
It's not about it working or not. I'm just curious as to how this controller can function in a way where it won't cause any hindrance to the experience. Like motion sensing. You let go of that thing mid-swing and it's game over.

NintendoGorillaGlass. Codename DK.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Gabe Newell said:
Newell continued, "Given that we have all these proxies inside of our games, that measure player state, we think that actually being able to measure small things like pupil dilation, heart rate -- those are the techniques that are going to give our games enormous impact in the future."
I would love to read game walkthroughs if this becomes widely used.

"Make sure your BPS is below 120 before entering. If it's above 120 then the boss can become practically invincible!"


1-D_FTW said:
That's a fair point. But IMO they need to either go with an elegant solution or leave it in the lab. That finger thing they showed before was extremely limited in usability. Try playing with a controller while your finger has a big clamp stuck to it. It takes one hand out of commission. It was designed strictly for breathing meditations and other casual gimmicks.
Actually, if the Vitality Sensor can be set up so it's just lying nearby, you could have a game like Fatal Frame that periodically tells you, "To open this door, use the Vitality Sensor" (like a key, if you would), and in doing so the game checks your pulse at the checkpoint. The game then thinks to itself, "Hmm, the player's really on edge; let's have some shuffling noises and show something darting around the corner, but not jump the player until he's deeper into the house. This drags out the suspense to an excruciating degree." Or alternatively: "The player is too calm. He's getting comfortable. Let's have a ghost jump his ass five feet past the door..."


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Neiteio said:
It seems highly likely we will see Pikmin 3 for Cafe, hopefully alongside the rumored new character-driven, water-based IP from Miyamoto and F-Zero, which skipped a generation and has historically been a technical showcase (hence skipping Wii, which was too close power-wise to GCN).

Also, if Nintendo wants to make Pikmin 3 social and build on the two-player aspect of Pikmin 2, a true co-op campaign could work. With Cafe's power, each player could even have their own set of 100 Pikmin.

I would be all over that launch line-up!


Jive Turkey said:
I would love to read game walkthroughs if this becomes widely used.

"Make sure your BPS is below 120 before entering. If it's above 120 then the boss can become practically invincible!"

Unless it's balanced the other way. It's a tool that decreases difficulty the more stressed you are.

Me: "Another boss? I hate bosses." *Starts sprinting in place* "Suck it, biotch."


DECK'ARD said:
Other games could trigger events because of how you are feeling. High heart rate? Here's some hallucinations.
This is pretty much what I imagined. A sequel to Silent Hill Shattered Memories on N6 would be amazing, there's just so much potential there. If the game has you interacting with several characters, and one of them gets your heart rate a little higher than usual, then the game knows how to keep you interested. It can also know how to scare you and calm you down.

Imagine what Kojima would do with bio feedback.

Bio feedback and the touch screen are going to be the two main pillars for N6. The secret thing might be the third, but we have no idea what that is.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Jive Turkey said:
I would love to read game walkthroughs if this becomes widely used.

"Make sure your BPS is below 120 before entering. If it's above 120 then the boss can become practically invincible!"

The Sun in the UK would love it.

"New Nintendo console encourages our children to get stoned in order to complete games!"


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
1-D_FTW said:
Unless it's balanced the other way. It's a tool that decreases difficulty the more stressed you are.

Me: "Another boss? I hate bosses." *Starts sprinting in place* "Suck it, biotch."

Makes me wonder what awful
things Kojima would make me do with this controller.....

Edit: Beaten lol


Wait, so do we have reason to believe Cafe may have bio-feedback, aside from the fact the Vitality Sensor has been M.I.A.? Because I'd certainly like to think the system will have it, but I just wonder if it's been rumored. *goes to reread OP*
It is very possible that the Vitality Sensor has migrated to the new system, and will be included in the new controller as a default feedback method.

It is also possible that we are going to see a system that is compact, has the horsepower of a Playstation 3 and features a touchscreen interface incorporated into the controller as well.


I think companies are used to developing and having success on the PC/360/PS3 platforms right now...sure there was that video at E3 featuring developers who were super excited about the 3DS and what innovative things they can create with it but to me, that's because it's a portable. I kinda think of it like it's probably just a side project to game studios. If Nintendo's N6 ends up having too many gimmicks, nobody is gonna want to develop multiplatform games for the thing. And if they do, we'll pretty much see only Nintendo and maybe a couple other companies utilize all the gimmicks in their games. Definitely reminds me of the Wii Remote speaker, I totally forgot it existed (o_0) It's something that is optional for developers to use but if it doesn't add much to the experience they want to create, it won't be utilized.


Neiteio said:
Wait, so do we have reason to believe Cafe may have bio-feedback, aside from the fact the Vitality Sensor has been M.I.A.? Because I'd certainly like to think the system will have it, but I just wonder if it's been rumored. *goes to reread OP*

No. Just the fact that's it's gone mysteriously absent like the Wiimote did for the Gamecube.

Plus Gabe Newell making incredibly compelling stances why he believes it'll be included in next gen consoles:



Neiteio said:
Wait, so do we have reason to believe Cafe may have bio-feedback, aside from the fact the Vitality Sensor has been M.I.A.? Because I'd certainly like to think the system will have it, but I just wonder if it's been rumored. *goes to reread OP*
Absolutely none! It's purely because they've not been talking about it for a while, and it seems a waste to add a feature to Wii that has years of potential. Also, it would be a massive waste if it weren't built into the controller itself, because just poking your finger in it every now and then is very limiting.
biofeedback would best be put to use in horror games. Rythm games could be more intense depending on your stress level. faster bloodflow = more intense colors and rythm
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