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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Big One said:
Just a thought on Final Fantasy btw


What if it ever released?
Fixed. It's the Duke Nukem Forever of JRPGs at this point.
DeathbyVolcano said:

no no no.


01net has reiterated many MANY times that they have no clue when it comes to the system's power, they've just heard that it's architecture is vaguely similar to the 360s. That is ALL they know regarding specs.

We honestly don't know much of anything about its power other than it's capable of HD graphics and has similar architecture to the 360.

I just took this translation from the site.

"He described the machine as a power roughly equivalent to the Xbox 360. So naturally it displays high definition, but should not make graphics revolution. As the Wii before it, it should rather find themselves at odds with the technological future successors to the PS3 and Xbox 360, by providing at its output, graphics generation from 2005-2007."



Ridleyscott said:
FFVII sold 9.7 million.

The point of a business is to meet market demand, not to force your perceived creativity on consumers. So, sales reflect how well you are meeting market demand. There is no reason for a new console because the vast majority of the market isn't interested in that, they just want good games... graphics don't determine that.

If Nintendo can't support the Wii by providing games people want to play on that system, then how could they support an entirely new console which is more expensive to develop for?

Maybe because they saw the writing on wall regarding the wii and put their efforts into the wii2?
artwalknoon said:
I hope its blu-ray and not dvds. Blu-ray would show Nintendo is serious about robust 3rd party games and future proofing at least the media format of their new system.

If it is bluray, I wonder if they will allow movie playback this time. With the 3ds one of their talking points was being able to watch movies on the thing.
Big One said:
Just a thought on Final Fantasy btw


What if?

Other than moneyhats, I see no real reason why this couldn't come to the Super Wii Rub 'n Touch.

And bundled with the FFXIII international version.

And an exclusive demo for the FFVII remake.
Pretty sure in the update they've posted today, they say they don't anything about the power, only the similar architecture. And there was someone earlier who said the actual translations being reported on aren't necessarily correct.


H_Prestige said:
If it is bluray, I wonder if they will allow movie playback this time. With the 3ds one of their talking points was being able to watch movies on the thing.
I would hope they would be smart enough. I can cut them some slack on DVD because their excuse even if it was a lie at least had a basis in reality. DVD players are ultra common in houses.

Wii2 being the source of a Blu Ray player in houses would be a big deal for those who havent made that leap yet and dont own a PS3.

DeathbyVolcano said:
Pretty sure in the update they've posted today, they say they don't anything about the power, only the similar architecture. And there was someone earlier who said the actual translations being reported on aren't necessarily correct.

Yeah todays update references a similar architecture rather than power.


Stylo said:
Any console manufacturer that doesn't utilize Blu-Ray or similar tech next generation will have made a huge mistake.
Question is, will it actually play Blu-Ray movies, or will they gimp the medium like they did with Wii DVD playback.

Edit: Beaten. :p


Andrex said:
Also the thing about GTAV... if it hits when the Wii 2 launch and it is indeed coming out on other consoles, that means that it is probably being made for PS3 and 360 as well. And this sets the precedent that it's OK to port current gen games to Wii 2, which I don't know if I like.
I think it'll be the other way around dude - the N6 version will be the better of the three versions, thus making it definitive. Even if they don't take advantage of the hardware (multi-port rush job) the N6 version will be a smoother frame-rate experience, thus making it definitive either way.
Stylo said:
Any console manufacturer that doesn't utilize Blu-Ray or similar tech next generation will have made a huge mistake.
I would place all my bets on Nintendo opting for a proprietary format. It could be Blu-Ray based but unless they're getting into the media center business it won't be standard Blu-Ray.
antonz said:
Hard to say really Tri cores are really not that in fashion anymore. Hell Dual cores are becoming antiques. Quad is basically the standard now with the 6-8 cores really becoming more normal this year.
That's true but I just can't see Nintendo opting for that much processor power. I wouldn't be shocked if the went all out on the GPU though. The R700 is nice but as a lot of people have pointed out ATI/AMD's newer GPU's are much more efficient at roughly the same cost.


brochiller said:
I just took this translation from the site.

"He described the machine as a power roughly equivalent to the Xbox 360. So naturally it displays high definition, but should not make graphics revolution. As the Wii before it, it should rather find themselves at odds with the technological future successors to the PS3 and Xbox 360, by providing at its output, graphics generation from 2005-2007."

This is painful.


brochiller said:
I just took this translation from the site.

"He described the machine as a power roughly equivalent to the Xbox 360. So naturally it displays high definition, but should not make graphics revolution. As the Wii before it, it should rather find themselves at odds with the technological future successors to the PS3 and Xbox 360, by providing at its output, graphics generation from 2005-2007."


Woah, that's a bad quote, I hope its not accurate.


if the architecture is as similar to the 360's as some are reporting, square would probably port it over in an instant.
Above 360
Equal to 360
Below 360

It's impossible.

Here, I'll set the rumors straight.

It'll be a googleplex above the 360, but a mol below the PS3.


brochiller said:
I just took this translation from the site.

"He described the machine as a power roughly equivalent to the Xbox 360. So naturally it displays high definition, but should not make graphics revolution. As the Wii before it, it should rather find themselves at odds with the technological future successors to the PS3 and Xbox 360, by providing at its output, graphics generation from 2005-2007."

This has been discussed already - they may be working off specs from a long time ago - Nintendo could have changed the specs a million times since then.


Nintendo can make Wii2 as powerful as 720/PS4, but if they don't change their attitude towards online and provide a service on par with the current standard there's no reason to buy multiplats on Wii2.
Maybe because they saw the writing on wall regarding the wii and put their efforts into the wii2?

What writing? they stopped making games for it. They are killing the Wii on their own... the market isn't doing it.

With the Wii Nintendo went back to the basics and owned this generation, now they are abandoning that sound business model (possibly, we can't be sure what is happening yet). They are now possibly going down the road that lead them to N64 and GC.

Nintendo needs more Zeldas, Marios, Tetrises, WiiSports, etc., etc. and Wii is the best platform for that. A new system does not guarantee content. They are just being lazy and refusing to game innovate. They need to create more gaming phenomenons on the software side rather than gimmicks to trick people into buying hardware.


Saint Gregory said:
I would place all my bets on Nintendo opting for a proprietary format. It could be Blu-Ray based but unless they're getting into the media center business it won't be standard Blu-Ray.

That's true but I just can't see Nintendo opting for that much processor power. I wouldn't be shocked if the went all out on the GPU though. The R700 is nice but as a lot of people have pointed out ATI/AMD's newer GPU's are much more efficient at roughly the same cost.
Very true. Tri cores were almost like a bad experiment before Quad core could be perfected. AMD for awhile had a ton of Tri Cores that were nothing but reject Quad cores.

Its going to be interesting no matter what for sure.


It'll be interesting to see what Nintendo does internally on the RPG front assuming they get at least the multiplatform JRPGs from Square/Enix. Do they have Monolith crank out 3DS rpgs? Do they fund another Mistwalker game?


Ridleyscott said:
What writing? they stopped making games for it. They are killing the Wii on their own... the market isn't doing it.

With the Wii Nintendo went back to the basics and owned this generation, now they are abandoning that sound business model (possibly, we can't be sure what is happening yet). They are now possibly going down the road that lead them to N64 and GC.

Nintendo needs more Zeldas, Marios, Tetrises, WiiSports, etc., etc. and Wii is the best platform for that. A new system does not guarantee content. They are just being lazy and refusing to game innovate. They need to create more gaming phenomenons on the software side rather than gimmicks to trick people into buying hardware.

I'm curious as to why you say this. The Wii has seen amazing 1st party support, as you note. But as the market is turning away from the Wii, developers have for a long time been looking elsewhere, some of the flaws of the system's design have become a major stumbling block (online multi-player, estore, graphics capabilities, and general lack of future-proofing) and given the age of the console falling in line with a console's typical life cycle, its clearly time to move on.

I don't see this as killing their console its a natural response to the realities of the limitations of their console, decreasing consumer interest, etc.
antonz said:
Very true. Tri cores were almost like a bad experiment before Quad core could be perfected. AMD for awhile had a ton of Tri Cores that were nothing but reject Quad cores.

Its going to be interesting no matter what for sure.

They could opt for beefier OoOE cores with a larger L2 cache or something like that. Also, they could include a proper sound chip in the package.

Are most console games bottlenecked by CPU power anyway? I get the impression it's more gpu/Ram that is the limitation.
thefro said:
It'll be interesting to see what Nintendo does internally on the RPG front assuming they get at least the multiplatform JRPGs from Square/Enix. Do they have Monolith crank out 3DS rpgs? Do they fund another Mistwalker game?

Monolith has two teams.
One will likely to N6 games and the other do 3DS games.
We also have Camelot that will probably make a new Golden Sun.
refusing to game innovate

thats what they're doing, guys

Yes, because it is the easy way out. Making games that sell 20 million and move consoles is not easy, forget money... making a great game that spread like wild-fire is difficult - it takes talent.
antonz said:
Avatars are now only allowed hosted on gaf server. Go to the control panel and upload it for use

Thanks needed my link avatar back I felt naked without it. Started digging through this thread today and this is the first E3 im excited for in years. I think nintendo is making a smart move to launch this console early. I know im gonna get attacked for saying this but I hope this console has the ability to push 3d. I would love mario flying around my living room sorry :)


Ridleyscott said:
NSMB Wii was an awesome game but a half-ditch effort. they didn't want to make that game but did because of sales. It was same-old Mario stuff recycled, not new 2D ideas and content.
wtf is this shit!


Jealous Bastard
Ridleyscott said:
Yes, because it is the easy way out. Making games that sell 20 million and move consoles is not easy, forget money... making a great game that spread like wild-fire is difficult - it takes talent.

i can tell that logic is your second or third language, so i forgive you these indiscretions.
Maxrpg said:
This has been discussed already - they may be working off specs from a long time ago - Nintendo could have changed the specs a million times since then.

Yeah I'm hoping that is the case, but I'm not exactly counting on it either.


Ridleyscott said:
Yes, because it is the easy way out. Making games that sell 20 million and move consoles is not easy, forget money... making a great game that spread like wild-fire is difficult - it takes talent.
I love your films man, keep up the good work!
But as the market is turning away from the Wii, developers have for a long time been looking elsewhere, some of the flaws of the system's design have become a major stumbling block (online multi-player, estore, graphics capabilities, and general lack of future-proofing)

The 5 best selling games of this generation were made with "stick-figures". Multiplayer is not wanted by most of the market, nor graphics, or estores.

How many 20 million plus games for Wii were glorified NES games?

The market is loosing interest because their demands aren't being met because developers are interested in puking-out their stories rather than making fun games.
antonz said:
Very true. Tri cores were almost like a bad experiment before Quad core could be perfected. AMD for awhile had a ton of Tri Cores that were nothing but reject Quad cores.

Its going to be interesting no matter what for sure.
The reason I would think that they'd go lowball on the CPU is that getting a super processor adds a lot of costs to a console that Nintendo seems to like to avoid - bigger power supplies, bigger cases, bigger cooling solutions - that all goes against their usual hardware philosophy. If they do want to position the new system as a media center then just throw all of that out of the window :)


buying a new game system every 6-7+ years is not somekind of major investment. i don't know why people bitch so much.

most people end up spending more money on such things as starbucks in a year, weed, or other irrelevant bullshit. they don't even realize it.
Ridleyscott said:
The point of a business is to meet market demand, not to force your perceived creativity on consumers. So, sales reflect how well you are meeting market demand. There is no reason for a new console because the vast majority of the market isn't interested in that, they just want good games... graphics don't determine that.

Ridleyscott said:
Nintendo can support the Wii, they just don't want to. They want to make puzzle-quest Zelda and Mario Star Finder. 3D Mario sold millions but not 22 million like both NSMB.

Sean Malstrom=Ridleyscott confirmed?


Maxrpg said:
This has been discussed already - they may be working off specs from a long time ago - Nintendo could have changed the specs a million times since then.

Isn't that from the Escapist quote that was fake?

I can't keep up.
NSMB Wii was an awesome game but a half-ditch effort. they didn't want to make that game but did because of sales. It was same-old Mario stuff recycled, not new 2D ideas and content.
wtf is this shit!

Tell me this... How many people around the world would recognize the NES SMB theme song compared to how many would recognize any NSMB Wii song?

That tells you how much effort has been put into the NSMB. The goal is to create social gaming phenomenons. Had they put as much effort into NSMB Wii as they did Galaxy, it would be selling twice as much.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Ridleyscott said:
Tell me this... How many people around the world would recognize the NES SMB theme song compared to how many would recognize any NSMB Wii song?

That tells you how much effort has been put into the NSMB. The goal is to create social gaming phenomenons. Had they put as much effort into NSMB Wii as they did Galaxy, it would be selling twice as much.



Super Member
Ridleyscott said:
Yes, because it is the easy way out. Making games that sell 20 million and move consoles is not easy, forget money... making a great game that spread like wild-fire is difficult - it takes talent.
It's quite possible that WiiSports was the most perfectly-formed idea this generation. Moved tons of hardware and spawned many imitators. Even Nintendo's new Wii-line installments won't have nearly the same impact as Sports did.

Perhaps it was just so well-accepted that Nintendo couldn't possibly top it in the same generation, with the same tools and accepted that.

Ridleyscott said:
Tell me this... How many people around the world would recognize the NES SMB theme song compared to how many would recognize any NSMB Wii song?

That tells you how much effort has been put into the NSMB. The goal is to create social gaming phenomenons. Had they put as much effort into NSMB Wii as they did Galaxy, it would be selling twice as much.
lol k


Ridleyscott said:
Tell me this... How many people around the world would recognize the NES SMB theme song compared to how many would recognize any NSMB Wii song?

That tells you how much effort has been put into the NSMB. The goal is to create social gaming phenomenons. Had they put as much effort into NSMB Wii as they did Galaxy, it would be selling twice as much.
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