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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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And the thread comes close to locking again. Guys stop going OT!

The biggest deal I think is that if Rockstar believes it's worth developing on, it sends a message to a lot of other companies too. Since they are bound to have two amazing hit winners in a row (RDR and LAN) - It's only feasible that other companies will take notice what they grace next.
Maxrpg said:
And the thread comes close to locking again. Guys stop going OT!

The biggest deal I think is that if Rockstar believes it's worth developing on, it sends a message to a lot of other companies too. Since they are bound to have two amazing hit winners in a row (RDR and LAN) - It's only feasible that other companies will take notice what they grace next.

yep if rockstar really is interested it says something, especially if it's something like GTAV.


Boney said:
I regret it already.
vectorman06 said:
What games would you like to see on Project Cafe? My vote is going to Mario Land HD with 2.5 graphics :)
Most of the games I'd list could go on any platform but strictly Nintendo? New F-Zero in the same vein as GX OR Drill Dozer 3D.
I really felt Nintendo blew their potential for Miis with the Wii. By restricting them to a handful of titles, using them was rare and making multiples was an exercise in uselessness. Playing sports as an avatar is fun and all, but if I want to play Madworld or Call of Duty with my Mii, I should be able to. It might also make multiplatform games more appealing on Wii.

That said, despite realizing how shallow and meaningless the Play Coins are on 3DS, getting them is really addictive. I think this is the way to go instead of achievements. And using them to play Find Mii and earn Mii hats is something I do everyday. The problem is that with the limited use of Mii, especially on a home console without StreetPass, these coins aren't as much of an incentive. Also, there's a danger that, like with Miis, only Nintendo titles can earn Play Coins.
DoomXploder7 said:
yep if rockstar really is interested it says something, especially if it's something like GTAV.

Nintendo needs 3rd party support like this out of the gate to get the ball rolling, so to speak.


Alright back to this thread, I knew I couldn't stay away for long.

Maxrpg said:
The biggest deal I think is that if Rockstar believes it's worth developing on, it sends a message to a lot of other companies too. Since they are bound to have two amazing hit winners in a row (RDR and LAN) - It's only feasible that other companies will take notice what they grace next.
There's a little caveat to this, though. A few, really. First, it would be a nice message if Rockstar comes out and says that Cafe is some great system to work on, but other companies will only take notice if their GTA5 or whatever it turns out to be comes out on Cafe and actually sells a bunch. Third party support isn't going to give much of a damn if the 'inferior' ports to 360 and PS3 severely outperform the Cafe version, since it would just prove that they can continue to ignore Nintendo and wait for the next Xbox and PS without it hurting them in the pocketbook too much.
Dolphin dives would be pretty funny with Miis..

I'm really interested to see how the 3DS store turns out at the end of next month. Hopefully we'll see an improvement from the Wii Shop and maybe a few nods as to what we'll get when a home console is released.

Exciting times nonetheless guys.
ShockingAlberto said:
You can not have a viable third party-friendly console without DLC support. It is absolutely impossible.

What is Namco's upside on releasing a game for a Nintendo system if they can't sell level ups and get way more than the $60 it costs? Sucks for the end consumer, great for publishers.

Nintendo themselves may avoid DLC - they may think it clashes with their image, they may just not understand how much money they can make from it. Or they could go hog wild, who knows.
To be honest, I might be ok with Nintendo getting shit third party support if that meant DLC wasn't on the console. I really, really don't like that stuff.


Dissonance said:
Most of the games I'd list could go on any platform but strictly Nintendo? New F-Zero in the same vein as GX OR Drill Dozer 3D.



I wish I could even dare to dream, but that's sadly never going to happen.


CoffeeJanitor said:
To be honest, I might be ok with Nintendo getting shit third party support if that meant DLC wasn't on the console. I really, really don't like that stuff.
Animal crossing still gets DLC


04/26/2011 03:00 EST
Full Year 2011 Nintendo Co Ltd Earnings Presentation(Japanese)

It will happen at 3 AM on the 26th Eastern Standard time.
The day I get a 3DS. Nice!

One thing that I don't think has been mentioned so far (at least, it hasn't been mentioned in these rumours) is mass storage. Is DLC truly possible without it?


Here's a radical idea: What if Nintendo proposed to Rockstar the privilege of making GTA V the AAA core launch game (in place of Nintendo prepping Mario/Zelda/Smash for launch) in exchange for timed exclusivity/making Wii2 the lead platform. This would also probably be accompanied by a casual game that demonstrates the systems abilities (a la Wii Sports), which would fill a separate niche.

It's unlikely, but it certainly would send a strong message about their seriousness about winning back the core audience and 3rd parties. Possibly too effective given the GTA series' rocky relationship with the family-friendly crowd.


MarshMellow96 said:
The day I get a 3DS. Nice!

One thing that I don't think has been mentioned so far (at least, it hasn't been mentioned in these rumours) is mass storage. Is DLC truly possible without it?

Think Mass Storage is not an optional thing for Nintendo. Some games require it.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Boney said:
Ha. It's just like the one time I got banned:

Banned phrase list comes out.
Jive Turkey doesn't get the memo.
Jive Turkey calls a stupid thread stupid.
Jive Turkey takes a two week vacation along with half the thread as the thread was indeed exceptionally stupid.

I've posted so many questionable/borderline posts in my years here and that is what ultimately did me in.
artwalknoon said:
It looks slick but to me its too much tablet not enough controller.

But that's what I expect it to be. A tablet with two analog sticks, two analog triggers combined with the vitality sensor and two cameras (back for AR, front for ?). Games being streamed from the docking station and only playable on the tablet. That's it. Not a huge deal, eh? Well, I think it could be the most successful product for Nintendo.


I think Nintendo is pretty pissed about the fact that Apple and Google are eating up an ever more growing slice in the smartphone/handheld market. So I believe that they'll try everything to capture the tablet market right before it really becomes mainstream, not just to set a new trends (like the local OnLive-like streaming) but also to take a huge dump on their new competitor: Apple.


Nintendo is one of few companies that really has the potential to really change the whole tablet market forever by releasing a release a basic, relatively cheap, game-oriented, unique, mass market tablet. I'm sure they won't miss another trend like they did with smartphones.


neptunes said:
Why would Nintendo get an xclusive GTAV? or better yet, why would you think Nintendo would pay to secure such a thing? This is coming from a company that sold a crap load of units without one. Reign in some of your expectations, why do some you fall for some of this?

If Nintendo sold so many units without appealing to the type of gamer who would buy a console for GTA, imagine how many more units they'd sell if they did.

Nintendo never specifically intended to alienate this type of gamer. They were just aiming at another market. This meant keeping costs and risk low, just in case their experiment didn't work and they had to cut their losses and pop out a Gamecube 2 to remain afloat. That's what caused the underpowered Wii, which in turn is the primary reason the Wii wasn't supported by third-parties. It was a kind of domino chain that killed pretty much the entire core gamer appeal of the system, with the exception of Nintendo's own games and like three others throughout the system's life.

But while Nintendo may be crazy and tend to live in their own little world where "inter net" is some sort of sci-fi contraption, they're not blind or stupid. They know what people think of them. They see that they haven't been appealing to the core gamer nearly as well as their competitors. They've pretty much given up on the Wii front because they know it's a lost battle at this point, but they're not just going to lay down and give up that market. They played it very safe with the Wii because they'd just come off two generations in last place, but this time they're coming off one of the best selling consoles ever and THE best selling handheld - potentially system, period, if it can just push a bit more - ever, so they can be less risky. Make the system more powerful than PS360, get in talks with companies and maybe even throw out some moneyhats early to get a killer launch period lineup - even if those games are slightly better looking versions of the PS360 versions with touch screen controller functions or whatever, that's still far better than not getting them at all, and I'm sure publishers would be ecstatic to land a launch or launch period game on a Nintendo system with only a little bit of effort expended porting from the PS360. Because it's a fact, launch games sell better than they do later. You get a new system and you want to play it, but there's only like ten games out, so you buy games you may not have otherwise.

The Rockstar/GTAV rumors in particular are far more likely than they seem, I think. Nintendo's been in talks with Rockstar since the Gamecube days, their agendas just haven't really ever lined up much. The Gamecube discs were too small for GTA, Wii was too weak, DS got a GTA that didn't sell for a variety of reasons. But now it's like, hey. We've got a system coming out potentially in late '12. You've got a game in your massively popular franchise coming out potentially in late '12. You think maybe we could work something out?

And if it happens, it benefits both of them a whole lot.

Nintendo gets a huge M-rated third-party game right out of the gate, immediately landing a huge blow against the idea that Nintendo systems are only for kiddie/casual games and/or Nintendo games. That's exactly what they need. Nintendo hasn't really had that in a good decade and a half. The N64 started the trend, and it became a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy throughout the Gamecube and Wii: The system would launch with no notable third-party games, third-parties wouldn't make games for the system because, among other reasons (cartridge costs, disc space, power), they didn't think their games would sell, and then when Nintendo was finally able to get a good third-party game, it wouldn't sell that well because the audience wasn't nurtured earlier in the generation and thus moved elsewhere. If I were Nintendo, I would be doing everything in my power to get GTAV as a launch or near launch game, up to and including asking Rockstar what I can do with my system to make it easier for them to develop for or port to.

Rockstar, on the other hand, gets the benefit of being a huge launch period game, which, as was previously established, equals more sales. And if it doesn't do as well as hoped? Ah well, not a whole lot lost. Unlike Chinatown Wars, the risk would come down to the cost of porting the game and developing Cafe-exclusive content, which shouldn't be that much, especially if Nintendo is offering their help. It's very unlikely that the game wouldn't sell well enough to at least recoup the porting costs. And if it is successful? Well hooray for Rockstar, they make money.

Win/Win situation. So I wouldn't be... Well okay, I won't say I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a GTAV on Cafe announcement at E3, but I wouldn't be pants-shittingly "HOLY SHIT I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING AT ALL!!!" surprised.


Triton55 said:
Here's a radical idea: What if Nintendo proposed to Rockstar the privilege of making GTA V the AAA core launch game (in place of Nintendo prepping Mario/Zelda/Smash for launch) in exchange for timed exclusivity/making Wii2 the lead platform. This would also probably be accompanied by a casual game that demonstrates the systems abilities (a la Wii Sports), which would fill a separate niche.

It's unlikely, but it certainly would send a strong message about their seriousness about winning back the core audience and 3rd parties. Possibly too effective given the GTA series' rocky relationship with the family-friendly crowd.

I would love for this to be the case because then 3rd parties would be rushing to release their games on the N6, lead development platform or not. But that would depend on whether GTAV actually sells well also. If this did happen then I may finally get to live out my dream of owning only one console for a whole generation!

Big One

GTAV would be a pretty big release. If the rumors about remote play are true, just imagine how well that would take off. Imagine just people playing the game on their tablet controllers streaming it straight from their console from miles away
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