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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Melville said:

According to the same source that gave us the NGP specs a few days before it was unveiled, the next Nintendo system will be on par with a 360 and will feature a completely new controller (not a Wiimote, not a Kinect-like thing).
Interesting. I wonder what next control style they're thinking of.

As for appealing to more Westerner/dudebro hopefully they understand how difficult that'd be to appeal to 3rd parties for AAA dudebro games on their next system. I also imagine they'll get monster games to develop either an Excite, Wave Race or F-Zero game. Next Level could make another popular sports game or another Punchout since the Wii version did pretty well in the west. I suspect Retro would likely be working on something as well.

I hope they could also revitalize Star Fox. Take the same formula from the 64 version but expand it out further include online multiplayer and co-op.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
BroHuffman said:
Outside of Pilotwings, OoT, and Starfox (not confirmed) what games have been outsourced?

Steel Diver (Vitel)
Kid Icarus (Project Sora/second party)
Kirby Epic Yarn (Good Feel)
Donkey Kong Country Returns (Retro/second party)
Wii Party (ND Cube/second party)
Metroid Other M (Team Ninja)
Fling Smash (Arton)
Sin and Punishment 2 (Tressure)

In fact the last high profile games they actually developed solely was SMG2 and Nintendogs + Cats (I believe), and it looks as if they are currently working on Skyward Sword, Kirby Wii, Mario Kart 3D, Paper Mario 3D, and Animal Crossing 3D.

No telling what everyone else is cooking up.


neptunes said:
Whether or not this comes out fall 2012, I can still see Sony and MS waiting until 2013 to launch their respective successors.
This is assuming that Nintendo is still going after a broader demographic and not specifically catering to the hardcore.
There is no doubt Nintendos thing is a bit of a pants down thing where MS and Sony cant say oh yeah well heres our system too.

But it will certainly force their hand to speed things up.
Love everyone saying "if it has motion controls." Unless Nintendo has really done a real 180, there is absolutely no way that any new major gaming system from here on out will lack motion control capability.


Parmesan et Romano
Majine said:
The Second Nintendo Cycle.

1. Initial rumors, fans think the next console will have 4D, 2000p, uber online functionalities and Zelda every day.
2. Nintendo announce the new consoles at E3. Fans lower their expectations of the systems capabilities based on the info.
3. Nintendo launches the new system. The graphics are nothing spectacular, the online is still shitty altho a step up from the previous attempt, and the launch games are all shovelware. The fans, altho stung, still give in and buy it.
4. See 1.
Isn't this true for everything? Fans, enthusiasts- they all hype whatever it is they want through the roof. Then when it's finally out, expectations are not met because they were simply too high.


Death Prophet
So... what can we actually expect them to show at this year's E3? I expect them to be focused on the 3DS, but will they just make a passing statement about the console... maybe share some developers already on board?



So this is pretty much confirmed then? Well, Nintendo should have a very interesting E3 to say the very least. Wonder if Zelda will be delayed a year to launch with the new console again. Heh.


LATE 2012!!!????†‡†▲

WTF. So Wii will basically be trash for another year, solely living off Zelda?("oh hey mr well kirby is...." Sit down and shut the fuck up.)

Although its sweet that its apparently going to better graphics than PS3, in late 2012 it should have. It's awesome, yet it shouldn't be at the same time... And this is all still rumor. Shit could have straight up PS3 graphics. It could be coming out earlier. Who knows. Thing that's weird is that the Street Fighter dude say SF43DS will connect to a console but can't tell till E3. Obviously it seems like he's talking about this. But SF43DS connecting to a system over a year away. That doesn't make much sense at all. I'm calling it's coming out at the end of this year, and since its backwards compatible they'll do a similar situation for Skyward Sword that they did for Twilight Princess.

If Nintendo packs in that serious graphical power they'd be a fool to not take on Xbox Live and include a headset and some seriously good online play. That would be massive.

Also, the only thing I hope for at E3 is them to actually show the console off and a game or something and not just talk vaguely about it like they did with Revolution. Remember how bad that shit sucked. I didn't know videogame blue balls existed.


You know, I could live with the Super Revolution being on par with the 360 if it means it won't be expensive as hell. 250 dollars, please.
AniHawk said:
sony has about 20 games this year for the ps3 and 6 more in 2012. they also have whatever remaining people working on ngp games. i think a launch next year is completely out of the question.
I'm talking about 2013 for Sony and/or MS. I think MS can do it, but I don't think Sony can.
Gravijah said:
You know, I could live with the Super Revolution being on par with the 360 if it means it won't be expensive as hell. 250 dollars, please.
Man, we're starting early on this, aren't we?

Well alright, let me drag out "diminishing returns" from this closet.


more money than God
Why are people surprised? It's been six years since the 360 launched, so I would be shocked if it wasn't more powerful.


ShockingAlberto said:
Gamecube was sold at a loss for a small bit.

Has Nintendo actually said that, or is it just based on cost tear down estimates? The loss, profit, or break even points seems like they would have been too tight for estimates to accurately cover.


BMF said:
I'm talking about 2013 for Sony and/or MS. I think MS can do it, but I don't think Sony can.
MS has a far easier time for sure since the majority of their development is external. They can jump on the Wii2 development train and start sharing 3rd party Next gen titles with the Wii2 while SOny is coming up behind due to 1st party limitations in development time


ShockingAlberto said:
In retrospect, what they or their sources probably meant was that HD system engines can get ported down to 3DS to make kind of similar looking games.

Like SSFIV or Revelations, for example.
Nintendo has not revealed any specs for the 3DS system, but expect it to well surpass the Nintendo DS in visual and processor capabilities. To provide stereoscopic 3D effects the system must have the ability to render each game field twice, one for each of the player’s eyes, a technique that will require significant horsepower to produce.

Several developers that have experienced 3DS in its current form have reported, off the record, that it has processing capabilities that far exceed the Nintendo Wii and bring the device with abilities that are close to HD consoles such as PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.



antonz said:
There is no doubt Nintendos thing is a bit of a pants down thing where MS and Sony cant say oh yeah well heres our system too.

But it will certainly force their hand to speed things up.
They might ANNOUNCE that their working on their next consoles sooner, but I don't see this actually affecting their intended release dates that much.

I'm not any professional analyst. but I believe Sony's focus for the next 1-2 years will be to establish the NGP (which may actually benefit from this "WiiHD") and ready resources for their next home console.


ant1532 said:
LATE 2012!!!????†‡†▲

WTF. So Wii will basically be trash for another year, solely living off Zelda?("oh hey mr well kirby is...." Sit down and shut the fuck up.)

We won't get anything now, but they delayed Last Story, Xenoblade and other titles so that we've got something later this year...


BroHuffman said:
Kid Icarus (Project Sora) is first party as far as I know.

And wasn't Steel Diver done in house?

co-developed with Vitei. EAD's output is low on 3DS, even if you include all the known upports of N64 titles.

Other Nintendo published titles are handled by 2nd parties
brotkasten said:
I don't care about it (yet). Just please, please, pretty please, don't delay Zelda: SS for this.
I don't see this happening, especially if they're switching up the controller.

Plus, Wii needs something this holiday.


Steve Youngblood said:
Oh, yeah, I get that. I'm not saying "don't be excited." But I am suggesting that one needn't get carried away with their assumptions.
too late, I feel like this
right now, and it isn't even E3.. Poor me
I think it's an utterly ridiculous notion to think that any of the other 2 companies would release a new console all the way in 20 fucking 14. I can't be the only one that sees the utter ridiculousness of that.
ant1532 said:
LATE 2012!!!????†‡†▲

WTF. So Wii will basically be trash for another year, solely living off Zelda?("oh hey mr well kirby is...." Sit down and shut the fuck up.)

Oh, that crafty Nintendo... I think they're going to let everyone assume that it's coming late next year, but in reality they're going to strike this year! Or maybe Spring 2012!


LM4sure said:
Better be late 2011. 2012 is too far away. Why announce now? How much time was there between 3ds announcement and release?
A year, and we've rarely had a home console launch in the spring time.

So I'm assume they'll move it to fall 2012


Will Nintendo be able to get all of the weight loss types, senior citizens, and curiosity seekers who boosted Wii sales, to buy their next system?
Will this be another "Dreamcast", where it's out of the gate way early, only to be blown away by the competition once they release their new hardware?
Will Nintendo be able to properly support the system, and avoid the months and months of droughts?
Can Nintendo get western developers on board?
Will Nintendo finally embrace the social aspects of gaming today, or will we be using friend codes again?

As a gamer I'm naturally excited, but Nintendo has really left me with a bad taste in my mouth this gen. It's going to take a huge turn around to get me interested.
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