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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Why would Nintendo get an xclusive GTAV? or better yet, why would you think Nintendo would pay to secure such a thing? This is coming from a company that sold a crap load of units without one. Reign in some of your expectations, why do some you fall for some of this?
From The Dust said:
he should tattoo it on his penis so he can show it off while he pees on the PS3 and 360

Down there


neptunes said:
Why would Nintendo get an xclusive GTAV? or better yet, why would you think Nintendo would pay to secure such a thing? This is coming from a company that sold a crap load of units without one.
No one is saying GTV is an exclusive. The idea is Nintendo launching a new console at the same period as GTAV would potentially have the effect of stealing tons of sales because people buying a brand new console are gonna wanna grab the games for it.


y'all should be ashamed
neptunes said:
Why would Nintendo get an xclusive GTAV? or better yet, why would you think Nintendo would pay to secure such a thing? This is coming from a company that sold a crap load of units without one. Reign in some of your expectations, why do some you fall for some of this?
Wouldn't be out of the ordinary, like GTA Chinatown Wars.
neptunes said:
Why would Nintendo get an xclusive GTAV? or better yet, why would you think Nintendo would pay to secure such a thing? This is coming from a company that sold a crap load of units without one. Reign in some of your expectations, why do some you fall for some of this?

Well, it would set the tone for the system and secure other third party games if they did.
They won't of course. They might get exclusive content though.


neptunes said:
Why would Nintendo get an xclusive GTAV? or better yet, why would you think Nintendo would pay to secure such a thing? This is coming from a company that sold a crap load of units without one. Reign in some of your expectations, why do some you fall for some of this?

I think they would do it to try and make a statement about their views of 3rd party support and being absolutely serious about getting it. Not shovelware type 3rd party support...but core titles.

Last year at E3 they showed they were serious about 3rd party support with the 3DS....I expect that attitude to carry over to the Wii 2/Super Wii/Mega Wii/ Super Mega Wii 2.
AceBandage said:
Well, it would set the tone for the system and secure other third party games if they did.
They won't of course. They might get exclusive content though.

This is why it would be so awesome...
You are right. It IS too good to be true :(


Super Member
From The Dust said:
he should tattoo it on his penis so he can show it off while he pees on the PS3 and 360
The other platforms will get it eventually but Nintendo paid Rockstar so the others have to buy the game via DLC in 6 parts

neptunes said:
Why would Nintendo get an xclusive GTAV? or better yet, why would you think Nintendo would pay to secure such a thing? This is coming from a company that sold a crap load of units without one. Reign in some of your expectations, why do some you fall for some of this?
Nintendo paid for REmake, RE 0 for N64/Gamecube, and wanted RE4 exclusive until Capcom burned them on the last one

I don't believe they actually secured GTA but I don't doubt they've pursued it and are aware of the problems that may arise


neptunes said:
Why would Nintendo get an xclusive GTAV? or better yet, why would you think Nintendo would pay to secure such a thing? This is coming from a company that sold a crap load of units without one. Reign in some of your expectations, why do some you fall for some of this?
No one said anything about an exclusive. Just the new system getting a version when it launches.


TwinIonEngines said:
I thought Nintendo gave a straight "No comment" rather than "Nintendo does not comment on rumors and speculation".
Kotaku and IGN both state Nintendo, for its part, has offered no confirmation and no denial. It "does not comment on rumor or speculation."


Unconfirmed Member
devildog820 said:
I believe GTA5 is coming to the next Nintendo console. I do not believe it's even a timed exclusive.
Maybe it will have exclusive (read: timed exclusive) DLC.


ShockingAlberto said:
Remember when they skipped E3 for the Wiimote reveal and just had their own press conference during TGS?
It is probable, but a lot of speculation from different sources say the first details of the new Wii are coming at E3 2011


Unconfirmed Member
devildog820 said:
THAT is much more likely. Although Nintendo hasn't done a 3rd party exclusive deal in the past 10 years.
Otuside of RE, another case of moneyhats, they haven't seriously tried to steal hardcore marketshare through third parties either.
If they want to really change things up and shift their market perception, they're going to have to throw a bit of money around.


antonz said:
Kotaku and IGN both state Nintendo, for its part, has offered no confirmation and no denial. It "does not comment on rumor or speculation."

In other words: IT'S TRUE!

(/wishful thinking)


ShockingAlberto said:
Remember when they skipped E3 for the Wiimote reveal and just had their own press conference during TGS?

I think we should expect one and only one full E3 product presentation. If they blow the info out this E3, it'll be a Winter `11/Spring `12 console. Otherwise, it'll be Holiday `12.
If GTA V comes to a Nintendo system, it would be a case of "This is going wherever we can put it except PC because we're Rockstar."

I highly doubt it would be exclusive in any sense.


mj1108 said:
In other words: IT'S TRUE!

(/wishful thinking)
Heh honestly to the degree of the rumor and speculation if it was false they would have to clamp down on it.

Rumors and speculation of this degree greatly impacts the way investors etc think.

Investors hear expect a facemelting awesome E3 react extremely happy. E3 arrives and they find a shitastic E3 they suddenly get very very upset.
My big post full of predictions that will turn out to be scarily accurate in retrospect.

1. The 6" touchpad came about as a result of the development of Pikmin 3 (along the lines of how the analog stick came about as part of developing Mario 64)

2. The front facing camera on the controller is primarily for Mii creation, though it will also allow developers to provide the option of mapping player faces onto in-game characters really easily.

3. The size of the system will be comparable to the XBox 360 slim.

4. The system will retain the slot loading mechanism used in the Wii.

5. The graphics capabilities of the system will indeed allow Crysis to be played at max settings on the system.

6. Wii backwards compatibility will allow for Wii games to be played at HD resolutions.

7. There will be minimal connectivity between the N6 and the 3DS, if any.

8. The next GTA will be announced as an N6 exclusive at E3.

9. The touchpad will allow for more effective implementation of RTS games.

10. Local multiplayer will continue to be the focus, but we will see significant improvements to the online service - among them:

10a. User Accounts (a la gamer tags)
10b. Notifications re: when your friends come online.
10c. Achievements

11. The touch screen will not have any fancy haptic feedback beyond a simple rumble, if that.

12. The camera on the controllers will be the same as the 3DS

13. The system will be white.

14. The GCN ports will be gone, as will the memory card slots.

15. The secret feature is the vitality sensor built into the controllers and will be the cornerstone of the marketing.

16. No Mario title at launch.

17. Skyward Sword only available via
Wii BC. No N6 specific version.

18. Streaming content from the system will not allow you simply play the game on your controller, sans tv, in most cases.

19."Wii" will be part of the title of the system.

20. Horror / scare based games will be plentiful at first, especially as developers get used to how to use the vitality sensor.

21. Relaxation based game available at launch.

22. Bluray will not be used.

23. Lithium ion battery to be used for the controllers.

24. Touch screen will continue to be resistive, like the 3DS.
Medalion said:
It is probable, but a lot of speculation from different sources say the first details of the new Wii are coming at E3

Someone mentioned a few pages back that these "rumors" came around quarterly earnings time. Meaning Nintendo probably has crappy numbers and needed a boost from investors. So many people reporting the same thing on the same day reeks of an Apple-like reveal. Like the iPhone 5 missing from WWDC rumors.


AlexMeloche said:
Real DLC on a Nintendo platform? Except songs for RB/GH/Just Dance/Samba de Amigo, does the Wii ever got DLC?

Pretty much just Wiiware stuff. Megaman 9/10, FFCC: "My life as", PWAA case five, etc.


TwinIonEngines said:
I think we should expect one and only one full E3 product presentation. If they blow the info out this E3, it'll be a Winter `11/Spring `12 console. Otherwise, it'll be Holiday `12.

Rumor says it'll be out at the end of 2012...so I assume we'll see an introduction to it just like they did for the "Revolution" and then a balls-to-the-wall blowout at E3 2012.

Unless of course they decide to release it early 2012....?

AlexMeloche said:
Real DLC on a Nintendo platform? Except songs for RB/GH/Just Dance/Samba de Amigo, does the Wii ever got DLC?

Forget DLC.... how about an online system that isn't a mess? Iwata acknowledging XBox Live and even admitting that their own online efforts have been lacking tells me that they are looking to change it (hopefully).


Unconfirmed Member
AlexMeloche said:
Real DLC on a Nintendo platform? Except songs for RB/GH/Just Dance/Samba de Amigo, does the Wii ever got DLC?
Wii didn't really have the online structure to support it. No matter what this machine's online ends up being, it should be able to support this.

ShockingAlberto said:
If GTA V comes to a Nintendo system, it would be a case of "This is going wherever we can put it except PC because we're Rockstar."

I highly doubt it would be exclusive in any sense.
I could see Nintendo courting Rockstar to try and shift market perception, if they're actually very serious about selling this to the audiences that mock Wii.


antonz said:
Heh honestly to the degree of the rumor and speculation if it was false they would have to clamp down on it.

Rumors and speculation of this degree greatly impacts the way investors etc think.

Investors hear expect a facemelting awesome E3 react extremely happy. E3 arrives and they find a shitastic E3 they suddenly get very very upset.

Someone mentioned that in a week is Nintendo's annual Inventors Meeting..... chances are we would hear/see something new there.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
The latest news about Rockstar and the release seem highly suspicious to me. They're like fanboy dreams. Besides that, I find it hard to believe even Nintendo has the release month pegged already.


mj1108 said:
Someone mentioned that in a week is Nintendo's annual Inventors Meeting..... chances are we would hear/see something new there.
Yeah IGN says a Pre-Announcement is this month. Since they havent 1AM Bombed us like the 3DS yet the logical thing is if IGN is right it will be the Investors Meeting


Krev said:
Wii didn't really have the online structure to support it. No matter what this machine's online ends up being, it should be able to support this.

I could see Nintendo courting Rockstar to try and shift market perception, if they're actually very serious about selling this to the audiences that mock Wii.
If Nintendo even manages to make GTAV the definitive version on N6 they will have changed in people's eyes about how they wanted to capture the hardcore. Imagine saying to people "The best version of GTA is on the N6!" It will make their mind explode.
CoffeeJanitor said:
DLC can just go die. I hope Nintendo avoids it again this generation.
You can not have a viable third party-friendly console without DLC support. It is absolutely impossible.

What is Namco's upside on releasing a game for a Nintendo system if they can't sell level ups and get way more than the $60 it costs? Sucks for the end consumer, great for publishers.

Nintendo themselves may avoid DLC - they may think it clashes with their image, they may just not understand how much money they can make from it. Or they could go hog wild, who knows.


JasonMCG said:
Where is this GTA V rumor coming from?
01net is the 2nd site to mention the fact GTAV would come to the Wii2. Gaf is getting a bit ahead of itself though speculating exclusives etc. Neither site said anything about exclusive


Andrex said:
The latest news about Rockstar and the release seem highly suspicious to me. They're like fanboy dreams. Besides that, I find it hard to believe even Nintendo has the release month pegged already.

With the way information just came out all of a sudden and then just piled on...then piled on...then piled on.... I'd be very wary of anything else at this point until something is officially said. It's too easy for someone's fanboy dream to be thrown into the shuffle and have the entire internet believe it.
antonz said:
01net is the 2nd site to mention the fact GTAV would come to the Wii2. Gaf is getting a bit ahead of itself though speculating exclusives etc. Neither site said anything about exclusive

timed exclusive maybe. no one here is that stupid


Andrex said:
Besides that, I find it hard to believe even Nintendo has the release month pegged already.

Really? Why not? That would be the first thing they'd determine when they started giving out dev kits.


Pie Lord said:
Why do I keep coming back to this thread? WHY!?
To see how ludricous the speculative claims could get.

Remember Wii? Remember how everyone was guessing its horsepower? Remember when they were all proven wrong?
Was the Wii revealed at TGS the year before it came out? Devs need basically a year to produce a launch title. Somewhat less if the architecture is familiar.
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