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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Ridleyscott said:
Tell me this... How many people around the world would recognize the NES SMB theme song compared to how many would recognize any NSMB Wii song?

That tells you how much effort has been put into the NSMB. The goal is to create social gaming phenomenons. Had they put as much effort into NSMB Wii as they did Galaxy, it would be selling twice as much.
Yeah no.
Why are you guys seriously responding to Ridley?
Come on... you guys are rambling about the details of a rumored processor.

Perhaps it was just so well-accepted that Nintendo couldn't possibly top it in the same generation, with the same tools and accepted that.

Perhaps it was just a modern revision on an old Arcade concept that also kick-started the NES. They new it would sell because it was a well-tested game concept adapted to motion controls.


AceBandage said:
They have to compress a lot of textures and audio.
8Gigs is far to confining for HD games.
360 actually only has about 6.8GB available for use. Thats why they are redoing the security partition etc to sqeezeabout an extra gig to be usable.

Scary but true the Wii has larger disc capacity than 360 right now
Ridleyscott said:
Tell me this... How many people around the world would recognize the NES SMB theme song compared to how many would recognize any NSMB Wii song?

That tells you how much effort has been put into the NSMB. The goal is to create social gaming phenomenons. Had they put as much effort into NSMB Wii as they did Galaxy, it would be selling twice as much.

This is just disrespectful to the EAD group in Kyoto responsible for NSMB Wii. They put an incredible amount of effort into the game, just like EAD Tokyo did for the Galaxy games. both are awesome. Shut the fuck up.


Super Member
Ridleyscott said:
Perhaps it was just a modern revision on an old Arcade concept that also kick-started the NES. They new it would sell because it was a well-tested game concept adapted to motion controls.
lol Wii Sports isn't Super Mario Bros.


antonz said:
360 actually only has about 6.8GB available for use. Thats why they are redoing the security partition etc to sqeezeabout an extra gig to be usable.

Scary but true the Wii has larger disc capacity than 360 right now
lol seriously? That's kind of hilarious. What's the difference between the two? Not much I would assume.


DeathbyVolcano said:
This is just disrespectful to the EAD group in Kyoto responsible for NSMB Wii. They put an incredible amount of effort into the game, just like EAD Tokyo did for the Galaxy games. both are awesome. Shut the fuck up.
Seriously, this guy is just fucking ridiculous.


DeathbyVolcano said:

no no no.


01net has reiterated many MANY times that they have no clue when it comes to the system's power, they've just heard that it's architecture is vaguely similar to the 360s. That is ALL they know regarding specs.

We honestly don't know much of anything about its power other than it's capable of HD graphics and has similar architecture to the 360.
Not to start an argument with you or anything, but according to their source, it's roughly on par with the 360. Or have they retracted that statement? My memory is fucking up right now. Here's a translated quote, I think from their second article in response to IGN's, which I'm sure you've read:

With regards to IGN, from their sources, report that the console is capable of a 1080p display and is "significantly more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3." Our sources, though, indicate its graphics capablities are more measured -- "roughly equal to those of the Xbox 360, aimed particularly to facilitate ports. It seems that although the system can actually display HD, its power, ensures our source, is "above the 360, but just by a notch."

Going by that, they don't have specifics on specs, but from what their source says it's a system designed to "facilitate" ports. Suggesting that Nintendo is making the console just powerful enough to get multi platform software from PS3/360 systems, nothing more. So yeah, this is just coming from 01net, other websites' sources say differently it seems.


Exuro said:
lol seriously? That's kind of hilarious. What's the difference between the two? Not much I would assume.
I mean after Microsoft changes their disc stuff they will pretty much be equal. Its just Nintendo didnt lock away gigs of space for security


So, I log online today and I see rumors of Grand Theft Auto V in the works for Cafe.

Now imagine GTA5 at launch... And, oh, let's say Pikmin 3... And F-Zero... And a new character-driven, water-based IP from Miyamoto involving mermaids...

I guess that launch would be OK.

Would rock.
This is just disrespectful to the EAD group in Kyoto responsible for NSMB Wii. They put an incredible amount of effort into the game, just like EAD Tokyo did for the Galaxy games. both are awesome. Shut the fuck up.
Seriously, this guy is just fucking ridiculous.

Accepted, but which game did they put more time and effort into? NSMB Wii or Galaxy I & II?
Game-Biz said:
Not to start an argument with you anything, but according to their source, it's roughly on par with the 360. Or have they retracted that statement? My memory is fucking up right now. Here's a translated quote, I think from their second article in response to IGN, which I'm sure you've read:

Going by that, they don't have specifics on specs, but from what their source says it's a system designed to "facilitate" ports. Suggesting that Nintendo is making the console just powerful enough to get multi platform software from PS3/360 systems, nothing more. So yeah, this is just coming from 01net, other websites' sources say differently it seems.

Being able to easily port from 360 to Cafe would just mean they share similar architecture.
Really has nothing to do with power levels.
We'll see though.
Neiteio said:
So, I log online today and I see rumors of Grand Theft Auto V in the works for Cafe.

Now imagine GTA5 at launch... And, oh, let's say Pikmin 3... And F-Zero... And a new character-driven, water-based IP from Miyamoto involving mermaids...

I guess that launch would be OK.

Would rock.

I was actually pondering those very same titles for launch earlier. Would be so epic!
Maxrpg said:
You'd be surprised at how many of those are multiplatform.

Doesn't really make a difference.

Look at how much content Halo: Reach has with 6.8 Gigs. Then look at Uncharted 2 in comparison with 40+ gigs.


Boney said:
everybody knows the best Alien movie is Other M

oh you...

What makes software sell anyway? I haven't really found the actual formula, quality is important, and brand recognition, but they are not definitive, I mean Angry Birds sells like crazy for some reason.
I want an achievement system... well... kinda...

Just one single achievement earned by finishing the game, and it gives you a hat based on the game you just finished for your Mii.

Simple and easy to implement.
Neiteio said:
So, I log online today and I see rumors of Grand Theft Auto V in the works for Cafe.

Now imagine GTA5 at launch... And, oh, let's say Pikmin 3... And F-Zero... And a new character-driven, water-based IP from Miyamoto involving mermaids...

I guess that launch would be OK.

Would rock.

im so conflicted about pikmin 3 , i want it now but then HD pikmenz drools. I'd say nintendo would probably purposely gimp their launch line up like with 3ds and give third parties a chance. so Miyamoto ip and F-zero/star fox/???
Ridleyscott said:
No, but he used to be a regular on our message board over at Zogdog during the days of the "N-game". :)
your posts are VERY similar to his and use the same language so you must just be a disciple then (meaning not quite as crazy but still off a bit)
Now imagine GTA5 at launch... And, oh, let's say Pikmin 3... And F-Zero...

How about GTF-Zero and you get to choose your character... Awesome!

And a new character-driven, water-based IP from Miyamoto involving mermaids...
You mean Super Mario Sunshine...

You're a troll and I love it, but I'm going to respond anyway:

I love this pot.


Ridleyscott said:
Both Metroid and Contra were birthed from Alien, BTW. :)

BowieZ said:
Who cares?

NSMBW is the better game regardless.
A man with taste!

I'll toast to that
Fernando Rocker said:
I want an achievement system... well... kinda...

Just one single achievement earned by finishing the game, and it gives you a hat based on the game you just finished for your Mii.

Simple and easy to implement.

I'd rather have Play Coins than an Achievement system. They would keep a tally of how many you've earned, but you can spend them on crap as well, like you can on the 3DS.

Big One

Fernando Rocker said:
I want an achievement system... well... kinda...

Just one single achievement earned by finishing the game, and it gives you a hat based on the game you just finished for your Mii.

Simple and easy to implement.
This could be cool. Another thing to do is to have achievements but have them all give you something legitimately like Wiipoints to spend on the VC or Wiiware


Game-Biz said:
Not to start an argument with you or anything, but according to their source, it's roughly on par with the 360. Or have they retracted that statement? My memory is fucking up right now. Here's a translated quote, I think from their second article in response to IGN's, which I'm sure you've read:



Big One said:
This could be cool. Another thing to do is to have achievements but have them all give you something legitimately like Wiipoints to spend on the VC or Wiiware
This is kinda what Microsoft rewards does but it is not very well implemented and takes a while to pay off. If Nintendo would do this it would be great
Still say the 6" screen is BS. I bet they forgot a comma!

6", touchscreen

Sounds better, right?

I hate achievements, hope Ninty doesn't jump on that bandwagon.
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