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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Put a lot of RAM in the system, Nintendo. Make it a beast, fix the online, and don't force us into motion control (bundle an xbox 360 equivalent controller in the box alongside whatever motion wand you put in it).

Chittagong said:

You need to make an updated post in 2011 with what you think MS and Sony reaction will be to this. They can't be happy if Nintendo truly is going to make a hardware monster because it is going to eat into their longevity. Especially if Nintendo truly is going to jump two generations ahead of the Wii and make sure their new system is in the same ball park as what Sony and MS offer. First mover seems to be an advantage more often than not.


LM4sure said:
Better be late 2011. 2012 is too far away. Why announce now? How much time was there between 3ds announcement and release?
Well the french site speculates a launch by March 2012 but I just dont see that happening if they are just now courting 3rd party. Console games dont have the same turn around time as handhelds.

Ubisoft is the only one who could have 15 Wii2 titles ready for launch by March and they would almost all be ports of current games
LM4sure said:
Better be late 2011. 2012 is too far away. Why announce now? How much time was there between 3ds announcement and release?
Just shy of a year. The expectation on a home console is to longer development cycles. They need more time.....
Medalion said:
Nintendo doomed prediction already?

Every fucking day :p



Really Really Exciting Member!
I would hope that Skyward Sword was secretly pushed to the Wii 2 since last E3, but the latest video from GDC was still something that looked like a Wii game... oh well, guess i'll have my Zelda in HD maybe in 2014-2015. :(

At least, it will be a good excuse to play the Wii this year.
Celine said:
well, i'm not sure how it's processor compares with the Wii, but it's true to say that the 3DS has 'abilities that are close to HD consoles such as PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360'. that isn't to say it can do HD graphics, or that it has ALL the abilities that the PS3 and 360 has, but it says that it has SOME abilities CLOSE to HD consoles.

it's true... but obviously people read something like that and go stupid, just as they did over the PSP being 'essentially' as powerful as a PS2, and just as they are over the NGP being as powerful as a PS3.

it just means that it can produce graphics that, on the small screen, kind of look close to what those consoles can do.

given people mistaking RE:R for a 360 game, it remains true.

but it remains true that in raw processing power that the 3DS is nowhere close in power to the 360 or PS3.

but of course the Wii 2 (or whatever) is going to be at least as powerful as the 360 and/or the PS3. it'd be crazy to expect anything different. there's no point to it if it isn't AT LEAST in that ball park.

but yeah, i'm not predicting a crazy power house of a console.

but lets be honest... i'm not expecting the follow up to the PS3 or the 360 to be that either. i think Sony learnt the lesson of the PS3 and PSP, and i think the NGP's relatively conservative design shows that.
The fact that it's supposed to be BC suggests that at least one of the controllers available at launch, if not the main one, will be similar to the Wii remote (a Wii Remote ++?).

One way to solve the controller dilema in my mind is to have the Wii remote clipped into the main controller, acting as the wireless capibility for the "classic" controller, which is just a shell.

In an ideal world, the controller would be an improved GC controller with extra shoulder buttons, and a proper second stick. The GC controller was perfect to hold, and had IMO the best shoulder buttons ever.


What Nintendo need to do is have decent software for launch or revealed for coming soon

There is one problem, Mario 3DS is being developed by the main team, so I doubt there will be a Mario Platformer near launch. However, I am sure Nintendo will come up with some new shit for their next console that was as big as Wii Sports, Mario Galaxy, Metroid Pime 3 and etc.

The obvious thing they could do is release a HD Wii Sports and Smash Bros sequels with online play, but I am sure they will have some new shit as well. I also wonder if they will have a new gimmick, I think having Motion Plus on the Nunchuck would be pretty good, maybe they can also have a camera for AR games. However none of them things are as significant as 3D and Motion, so I am still wondering if there will be a new gimmick.


I hope this is true, but we'll now soon enough. I don't really think that a release in 2012 is that far, it could have been later.


GarthVaderUK said:
In what way is it like the Dreamcast? Nintendo is in a very different position than Sega was.

They're losing tons of money, their games don't sell, they haven't had a successful console in 10 years...


-Pyromaniac- said:
I think it's an utterly ridiculous notion to think that any of the other 2 companies would release a new console all the way in 20 fucking 14. I can't be the only one that sees the utter ridiculousness of that.
The last generation was incredibly expensive for both Microsoft and Sony. Both companies are happy for every additional year they can squeeze out of this generation. The successors to PS3 and Xbox 360 will be released 2013 at the earliest, take my word.


Galaxy 3 at launch on a system more powerful than PS3?

That's like the holy grail for me. Probably the most fun I had with a game in recent years (Galaxy 2). And with graphics approaching something like Toy Story instead of closer to Sunshine (Galaxy 1+2). OHHHH.


Guerrillas in the Mist said:
The fact that it's supposed to be BC suggests that at least one of the controllers available at launch, if not the main one, will be similar to the Wii remote (a Wii Remote ++?).

Not necessarily. Wii doesn't come with GCN controllers.


Gaogaogao said:
is it just me, or does this situation sound alot like the dreamcast?

Dreamcast was arguably the single greatest generational leap since 3D--a true night and day difference a half blind mentally disabled individual could recognize. Much of these (current) rumors sound nothing like that.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Gravijah said:
your references are as outdated as the wiis hardware
This thread ill needs a poster such as you!
Sincere apologies.

EmCeeGramr said:
Love everyone saying "if it has motion controls." Unless Nintendo has really done a real 180, there is absolutely no way that any new major gaming system from here on out will lack motion control capability.
wrowa said:
The last generation was incredibly expensive for both Microsoft and Sony. Both companies are happy for every additional year they can squeeze out of this generation. The successors to PS3 and Xbox 360 will be released 2013 at the earliest, take my word.
There's no doubt in my mind some time in 2013 is the absolute most likely but I think the 2014 talk is ridiculous. I don't give a fuck how hard it was for Sony and whoever for the first half of the generation, they absolutely will not let this generation last out that long, especially giving their biggest competitor a 2 year head start. MS doesn't care as well, they'll throw money and release early, hell they'd even rush a console if they have to in order to get an advantage. And Sony won't make the same mistakes.
Futureman said:
Galaxy 3 at launch on a system more powerful than PS3?

That's like the holy grail for me. Probably the most fun I had with a game in recent years (Galaxy 2). And with graphics approaching something like Toy Story instead of closer to Sunshine (Galaxy 1+2). OHHHH.

Oh god, I can't even imagine how a game that already looks as good as the SMG games would look on some decent hardware.


It's sad that old consoles in the end of their lifecycle are the standard the new Nintendo console is measured. I bet it's as "more powerful" as 3DS is to PSP which isn't nearly enough.


GameE said:
That studio is doing Super Mario 3DS so no :eek:

but Mario3D is probably releasing Holiday this year.

Is it unheard of for these Nintendo studios to work on 2 releases at once? Plus Wii2 could still be Holiday 2012 even if they announce at E3. Though I guess if the rumors are to be trusted, a full reveal at E3 would most likely mean a release later this year.


Steve Youngblood said:
I feel like I'm reading a different thread, here. Though people are celebrating, nothing out of this world has been even remotely promised. It's apparently going to be "significantly" (whatever that means) more powerful than 7 year old hardware, and it will be capable of outputting in 1080P, which would only be remarkable if it wasn't true. This really doesn't tell us anything.

Nintendo's last console (Wii) was only a small upgrade in power from the previous system (GC). So obviously the idea of a system that's well over a generation more powerful then Wii from Nintendo excites Nintendo fans. It also means we won't be waiting until 2014 for a console more powerful then 360/PS3 which excites everyone. Not sure why anyone would need that to be spelt out for them.


surprising given the wii was such a success and it was devised as a way for nintendo to not have to compete in the console arms race as far as specs go
I must say, I was really REALLY not expecting them to announce a new system at E3.
With that said, I dunno if I'm all that excited. The 3DS is going to be in full swing at the time this comes out.
I suppose it depends on the price and launch games.

X26 said:
surprising given the wii was such a success and it was devised as a way for nintendo to not have to compete in the console arms race as far as specs go

The Wii launched at a time when social gaming was pretty much in its infancy.
They were able to capitalize on it quickly and with force.
They really can't do that this time, since that market is pretty well spoken for and has too much competition (even from Sony and MS!).
They can release a "hardcore" system that stomps the PS3/360 and makes gamers want to upgrade. This would put MS and Sony in quite a bind...
We shall see, though.
Riddick said:
It's sad that old consoles in the end of their lifecycle are the standard the new Nintendo console is measured. I bet it's as "more powerful" as 3DS is to PSP which isn't nearly enough.

This pretty much, but the wii was such a joke power wise that this is expected.


Parmesan et Romano
Riddick said:
It's sad that old consoles in the end of their lifecycle are the standard the new Nintendo console is measured. I bet it's as "more powerful" as 3DS is to PSP which isn't nearly enough.
The person who leaked it should have said it was more powerful than superman, batman, spider-man, and the incredible hulk put together. That would end all of this ambiguous discussion in a heartbeat
Ickman3400 said:
This pretty much, but the wii was such a joke power wise that this is expected.

Not to mention, that graphics wise, even a "PSP -> 3DS" leap won't put them out of the "arms race" next gen. Graphics are plateauing. It's all the physics that are going to be eating resources.


GameE said:
That studio is doing Super Mario 3DS so no :eek:
That's not entirely true. EAD Tokyo expanded quite a bit during the last years and Super Mario Galaxy 2's team missed quite a few of Mario Galaxy 1's key members. It's pretty obvious that EAD Tokyo developed another game at the same time as Galaxy 2.

One half of the studio is now developing a Mario 3DS and the other most probably Mario Wii 2. The only question remaining is which game is developed by which part of the studio.
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