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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Bizzyb said:
So now that Pikmin 3 has all been but confirmed for release on Wii 2 can we all just move on and agree that Skyward Sword and Dragon Quest X have moved as well.

There are absolutely ZERO gains to be made by releasing these games on Wii only at this point in Wii's life.

No to both.
SS won't be moved because that would mean at least a 2 year delay to rework it.
And DQX won't move because they wouldn't release a DQ mainline game on a just released system.
I think the biofeedback idea is interesting and has a ton of potential, BUT it would still qualify as a gimmick, and thus does not fit the rumors we've been hearing. I hope they do include it as a side feature, however.

I'm hesitant to say I've got it all figured out, and I certainly don't care about getting credit for it, but social networking/video conferencing fit EVERY single hint we've heard.


farnham said:
wii has a bigger userbase

and there is no confirmation for pikmin3 on either platform

Wii's userbase has meant jack shit to 3rd parties so far this gen. It's all about momentum, mindshare and interest and when it comes to 3rd parties games, wii has none.

Gamers have pretty much moved on from Wii. If it isn't a Nintendo developed/published game at this point most people just aren't going to give a shit.

Even Nintendo has moved on from Wii. You expect 3rd parties to support it when Nintendo is no longer doing so?

Edit: Keep in mind, when I say SS and DQX have moved on I mean that while there MAY be a Wii version, they are also at the least planning a Wii 2 version. At the very least there will be a Wii 2 version/enhancements
Bizzyb said:
So now that Pikmin 3 has all been but confirmed for release on Wii 2 can we all just move on and agree that Skyward Sword and Dragon Quest X have moved as well.

There are absolutely ZERO gains to be made by releasing these games on Wii only at this point in Wii's life.

NO! the Wii2 isn't going to launch this year going by the rumors. SS won't be delayed for an entire year. have you missed the times Nintendo is nearly finished with the game? it's a 2011 title. believe it


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
AceBandage said:
It really all depends on what the screen is used for. We can't say it's simply a gimmick without seeing it in action, first.

Instro said:
Its possible that the screen is not a bad gimmick who knows.

Motion control, touch screen, 3D, etc. are all gimmicks (an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, especially one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.). Whether they are "bad" or "good" gimmicks is a matter of opinion.

Maybe this source is similar to Amir0x [:p] and has created his own definition of the word gimmick. But the way that quote reads is basically a graphically updated Wii that is more focused for the core and is without any major additions.
You know, a system can still have "gimmicks" and developers can be excited about Nintendo getting it.
They don't have to be mutually exclusive at all.
Had the Wii been given the same power as the PS3/360 but kept the "gimmick" controller, you'd see developers using it for a lot of great things.
1-D_FTW said:
I just find it suspicious that the one source we know was operating on valid intel (GI), didn't make a peep about it. As you say, it's the juiciest piece. Talk about burying the lead.
It´s in instances like this one that i think its the company that filters this type of stuff, like viral marketing. Because was the source some kind of vision or dream? like the ones coming from biblical a tale were all is so criptic and ambiguous.
Fourth Storm said:
I think the biofeedback idea is interesting and has a ton of potential, BUT it would still qualify as a gimmick, and thus does not fit the rumors we've been hearing. I hope they do include it as a side feature, however.

I'm hesitant to say I've got it all figured out, and I certainly don't care about getting credit for it, but social networking/video conferencing fit EVERY single hint we've heard.

So you think the main use of the screen would be to see a friends face while playing? Im not saying this is not one of possible uses, but that would be a pretty superficial application. Plus Sony and MS have part of that covered for years and could apply something really similar with the tech they already have.

Cerebral Assassin said:
I agree with this, also the part about "2 or more" triggers is interesting(if it isn't a bad translation) individual finger grips with vitality sensors perhaps?
The vitality sensor aspect, its one worthy of disscussion.

What could be the hook for something like this if it ends up being the controller biggest feature? I mean that general appealing feature that distinguises the console from the competition and attracts a wide spectrum of user, for example the traditional and new gamer.

The profile loading, settings adjustment and game recomendations per person, its a given the bio tech could easily allow. But then MS is just one firmaware update away from this.

Then we have something like alteration of game conditions acroding to bio feedback. Primary example, difficulty adjustment. But thats something that can be succesfully achieved with an ingame algorithm.

What could be a show stopper use of the tech?
Another logical conclusion going along with the social networking/video conferencing theory is Nintendo doing WiiConnect24 right and having the screen on the controller alert you when a friend is online or wants to play even when the console is in standby.


dvolovets said:
Huh? I don't recall hearing anything about this.

The Pikmin shift was in a coded message a few Q&A sessions ago....

Genyo Takeda:

"If we can find out the most appropriate medium, between SD and HD, and flexibly move around them depending on the game's contents, it will be good, I think."

Shigeru Miyamoto:

"Won't HD be better for the games like Pikmin? The developers should choose the most appropriate graphical format depending on the software they make."

The stuff about SD / HD hybrid is interesting if they are basically giving everyone an SDTV screen in the controller :)


farnham said:
the GC minidiscs were little to no hinderance for some third party multiplatform titles like prince of persia (arguably the best version is on GC) or soul calibur 2

yet third parties cut the multiplatform development after the first year.

nintendo cant count on third party multiplatform development

More like they always fuck up one thing in their console design.

Two games won't change the fact that mini-DVDs were a hindrance for third parties. Rockstar was initially planning to port GTA III and Vice City to the GC but the idea was scrapped because of the discs' low capacity. The lack of space could've also prevented Japanese developers such as Square-Enix, who loved sticking a bunch of lush CGI in their games in addition to a large game world.

DVD playback was a huge feature back in 2001 and a lot of my friends were able to talk their parents into purchasing a PS2 because it doubled as a DVD player.

Finally, Nintendo could've done a better job at marketing the system as something for everyone in the family. I'm not a fan of the "kiddy" moniker but the GC did give off a kid-friendly vibe because of the type of games that was being pushed in the system's infancy. No, REmake doesn't make up for the rest.

I guarantee you that if the GC's aesthetics resembled the Wii and that it used DVDs as a medium while offering movie playback at the same time, it would've grabbed a significant part of the PS2's market share.

The 3DS is a step in the right direction, but they fucked up (not as royally this time) again by not offering hardware that is UE3 compatible.

Oh, and I predict that the controller will resemble this but with transparent buttons if the rumors are true:


There will be more buttons and the controller will plug into an add-on with analog sticks.
Fourth Storm said:
Another logical conclusion going along with the social networking/video conferencing theory is Nintendo doing WiiConnect24 right and having the screen on the controller alert you when a friend is online or wants to play even when the console is in standby.

I said this a while ago.
Having some kind of OS integration in the screen would be awesome.
Let you check on friends who are online, send/receive messages, surf the internet.


Bizzyb said:
So now that Pikmin 3 has all been but confirmed for release on Wii 2 can we all just move on and agree that Skyward Sword and Dragon Quest X have moved as well.

There are absolutely ZERO gains to be made by releasing these games on Wii only at this point in Wii's life.
The original Skyward Sword images in HD to begin with correct? So who knows maybe they started it on the Wii and then moved it over to this.


From The Dust said:
NO! the Wii2 isn't going to launch this year going by the rumors. SS won't be delayed for an entire year. have you missed the times Nintendo is nearly finished with the game? it's a 2011 title. believe it

Wii 2 may not launch this year but I don't think Nintendo wants to risk wasting 5 years of game development just to release SS to paltry sales.

I have no doubt in my mind that Nintendo has plans to bring the game also to Wii 2 or at least have Wii 2 enhancements. Wii is dead in Japan, and Nintendo is not going to bank on Japan to release one of their biggest IPs in a time where the console is suffering from slumping sales and huge disinterest.


I do wonder if we're all working on the same definition of "gimmick". It seems the common definition is a non-standard control method of any kind. A gimmick is a novelty, something without the substance to sustain increasing market share.

Was the Wii remote a gimmick? Everyone thought it was to start with, but look where we are now. It has been widely adopted, and is now a main focus of the industry. But we still call it a gimmick? Either way, it did a lot for gaming in general

Vitality Sensor could have the same kind of impact, though probably to a lesser extent, if developers just implement it in interesting ways. I'll say it again, VS could be a revolution in the horror genre.
wwm0nkey said:
The original Skyward Sword images in HD to begin with correct? So who knows maybe they started it on the Wii and then moved it over to this.

TP also had PR shots released in HD. It doesn't mean anything.
swerve said:
The Pikmin shift was in a coded message a few Q&A sessions ago....

The stuff about SD / HD hybrid is interesting if they are basically giving everyone an SDTV screen in the controller :)

looking back on those interviews, they give a lot more information than we previosly though. the fact that OoT3D was outsourced was also hinted at in these interviews


See I'm all for an HD Pikmin but I've been looking forward to seeing 3D Pikmin armies on my 3DS ever since the 3DS was announced. The whole "looking-into another world" effect the 3D does fits Pikmin perfectly.

Though yeah seeing HD Pikmin would be awesome. I sort of hope that they use the power to up the Pikmin count but then that would be insane to manage more than 100 little plant creatures.
DoomXploder7 said:
if it's implemented directly into the controller thats sold with every system, then i doubt it will be underutilized, unless it ends up like the speaker.
that would be my guess.

Cerebral Assassin said:
Why would something that is new to consoles be interesting?
so anything new to consoles WILL be interesting. Got it.
Well, maybe they'll put a potato peeler on it.
AceBandage said:
And Iwata has made it very very clear that they NEED third parties to survive long term.
The 3DS was made with third party input to make it a developer friendly device, and I'm betting the N6 had even more input.
Basically going "Ok, we'll play it your way. What do YOU want US to make?"
This is how I see things too. Nintendo and third parties have been on bad terms for such a long time for a number of reasons and it seemed like for the most part that both sides were happy with things the way they were but I think this last couple years has shown them that they really need each other going forward.

I don't see a scenario where the relationship between Nintendo and 3rd parties are as cozy as with Sony and Microsoft since at the core they'll still be competitors in software development but the first time possibly ever it sounds like Nintendo is giving outside parties input into their hardware development based on these rumors. That in itself is pretty big.


AceBandage said:
I said this a while ago.
Having some kind of OS integration in the screen would be awesome.
Let you check on friends who are online, send/receive messages, surf the internet.

All amazing as long as Nintendo make an stunning integrated online service and actually use a good browser for their Internet access. I really do hope Nintendo sat down and looked really hard at MS and Sony and figured out how to make a good online system.

They should just add all these features in an App for DS and 3DS users.
Bizzyb said:
Wii 2 may not launch this year but I don't think Nintendo wants to risk wasting 5 years of game development just to release SS to paltry sales.

I have no doubt in my mind that Nintendo has plans to bring the game also to Wii 2 or at least have Wii 2 enhancements. Wii is dead in Japan, and Nintendo is not going to bank on Japan to release one of their biggest IPs in a time where the console is suffering from slumping sales and huge disinterest.

I just highly doubt that they would spend another year on it. they need the Wii to go off with a bang. also, they can't not give a console it's own Zelda. that just wouldn't be right.


From The Dust said:
looking back on those interviews, they give a lot more information than we previosly though. the fact that OoT3D was outsourced was also hinted at in these interviews

Yeah, they hint at loads of things and are clearly having fun with the audience/reader, because none of it can be taken as a reveal, yet all of it later can be seen to be just that.
Raide said:
All amazing as long as Nintendo make an stunning integrated online service and actually use a good browser for their Internet access. I really do hope Nintendo sat down and looked really hard at MS and Sony and figured out how to make a good online system.

They should just add all these features in an App for DS and 3DS users.

They won't be added to DS, but they've already said they'll be adding quite a few features to the 3DS's online system.


PounchEnvy said:
See I'm all for an HD Pikmin but I've been looking forward to seeing 3D Pikmin armies on my 3DS ever since the 3DS was announced. The whole "looking-into another world" effect the 3D does fits Pikmin perfectly.

Though yeah seeing HD Pikmin would be awesome. I sort of hope that they use the power to up the Pikmin count but then that would be insane to manage more than 100 little plant creatures.

I made these claims about Pikmin and SS this time last year but no one wanted to hear it.

I really do need to archive some of this stuff


Skiesofwonder said:
Motion control, touch screen, 3D, etc. are all gimmicks (an ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, especially one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.). Whether they are "bad" or "good" gimmicks is a matter of opinion.

Maybe this source is similar to Amir0x [:p] and has created his own definition of the word gimmick. But the way that quote reads is basically a graphically updated Wii that is more focused for the core and is without any major additions.

Gimmick carries a negative connotation. If something introduced to gaming becomes a staple, then its not a gimmick. By that logic any and all "additions" since the NES have been gimmicks.

That said I do agree that people are making baseless assumptions of it being good or bad. Motion control, even if it wasn't executed properly, is here to stay. For all intents and purposes its more than a gimmick, it will become a staple, and hopefully from here on all developers will incorporate to make gaming better and not just use it as a cheap "add on" feature.

So this supposed new screen could be good or bad. Maybe it does something like the Wii did but actually succeeds in a more traditional way.


AceBandage said:
TP also had PR shots released in HD. It doesn't mean anything.
just saying it is a possibility. I could very well see them releasing 2 versions of Skyward Sword, one in 480p for the Wii and the HD version for the new console 1080p, 60FPS and better textures.
AceBandage said:
I said this a while ago.
Having some kind of OS integration in the screen would be awesome.
Let you check on friends who are online, send/receive messages, surf the internet.

Yeah, it sounds like a really useful and easy-to-implement feature. I'd also imagine something like Wii Speak would be incorporated into the controller if video conferencing is a key feature. It would be nice to have a decent quality speaker phone right on the controller, and Nintendo doesn't seem too anxious to ask casual gamers to wear/invest in a headset.


Snakeyes said:
More like they always fuck up one thing in their console design.

Two games won't change the fact that mini-DVDs were a hindrance for third parties. Rockstar was initially planning to port GTA III and Vice City to the GC but the idea was scrapped because of the discs' low capacity. The lack of space could've also prevented Japanese developers such as Square-Enix, who loved sticking a bunch of lush CGI in their games in addition to a large game world.

DVD playback was a huge feature back in 2001 and a lot of my friends were able to talk their parents into purchasing a PS2 because it doubled as a DVD player.

Finally, Nintendo could've done a better job at marketing the system as something for everyone in the family. I'm not a fan of the "kiddy" moniker but the GC did give off a kid-friendly vibe because of the type of games that was being pushed in the system's infancy. No, REmake doesn't make up for the rest.

I guarantee you that if the GC's aesthetics resembled the Wii and that it used DVDs as a medium while offering movie playback at the same time, it would've grabbed a significant part of the PS2's market share.

the GC is as close as we get to a console that is pretty much standard to what the other competitors offered. it had nothing unique and the sales failure was a direct result of that uninspiredness.

if it had wii aesthetics and used DVDs it would have hardly sold anything more then what GC sold because GCs sales suffered from the fact that GC had no uniqueness at all in comparison to ps2 and because PS2 already had the market down. Xbox at least had the slightly better hardware and the online capability that made it unique. GC had first party nintendo titles and that was it.

it is a model nintendo never should lead themselves into again.

Snakeyes said:

The 3DS is a step in the right direction, but they fucked up (not as royally this time) again by not offering hardware that is UE3 compatible.

Oh, and I predict that the controller will resemble this but with transparent buttons:

lol wut

its just epic that is refusing to port ue3 on any nintendo platform

the iphone has ue3 lol
Bizzyb said:
I made these claims about Pikmin and SS this time last year but no one wanted to hear it.

I really do need to archive some of this stuff
its still nothing but a rumor

given how secretive nintendo usually is with their stuff i dont believe this project cafe shenangigans at all


From The Dust said:
I just highly doubt that they would spend another year on it. they need the Wii to go off with a bang. also, they can't not give a console it's own Zelda. that just wouldn't be right.

Hrrmmm...I think they might wonder if it was better to start a new console off with a bang. Zelda shifts consoles and I don't think Nintendo really care about the Wii now, they are looking forward already.


From The Dust said:
I just highly doubt that they would spend another year on it. they need the Wii to go off with a bang. also, they can't not give a console it's own Zelda. that just wouldn't be right.

I agree, but that is why I said that SS and DQX will pull a TP.

I said it would be disadvantageous to release these games only on Wii. Not on Wii period. SS really is in the same position TP was in.

Gamecube was dead and the Wii was on the horizon. Nintendo knew it would be insane to release the game on a dying console only. The same will happen to SS.

In a sense the Wii will have never had it's own Zelda. Crazy.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Always-honest said:
so anything new to consoles WILL be interesting. Got it.
Well, maybe they'll put a potato peeler on it.
Sure. Whether it's a good interesting or a bad interesting is beside the point. Hell a console with a potato peeler on it would be interesting.


I feel like an idiot, Just realized what n6 was :s . Would be happy with 360 power, they're most likely gonna go higher,But Nintendo games in 360 graphics would keep ne happy for a long time.
Jive Turkey said:
Sure. Whether it's a good interesting or a bad interesting is beside the point. Hell a console with a potato peeler on it would be interesting.
haha. Don't get me wrong, i can think of some amazing ways where biofeed would be awesome.
So i'd like it as an.. extra. But i don't think that many games will use it.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Woffls said:
I do wonder if we're all working on the same definition of "gimmick". It seems the common definition is a non-standard control method of any kind. A gimmick is a novelty, something without the substance to sustain increasing market share.

Was the Wii remote a gimmick? Everyone thought it was to start with, but look where we are now. It has been widely adopted, and is now a main focus of the industry. But we still call it a gimmick? Either way, it did a lot for gaming in general

Vitality Sensor could have the same kind of impact, though probably to a lesser extent, if developers just implement it in interesting ways. I'll say it again, VS could be a revolution in the horror genre.

Eternal Darkness 2 with Vatality Sensor support is the biggest no-brainer the gaming industry has maybe ever seen.

That's why it will never happen.


idwl said:
I feel like an idiot, Just realized what n6 was :s . Would be happy with 360 power, they're most likely gonna go higher,But Nintendo games in 360 graphics would keep ne happy for a long time.
If the Trinity rumor is true then it will be a generation leap above 360/PS3


Hahah, check this out. If you read between the lines with a healthy bit of imagination (dreaming?) then Iwata revealed in January that the new machine will let you play light games even when someone is watching TV, as well as also allowing 'Rich Experiences' of the HD consoles:

Satoru Iwata in January said:
There are also a number of restrictions with home consoles such as you have to be in front of a TV set
I feel that an increasing number of people, who are playing with a variety of games, are saying, "I used to be able to start home console games rather casually, just whenever I felt like playing with them, but nowadays, because I am used to the easy-to-start handheld game devices, I have to have a rather strong determination to start playing with home console games." I understand that the situation surrounding home consoles is changing. Home consoles have to provide something unique to users that is only possible on home consoles in addition to the "rich experiences."
Always-honest said:
haha. Don't get me wrong, i can think of some amazing ways where biofeed would be awesome.
So i'd like it as an.. extra. But i can't see that many games use it.

Well, Valve likes the idea of BioFeedback, so who knows.
Maybe HL3/L4D3 gets a Wii console exclusive with it.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Always-honest said:
haha. Don't get me wrong, i can think of some amazing ways where biofeed would be awesome.
So i'd like it as an.. extra. But i don't think that many games will use it.
And don't get me wrong...I completely agree with you!
Always-honest said:
that would be my guess.

so anything new to consoles WILL be interesting. Got it.
Well, maybe they'll put a potato peeler on it.

Well that would probably improve Cooking Mama. As for the vitality sensor you can't see any potential from games being able to receive biofeedback?


Bizzyb said:
Gamecube was dead and the Wii was on the horizon. Nintendo knew it would be insane to release the game on a dying console only. The same will happen to SS.
Cube was properly dead, though. Nobody was paying attention to it, and the sales were abysmal. Wii is on the way out, sure, but the user base and sales figures are too high to declare it in the same position as Gamecube. That said, a large proportion of those will be a market that might not care about Zelda. It will be interesting to see the sales figures, that's for sure.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Bizzyb said:
In a sense the Wii will have never had it's own Zelda. Crazy.

That's the worst part if SS goes Wii 2. Three mainline Mario games, but not its own Zelda.
idwl said:
I feel like an idiot, Just realized what n6 was :s . Would be happy with 360 power, they're most likely gonna go higher,But Nintendo games in 360 graphics would keep ne happy for a long time.

If they want to be competitive it isn't enough.

They need games like CoD and GTA IMO.
If Nintendo will release new DS Pokemon games a couple of weeks prior to 3DS launch, then there's no reason why they couldn't release a new Wii Zelda in the run-up to Wii2 launch. Besides, this thing is 2012, right? I can't imagine a late 2011 launch, especially going up against the avalanche of awesome games on rival consoles plus Nintendo's own 3DS plans.


AceBandage said:
Well, Valve likes the idea of BioFeedback, so who knows.
Maybe HL3/L4D3 gets a Wii console exclusive with it.
Its weird because we could very well see those goes on a Nintendo console now. Hell they should port over the Orange Box on the new system.
Cerebral Assassin said:
Well that would probably improve Cooking Mama. As for the vitality sensor you can't see any potential from games being able to receive biofeedback?
read a few posts up. Sure i can. For some games it would be a really great feature i think.

AceBandage said:
Well, Valve likes the idea of BioFeedback, so who knows.
Maybe HL3/L4D3 gets a Wii console exclusive with it.
i like the idea too. especuialyy in combination with Valve :))))

But i can't see it being used enough to justify it as a full fledged feature of a console.
Maybe an add-on.
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